Is it wrong of me to dislike Israel?
2008-10-11 22:43:03 UTC
I am enlisted in the American air force. I side with the Palestinians and I think Israel has no right to the land we forcibly put them in. Most of the people I know disagree with me. But i hate the fact that we support Israel. i feel bad for the poor Palestinians who just want their land back.
31 answers:
2008-10-12 10:27:54 UTC
Of course not, you're entitled to have your opinion.

But being Israeli I feel obligated to correct you:

"I think Israel has no right to the land we forcibly put them in"

*We can debate about "rights" all day (what rights does America have to its land?), the thing that bugs me in your post is the presumption that someone "puts" us in Israel. It's not true; no one puts us in Israel and no one ever has. Jewish functioning society and country didn't just pop there from thin air: the creation of Israel started in the late 19th century when we, Jews, bought lands, worked lands, dried out swamps, built cities and villages, trains, water canals, schools, established institutions, created a country. You didn't put us there, you didn't give us rights to live there- we EARNED our right to live in Israel with blood sweat and tears.

"I feel bad for the poor Palestinians who just want their land back"

As for the Palestinians, let's hope that we'll see some solution to the conflict in the near future. Peace (even lukewarm, like the one we have with Egypt) can do us all good (especially the Palestinians).

You have much to learn about the conflict… Don't be afraid to doubt your society's automatic support, but don't fall for biased propaganda either.

You can start your journey here:
2008-10-11 23:54:12 UTC
Probably 'yes' ... because there are two sides of every story.

At the moment the Palestinians stand dispossessed of the land that they have occupied for many thousands of years and their freedom fighters have been demonized by the west.

The Jews also have a very sad history, suffering where they lived all over the world where they too were demonized because of their race and religion. After the Holocaust Jewish freedom fighters like David Ben-Gurion, using similar acts of terrorism being used by some of the Palestinians today, secured the area which the Jews claim to be the Promised Land from biblical times and created the nation of Israel ... and in so doing dispossessed the Palestinians.

What a mess!

Both sides have a claim and there are moderates in both countries who want to make a peaceful compromise, involving a fair bit of give and take on both sides. Unfortunately there are the loony extremists in both countries who make this very difficult.

I think America and all other countries should not interfere and take sides as it just causes more trouble and hate. We should support the 'doves' on both sides and pray that a peaceful solution happens soon.

It has happened in Northern Ireland, it can happen in this part of the world too.
2016-10-17 07:23:04 UTC
incorrect, nah! How can UR opinion B incorrect? If that's how U sense UR entitled 2 say it. i think the comparable, Israel is purely an annex 4 US in the middle East & this combat against Terrorism ( great excuse working wonderful 4 the Jews ) has been development p.c.. & being supported 4 a collectively as now. What i choose 2 comprehend is; why did GW Bush worry going there some years in the past on some years in the past raving on some middle-east peace technique? He could have comprehend this transformation into coming, after giving Israel Billions in militia help 4 years!
2008-10-11 22:56:02 UTC
Yes, but only because you have been grossly misinformed.

There were no real Palestinian lands. The UN mandated territory for Israel and for the Palestinians when Israel declared its independence in 1948. However, the Palestinian areas were claimed by the nations of Egypt, Syria, and Transjordan (modern Jordan). Those nations, along with Arabs living in the Palestinians areas attacked the new nation of Israel and were defeated.

Israel did not occupy the Palestinian areas until after the defeated their Arab neighbors again during the Six Day War of 1967. The "Palestinian lands" were taken from Egypt (Gaza), Syria (Golan Heights), and Jordan (the West Bank). Nobody, including the UN, has granted official recognition to the Palestinians as a nation-state.

If they did not want to lose their land, the Palestinians and the Arab nations should not have started wars with Israel.
2008-10-11 23:18:02 UTC

Do some research on the subject and then decide.

It seems like you have only heard one side of the story.

