I'm voting for Donald Trump unless someone has a good reason why I shouldn't?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I'm voting for Donald Trump unless someone has a good reason why I shouldn't?
383 answers:
2016-02-26 05:23:31 UTC
Donald Trump isn't President Material, he's more of a Business man than anything. He also, is very wealthy even though he owes a ton of money to other co operations, he still has millions of dollars and that's a bad thing, because, if he thinks that 1 million dollars is a little amount then America is doomed. He'll also stop Mexicans from being free, building a wall? Really? Do you think that's a good idea? Donald Trump is also self centered, he cares more about himself than anyone else. Even if he says "I want to save America" he's only doing it for himself because he wants more wealth and to rule over everyone in the United States. Do you want TAX Raise and a complete Swan controlling you for the next 8 years? I would hope not .Vote all you like, i just doubt that Trump will win no matter how many votes he gets. I'm not American but I would hate to see what the US would turn into if Donald Trump ever did become President. Which I highly doubt will happen.
2016-02-25 13:45:23 UTC
Trump is a businessman. And he's not a very good one. He did not start from the bottom with a minimum wage job and work his way up to the top like many other wealthy people. He started off with a massive amount of money and then went bankrupt four times and despite being very wealthy now, still owes several big corporations billions of dollars. The best thing that he had under his wing was being a businessman, but that is no longer valid. So then you're left with his racism, ignorance, homophobia, and ableism. Yes, he has made fun of a disabled politician before. He doesn't seem to understand how the world works because he has grown up in his own bubble of wealth and that's all he knows. Trump wants to spend 166 billion to pi$$ off Mexico by building a wall that they will pay for and keep them and everyone else out. If that plan went through, we would be at war with Mexico and have various other countries attacking us and cutting off trade. Trump will put us deeper in debt than we are.
Andy F
2016-02-25 17:01:07 UTC
Different strokes for different folks, I guess. If you've make up your mind to vote for the Donald, probably nobody else can make you change your mind.

IMO this is a really dumb & destructive thing to do, however. Trump has spoken about Muslims in ways that could help the US LOSE the public-relations war we're fighting to keep all 1.6 billion Muslims in the world from rushing out to join ISIS.

He's given moderate Muslims a reason to think that millions of Americans are their enemies -- and that's terrible for US foreign policy and US military security over the next century.

Trump also has deliberately insulted Mexico, our huge neighbor to the south, and bragged that if he's elected President, he'll force the Mexican government to pay for building a wall along the border. This is just hot air, and a great way of getting the Mexican people & their government to dislike us. Why talk this kind of trash, when you don't have to?

Trump also has criticized, and in some cases ridiculed, most mainstream Republican politicians running for the Presidency. That can't be good for the Republican Party over the long run.

Some Democrats I know therefore really love Trump, because they think he's going to destroy the Republican Party from within.

If I were a Republican, I'd find these very good reasons for not supporting the Donald. But again, you're going to do whatever you want to, regardless of what anyone else tells you.

-- democratic socialist for sanders & common sense
2016-02-25 18:55:35 UTC
From my experience with Trump supporters, if you have decided that you're voting for Donald Trump, I really don't think you're the type of person that's going to budge off of their opinion. No matter what information is presented to you.
2016-02-26 00:25:18 UTC
Donald Trump is a "businessman" & he is a bad one. He hasn't had to work for his money as he has always been wealthy. He even started off with a huge amount of money & then he went bankrupt 4 times & he still owes billions of dollars. How do we know this will not happen again? Then you're left with his transphobia, racism, ignorance, homophobia, etc. He is against the LGBT which is wrong as the Transgender community is one of the most discriminated against community's in the entire world. Hillary Clinton is an avid supporter of the LGBT community especially the transgender community. Donald has openly said he dislikes gay & trans people. He said that Jenna Talckova could not compete in his beauty pageant because she was not 'naturally born a woman'. That is discrimination right there. Do you really want this dreadful man running the country when he discriminates against SO many people? Donald will put us deeper & deeper in debt. He wants to spend $166 billion on a wall did i mention?
2016-02-25 16:38:03 UTC
His proposals don't go into detail

