Why is Biden choosing Foreigners First rather than America First.?
Uncle Pennybags
2021-01-21 16:32:49 UTC
Many of his Executive Orders and Executive Actions on his first day are geared towards aiding Foreigners at the expense of America.

Per the New York Times:

5 of those Executive Orders or Actions favored Illegal Immigrants over Americans.
1 restarts letting people from designated terrorist nations back into the USA.

He revoked the Keystone Oil Pipeline putting thousands of Americans out of work and making us more dependent on foreign countries for our fossil fuels.
99 answers:
2021-01-23 12:15:13 UTC
yes, labour lost the general election  because labour are seen has only  caring about the ethnic vote and immigrants  and Biden might keep in power by looking after foreigners  and the ethnic voters . 

he did however say he was going to be the president for all Americans and so lets see.

Anyway,  is the abortion now to be allowed murdering unborn American babies?
Stop This Chaos
2021-01-23 00:55:46 UTC
If this were true rather than just another Bit of Right Wing BS,  it would be because foreigners are more trustworthy and more American than those who buy into this BS.
2021-01-22 21:22:10 UTC
That's what Democrats do. Remember how Obama was so popular around the world? They care more about their popularity around the world that putting America first. That's one of the things they didn't like about Trump. "Oh no! The world doesn't like us now!" I don't care if the world likes us or not so long as they knew, and they did with Trump, that if they messed with us, there would be consequences. Now, the world is breathing a sigh of relief and international terrorist organizations are gearing up.

@Neptune: How is it "racist" to expect the President of the United States to put the United States first? Neither Obama nor Biden were elected "President of the World." (Of course, Beijing Joe wasn't really elected...)
2021-01-22 16:45:12 UTC
you are a racist, just like Trump.  Biden is undoing Trump's racist actions against Muslims and the wrong that was done to people seeking refuge in America.  America was built on immigrants look into your past you will find that most likely your ancestors were running to America as well because of the promise of freedom for all and liberty and equal rights to all.  Keystone pipeline will not be built in Canada as you claim.
2021-01-22 11:30:39 UTC
Another Russian troll who won't stop whining. Trump pocketed more money than any POTUS in history while adding $10 Trillion to the National Debt. Anyone who believes it was America first is a moron when it was clearly Trump first.
2021-01-22 03:30:15 UTC
He wants to help classy, intelligent  foreigners and classy, intelligent Americans first, so I guess you’ll have to get in the back of the line
Cody M
2021-01-22 01:27:35 UTC
Because he’s an illegitimate dictator obeying China’s orders to sabotage America, to the raucous cheers of the Democratic deathcult.
2021-01-21 16:58:11 UTC
LOL! Keystone makes us more dependent on foreign oil! Don't you know anything!
2021-01-21 16:55:50 UTC
a BBC analyst recently called Joe Biden a "Kennedy-era internationalist..." While that may sound like a compliment, consider the implications...

...that refers back to a time before Obama... before Clinton and Reagan...even before Nixon... a time when Superpowers decided the affairs of the rest of the world in private club rooms over cigars and single malt...

Biden belongs to a faction of the democratic party that sees themselves as the managers of the world, not the servants of the American people... he is a globalist whose vision of a "prosperous" America is like a giant suburb.. where the economy revolves around the leisure and service industry...and the "dirty work" is done by lesser people in lesser nations...

If you want to know what Biden plans for America, look no further than the posh, segregated districts represented by his faction...notice the dynamic:   you have the Masters and you have the workers....the middle classes don't work for their own benefit, but as an administrative class on behalf of the Masters....
2021-01-21 16:36:08 UTC
Too funny about the pipeline.  It is supposed to carry foreign oil.  That is just the most egregious error in this question, not the only one.  Invalid premises makes the question invalid.
2021-01-26 15:20:08 UTC
Too clever about the pipeline. It should convey unfamiliar oil. That is only the most intolerable blunder in this inquiry, not alone. Invalid premises makes the inquiry invalid.
Andrew S
2021-01-24 02:58:47 UTC
To turn Texas blue.
2021-01-23 19:56:55 UTC
caring about environment and human rights shows character. Compromising the environment is a sign of being short sighted . 
Peta Supporter
2021-01-23 14:04:17 UTC
Because Democrats are globalists and open the American taxpayer's checkbook to the rest of the world while Americans in poverty suffer.
Green Puffin
2021-01-23 09:31:51 UTC
Immigrants aren't safe from deportation or being taken advantage of, ie lower wages, no employment rights etc...  Your country is full of immigrants, it's made up of people who emigrated from Europe a few hundred years ago and other nationaliites.  There is no such thing as a Native American, as they've all been wiped out by the immigrants that came to the US in the 1700's.

