Trump has been accused of rape, sexual assault, & sexual harassment by at least 25 women, but Andrew Cuomo, right? ?
2021-03-01 14:16:46 UTC
Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, has been accused of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment, including non-consensual kissing or groping, by at least 25 women since the 1970s.The accusations have resulted in three instances of litigation: his then-wife Ivana made a rape claim during their 1989 divorce litigation but later recanted that claim; businesswoman Jill Harth sued Trump in 1997 alleging breach of contract while also suing for sexual harassment but agreed to forfeit her sexual harassment claim as part of a settlement she received relating to the former suit; and, in 2017, former The Apprentice contestant Summer Zervos filed a defamation lawsuit after Trump accused her of lying about her sexual misconduct allegations against him.
135 answers:
2021-03-04 16:22:28 UTC
First off, what's with you posting anonymous?  Could it be that you know you are trying to lie and that lie will come out so you have yo hide behind anonymous? Yes that's all to your loud-mouth post.  Not one of those untrue claim about Trump has ever been declared true in a court of law.  What you forgot to mention is, the nasty demorats can't beat Trump honestly, so they used anything that is dirty, and they have plenty of dirt on them and try to cast it onto Trump. Now Paylosi needs to be huge up to dry; just hung up will do, she is already dried and shriveled  but still lying and stealing the peoples' tax money.
2021-03-04 02:06:45 UTC
Eventually every man will be accused of something sexual. It's part of the ME TOO victim mentality.  It's already becoming like the boy who cried wolf. 
2021-03-03 18:11:34 UTC
Trump was cleared of all those claims, by the FBI who wanted him badly!  People will claim all kinds of things on people that have money or in the lime light; the fact is many times it is an efford to get a quick pay out!
rev ricky
2021-03-03 05:20:13 UTC
Please stop. Before you clean someone else's closet, clean your own. Governor Cuomo needs to resign. You saw the picture. That woman was terrified. He had his hands on her shoulders in a way that he was in complete control or he knows that she isn't a willing participant. 

The picture is his Al Franken moment. We've got to give it to him. Next time you see the picture, tell me you see Dracula. Cuomo has her like Dracula. He looks like his fangs are about to come out.

He needs to resign. This has nothing to do with Trump.
2021-03-02 06:32:22 UTC
All this Cuomo thing shows is the Democrats are willing to call out our own when they do something wrong versus Republicans are never willing to acknowledge the wrongs of their own party. It shows Democrats are better in character as a result than the Republicans who choose to lie to themselves.
2021-03-02 04:19:07 UTC
Yes. He has been accused by over 25 women, yet they haven't been able to pin anything on him to arrest him. You know if there was even a shred of truth to any of it, the media would be all over him and he would be declared guilty before any trial ever took place. 

Cuomo has only been accused as well. 
2021-03-02 01:20:06 UTC
Cuomo is  a predator.................Deal with it.
Phil M
2021-03-02 01:02:25 UTC
Accused...   kind of says it all, don't you think?
2021-03-02 00:13:58 UTC
Ok, so? Liberals don’t work like that....hopefully!
2021-03-01 15:24:22 UTC
Yes Trump did it.  Cuomo doesn’t get a pass though.
2021-03-04 16:47:14 UTC
All pretty women are sexually harassed by men.  Either verbally or by touching, but they are not raped.  When the man refuses the word "no" is where the problem begins.  Also women who flirt or dress as a flirt are asking for trouble with men and maybe more than they can handle.  Women need to be more careful when flirting with men.  Women know when they are dressing for men and dressing for themselves.  Excuses are just that - excuses.  Unless rape occurs the woman is always in charge of the situation.  Have women ever thought sometimes it is best to stay home? to refrain from touching a man? refrain from kissing? Take control of your own life and be aware that men can be too aggressive and some women need a family escort to protect them.  
Chris C
2021-03-04 13:47:03 UTC
Trump was backing the Democratic party 2001-2009 when he attacked most of these women.
2021-03-04 10:19:47 UTC
GOP morality: if Dems do it, it's OK?
2021-03-04 03:46:42 UTC
Actually if you look at all the victims of the me-too movement they are 98% male democrats.  Trump was just another wealthy vulgar New Yorker, if you spend time there you would understand, so he and Cuomo come from the same tainted environment, but most harassment cases come from democrat men.
2021-03-03 18:12:12 UTC
Nothing will get resolved with the investigation into Cuomo. 

Nothing was resolved regarding President Trump, either.  

Seldom if ever does an public investigation on sexual harassment claims wind up resolving anything at all.  for example Clinton, Trump, Thomas, KavanaughSo...   