He's not a politician

He is endorsed and supported by racists and KKK members

He's too vulgar
2016-02-26 02:38:09 UTC
Donald Trump would make an awful president as he has been bankrupt no end of times, he could possibly end up starting a WAR! He is transphobic, homophobic, racist and was even caught laughing at a disabled personon camera. We need a real president like Hilary Clinton who will spread equality and peace for all groups of people including the black people, gay people, transgender people, men, women, disabled people and everyone else!
2016-02-25 17:51:58 UTC
David Duke former Grand Wizard of the KKK supports him. Unless your hood is at the cleaners that should indicate Trump has a screw loose if he's attracting neo-Nazi KKK leaders to his side.
Joseph the Second
2016-02-25 13:33:21 UTC
Would You vote for Kim Kardashian based on the SAME "Reasoning"- You're using for Trump ?? If You WOULD, then maybe You SHOULDN'T vote for Anyone in November- at ALL ! :o
2016-02-26 05:12:22 UTC
You should NOT vote for Donald Trump because he discriminates against no end of people such as black people, gay people, transgender people and disabled people. He really is a horrible man. His views on things are very bad and he is causing more discrimination. He is on the verge of causing a war and losing even more money. He has been bankrupt countless times. He can not be trusted to run our country. You should vote for Hilary Clinton!
2016-02-26 14:06:10 UTC
If you consider yourself a conservative republican and that's what you've always voted towards, then Trump shouldn't be somebody you vote for, because he has ran as liberal democratic candidate about 12 years ago and has funded liberal democratic campaign's only about 5-8 years ago. So from a conservative republican standpoint he can not be trusted as president and can not be relied on to fulfill the conservative republicans best interests. Not only that but he has shown time and time again that he would be a lousy leader because he lacks the right attributes of a leader, for example, he can't keep his composure during political debates he resorts to name calling and interrupting and talking over the candidates that are speaking, which is against the rules and regulations of the debate process. He acts like jerk and juvenile when people speak about him (even if it's the truth) in a way he doesn't like and tries to essentially bully other candidates and thinks that's the way to earn votes through intimidation. That's not a good example of leader, in fact it's a poor excuse, you don't lead by intimidation you lead by persuasion, those are a few reasons to not vote for Donald Trump
2016-02-27 07:24:35 UTC
My vote's for Rubio. Trump is pragmatically a great businessman, I'll give him that but he's not someone who I think should be president. His views are all over the political spectrum & his policies lack depth. Also, electability matters & with all the polarising comments he's made, he's isolated various key demographics.

Now why vote for Rubio ? He's in my opinion the most electable out of the bunch. We have to think about electability as these primaries will ultimately culminate into a general election. He's a white conservative of Latino decent and can speak Spanish. He's an established politician with a relatively high degree of political experience. His views are conservative enough to get my vote & moderate enough to help swing independents & the unsure in his favour. Also for this election likability is a huge factor & you've got to agree he's the most likeable. He's got the backing of the establishment, has done much for the conservative cause & I think embodies the modern GOP.
2016-02-27 22:24:58 UTC
Here's the bottom line, people are going to give you a billion completely valid reasons why you shouldn't vote for Trump, simply because there ARE a billion valid reasons not to vote for Trump. Whether you consider them or even understand them is a different matter entirely. He DID say, after all, (and you can look it up and hear the words straight from his mouth) that he could stand in the middle of Time Square and shoot someone and wouldn't lose any voters. This is because he knows his followers are brainless lemmings.
2016-02-27 07:05:42 UTC
Pretty much he's going to screw the US over...

Internationally he is going to be a disaster...

Already he has offended Mexico in particular (and Hispanics generally which is pretty much most of Central and South America). Boarder control is a thing for both the US and Mexico along the boarder. What do you reckon the chances are of Mexico co-operating with the US with things like drugs or people crossing the boarder? Pretty much zilch.

He's offended the Muslims. What is the problem with that you say? Well internationally, you get most of your oil from Muslim countries. How many do you reckon will sell oil to a president who tells them get stuffed? (Probably not a lot)

Pretty much he's offended (and he's not even become president yet) a lot of US allies. You want anything done (eg fighting ISIS) those that can help you are going to suddenly become very unhelpful...