Plus without those immigrants working in the US your country would be like a 3rd world country.
2021-01-23 03:22:50 UTC
yes but didnt you hate trump saying americans first after all the democrats hate  trump .
2021-01-23 00:43:00 UTC
Because Biden is a Democrat, and the Democratic Party doesn't have real Americans in it.  It's just a front for non-Americans who want to destroy the United States.
2021-01-22 23:59:44 UTC
Biden is choosing American values first, decency and scruples first.  Anyway your idol  Trump chose Putin first...and Putin is a
Spartan L
2021-01-22 23:14:22 UTC
The US is an exceedingly rich country and yet for many years there has been great poverty in some areas and amongst certain group.  This suggests that several administrations (blue and red) have failed certain Americans.

Maybe the truth is that wealth re-distribution is too difficult.
2021-01-22 18:59:25 UTC
To replace the kind of Americans that attacked the US capitol. 
2021-01-22 17:37:57 UTC
Keystone needs to die

we dont need more leaky oil pipes poisoning rivers 
The Devil
2021-01-22 03:02:54 UTC
Yeah, and Reagan sold our wheat to Russia.
2021-01-22 01:14:02 UTC
Thats what America is all about FREEDOM FOR PEOPLE no matter where they come from.    And the keystone pipeline IS KILLING THE EARTH AND Animals   .Solar and Wind power are better FOR OUR FUTURE
2021-01-22 00:09:16 UTC
Biden IS NOT choosing Foreign first. He is choosing America First. America first means an America that is engaged with the world, as a global leader. Trumps fake America First was really America Alone, and America Alone left us extremely vulnerable and dangerously weak. An isolationist America that has forfeited its global position, cut alliances, criticized our friends is an America which has cut our access to other nation’s intelligence resources as well as other nations other forms of assistance. When major world decisions take place that may impact us and our security, an America that has forfeited our global leadership position is one that has also forfeited our ability to shape those decisions or actions to be made. An America that has forfeited its global position is also exposing our economy to the whims of other nations. If America steps back from its global leadership position, that will leave an opening for other nations to fill that role: China. An isolationist America that shuns our global responsibilities does NOT MAGA, it actually Makes China Great Again. It Makes North Korea Great Again. It Makes Russia Great Again. 

Biden’s policies of retaining our global position is good for our economy and our security. It is in Americas interest to stay engaged. That’s why Biden’s policy actually is MAGA in reality, and why Trump’s was false. 
The First Dragon
2021-01-21 18:38:31 UTC
He's tired of America winning.
2021-01-21 18:22:59 UTC
companies can pay them less and dems sign them up for their party for more votes, why else would they do that,,
2021-01-21 18:05:17 UTC
He's working for all citizens 
Randy R
2021-01-21 18:03:52 UTC
Liberal Hate America and what it Stands for ...

What in the last 20 year of DEM Policies wasn't that clear ?....
2021-01-21 17:20:37 UTC
Because he's a puppet and that is what he is being ordered to; Pelosi, the Democrats and China.
2021-01-21 16:55:14 UTC
At some point,  we must realize that we must screen thoroughly immigrants coming into America and especially after 9/11.  At present 100,000 acres in Texas was just sold to Chinese people.  America does have enemies and for sure we know Iran is one of them.  The moment President Trump took Chinese benefits from them, we got us another enemy.  We can't appease and buy our foreign friends continually.  And how does the Paris Climate Accord help us?  Do people really believe they can control the climate?  Folks, what has been, will be and you can't control it.
2021-01-25 14:22:47 UTC
Because he is puppet of  the Elite. The Elite doesn't want anything good for U.S. I think they will probably try to completely destroy U.S by using Russia,and China 
Mustn't say that
2021-01-24 22:49:57 UTC
Because he doesn't have to live with them or next to them and it makes him feel good?

