The failed policies of President Bush and the Republican-led Congress have undermined the safety and security of our country and left Americans less safe. From their permanent commitment to a failed strategy in Iraq to a pre-9/11 mindset that has kept them from closing vital gaps in our homeland security, Republicans in Washington have proven to be dangerously incompetent when it comes to protecting the American people.
"The American people are looking for change, not more of the same misleading rhetoric and failed leadership offered by Republicans. Today, Democrats are offering a new direction by providing a bold agenda for keeping America safe. We will make sure 2006 is a year of significant transition to Iraqi sovereignty; we will rebuild our military and National Guard; we will provide our troops and veterans the benefits they have earned; we will make sure our first responders have the equipment and training they need to keep our communities safe; and we will promote a real plan to make America energy independent by 2020.
"Democrats understand that homeland security begins with hometown security. We offer a bold vision for a safer America. We will not only hunt down the terrorists and provide our troops with the tools they need to stop future attacks, but we will do a better job of securing our ports and our nuclear power and chemical plants. Instead of their continued failure to take the steps necessary to protect the safety and security of our communities, President Bush and Republicans in Washington should join Democrats in fighting for an agenda that will provide Real Security for the American people."
The Democratic Plan to Protect and Restore Our Leadership in the World
The first responsibility of our government is the security of every American. In this era of unprecedented and unpredictable challenge, we must be prepared for any threat. The men and women of America's armed forces and those on the front lines here at home have met every challenge with skill, bravery, and selfless dedication. They, along with veterans, military retirees and the families of those who have given their lives or have been wounded in defense of our country, deserve the gratitude and support of the American people. We will always honor their service and fulfill our promises to them.
We believe America is best protected, and freedom best advanced, by national security policies -- including homeland, energy, and diplomatic strategies -- that are both tough and smart.
Democrats offer a plan for Real Security to rebuild our military; equip and train our first responders and others on the front lines here at home; provide needed benefits to our troops and veterans; fully man and equip our National Guard; promote alternative fuels and reduce dependence on foreign oil; and restore Americans' confi dence in their government's ability to respond in the face of a terrorist attack or natural disaster.
To protect the American people, we will immediately implement the recommendations of the independent bipartisan 9/11 Commission and finally protect our ports and airports, our borders, mass transit systems, our chemical and nuclear power plants, and our food and water supplies from terrorist attack.
After September 11, all Americans trusted President Bush to take the steps necessary to keep our country safe. Since then, inadequate planning and incompetent policies have failed to make Americans as safe as we should be. The tragedy of Hurricane Katrina showed that the federal government was still not prepared to respond.
Under President Bush and the Republican majority in Congress, the war in Iraq began with manipulated intelligence and no plan for success; our ports and other critical infrastructure remain vulnerable, while both soldiers in the field and first responders at home lack the basic equipment and resources they were promised. Both in the Persian Gulf and our own Gulf Coast, lucrative no-bid contracts have gone to companies such as Halliburton, Kellogg, Brown and Root, and others with friends in high places and records of cheating taxpayers. And despite record high fuel prices, our country remains heavily dependent on foreign oil because of an energy policy that benefits the big oil interests.
Americans want and deserve change. Democrats' plan for Real Security will protect Americans and restore our country's position of international leadership.