He's also looking to put on huge tariffs on trading partners. Major problem is if they suddenly stop selling you anything, you're possibly not going to be able to feed your country and you're either not going to be able to manufacture everything yourself (and not for some time even if the US does manage to manufacture EVERYTHING themselves. Again, you're thinking "Why do I care?". So what happens when Apple can't make iPads or anything else as they can't get the parts or are unable to get it made in the US for a period of time (year, two years) or can't get it manufactured overseas as it suddenly costs them 50% more...


Are you ready for the international fall out? (My understanding is that most American couldn't give a hoot about the international, but it will bite you on the butt...)

There are certainly concerns domestically.

He's stated he will round up and deport all Muslims (even citizens and those who were born there). Cool you reckon? So he does that. Now he can start rounding up anyone else he likes. All Hispanics. Doesn't seem to like women a lot so let's say half of all women? Asians. And legally he's set the precedence. Anyone can now be deported on the whim of Donald Trump...

There are, from what I understand, labour issues (hiring foreign workers, and the rumour lies that he's getting them cheap and / or saying that he needs foreign workers as he can't get locals (but is not making any attempt to train locals if there aren't locals or possibly he's getting the foreigners technically legally but he could get locals who are close enough that it would be easy enough to train them in a short space of time but why bother when you can foreigners at a cheaper price). As I'm not an American, it's hard to say what's happening over there, but there is a multi-billionaire attempting to do the same thing in my country, and who has quite explicitly said that if they can pay Africans less than $2 a day, then why should they pay locals liveable way ("cheap" milk and bread are $2 each, rents are, on average, at least nearly $400 a week...)
2016-02-27 00:14:48 UTC
I'm in awe of update #2. Donald Trump's not exactly the first person that should come to mind when you're talking about an individual "pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps." In fact, he's the exact opposite. There's never been a clearer case of "being born with a silver spoon." How you can't manage to make that distinction is mind-blowing. He came from a very well-off family. His father, Fred Trump, was the original, successful real estate developer and was worth 100's of millions of dollars. Someone who pulls themselves up by the bootstraps starts from the bottom. His father would actually better fit the description, considering he was the one who started the family business, and established it's success.

Because his father was so successful, Donald had the best of everything from the start (education, capital, contacts, i.e. opportunity). His father GAVE him a million dollars to start his own venture, and Donald inherited another 200 million dollars upon his death in 1999. I personally believe in the adage that it takes money to make money, and Donald certainly had that advantage. Most semi-intelligent people could make money when spotted such a head start, and Donald has consistently alluded to the fact that he's hired talented people to manage his affairs, so it's not like he did this on his own. Shouldn't the professionals that he hired get a significant portion of the credit? His own due credit is more in line with bankers that control an exorbitant amount of cash, and make staggering amounts of money on simplistic and advantageous loans that don't exactly require any critical thinking. His position (status) has always been his most significant ability. Like a banker, he started off with plenty of capital and contacts, and let the money he already had do most of the heavy lifting. How that prepares him for the most important job in the country? I'm sure he picked up some significant negotiating skills along the way, but I'm thinking it just may take a little more than that to run the country effectively. It would probably help if he had a deeper understanding of issues and policy. He hasn't come close to proving that he does.

