Out of scrutiny & skepticism that came out of this roll out, they couldn't avoid having to acknowledge the failure which they tried to paint as a minor glitch. They tried to blame the insurance providers which were only following the guidelines & spent billions to follow the stipulations put forward by the ACA bill. Now they want to veto the Upton bill to make it seems that they taught of it first in the executive level, neither of which is going to fix the mess cause a delay is just a temporary patch.
The Imperial administration had 3 or 4 years to put this to work but all they did is delay the implementation from 2012 to 2014. That alone implicates that they knew what was going to happen. In order to win re-election they had to delay it & hide the consequence from the sheep.
The administration need to force the mid class into more costly insurance plans that covers services & treatment they don't need. To do that, world class doctors & Cadillac coverage which the mid class pay for out of their own pocket would now be illegal cause the plans don't cover services & treatment they do not need. They can look for & buy Cadillac plans in the ACA website but it's going to cost them triple to quadruple the price, & it will not guarantee to bring back their world class doctor & their old insurance provider. If the mid class don't like it, they must learn to cause the imperial administration knows best. Its like forcing somebody to buy supersize meals when all they want is the burger. It's like forcing somebody to buy a Ferrari when all they want is a KIA.
The Admin's scheme seems to be to maximize AARPs, PHARMA, & other Cronies' membership, bottom line/profit margin with crony website contractor & government or the admin getting half if not more of the cut.
When the Cook won't eat what the Cook cooked up says a lot about ACA, cause the cooks that cooked up the ACA Exempted themselves from it (Reid, Pelosi, Senate, Congress, WH, Local & Fed Gov.), their staff, & supporters, Bundlers (George Kaiser, Pat Stryker...), Big Business (Google, GE, Honeywell, W Buffet, Hollywood Studios & Producers...) Big Union supporters through exemptions, ACA subsidies, delays & waivers for their 1%-er supporters. To provide free coverage (Cadillac?) to Illegal immigrants, felons, & those dependent on government who are all ready getting free SSI, Section 8 Housing, medicaid, SNAP, WIC decades before retirement age, who aren't exactly contributing any taxes cause they simply get more than 100%, if not more than triple, in tax return from limited or little work to keep all the gravy handed out for their unconditional support.
In order to slow down the economy have greater control of the public you have to discourage their ambition & self reliance. The Mid class would just have to sacrifice double if not quadruple to provide to those milking the system for more generous gravy that still wouldn't be enough for them until the mid class gives up & join the gravy train.
Where People who dedicate & sacrifice their time, mind, & savings to acquire & apply abilities/skills far beyond that of those that did not are reduce to the same level. Doctors, Rocket Engineers, Engineers, Physicist, Electricians, Test pilots, Burger flipper, Teachers, Professors, Chefs, Architects, Janitors, Athletes, Window Washers, earning equal pay (minimum? +/- 5%-10%) wage living in public housing where health care, food supplies, & energy are rationed except for important people. No businesses, no Supermarkets, No Shopping Malls/Plaza, just Government Commissaries & Soup kitchens.
1/3 hard working out of habit or force end up making less for they put in twice or triple the hours, higher quality & faster completion. 1/3 are sloth incapable of quality work, half of whom are arrogant narcissist egotist (bigoted, thuggish, or delusional). 1/3 are moderate workers but milks the work, skate, & escape putting in long hours of work as side kicks, by licking, kissing, & greasing bottoms or dingle berries.
If the Administration really want to hurt the top 30%, they would be the one hurt by this instead of the mid 50%. When the dollar is dropped by the world for international trading & collapses The bottom 15% has nothing to loose with the top 30% to 1% having everything to loose, why quantitative easing is in overdrive under this Admin.
When it comes to socialized medicine & social welfare, the USSR, China, & Japan not spoil their citizens rotten. Their system provides assistance only to seniors of retirement age, the permanently disabled incapable of light duty (desk jobs, messenger, parking/toll attendant, etc.), & limited children. Their system doesn't allow, patronize, tolerate, & encourage fraudulent abuse by the physically able to riding & milking Gov. Assistance, even if their missing a finger or a limb. No life supporting aid or care for the physically abled, just life threatening emergency care cause they conserve their resources for the masses from catastrophic disaster (natural, terroristic, or military attack) to keep their independence of being in-charge of their own destiny rather constantly begging, giving other countries control of their destiny.