Last True Paladin of Scotland
2010-08-28 11:00:00 UTC
I've been reading a bit and from what I found if this is true was the reason was people calling them baby killers and that they never won the war. I hear anecdotes but is it even true?…
A answerer for instant says this:
Here is some documentation.
I was a veteran, in 1969, and was spit at by protesters during an anti war rally, in Blacksburg, Virginia. I was spit at by a pro government spectator, watching as I protested against the war. No one in the anti war movement ever spit at me. I was spit at again, in both the October, 1970, and November, 1970 Moratorium Marches, again on both occasions, by pro government spectators, objecting to my acts as I protested against the war.
The anti war movement was never militantly anti soldier. Many of the earliest organizers of the actual marches were veterans, like me. We didn't seek to belittle the common soldier for defending his country as he thought was his duty. We did seek to reveal the hypocrisy that allowed the civilian government to use the military to promote its own economic and political goals by pretending that military junketism in southeast Asia was in some way related to American security. The little tin pot dictator we supported was no less a despot that the one we opposed. OUR SUMBICH, as opposed to theirs.
War as a tool of political influence is always a matter of selective historical recall. We seldom bring up our past experiences in protecting the freedoms of the nations we invade. We have good reason not to. Without even considering the morality, or ethical standards of such a practice, it would be entirely to embarrassing to have to consider them in purely objective terms, like say, "Did it work?"
And just for those of you wondering just how long the Iraq war is going to last, consider this little tidbit: My father also served in Viet Nam. That's another whole generation. So, consider your own children, when you think about it.
I've looked all over the web and not found any actual new sources or anything but anecdotes, yet it's still widely used.