Cuomo will not resign, 


there will be some accusers 

And that is how it will remain.  
2021-03-02 17:27:38 UTC
Well he will need to answer at some point in his life or death. This Cuomo things shows that many people in power are Scum, this has been going on for awhile with Cuomo the door has only opened a crack so far, democrats have no choice to get behind it they have history with many of their male candidates.
2021-03-02 11:11:13 UTC
I am not surprising think of all Trump's scandals conspiracies and the constant defense that his supporters had but Hillary's emails
2021-03-02 03:32:40 UTC
I get your point but nothing has been proven with former President Trump. As for Cuomo, nothing proven yet either.
2021-03-02 02:02:53 UTC
What's your point? Are you saying Cuomo shouldn't be held accountable? 
2021-03-02 00:21:00 UTC
30 of Trump's accusers can't prove they ever MET Trump.

ALL of Cuomo's accusers actually worked directly with him.
2021-03-01 23:44:39 UTC
The key word that makes all the difference is "credibly".  There have been no credible claims against Trump.
2021-03-01 20:34:43 UTC
These could be false claims. 

Politics is a very dirty business.
2021-03-01 20:02:18 UTC
Notice how all those claims went away once he became President, Including Stormy Daniels, who is now suing her lawyer? 

Besides, using the Kavanaugh Principle, He is Guilty until proven innocent. All women Must be believed-or so Kamala Harris said until she was picked for VP. No double standard there. 
2021-03-01 19:34:51 UTC
You notice almost all of these accusations and lawsuits end with the woman getting money? It's obviously that Trump had never touched them or raped them. More likely they are doing it because they had an argument and the woman wanted back at him so she comes up with a lie and takes him to court and chooses to settle for cash instead. It's typical and pathetic. It's much easier to give someone some money and tell them to keep quite than risk scandal beating those women in court cases.
2021-03-01 19:22:03 UTC
The amazing thing about Republicans is how they seen totally unaware of how hypocritical they are.  They literally can ignore or downplay 10,000 very serious  misdeeds by Trump and if one Democrat does anything remotely to be criticized for, they are all over him, and even dare to compare and say, oh, how could you try to false get Trump when this Democrat here is obviously the more dangerous person ever to put in charge of government.  The best example of this is the Bill Clinton impeachment where they actually wanted to remove him from office for having sex and lying about it, and totally give Trump a pass for literally being a corrupt, traitor, who killed over 500,000 dead Americans and wanted to be a dictator with plenty of smoking gun offenses provable against him like extorting Ukraine and phone calls asking to find votes for him.....and the clincher, assembling a mob and telling them to go stop the election certification in Congress.

I have come to a conclusion about Republicans and any decent American better wake up fast. They are not a political party, they are a conspiracy to destroy the USA as we have known it, and they want to impose a white nationalist oligarchy on the rest of us.  We are literally in a fight for our lives.  They think those who outnumber them by at least 70 to 80 million do not have a right to rule. As we speak they have proposed over 250 legislative measures in states controlled by Republicans to make harder for those who oppose them to win elections, even some saying that in a Presidential election, the people do not have the right to decide who that state has elected, that the Republican legislature decides.
The First Dragon
2021-03-01 18:52:07 UTC
Wikipedia is not a reliable source for this kind of thing.  Good for State Capitols, sure.

These accusations were brought up 4 1/2 years ago; I looked into them then, so I don't want you to think I don't regard these issues with bias.  I came to the conclusion that he was not a paragon of sexual virtue in his younger days, but not a rapist either.  Unlike Bill Clinton BTW.  I'm not going to go through the old search process again right now.

BTW I have been falsely accused of rape too, but only once.  I'm not a celebrity.
2021-03-01 18:14:29 UTC
Multiple people were with Cuomo during the alleged "incident." I'm sorry, but radical right-wingers do not appear to care for women's rights when it comes to those they support. They will, however, make an attempt to defame Cuomo, based off the lone accusations of one woman using sexism and women's rights as a basis for slander. 
2021-03-01 16:34:20 UTC
Cuomo is innocent until proven guilty, just like the long list of other politicians who have been accused only for the women to be found to be liars. 
2021-03-01 15:46:19 UTC
As a liberal I believe the claims against Cuomo should be investigated. I haven't heard a single conservative say the same thing about Trump.
2021-03-01 14:18:41 UTC
Republicans have no right to complain about Cuomo.  But progressives do.
2021-03-05 20:50:41 UTC
Yes I kno this to be true reports, Like even before him was president and then now that him is was president he is above the Law we need to not vote for him any more
2021-03-04 04:02:27 UTC
The difference is that the accusations against Trump, though numerous, are probably false, while the accusation against Cuomo, though only one person’s word, has a higher likelihood of being true.
2021-03-04 01:11:35 UTC
How about this: they're both guilty?
2021-03-03 22:43:37 UTC
This isn't about Trump, try and keep up. 
2021-03-03 19:19:13 UTC
Sadly, he has not been charged
2021-03-03 10:59:12 UTC
Well he will need to answer at some point in his life or death. This Cuomo things shows that many people in power are Scum, this has been going on for awhile with Cuomo the door has only opened a crack so far, democrats have no choice to get behind it they have history with many of their male candidates.
2021-03-03 03:11:12 UTC
Accused...   kind of says it all, don't you think?
2021-03-02 23:45:33 UTC
Now they're calling for Cuomo's impeachment. If they want to do that, they should have called for Trump's impeachment. This is not  fair dealing.
2021-03-02 16:05:22 UTC
Will you EVER get on with your sad little shell of a life or will Trump continue to own every second of your worthless time for the duration of it?
2021-03-02 14:27:00 UTC
Trump and Cuomo are both pigs.