He has his money and his position, so why not?But one thing he is very much against letting in is ... Reality.
2021-01-24 20:19:50 UTC
America was built from immigration. There would be NO America without foreigners. The US is supposed to be the land of the free & the home of the brave. That is why people all over the world keep trying their most damn to make it to our shores. The more people we have the stronger we become, with diverse ideas that make us stronger still. As far as the pipeline is concerned, I don't know that much about it but it seems to me that when one door closes another one opens. Surely many other jobs will be created to take their place. The world is leaning toward less use of fossil fuel anyway. New ideas are usually frowned upon but, look how far we have improved our lives from the manual typewriter to the internet.  We vote for people to make decisions that will improve our way of living.  Let's give them a chance to see what they can do first before we throw a monkey wrench into their plans. I have confidence & hope, let us all wish them well to get our lives BACK to some normalcy instead of the chaos similar to the last 4 years. I for one can sleep a lot better nowadays, instead of wondering what the heck is going to happen tomorrow that will infuriate me & question my intelligence. "THIS" is simply MY opinion.
2021-01-24 14:58:57 UTC
He's not you delusional idiot.
2021-01-24 06:44:04 UTC
Biden is anti American.
2021-01-23 19:59:33 UTC
There are a lot of very sane, articulate and intelligent voices on this page.

Clearly, from their answers and the phrasing of their answers, they are all decently to highly educated individuals.

But, they do form a minority unfortunately, at least here.

Albeit, a LARGE minority.

The majority of respondents however differ starkly in contrast to this minority.

In short, they sound like very undereducated, unintelligent halfwits with nothing to commend them and their stupid, uninformed opinions, to conversation with decent people.

Analysis of all the commentaries above (including my own) shows that the over vocal halfwit majority are Republican Trump stooges whereas the much more highly intelligent respondents are Democrats and support the legally elected leader of the USA, President Joe Biden, May God bless and preserve him forever!

It is a fact, get over it and stop whining like a castrated cat!

Biden is now YOUR President and come a war with whoever, YOU will be required to put your *** on the line whether you like it or not!


Because that’s what we keep you idiots for!

Cannon fodder!

It’s all you are any use for!

It’s probably the one thing that is wrong with having abortion clinics - we need loads and loads more halfwit imbeciles such as you redneck shitheads, to go and get your heads blown off whilst us decent, intelligent folk can get on running the country!
Weasel McWeasel
2021-01-22 18:12:21 UTC
Because he CAN.  That's why!

if you complained about NOTHING during Trump's 4 years, then go sit over there,  and  watch the adults at work now. 
2021-01-22 17:25:28 UTC
It is so nice not having that orange immature baboon exiled in Florida the arm pit of America .

Grow up boy your such a loser.
2021-01-22 09:55:37 UTC
its the matter of trust
2021-01-22 04:28:43 UTC
BIDEn is trying to erase the bad image of American people of being Racist to all kind of humans...... he is trying to get trust from foreigners......  