During undergrad I went and our professors took us into both the Israeli and Palestinian areas. There is suffering on both sides and huge amounts of wealth on both sides. Don't fall into the poor Palestinian trap! There are many extremely wealthy Palestinians The main reason there is still discord was because of Arafat. He lived like a king, off the 8 million dollars we gave to Palestine annually, while keeping many of his people in poor conditions. Look back at the peace talks and you will see that Israel tried to make many concessions and he wouldn't acknowledge their existence. Hmmmm, great way to keep money flowing in at the expense of his people- he owned a private jet, Parisian home his wife lived like a Queen. There have always been Jews in Israel. Great Britain owned it and gave it to the Jewish people, and many Palestinian voluntarily sold their land and later cried that it was stolen.

Our professor a Catholic Nun was angry with our Arab tour guide because he tried to only show us the poor sections of Palestine... well she made him give us the full picture and low and behold there were some major mansions- there are some Palestinians living very very well. Don't believe hype--research and/or see for yourself before making a major decision like that.

If you are going into the military you should know that Israel is our only ally in the region. At this time it is very important.

Educate yourself, it doesn't seem as if you know enough about the conflict.

Are you anti-Semitic and just looking for an excuse to hate?

I am really sick and tired of terrorist playing the violin and using lame excuses to justify wrong doings.

We went to the hospitals to visit people who had been the victims of the bombings---it is not a pretty sight. The shrapnel does incredible damage. Go tell one of the children that were blinded by the bombers shrapnel how much you dislike Israel.

Incidentally, for those of you that love to keep saying that Israel violates human rights---so does the US.

We have trained just about every Latin American dictator that has suppressed and tortured his nations peoples. Just Google the School of the Americans.
2008-10-11 22:54:38 UTC
It's a Catch-22. It's the same as it was when Truman and the UN created Israel. The same conflicts exist today.

Everyone felt sorry for the Jews... and no one wanted to accept them as refugees, considering that they weren't exactly in the mood to remain in Europe after the Holocaust. So kicking the Palestinians out and giving them the Holy Land back was the planet's solution and atonement... and also a way of dealing with the extra guilt that no one wanted them. So they righted a wrong with several more wrongs.

One of these days they'll get it right and create a shared state. But no, you are within your rights to side with the Palestinians, just know that it's not politically correct.
It Man
2008-10-11 22:53:08 UTC
Yes, and that's not an opinion. You should really concider quiting the air force. Make sure you understand exactly what's happening on that side of the world including background. Israel and America have common beliefs, just different issues. So maybe you should move to Iraq. Palestinians terrorists kill each other as well as jews by the waym and the Jews who attack Palestinians are being treated as criminals, just like the Palestinians. Don't forget that Palestian authorities are working with Israeli authorities since they want to reach the peaceful goals.
2008-10-11 22:55:26 UTC
No, it's not wrong, I personally sympathize with the Palestinians more than Israelis too... I think many people who support Israel and label Palestinians terrorists would be singing quite a different tune if we were not powerful and, say, China was, and decided that they were going to give America back to the Natives or the Southwest back to Mexico or something... just because they owned it/lived there way back in the day, doesn't mean it's not horribly traumatic to you when your family has lived there for many generations..

*Edit* oh and to the people who are so concerned about whether there was a "nation called Palestine" etc. obviously don't understand that just because the U.S. and Western Europe called a place a nation, and didn't call other places nations, doesn't make it so... just ask the Iraqis, they live in a "country" that never should have been considered a united entity. To deny that Palestenians lived there for quite a long time, simply because there wasn't a "Palestine" is pretty ignorant.
2008-10-11 23:01:10 UTC
Israel is doing bad things to their neighbors and the Palestinians. Fact. Anyone that wants to help the Israelis or their neighbors has to deal with the facts "on the ground". Many Americans do not even know that Isral did not even exist until after WW2 when the Brits and the USA wanted to put a (controlled) country together to stop the Arabs from controlling the oil.