But Trump is a bigger one. 
2021-03-02 05:12:28 UTC
Rich and famous people tend to attract false accusations. Biden is neither but is still accused of rape and molestation.
2021-03-02 02:45:03 UTC
Both parties do the same crazy ****, but only the followers are passive about it; normal people know they're both wrong and should be held accountable if they actually did it. 
2021-03-02 02:03:48 UTC
WRONG trump has Not been accused of anything that resulted in a Court appearance Every attempt to Impeach Him thrown Out so now he can Run again in 2024

where there is evert chance he will win Because Biden has fallen asleep

You may Not Like Trump but to date he has NOT BEEN CONVICTED and you have Failed to name one woman who accused him
2021-03-02 01:57:25 UTC
Accusations dmean guilty, in America everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law 
2021-03-02 01:46:17 UTC
Trump a liar

All talk no action

Trump still preaching his false bs
2021-03-02 00:29:19 UTC
Cuomo was accused of just saying something inappropriate.  There are no allegations that he groped, kissed, or hugged anyone unlike the former president.  This political hack job by the other side is as transparent as you can get.
2021-03-01 23:01:49 UTC
wow big deal kissing them , ohh were are scared , you idiot it was ok to kiss them in the 70's , or is that a not so important matter the laws change but it occured when it was legal , next law will be if a woman doesnt get an orgasm will whe charge you for rape !!!
2021-03-01 16:04:07 UTC
Don't forget trump went many many times to that island with his buddy J. Epstein I'M SURE HE JUST READ BOOKS THERE...LOL 

If Cuomo is guilty he should pay the price if Hillary was guilty she should pay the price the republicans were in charge and did nothing but wine .

But yet all the republicans are either cowards or zombies to hold trump accountable what a bunch of lying hypocrites .
2021-03-01 14:55:58 UTC
I believe the cases for both men were serious, and hope that both come to that awareness.  One of them is closer to that.
2021-03-01 14:36:38 UTC
It's been known for a long time that Trump is a nasty, nasty horndog. Michael Cohen has talked about inappropriate comments Trump made about his (Cohen's) 15-year-old daughter. Trump is a serial adulterer, known liar, and pathological narcissist, and yet he's regarded as a "moral" man by some very stupid people, some of whom call themselves "Christian."

   It wouldn't surprise me at all if Trump has paid for more than one abortion.

   I'm not trying to excuse Cuomo's actions if the accusations are true. But if the harassment makes Cuomo unelectable, then Trump should be unelectable, too.
2021-03-05 18:47:41 UTC
2021-03-05 01:45:57 UTC
Did any of your horseshit about Trump happen WHILE he was in office? BIGFUCKING DIFFERENCE
2021-03-04 16:31:49 UTC
First of all yes, Trump has been accused of these various actions and his own comments tend to suggest that there is at least some basis for them, if not to the degree expected.  First though there is one clarification, the FBI did not clear him of all claims as one person stated, while they may have investigated them many of the claims involve incidents that occurred years ago and lacked physical evidence by this time resulting in a my word against your word type of claim.  Trump's own statements about how he treats women and his right to do so "being rich" however tend to support the people making the claims.