regarding jobs, everybody is being treated equally either American or not including foreigners.    You select employees based on their qualifications not based on nationality..... isnt that fair?
2021-01-22 03:13:07 UTC
Trump supporters are such cry babies when they lose....
2021-01-22 02:34:31 UTC
The pipeline is about Native Americans..
2021-01-22 01:52:51 UTC
Don't really care about that stuff. Lots of Americans didn't want that Keystone pipeline. If it really needs to be built in the future, it will be. America is getting off fossil fuel as time goes on. Charging units are popping up in our underground garage for the Tesla autos. Nothing I want at this point.
2021-01-21 21:05:58 UTC
Except for indigenous Americans, all others are foreigners.
2021-01-21 21:03:36 UTC
Then you need to ask, " how can Biden ad supporters of mass immigration without formal documentation, claim tat they are so concerned about tge 1/2 million per year of homeless and needy from Mexico, Honduras, if they don't allow at least that many from Overseas to live among us?  Are they not as needy or equal as Hispanics ?
2021-01-21 18:30:57 UTC
Because AOC told him to do it or else.
2021-01-21 18:28:52 UTC
Millions of Americans hold dual citizenship, and that number is growing everyday. There are lots of British citizens who are also American citizens, Citizens of Saudi Arabia and other countries, who are also American citizens. There are citizens of Mexico, and Central and South American nations, who are also American citizens. When a person becomes and American citizen they do not have to give up the citizenship they have with another country. America is a country of immigrants, and everyone who is here have ancestors who came here from some other country. Most Americans today are not xenophobic. Our country benefits when we function as part of a global community. Globalism has been around for many centuries, and if it were not for France coming to our aide during the Revolutionary War, there probably would not have been a United States of America.
2021-01-21 18:18:40 UTC
You are so clueless that it is sad. Go back to watching rerun television from 50/60 years ago.
Xi Jinping ✅
2021-01-21 17:18:37 UTC
Silly American. Joseph is doing what we tell him to do. We're destroying you from the inside and there's nothing you can do about it.
2021-01-21 16:43:35 UTC
you're such a simpleton, Trump's America alone policy puts us and our allies at risk, Biden understands that strong alliances lead by America are the only thing that is able to hold powers like Russia and China at bay, and that without America leading these alliances the world will slip back into a pre WWII era were Fascism and Communism rule the globe again 
2021-01-24 13:51:31 UTC
Without the Naturalization Process there is no political understanding of the Constitution which would eliminates the Democrat Party as a possible voting choice.

I hear that the Chinese are actually building the Canadian Pipeline.
2021-01-23 15:06:57 UTC
good question maybe its because democrats don't give a good golly CRAP about america, I mean they obviously don't realize reproduction rights end when pregnancy Begins that babies aren't just a body part to throw away 
2021-01-23 07:41:22 UTC
These “foreigners” are the ones who built America and gave it the title it carries today. Don’t you think they should be rewarded instead of reprimanded?  Therefore everything Trump’s team did that discriminates people from different countries should be undone. 
2021-01-23 05:31:50 UTC
Because that is what he has been told to do.. I doubt he even knows what country he is in most of the time.. Senile old fool!
2021-01-23 02:33:22 UTC
Not true. The truth is so obscure regarding politics it's get to be more ridiculous by the minute. The pipeline doesn't not benefit Americans all that much except for temporary jobs it creates. It's all about Corporations making more money. The rich get richer concept. It's cost Billions to clean up oil damage. The BP oil spill cost over 60 Billion, and the risk of the pipe bursting is uncertain. There's even an argument on that as well.  The Paris agreement is something that many country's are on board with. So we need to get on board so we don't loose out on the enormous green jobs that we could have. Other countries are happy to take part in. Republicans and Democrats are so far behind, everything is black and white it's ridiculous. It's like pulling off each limb from their bodies should they agree on something. It's as if disagreements between them is actually done on purpose. Ridiculous.
2021-01-22 13:36:33 UTC
The only sure way to find why Joe Biden is doing anything is to ask Joe Biden.
2021-01-22 10:19:43 UTC
A vast majority of Americans are descendants of immigrants. Citizens are still given the most rights and benefits. Citizens can vote and they cannot be deported. Immigrants, even legal ones, can be deported. Biden has done nothing to give immigrants more rights than citizens. You are lying. Pure and simple. Lying should not be tolerated. 
Yoi and Double Yoi
2021-01-22 07:20:20 UTC
Foreigners First?  You mean like the way Trump constantly sucked up to Putin and Kim?
2021-01-22 05:14:47 UTC
cause he is a liberal duh. Trump was right enforcing the illegal immigration laws, he just went about it the wrong way. trump had potential to be the best president for this country but he ****** it up
2021-01-22 03:43:16 UTC
It's simple --- Trump's policies damaged foreign relations, so restoring those relations looks like putting foreigners first.  What right-wing nutjobs such as yourself do not or will not understand is that those international agreements were best for everyone, and so you make it a topic of right-wing propaganda.
2021-01-22 02:58:13 UTC
Burisma Biden will put foreigners first because he was told to do that by Nairobi Barack and Shanghai Nancy.
2021-01-22 00:27:16 UTC
He isn't ,he is simply proving to the 'outside world' that America isn't a Neo- Nazi country that Trump wanted it to be.
2021-01-21 23:57:48 UTC
Well, since America seems to stick its nose in everywhere, threatens and enforces sanctions everywhere, brings down (or tries to bring down) foreign governments, has a long history of financial repression which is now envied by Britain, the world's former arch capitalist, and contrary to its stated claim to be the "land of the free", knows NOTHING at all about the concept and process of democracy, it is genuinely rewarding and encouraging to find that you have finally elected a man of honour and integrity, in contrast to that halfwit, demented baboon Donald Trump, who has finally been dumped into the garbage bin of history!