Good on you - for knowing the history that most Americans don't know. You are in our Air Force now and should probably not be spending much time arguing about things that you can not do anything about.

(You are right, but you need to focus on your mission and learning what you need to accomplish it.---if you can't then ---it won't work...I am not being mean but the military does not work for people that disagree too much)...sadly.
2008-10-11 22:56:15 UTC
No, Its not wrong to dislike Israel. I believe the land should be equally divided among the Palestinians and Israelis. Everyone has their own opinion.
Lazer Beam
2008-10-11 22:58:48 UTC
The Islamabad, the Islamagood, and the Islamaugly. Nice try faking being a US soldier. US soldiers don't give a poot about your problems. I hate the fact the Palestinian people have been screwed by their Arab neighbors, who consider you inferior, and brainwashed into living in the camps while you take the point on bringing the wrath of Allah down on the Zionists. Now who is the fool? Make peace with Israel, prosper, educate your children, build hospitals, schools, bridges, and sewer systems, produce goods and services that you can market, and screw your Arab neighbors, as they have screwed you. That would be ironic revenge. Even Allah has a sense of humor. Just make sure he's not laughing at you.
2008-10-13 04:47:30 UTC
Yes it is very WRONG of you to dislike Israel. Maybe if the world disliked you, you wouldn't like it? Look in the mirror dude!
2008-10-11 23:40:58 UTC
No your not anyone on here who says its unpatriotic to not support a country that is committing ethnic cleansing is not only un-american but cold hearted and evil you may be called antisemitic but just tell them a Semite means a member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, ARABS, and hebrews so Palestinians are actually a Semitic group while most israeli's come from eastern europe and are not truly Semitic. and no Israel is not our ally they have no loyalty to our country other than what it can get from us in fact a few israeli's have actually planned terrorist attacks against the United states and don't listen to those fundamentalist christians because Palestine was the birthplace of christianity and the Israeli's stole christian land also and persecute christians as well as muslims

you are completely right for not liking Israel anyone that supports apartheid and genocide is EVIL there's no other way to put it

since 2000 Israel has murdered over 1010 children in the name of defense of its country destroyed more than 70,000 homes and stolen 1 million acres of land.. i don't condone violence but i can see how they've earned every attack against them
2008-10-11 22:51:23 UTC
Yes you are wrong. The land has always been Israel's...whats wrong with you read your history book. You should have never enlisted in the Army or any other branch of the American military service.

God have mercy on your soul.

How stupid are you people are you really really an American. Do your homework Iraq use to be Babalyon...

Did you know that Isreal tried to warn the USA that something bad was going to happen tn the US but did not know what...or was 911
2008-10-12 17:53:06 UTC
Of course not.

Israeli forces have murdered many journalists and peace activists for opposing their vision.

Why have there been beatings of Orthodox Jews whom oppose the practices of the Israeli military state. Zionists don't want to hear any view that opposes their own, not even from members of the Jewish community.

If devout Jews can call for the peaceful dismantling of Israel, you most certainly can. Just take a look at what they have to say.
2008-10-11 22:56:31 UTC
not at all. the israeli government is in the wrong and violate human rights on a daily basis. the middle east would be a lot more peaceful if jews had been accepted into other countrys of the world after ww2 (ie australia, uk, the US) instead of dumping them out of sight out of mind. their government is a disgrace as are some of their people. though a lot of israelis are disgusted at the treatment of the arabs aswell and regularly protest but you wont hear about that on western bias news
2008-10-12 20:51:51 UTC
Factually, you are wrong: it's a very complicated issue. But you arn't wrong for thinking in general.
2008-10-11 22:51:30 UTC
No.. There's nothing wrong with it and you chose your side by your heart. You are a humanist. Unfortunately national relationship is decided by politics and as long as us has rich jews and politicians financially supported by them, that politics will never be changed.
Power Flower
2008-10-11 22:48:51 UTC
The Israel issue is such a mess. I agree with you - your job and morals must be conflicting big time.
Michael .
2008-10-11 22:47:29 UTC
No and yes but its other peoples opinions
2008-10-11 22:47:01 UTC
The Palestinians never owned that land, and most of them are immigrants from surrounding countries. Refugees, actually.
Hung H
2008-10-11 22:46:06 UTC
2008-10-11 23:36:09 UTC
Heck no.