As for Cuomo, the reaction is the standard difference between a Democrat and a Republican when it comes to sexual assault allegations.  Despite their claim for being the "party of law and order" Republicans have proven time and time again that they are anything but.  They may decry sexual assault but they are quick to "forgive" those of their party who undertake these actions.  A Democrat on the other hand who is accused find themselves slowly shuffled off into obscurity with Republicans consistently bringing it up when they need to deflect from claims against their party.
Randy S
2021-03-04 14:25:18 UTC
Like Al Franken, who never should have resigned, Cuomo may be an arrogant shmuck . But should not resign. if he was a republican this would already be swept under the rug. Just look at the orange turd, who should have resigned his first year. He created this standard of harassments.
2021-03-04 12:23:16 UTC
That's fake news 
2021-03-04 00:32:20 UTC
Well, since you Democrats had such a problem with Trump's alleged harassment and since you guys are ardent defenders of the #metoo movement and claim that we must believe all women, here's the perfect opportunity for you guys to practice what you preach by condemning and impeaching Cuomo. Right? Or are you guys mere hypocrites who believe sexual harassment is a partisan issue? Because right now it sounds like you're trying to justify Andrew Cuomo's actions by resorting to whataboutism (but Trump did...). You either support #metoo or you don't. Which is it?
Muhammad Abark
2021-03-03 06:27:11 UTC
Lmfao Cuomo is literally on camera. There isnt allegedly anything. It's pure fact that it happen, there is undeniable proof these things happened. 
2021-03-03 06:10:22 UTC
The liberal media is sick
2021-03-02 23:02:18 UTC
You people are the ones saying "believe all women" even if they are baseless accusations. Until it comes to one of your idols who can't be touched like Bill Clinton or Andrew Como and many others. Look if Trump did something then yes he should be held accountable. However, I have seen no proof of any of this and I think it is a bunch of hogwash spread by the media and yall  just eat it up. What ever they say even if it contradicts what they said before or makes no sense at all you just believe it
2021-03-02 19:36:13 UTC
Shame if Cuomo is guilty, and an independent investigation may get to the truth. He also been accused of lying about Covid deaths in nursing homes. So lying, sexually harassing women? I guess trumptards expect him to resign and then run for president. - CUOMO for president 2024!
2021-03-02 16:39:48 UTC
Andrew Cuomo has never been President. He also isn’t planning on running to be President- Trump is. 
2021-03-02 12:49:15 UTC
I haven't looked into any of Cuomo's accusers, but if what they allege is factual, then he's just another p.o.s.

Trump on the other hand, is a walking sack of dead donkey buttholes.
2021-03-02 11:01:06 UTC
Almost any man can be accused of rape, sexual assault, & sexual harassment once. But being accused isn't being guilty, until you look at  Trump. He's been accused dozens of times and "joked" on camera about "Gabbing young women by their genitals", "Because he's a rich celebrity".   

I blame Trump's mentor, Roy Cohen, the gay, Jewish, disbarred, mob, lawyer died of AID's in 1986. Roy was a vile, hated, ugly, 46 year old man that was sexually attracted to a young, handsome, rich, Donny Trump, who was in his late 20's. 

Roy was slime, he taught Trump that he could do anything he wanted. Then lie publicly about anyone that accused him and sue them in court.  Trump learned to act like he was the victim and still loves to sue every chance he gets. So you can be sure he raped, assaulted, and harassed a lot more woman, than we'll ever hear from. Because they gave up on justice when Trump sent lawyers to threaten them if they tried to report him for his sex crimes. 

Cuomo is innocent until proven guilty. So yes he should be investigated, but no he shouldn't be forced to resign. I think Cuomo made the same mistake other powerful men make all the time. They become too relaxed around young women that they work with, seeing the women as friends. 

If a woman stopped a man and objected to an inappropriate comment, when it happened. Decent men will apologize and never do it again.

But when the woman doesn't act offended, the man doesn't think he's being offensive. So shame on him for being unprofessional, and shame on her for not complaining  immediately.  For women to be successful in business and politics they have to make it absolutely clear where they stand. 

We all know women that can make men blush, but we also know if a man is making a woman blush at work, he needs to apologize for going too far. 
2021-03-02 05:07:30 UTC
lol... what does Trump have to do with anything. It is the Democrats that are calling for his resignation. Unlike the left, over here on the right we have principals and there are things we believe in, and that does not change depending on who the person is. I am a conservative in this situation Cuomo has my support for the same reason that I was supporting Trump when he was being accused. If the women accusing him are not able to produce any evidence they need to go home and shut up.
Shauna Davila
2021-03-02 02:01:30 UTC
@Zerosonic720 not agreeing or disagreeing with anything you said just putting an opinion out there so don't go getting all grumpy on it.

But just because a man or woman is offered money doesn't mean that they weren't raped it's two sides of a coin someone getting money after making a right accusation could have said it because they wanted money and they saw a business opportunity or someone gave them that money as a form of hush money also coming from someone who has dealt with rape sometimes it is a lot easier to take the money and keep quiet about the incident or the assault just because it's really painful and really uncomfortable to talk about what happened to go through that entire process and to have to face that person in court it's a whole other cut added on to the other cut that you're dealing with and sometimes people just aren't ready to deal with it so just because someone gets money doesn't mean that be accuser didn't do it it also doesn't prove that dqz isn't lying you don't know what happened you don't know what's going on in that person's mind and you also weren't in that room so you can't really say anything that being said I am saying this so haha.
2021-03-01 22:35:32 UTC
Maybe you were born Before me Ignorant and retard
2021-03-01 20:23:18 UTC
Accusations are not proof bring the proof Bill Clinton was accused of the same things. 
2021-03-01 17:24:06 UTC
No, you're mistaken. It's 26 unwanted sexual contact & 43 inappropriate behavior. So, why isn't Trump in jail? Because his accusers lacked evidence - specific time, location & witnesses.