All power to Biden and Harris!

Long may they rule!

And may all you rednecks go and procreate with yourselves!
2021-01-21 23:35:40 UTC
200,000 years ago that kind of thinking would have gotten you expelled from the tribe. What is good for all benefits the individual as well, unless that individual is insufferable. This is the entire concept behind the idea that greed, overall, is actually a beneficial trait when wielded correctly. You seem to think of such concepts in absolutions. Nothing, anywhere, is an absolution.. not even the concept of numbers. The reason the rest of us call people that think like you idiots is because you still are ignorant to this concept... and you don't even try. Willful ignorance is one of the most detestable qualities a person can possess; especially if that person is in a position of authority.
2021-01-21 22:39:01 UTC
Easy , he thinks Americans vote Republican and foreigners won't. 
2021-01-21 20:05:11 UTC
I have a suggestion for the people that feel the need to back Trump when he is gone forever, write Biden and tell him you don't want any monetary or Covid help and you'll try to stay in or find jobs so you don't need unemployment. Let him know you support Trump and will wait for him to be back in office and you don't want anything and give it to the Biden supporters. America can go on without people

that hate the country and support Trump.
2021-01-21 19:34:09 UTC
There were well over 5 Executive Orders, including orders about the Pandemic, and the Envronment.
2021-01-21 18:34:29 UTC
your dotard loser LOST by a LANDSLIDE!  Get OVER it, Bitter Betty!
The Football God
2021-01-21 18:08:56 UTC
That’s what got him elected.

 Funny how the people with their hands out voted in the competition for the freebies.
2021-01-21 16:48:08 UTC
Biden is doing what China is telling him to do. America will be much easier to pick clean if it's in an economic depression from sky high income taxes to pay for all the trillion dollar stimulus packages and paying for all the illegals streaming over our borders getting free healthcare (they'll get the vaccine first), fee housing, childcare, education, etc. 
2021-01-24 15:25:51 UTC
Because Biden cares more about foreigners, especially illegal ones, than he does about the American People.  Less than a week in office and already Democrats are realizing that voting for Biden was a mistake.
Armchair Goddess #1
2021-01-24 14:39:07 UTC
You are jumping to erroneous and ill-informed conclusions, as you are wont to do, U.P.  

As someone who followed the legitimate research and impact statements for the Keystone Pipeline, I can tell you flat out that you are wrong to defend it.  None of the oil from that environmentally devastating pipeline through the U.S. is going to be kept in the United States.  It is going to a port city in Texas, there to be shipped overseas.  If you read the FINE PRINT of the agreement with the money-grubbing oil company behind the pipeline, you discover that it is the U.S. states who must foot the bill if there are any spills or breaks---and the possibility for damaging aquifers in the states through which the pipeline passes (the DRINKING WATER) was very high.  The number of American jobs you cite is wrong, too---there were ultimately only going to be about 35 jobs.  

