ALL those "Bulbs" are made in China! Does that give you a "Clue"?
OK, one more "Clue": Follow the Money!
And one more thing for those talking about "Eating" it: That is not the problem with mercury from light bulbs, it is Vapor that you breath that causes the brain damage! Complete link in "Source below but here is an excerpt:
"The degree of mercury’s toxicity depends on the form and route of exposure. You can swallow the liquid form of elemental mercury without much fear because it doesn’t easily penetrate the lining of the stomach and intestines. On the other hand, liquid mercury vaporizes at room temperature, and when you inhale the vapor it moves right from the lungs to the bloodstream to the brain. A broken thermometer can release enough mercury vapor to poison the air in a room—one reason why some cities and several states discourage the sale of mercury fever thermometers.
Mercury also binds with other elements in salts and organic compounds of varying toxicity. Dimethyl mercury, the substance that poisoned the Dartmouth chemist, is a synthetic form of organic mercury rarely found outside a lab. A simpler organic compound called methylmercury is of greater concern because methyl- mercury is the form found in the flesh of fish."
Edit:----for the 12 people who said you would have to eat the mercury from the bulbs!------ Interesting that 12 out of 30 answerers indicate that you have to "Eat it"! Fact is that eating the Mercury from the bulb is almost harmless, you are harmed by vapors. While in Fish you have to eat it!
12 out of 30----Dead wrong!
Proud Vet