It is kind of boring there and not pretty at all.

Other destinations have much more to offer.
Milkman حلاب
2008-10-11 22:51:59 UTC
You should be more like me and not care what other nations do to each other
2008-10-11 22:48:07 UTC
Israel is the root of all the wars in that whole area.
2008-10-11 22:52:51 UTC
Yes, there's something you're forgetting, Israel is America's best ally, it's distinctly unpatriotic to be against Israel.

Israel and the US have been on the same side of UN resolutions over 90% of the time. Meanwhile, the UK comes in 2nd at only 60%, it's not even a hard comparison to see which nation agrees with the US's global policy more often.

Beyond that, Israel is the only democracy in that area of the world (besides for being the only US ally in that part of the world too). If the US ever needs to go there for any reason (such as to launch an attack against Iran if they get nuclear weapons, or to prevent such) then Israel will be the launching point for any such operation.

Many people are against the funds the US gives to Israel without understanding the full effect of those funds. Those funds (however much they are) have a very important clause, they must be spent purchasing military hardware from the US. So imagine how the US's economy would be doing if tens of thousands of workers were fired because Israel was no longer obligated (or had the money) to purchase the military goods from the US. This would be further exacerbated by Israel then buying the military goods from China or Russia, rivals of the US, if they could get a better price.

By the way, here are some other nations and their agreement rates with the US on UN resolutions.

Great Britain voted with America 60% of the time.

Australia voted with America 56% of the time.

France voted with America 54% of the time.

Canada voted with America 49% of the time.

Japan voted with America 42% of the time

Kuwait votes against the United States 86% of the time.

Qatar votes against the United States 88% of the time.

Morocco votes against the United States 89%% of the time.

United Arab Emirates votes against the U. S. 88%% of the time.

Jordan votes against the United States 88% of the time. (To whom America gives $192 million annually)

Tunisia votes against the United States 89% of the time.

Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 90% of the time.

Yemen votes against the United States 88% of the time.

Algeria votes against the United States 88% of the time.

Oman votes against the United States 88% of the time.

Sudan votes against the United States 86% of the time.

Pakistan votes against the United States 87% of the time.

Libya votes against the United States 89% of the time.

Egypt votes against the United States 86% of the time. (To whom America gives 2 billion annually)

Lebanon votes against the United States 90% of the time.

India votes against the United States 79% of the time.

Syria votes against the United States 85% of the time.

Mauritania votes against the United States 90% off the time.

---------based on this if nothing else, what nations do you think the US should side with?





Now to discuss the entire 'Palestinian' aspect of your question

To start off there's a fact here that people like to conveniently forget: ***There never was a nation of Palestine***.

Until 135 CE is was called "Israel", it was then the Romans renamed their province (which included modern day Israel) Palaestina. Later in history there was then a series of Crusades, each one naming it in turn, such as the Kingdom of Jerusalem, Levant, and many others - but *never* Palestine. It then fell under various Arab rule (not being renamed during this period) until 1517 when the Ottoman Empire took control of it a named that area the Province of Syria - which includes modern day Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, part of Turkey and part of Iraq. It wasn't until 1917 that it was called Palestine in any form, the British Mandate of Palestine, but not an independent country. In 1948, the UN as a whole declared the State of Israel in that area (not in its current form), but the Arabs rejected creating a nation (which would have been called the State of Palestine) because they wanted all or none, so they got none. Promptly after having been created, 6 of the surrounding Arab nations attacked, and the newly created nation won - and fought them back including the newly conquered land as part of itself. In 1967, the Arab nations attack again, and lost again, Israel conquering new land but *not* including it as Israel, that is occupied land - of Syria, Jordan, and Egypt, until they returned the part they took from Egypt sans the Gaza strip, so only that small part of Syria and that of Jordan (the West Bank) was still occupied by Israel. Later, when Jordan (1994) finally made a peace treaty with Israel, they gave over the West Bank as part of the treaty, that land is Israel's, similarly Egypt did the same thing (1978) when they made peace with Israel.