The DACA provisions passed during the Obama/Biden administration picked up on the bipartisan 2001-passed Senate DREAM Act that was then not brought to the floor for a vote.  Development, Rehabilitation, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act and the Obama/Biden tailored down version (DACA) is only for minor immigrants brought to the U.S. by their parents who had lived here for at least five years prior to 2009, which is when the Obama/Biden version was passed during the 111th Congress.  There are an estimated ELEVEN MILLION undocumented migrants living in the U.S., and it takes approximately $200,000 PER PERSON to locate, process and then deport each one.  That's a minimum of $200,000 of taxpayer dollars per illegal immigrant multiplied by 11 million.  It was determined in 2001 by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Democratic Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) that the expense of punitive actions was impractical.  Read the DACA requirements for yourself before you leap to wrong conclusions, Uncle P.  To quality for a two-year reprieve from deportations, the following requirements must be met:  (a) Was an underage minor when arriving; (b) Had to reside continuously in the United States for at least five years PRIOR to 2009---so from 2004 or earlier; (c) No criminal record; (d) Must pay a fine for having an undocumented status (money for state and federal coffers, by the way); (e) Must speak/learn English; and (f) Must pay any back taxes owed. If enrolled in school, they must remain in school to graduation or get a GED.  Once cleared, they can get a driver's license (good for Americans because to have a license they must have insurance and also list a valid address).  They can serve in our all-volunteer military, attend college, and legitimately work (no more getting paid under the table---they have to openly compete for available jobs and pay taxes).  This is a GOOD THING, and the reprieve from deportation is for two years---it must be renewed until permanent status is achieved.  

Your hype and hyperbole on the more than 40 Executive Orders is completely off course.  You need to do better research if accuracy is something you value.
2021-01-23 15:10:50 UTC
YOU PEOPLE DONT MATTER ANYMORE, SO TALK TO YOURSELVES IF YOU WANT, BUT YOU'LL GET NO RESPONSE FOR BEING ANTISOCIAL STINKPOTS LIKE THIS. Adults are in charge again ->normal intelligent decent people, handling reality without lying or being appalling and inappropriate. You can either join that, or be irrelevant.

 ALSO:  There'll be no more RESPONSE to subversive parroting of lies here.  And you fascists run the risk of suspension - or worse - by supporting insurrectionists (yahoo considers users who do that "domestic terrorists".)

2021-01-23 08:58:18 UTC
Uncle STUPID:  

1.  Stopping the pipeline in the U.S. is at the request & desire of many state gov'ts.  The risk of severe damage to groundwater in those states is high.  The long-term adverse health effects for all the citizens of those state could well be catastrophic.

2.  Canadians ALREADY build pipelines in Canada.  In fact, at this moment, the line through British Columbia that has existed since 1953 is being expanded to ship crude oil to Asian markets via the Pacific Ocean.  Believe it or not, dummy, the crude can't fly all by itself from central-north Alberta down to Montana.  A line would have to be built to there.  It would obviously be built by Canadians.  We aren't about to import U.S. workers to do the work for us.  

3.  The thick, gooey, dirty crude oil sludge from the tar sands needs extreme refining to be useful.  It's ill-suited to make into gasoline.  It's barely acceptable to make diesel fuel.  It's mostly suitable for heavy industrial use, such as bearing grease.

4.  Canadians ARE "Americans."  As is EVERYONE who lives from the north shore of Ellesmere Is. in the north to the south shore fo Tierra del Fuego in the south.  America never was, isn't & never will be just one country.  It's the name of the vast continental mass & related islands that's most of the land of the western hemisphere.  It's been so known since a map published in 1507.  The was formerly known as "The New World."    Notice that there's an

Organisation of American States

Canada was once known as British North America

Now run along:  I wager $1M that you won't be able to find ANY map, globe or atlas that will identify any country in the world that's named "America."  So knock off your erroneous bullshit.     

Of COURSE, along come "T.D.", the fruitboy troll, to again cry that I won't let him fellate me.    
2021-01-23 02:43:47 UTC
He's making a point.

He's not our president.

He belongs to something else.