On the other hand, Cuomo is well known for that. So well that a new person is warned of his behavior. We'll see if the accusations stick, soon.
2021-03-01 16:04:13 UTC
typical libby logic... if your guy did it, then so can my guy and you then you wonder what's wrong with america today, thinking it's only gop vs. dem.. you one sick puppy, you need to turn off that tv forever
2021-03-01 14:41:26 UTC
When the Race Card doesn't work, then it's time to pull out the Misogyny Card.
2021-03-04 15:27:54 UTC
What is your question? Are you saying that it is OK for Cuomo to assault women because only 3 have come forward? Trump started with one, Harvey Weinstein started with one, Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton started with one.

Quit protecting slimy liberals
2021-03-03 10:46:54 UTC
Lmfao Cuomo is literally on camera. There isnt allegedly anything. It's pure fact that it happen, there is undeniable proof these things happened. 
2021-03-03 10:42:47 UTC
It's called white privilege and money talks! 
2021-03-02 23:27:17 UTC
Trump raped Cuomo in a McDonalds Bathroom
2021-03-02 21:11:46 UTC
he was aiming for some sort of world record
2021-03-02 20:22:16 UTC
Trump's accusations were decades ago.  Coumo is much more recent
2021-03-02 14:43:04 UTC
All accusations have to be investigated, period. 
2021-03-02 10:14:41 UTC
oh puhlease.  will the snowflakes stoop any lower?  bill clinton DID rape 5 women that we know of then lied about it under oath to a federal grand jury.....but trump?  but trump?  do is all a favor and GIVE IT A REST.  your question/rant has no answer as your premise is abject idiocy.  the stench of snowflake hypocrisy is overwhelming.
2021-03-02 02:56:07 UTC
Its crazy I know. Even the one said he never touched me just talked about being with an older man. This is ridiculous.
W.T. Door
2021-03-02 00:30:21 UTC
Please don't feed the troll. Don't answer. Just RAMO (report and move on).
2021-03-01 23:39:46 UTC
I dont know what point you are making except that Cuomo is a sitting governor and cannot stay in office under the accusation of those charges. Mr. Trump was a ladies' man in the 1970s when he was in his 30s and not holding public office. Big difference. Besides, Mr. Trump has deep pockets which is what a lot of false accusations are all about.
2021-03-01 20:25:50 UTC
listen about trump here!
2021-03-01 19:56:11 UTC
You're right, we should be going after Cumhole for placing thousands of infected people with the coronavirus into nursing homes, thus killing hundreds of thousands of people in New York. He should be hanged for that.

By the way, Cumhole already admitted to the sexual assaults. Whereas Donald Trump always claimed his innocence throughout the allegations and his guilt was never proven. You do realize this is how our legal system works, right?

Liberals are getting dumber by the day.
2021-03-01 19:27:08 UTC
Trump has been accused, not convicted. Cuomo has been accused, but not convicted either. The question I have for you is why are you so fired up about Trump but are hypocritically avoiding Cuomo's same issue.
2021-03-01 19:07:44 UTC
Trump has also  OFFICIALLY been charged, in Court Documents,   a case still pending....... of RAPING a 13 year one of Epstein's Pedo parties.....

but yeah, Biden hugging a child at a photo op, in front of dozens of photographers........that's  what cons are concerned with. 
Uncle Pennybags
2021-03-01 18:27:00 UTC
And Joe Biden, right?
2021-03-01 16:36:59 UTC
The difference is Repubs get raked over the coals by the activist media and Dems get off scott free. Compare Justice Kavanaugh to Joe Biden or even Bill Clinton. 
2021-03-01 16:05:41 UTC
What does one have to do with another? 

Either you think Cuomo should be investigated or you don’t.

All credible Trump accusations were already investigated and nothing came of them. There were many non credible accusations though. 

