You boggle me with "not just as offensive and racist as mullatto"
how is ithat offensive and racist?
how about if i wanted to be called italian american,
or 99% italian 1% african
would you laugh? why not call him half white? and more importantly, is this really important?
> The wikipedia entry i thinkyou may have seen has been severly disputed.
The term your thinking is muaTo, not MulaTTo, which is thought to be the spanish derivitive, but the term itself goes back further even among arab, spanish and italian ancestory. Americans are the only ones here that think of the term in an offensive light. the root creators of the word do not.
Another derivitive is mulo in Spanish according to the Real Academia EspaƱola is "a person characterized by strength and vigour,
so again it depends on what your trying to take it as.
if looking for trouble, you can find it anywhere. but agian the foundations of the word do not imply offense.
>> thats what im saying, in some circles, yes its considered offensive and really only in amercia, in fact how many things now are considered offensive and yet are trivial, only in amercia that wernt as early as 10 years ago... but still its only some that consider it. i consider being called caucasian offensive since my family is nowhere from the caucaus mtns, but then agian i dont get upset about it nor do i offend easily. it is what it is. should white people get upset if they get called white?
Why call someone african american if their not from africa?
its political correct BS, that people use as crutches and chokes this country.
but even back to the origional point of your question, the terminology white and black now adays dont mean the same thing as they did once. and yes, im first gen italian. so i know what your saying. words are only words. people give them or take their power.
growing up, noone cared what you called someone else. we were what we were. my Best friend called me white, i called him black. now adays, people get upset over something so trivial. why? IMHO, Politics.