Some foreign thing.
2021-01-22 23:13:52 UTC
Biden is a fraud and cheated to get into the presidency. Most of America knows this.
2021-01-22 17:37:30 UTC
Easy Biden is an elitist corporate globalist establishment politician and therefore doesn't consider that he serves the citizens of the United States first.  Oh and Kamala Harris thinks even less of American citizens.
2021-01-22 17:16:35 UTC
Well Uncle Pennybags, you are simply being pound foolish.  Study after study demonstrates that: social service funds spent on immigrants are more than repaid by their subsequent participation in our economy, often taking jobs no native born citizen would take and paying taxes that would never otherwise be collected.  As long as the American tax structure continues to penalize lower income Americans by relying on an over-emphasis of excise and sales taxes at the expense of real estate and corporate taxes, you will never have to worry about immigrants taking more than they are compelled to give to us. 
2021-01-22 14:43:47 UTC
He's returning the favors he OWES from when these foreign countries POURED money into the Biden family pot by paying kiddie hunter Humper Biden INSANE money to do jobs he was NOWHERE NEAR qualified to do just like WELL documented China and the Ukraine positions where he/they made MILLIONS with quid pro quo braindead Joe's influence! 
2021-01-22 12:59:52 UTC
Because that's the way George Soros wants it.
2021-01-22 10:46:35 UTC
Got anymore subhuman opinions to share with CIVILIZED people?
2021-01-22 06:17:26 UTC
Well, work is work.
2021-01-22 04:05:35 UTC
Well, that's what he did with Obama. Every other country first, screw the citizens of the United States. 
2021-01-22 00:40:16 UTC
Bla bla bla bla 😑 
2021-01-21 21:41:18 UTC
I suppose you don't know what is happening to the USA, and Canada. I was watching what is happening online, and I think the american continent might eventually get flooded. In other words anyone who lives in the american continent is going to be homeless, and countryless, and maybe even dead too if the citizens of these countries can't figure out how to survive before that happens.

I think there are bigger problems to worry about than oil.

There are Canadians who are not aware of what is happening to their country. Part of Canada is sinking, and it's the same thing in the USA. The changes are slowly progressing, and I think a lot of people will die if the flooding progresses much faster.

Regarding myself I am able to live on land, or water, so if my country disappears then I should be fine. I just hope that all of the continents don't disappear. Because if that happens then I might have a problem.

I have noticed other parts of the world disappearing, and this doesn't look good at all!!!

Think of this: How many people do you think will be unemployed if there is NO MORE land to stand on, or maybe I should ask how many people do you think will still be alive?

If you were to look at a global map then you should realize that you are surrounded by more than enough water that could kill you with everyone who you know, and love too.
2021-01-21 21:40:29 UTC
While I agree that he's putting American homeland security at risk again, his plans for the Dreamers is OK with me. Why should the children pay for the sins of the fathers? That will be a handy precedent when the ridiculous reparations conversations start again. 
2021-01-21 21:26:01 UTC
What has he done that has aiding foreigners above Americans?  I have not seen anything that does that.  
2021-01-21 19:37:59 UTC
 As a wise man once said, "Democracy is cringe, read some Aristotle." Foreigners overwhelmingly vote blue. Politicians merely pretend to care for the country. In Biden's case, he wants to import voters to beat the Republicans. The Democrats want to also legalize the millions of illegals in the US for even more voters.
Hey Goodlookin'
2021-01-21 18:14:31 UTC
I'm legitimately worried. And with that "stimulus" bill....
2021-01-21 16:55:25 UTC
How does getting rid of Keystone make us more dependent on foreign oil? Do you ever listen to yourself, or didn't you know that Canada is a foreign country? SMH
2021-01-24 04:17:22 UTC
Canadian oil is foreign oil

Middle East oil is cheaper plus easier to refine, plus if there is a spill Middle East oil is less toxic
tony b
2021-01-23 22:28:03 UTC
why was trump trump only
2021-01-22 21:35:22 UTC
You are beating an old mule.
2021-01-22 18:20:48 UTC
because biden has received two billion dollars in bribes from the chinese communist party and millions of dollars in bribes from russia and other foreign gangsters. biden has been working from the start for the chinese communist party and america's other enemies. our enemies want to see america's economy destroyed and our finances drained so communist china can become the world's per-eminent economic and military power.
2021-01-22 15:35:59 UTC
It feel's so good knowing that the CON-servatives are butt-hurt about Biden being the president
2021-01-22 09:39:47 UTC
Like any good Marxist, communist or dictator he hates the real American Citizen.
Eugene D
2021-01-21 17:32:51 UTC
I wouldn't be surprised if he has the U.S. buying energy from Burisma.
2021-01-21 16:44:52 UTC
Future demcorap voters guarantee there will never again be an opposition party
2021-01-21 16:42:33 UTC
Biden has made it clear for some time, he wants to treat illegal immigrants better than American citizens, so this comes as no surprise.   

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.