The weirdest  one was the woman who claimed Trump raped her in the middle of a department store and no one saw and she didn’t have any evidence. Another bizarre one was when the be woman claimed she was sexually assaulted because she made out with Trump in a plane . She was into it and a willing participant but then changed her mind years later and said she didn’t enjoy it.
2021-03-01 15:42:57 UTC
It was proven that the women who accused trump were paid by the same woman to do so, which means all of their accusations are false, cuomo’s accusers weren’t paid to accuse him 
2021-03-01 14:28:02 UTC
And gump solo funneled $ from the white house to his, verbalized 25,000 lies while in office, disputed cdc's Fauci during a pandemic. Republicans shout about morality, they aren't very good at demonstrating it tho
2021-03-05 00:45:10 UTC
Cuomo needs 22 more accusers then to make it to the White House like Trump
2021-03-04 19:27:40 UTC
Why is everyone still hating Trump? He isn't even our president anymore! Can you stop trying to Slander him now? It is the most pathetic thing to DATE.
2021-03-04 15:51:54 UTC
Libs shouldn’t have so freely and frequently used the “Smollet” tactic against political opponents. Libs opened this Pandora’s  box themselves.  Lib policies and actions are destroying not only our society but our country. This is on you guys. 
2021-03-04 01:49:27 UTC
Yes that is correct, Andrew Cuomo had not accused Trump of rape, sexual assault, or harassment. I don't think they are each other's type.
2021-03-03 23:03:37 UTC
Bolsonaro said he lost his virginity with a chicken, yet evangelicals love him. It seems like Christians endorse rapists to become presidents.
2021-03-03 17:30:25 UTC
I agree.  We need to concentrate on Donald so that people will forget about Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Cuomo and other pedophiles. 
2021-03-02 21:54:55 UTC
So what's your point? It's obvious that Democrats are less tolerant of misbehavior by their candidates than Republicans are. Everyone knows that. Trump sticks his hand up a woman's skirt and the party gives him a merit badge. Cuomo asks a woman if she might be interested and his party crucifies him.
2021-03-02 20:21:58 UTC
Trump is no longer President. Why are you still obsessed with his dismissed cases? Cuomo killed thousands of people, covered it up, got caught covering it up, then threatened a Democrat lawmaker for not covering it up, as he is says 

here > "Gov. Cuomo called me directly on Thursday to threaten my career if I did not cover up for Melissa [DeRosa] and what she said. He tried to pressure me to issue a statement, and it was a very traumatizing experience," Kim said. Cuomo proceeded to tell the assemblyman that "we're in this business together and we don't cross certain lines and he said I hadn't seen his wrath and that he can destroy me"

On top of all that, the girls that surround him professionally are accusing him of sexual misconduct which, I personally think, is his Least relevant scandal. IN FACT, I firmly believe that these accusations surfaced for the sole reason of distracting us from the nursing home scandals, to downplay it. 
2021-03-02 13:03:42 UTC
And the Emperor Obama was sued by two male members of the Harvard Law Review for sexual harassment but his people paid them off. He had numerous dalliances with young men in the Whitehouse but that was hushed up too. Hillary had numerous affairs with women. 

And you cheap shot turds are shitting on Trump?

Take the log out of your own eye before you point out the splinter in someone else's eye.
2021-03-02 09:00:55 UTC
Trump’s a POS just like Andrew Cuomo. 

Let’s not forget that Cuomo’s Covid policies resulted in thousands of deaths. 

Besides his sexual harassment allegations, I’d say he’s about done. 

Of course zero leftist have came out against Cuomo. 
2021-03-02 07:56:44 UTC
Does this rant make you feel better about Cuomo?
2021-03-02 02:22:02 UTC
Someone doesn’t know what the difference between accusations and charges are. Meanwhile we have living video of Biden sniffing and groping children. But you won’t talk about that will you???
Armchair Goddess #1
2021-03-01 22:05:38 UTC
Your comments and comparison make valid points about the ongoing and ever-increasing HYPOCRISY of the way-off-course Trump-hijacked Republican party, anonymous.  

On NPR this past week on the way to my VA appointment, the interviewed expert  reviewed the sources of the most recent character attacks on NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, and identified two (so far) right-wing groups attempting to deliberately smear the popular and some would say HEROIC Cuomo as a way to run against him in the future.  What puzzles me as a former Psychology/Theater double major in my college days:  Why is this type of one-sided right-wing attack and smear campaign allowed to spread its poisons without any counter points made at all?  It happened to a hugely popular and truly GREAT budget-balancing, surplus-building President Bill Clinton over a very brief stress-related moral lapse of FELLATIO-ONLY that was nobody's business but the three adults involved, pushed by what Hillary called "the vast right-wing conspiracy" (she was correct: "DARK MONEY: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" by Jane Mayer, 2017; David Brock, 2004: "The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy").  The ever-evil spoiled-brat anti-democracy domestic terrorism of the Koch brothers and their secret KOCH DONOR NETWORK have been behind the propaganda campaigns, helped by the RNC keeping a D.C.-based right-wing leaning PR firm Hill & Knowlton on retainer---all to make power grabs and set up a dangerously fanatical THEOCRATIC COUP that puts an end to our representative democratic republic supposedly governed "of, by, and for the people."  During Bill Clinton's presidency, the Koch "darling" Newt Gingrich and its CULT The Family branch, Heritage Foundation, set up a GOP policy of never publicly criticizing fellow Republicans no matter how evil or incompetent the deeds might be...and as your comment reveals, this one-sidedness seems to be the GOP norm.  