Clearly, that shows the land rightfully does belong to Israel, considering the nations around it (Egypt and Jordan) turned over territory to Israel, yet it is often called 'disputed territories' or 'Palestinian territories' in maps, despite no nation there currently disputing it or no nation of 'Palestine' ever existing. The only piece of land currently occupied by Israel is that of the Golan Heights, a section of Syria, which Israel openly states to be occupied.

So at what point to the people who now call themselves 'Palestinians' come in? They're a rather new creation for the pure sake of sounding good in propaganda with no real basis - as clearly shown above.

Also, here is a map of the Biritsh Mandate of Palestine, circa 1922:

Note the large area which became the nation known as Jordan....

I quote from the The Covenant of the League of Nations, article 22, (which is the one that refers to defining what a mandate is) which states, "Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone." The key words are **provisionally recognized**, not recognized. Directly afterwards it states, "The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory." Which is precisely what Britain did, the Jewish population agreed to a state, and the Arab population said all or nothing. Since the Jews wanted anything, they got what they wanted, and the Arabs got nothing, just as they wanted.

So a provisional, i.e. probationary, lable of 31 years allows people to call themselves under that name, and their descendents (who were born after it ceased to exist), by that name for all time? Under that reasoning, couldn't people in the southern States of the US call themselves Confederates?

Also, for those saying that all of the Jewish migrations are recent (i.e. only after WW2), that's just false. Ignoring the Jewish population which never left and existed as a minority since ancient times, every time Jews have been exiled from a nation or had excessive persecution, large numbers moved to Israel. Such as expulsion of Jews from England (1290), France (1391), Austria (1421), Spain (1492), and Portugal (1497), not to mention everything from the last half of the millennia.

Additionally, the Arab nations asked the Arab inhabitant of what was to become Israel to leave their homes prior to attacking Israel in 1948. The reason for this is that they didn't want to be inhibited in their attack by having to avoid killing Arabs. The Arabs willingly left, even more willing because they were promised the land of the Jews once 'the Jews have been pushed into the sea'. However, since Israel won, those 'Palestinians' were then left homeless. The Arab nations refused to help them: Jordan and Egypt stuck them in refugee camps, then left them there to garner world sympathy. At the same time one million Jewish refugees were thrown out of the Arab states, and Israel absorbed them.

At present, Hamas controls Gaza: this recognized terrorist group has been bombarding southern Israel with deadly rockets for years. Hamas has an official charter, and it states that only the total destruction of Israel will be 'satisfactory'. Hamas states that Israel has 'no right' to exist. So for Israel, it is an impossible situation, how can you make peace with someone who denies your very right to exist?

So to sum it up, there's plenty of propaganda which is causing the people who call themselves 'Palestinians' to react as they do. They live in squalor and poverty, often illiterate, and have been raised on propaganda and don't know their true origin, so of course they believe they are right and that Jews stole land from them - that's all they know.
2008-10-11 22:46:17 UTC
its not wrong we all have our own opinion.
2008-10-11 22:47:22 UTC
not at all, but you will be labeled an anti-semite. sorry.
S0NiiA G
2008-10-11 22:47:09 UTC
2008-10-11 22:46:34 UTC
2008-10-11 22:47:00 UTC
Perhaps you liked Hitler?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.