So in an era where median income has been stagnant and there's a justified angst against the billionaire class that, in recent years, has managed to keep well over 90% of all new income generated, you believe a billionaire is our best bet? A billionaire who has no political background and has no idea what it's like to be a part of any lower class, is going to look after middle class interests? Most of his political positions weren't even invented until this past year, and some of his current stances fly in the face of positions he's taken in the past. The idea that he put a committee together to research what positions would be politically advantageous is more than likely. Simply put, I wouldn't trust this guy as far as I could throw him, and if for some reason you do, I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn.
2016-02-28 10:55:04 UTC
Trump is a greedy business man and is way too racist. Look into it deep. He's had hundreds of company's which have always gone bankrupt and then back again and them bankrupt. He's gonna make every black and brown person go back where they came from. Build a wall to stop Mexicans coming in and deport them all! Whats next, a price tag on air? This guy should be sent to a mental hospital. He judges only 1 or 2 people and then says that's who they all are. He sees a brown terrorist all browns are some how terrorists. He sees a black gangstar all blacks are gangsters. He sees a Mexican with gang relations all Mexicans have gang relations. He sees a good white person all white people are good. You see? He judges way too much. He looks goofy and sounds goofy. You're trying to tell me a guy who went bankrupt is gonna be president. He might as well make all of America bankrupt and corrupt after a few years he might decide to stabilize it. He's too racist and isn't president material
2016-02-26 10:03:23 UTC
Look at all these answers, probably most of them support Bernie sanders. Well those supporters are the dumb ones because everything Bernie wants to do will hurt this country and put us further into debt. People just want everything handed to them free in life and that is all they see in Bernie. I got some news too, Bernie was an independent from 1979 till 2015. He only registered as a democrat because he knew that he could brainwash all the young voters in this country. Me personally I'm voting for trump because he speaks the truth and doesn't care what people think of it, that's what we need. And to all those haters that say if we shut off our boarders everyone will hate us, not true. Almost every single country in this world has a big wall around their country to control immigration. You can't let everyone just walk into your country because if you do, you never will have the American Dream ever again.
2016-02-29 04:38:25 UTC
I am voting for Donald Trump regardless because I believe the way he believes I'm a hardcore Republican and I'm not a bandwagon jumper like most people are these days so you can bank on it Donald Trump will be my love in 2016 and he will go on to be one of the best reasons that we have ever had.
Joyce E
2016-02-28 15:19:09 UTC
Jim above said it best. He's too racist and isn't president material. Presidents are just figureheads and he can't possibly do all that he claims. Candidates always promise more than they can deliver just to get elected. The American public is fed up with the current administration and a lot of people gravitate to "Make America Great Again" slogan. They like Trump's get her done attitude. Only time will tell. Its for darn sure Berny Sanders cant deliver on all his promises. Its called adulthood when you take responsibility for your college loans and medical bills, and all the other freebies he's promising. Hillary is a walking nightmare and to vote for her because you are a woman makes as much sense as voting for OBama because you are black. She couldn't do anything to better the healthcare system that she promised when her husband was elected. She screamed to the rooftops that she'd make the healthcare system affordable for all Americans. Well, she tried for a couple of months when her husband was elected and just couldn't do it. We need a president who can represent this country, try to bring our budget in line, stand up for the issues the American people are concerned with, and who has some class. That sure leaves the Donald out. He has a personality like a bulldozer and some people like that.
2016-02-26 07:39:00 UTC
I have a good reason: it's a waste of time. Doesn't matter who you vote for; voting is completely pointless. It makes no difference whatsoever in anything. The electoral college elects the president, not the people. And they don't have to vote for the candidate that wins the popular election as history has shown us. We do, ostensibly, elect congressmen but if you look at the incumbency rates they're all in the high 80s to low 90s. Meaning that the only thing our congress does a good job with is getting re-elected. This is because money wins elections and not votes. The system cannot be changed by being a part of it so my attitude is fµck it let's get high.
2016-02-28 12:55:49 UTC
Look at the turd in office now. He lied about everything to get the chance to destroy our country. What really surprises me is the republicans controlling the House and Senate are as bad as he is. Our country is almost gone, and another 4 or 8 years of Hillary or Bernie will make it a 3rd world fecal hole. I will say the same about Rubio who will keep our borders open, and Cruz who is part of the establishment liars. I think Trump is our best chance to survive the globalist's destrucion of our country. I'm only surprised they haven't killed Trump yet like they did Supreme Court Justice Scalia. Makes me wonder about Trump, but, he pointed out how the Bush's were involved in the 9/11 planning and attack on our country. There is no reason to not vote for Trump. Maybe we need a businessman with our country's best interest in mind.
2016-02-26 15:04:02 UTC
1. Donald Trump is similar to hitler in many ways

2. Trump would make everyone hate america even more

3. Trump only cares about a few things, and those things are not good.

He is racist, selfish, and a ****.