While Bill Clinton was publicly skewered repeatedly over a very brief consensual affair that he, himself, ended, it was widely known that George Herbert Walker Bush had kept a MISTRESS named Jennifer, his former CIA driver who became his secretary, but only Katie Couric had the courage to mention this fact during an interview---all other reporters and media outlets backed off.  Eisenhower's mistress attended his funeral along with wife Mamie...and no news outlet bothered to make it an issue.  

As to Governor Cuomo: If I was advising him and his team, I'd tell him to remain the blunt-talking New Yorker, keep a sense of wry humor, and say something to the effect of "Mid-life crisis might have taken over my brain" and then turn the public's attention to the HEROIC efforts made by Cuomo to save people's lives when [serial sexual predator and misogynistic malignantly narcissistic sociopathic incompetent] Donald Trump refused to lead from the earliest days of the COVID virus. The DNC under new leadership should BITE BACK (as did James Carville during the Clinton/Gore campaign) just as you have done in this question.  
2021-03-01 19:34:52 UTC
OP is a craven troll who just posts utter nonsense.
Smoking Joe
2021-03-01 17:43:19 UTC
Andrew Cuomo asked a woman if she dates older men and that's "sexual assault" now that it's not Trump involved.
Flora Post
2021-03-01 16:21:03 UTC
I know, and don't get me started on Bill Clinton.
2021-03-01 15:52:46 UTC
Skippy. Get over it. Trump is no longer President. Even the retarded

old fool in the office now has sexual harassment charges pending.

Cuomo has just had one piece of the flash light put on him. 
2021-03-01 15:15:37 UTC
There is no "but". In each case the same criteria applies. I've had my experiences with women to included false accusations because I said no. Also enduring workplace harassment so I could earn a living. I have no doubt people get out of line but that includes the false accusations as well. I've endured lies regularly on other subjects as well, people lie like mad. People are messed up. 

Also there are plenty of women that will let you grab em by the pushy if you have what they want. They will go to your hotel room with you to see what they can negotiate via a gold plated orfice. Many of these stories we hear are a perfect example of a nefarious situation. Accusations submitted and taken back based off personal gain, other issues, political use. Just as the golden orfice is negotiated with. A situation where I have no choice but to have no respect for the contestants. People having real problems should charge ahead and distance themselves from the games. The me too leader Asia Argento turned out to be a villian. The whole Hollywood angle is nothing but a mass of people without morals, class, respect and boundaries. The way they all convinently find love and marriage within the tiny circle of fame is interesting. Companies ban that activity because the activity brings chaos. 

Anyways. Whatever one man did or didn't do doesn't relate to the other. Maybe Cuomo's total will be greater, give everyone a second. They take decades to come forward, don't they?
2021-03-01 14:28:02 UTC
Yes and the moment he threatened to sue them for defamation of character they ran back under the 'Me Too' movement's evil skirt, because they are liars seeking wealth from a rich man, (like nearly all the others). His bitter ex-wife has made numerous absurd accusations over the years, some of which even contradict each other.

When honorable women are raped, nearly raped or genuinely sexually harassed we teach them to confront the person face to face and settle the matter. This typically includes giving the person the benefit of their otherwise law-abiding life and lifestyle while rightly demanding apologies and sometimes remuneration. 

If the person refuses, we have traditionally taught women to handle the matter privately by taking two or three others with them to do this again so the individual in question understands the gravity of the situation. 

If that fails, we then traditionally teach them to make the matter public within a moral institution like the Holy Church and make it a 'Church project' with many people working on arbitrating and resolving it 'in house.' 

If the person refuses even this, we use the power of the moral institution to socially and economically ostracize them until they repent and agree to one of the proposed resolutions. 

That is how civilized people resolve such matters and you can find this exact protocol presented by Jesus Christ Himself in Matthew 18:15-18. 

Stepping outside of this leads to false accusations, false imprisonments, suicides and murders, destruction of families, businesses, reputations and the public trust. 
2021-03-01 14:19:51 UTC
Just waiting for a real AG, then Trump's trials begin, finally.
2021-03-04 16:01:03 UTC
How man times has Bill Clinton been accused of rape?
2021-03-03 00:06:03 UTC
ANYONE can say ANYTHING about ANYONE. Talk is cheap. If you can't back it up, it's just slander or libel. Anyone who accuses someone of rape without substantial evidence, should be sued for everything they own, and possibly even face jail time.
2021-03-02 19:36:30 UTC
Who has time to read all of this long crap? Fact is Tramp is pedo and rapist.
2021-03-02 15:06:08 UTC
I think the difference is that Trump has never been convicted and Cuomo is dumb enough to go on record and state he did things that he shouldn't have.  So yeah, Andrew Cuomo. Let's not go overboard on giving Dems character credit here ... not a lot of good PR in defending somebody who admits their guilt. 
2021-03-02 12:24:55 UTC
Cuomo should suffer consequences proportionally similar to those Donald Trump suffered for his much worse alleged conduct. 
2021-03-02 07:39:53 UTC
what's the question?
2021-03-02 07:33:22 UTC
Bring sexual criminals into justice.
2021-03-02 05:46:21 UTC
So somehow by Libidiot standards as usual it's ok for Cuomo? Once again ok for Libs. How about the Tara Reid (march 26 2020) or Lucy Flores accusations against Biden? That ok? Commyla Harris didn't think so till she got that VP. Now she like most Libidiots got that selective memory. At least Trump isn't mentally depleted like goofy puppet Joe and actually kept his promises that really did make America great again. Now goofy puppet Biden is busy undoing all the good Trump did and making sure he's doing what he's told to do to pay off big tech and all the Dems. Have fun with 5-6 dollar a gallon gas prices and don't forget to blame Trump for it even after they get Biden out and move Commyla Harris in as planned because CNN told you to. Or will it be ordered you to? Yea, lets us go ahead and give Cuomo another Emmy. You brainwashed spoiled rotten Libidiots have no idea how you are literally giving up the freedom so many have given their lives for so you can freely whine. Don't complain when ms-13 is shooting up your neighborhood, 911 is useless and you don't even have so much as a BB gun to protect your family. Never happen on Trump's watch. How's that Portland Oregon thing going? Don't know? Guess CNN got some selective memory too but be sure to keep watching. I guess you could call a mental health worker as long as it's regular business hours and they have time. Incredible.
2021-03-02 04:49:00 UTC
What's your point?
Simple Simon
2021-03-02 02:41:10 UTC

Trump paid for all he had.

Cuomo wanted for free...
2021-03-02 02:24:17 UTC
Watt ,??? Okay.   He molest strippers 
2021-03-02 01:30:36 UTC
The difference is simple. Trump is not a politician. Despite being POTUS and RE-ELECTED...he never ran for his own benefit. The vast vast majority of nonsense being spewed forth BEFORE he ran is not true either.

I get it. I never liked him before as a "celebrity".  He is,however, the greatest president we have ever seen...rivaling even George Washington.
Go Heels
2021-03-01 22:19:34 UTC
My personal opinion, is that such allegations should be strongly considered and bring  about the immediate removal from office of the offender.  And the next person in line moves up and fills the vacated position. 

    Such accusations should also disqualifie anyone from being elected to or filling a position.
2021-03-01 19:15:59 UTC
Rape ? WTF are you talking about rape  it's sexual harassment.  Get your facts straight. 
2021-03-01 19:03:17 UTC
The Cuomo accusations are legitimate.
2021-03-01 16:52:15 UTC
Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but notice that Trump was not accused doing that behavior while in office.  Cuomo is being accused of behaving inappropriately while in office.
2021-03-01 16:17:04 UTC
What the hell is your question?  If you want to make speeches, go find a fence post.  No.  Cuomo didn't accuse Trump of raping him.
2021-03-01 15:07:20 UTC
I think the two cases are just to distract from him murdering all the elderly people.
2021-03-01 14:39:41 UTC
And your point is?  You're trying to say that Cuomo is  any less culpable for his indiscretions just because he's a Democrat?  I suppose you think Billy BJ Clinton was as innocent as the driven snow?  And of course Biden is completely innocent of sexual peccadilloes too, right?
2021-03-01 14:19:24 UTC
So was Kavanaugh, but it was revealed that all the women lied.
2021-03-05 19:37:37 UTC
Trump paid his accusers with a non disclosure agreement, Cuomo only sexually harassed women.
2021-03-04 20:19:15 UTC
Accused is the key point there, never take someone at their word
2021-03-01 20:05:01 UTC
In 1944 before he was born he asked me to drop my petticoats! He should resign now. MAGA
Edd S
2021-03-01 17:34:07 UTC
Both current governor Cuomo and his father seemed liked honorable men.   I have heard of persons calling a man a pervert just for winking at a woman.  I have lost 3 jobs for not succumbing to the overt seductions of female bosses and twice lost jobs for not being a homosexual.   Heck if I had fired a homosexual from one of my work crews he would own me forever.     These harassment suits are out of hand and draconian toward men .  Heck we cannot even compliment a woman on her new hair style without being in jeopardy.
Eugene D
2021-03-01 16:01:43 UTC
Accused, not convicted, there's a difference.  We can wait for convictions, I doubt any would stick.  If they did, wouldn't they be in court right now?  I think many fear they will be countersued to pay Trump's legal fees if they fail.

We'll see how far Cuomo gets.  

So you are okay with Cuomo lying about the death count in his nursing homes?  They admitted to undercounting so the numbers can be used against them.  

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.