4. His hair isn't even real.

5. He's a douchebag! He's a joke, not a president! I hope America can get a better president!
2016-03-29 04:26:35 UTC
Trump is a "businessman" & he is a very bad one. He hasn't had to work for his money as he has born into wealth. He even started off with a huge amount of money & then he went bankrupt 4 times & he still owes billions of dollars! How do we know this will not happen again? Then you're left with his transphobia, racism, ignorance, homophobia, decision, ageism, etc. He is against the LGBT which is wrong as the Transgender community is one of the most discriminated against community's in the entire world. Hillary Clinton is an avid supporter of the LGBT community especially the transgender community. Donald has openly said he dislikes gay & trans people. He said that Jenna Talckova could not compete in his beauty pageant because she was not 'naturally born a woman'. That is discrimination right there. Donald will put us deeper & deeper in debt. He wants to spend $166 billion on a wall did i mention?
2016-02-25 13:22:37 UTC
That's because you're most likely not a conservative or even a Republican, but a disaffected Democrat. And If you want some reasons not to vote for Trump, you don't have to look at his past support for Democrats and career politicians in general, or even the kind of friends that he keeps (Bloomberg, Perelman, etc.).

All you have to do is look at his financial disclourse which states clearly that he owes different lending institutions close to half a billion dollars. You don't think they have any influence over him?
2016-02-26 20:48:41 UTC
The 40 million approximately that was his share of his father's money is a lot of money. Some economy experts believe that if that 40 million was invested in a normal company, over time, it would value 4 billion REGARDLESS. Trump's net worth is close to 4 billion despite what he says. His economic expertise is over rated.

Trump is not presidential, he is a bad role model. He is a former democrat. He is close with Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton. He's a sexist, racist, homophobic, and more. If you want to vote for him, go ahead but he won't be allowed the nomination, Trust me!
2016-02-26 01:34:50 UTC
He can't organize his money, or anyone's for that matter. Let alone the government. He had a massive loan from his father and acts like it's a very small one. He's ignorant, selfish, racist, evil, and generaly probably is going to try and make incest legal. As he once said in an interview, that if his daughter wasn't his daughter, he would date her. Which for one is fucked up because she is his daughter, and to even think about thasort of thing is really disgusting. And secondly she's probably like just over the age of 18, while he's... I'm not even gonna say it.

If Trump ever became president, 2 major things could happen. One the government could be shut down like it did right before Obama became president, but this time maybe even for MUCH long. Or, WW3 would start, and it would be the end of the world... LITERALLY!

So, do you want a Hitler like leader, who is sick in the head, can't manage money, is gonna commit suicide because he will realize that as WW3 starts, america is going to be the first to go down because of him?

Oh and I forgot to mention that he owns multiple major corporations, BILLIONS of dollars.

I mean when Kanye West said he's gonna run for president, I was like "nope, I want off this planet please". But now that the trump is here, I'm like "Kanye West save us from this lunatic! D;>".

Oh, and if you vote for trump, you're going to get bullied, beaten up on the streets, and maybe even shot. It happened before, trust me. People votes for someone that someone else didn't want to be president, and when they became president, crime skyrocketed for a short while.

If all this doesn't convince you, than I guess you just don't have a brain and shouldn't even be allowed to vote.

I mean you do you man, It's not gonna make a difference anyway. it's not like more than half of America consists of retards who thinik Trump would be a good president.
2016-02-26 04:37:21 UTC
Because Donald Trump that's why
2016-02-26 14:06:32 UTC
Right now I could not honestly give you a reason not to. Taking into consideration the other candidates. Ted Cruz and Rubio are certainly not presidential material. Hillary is carrying too much political baggage and is leaning too far to the left for many people. Sanders, while probably a nice guy, is too idealistic and too much of a socialist. The American public is dead tired of politics as usual. That is why Trump is doing so well. The republicans just don't get it. The rank and file republican voter is fed up with established politicians. We do not want another 4 or more years of government stalemate.
2016-02-27 07:25:23 UTC
Here's my answer: Donald Trump has no plan for this country. He doesn't. It's all talk. "I'm gonna build a wall on the border of Mexico, and they are gonna pay for it!" This is unreasonably impossible! Mexican officials and even the last 4 consecutive presidents have stated this wall will never be built, and yet Trump says it shall!! When asked how he plans to do this, he responds, "Well, the Mexicans certainly aren't doing us any favors!", explaining nothing as to his plan!! He does this quite frequently, acting as though he's already explained his stance on most subjects, but in truth, he's just giving excuses. Mitt Romney has called him out, asking him to release his tax forms (he has been accused of doing 'shady practices'), and Trump said no, for he was in the process of being audited....which legally means nothing as to whether or not you can release those forms.

So, basically, this guy's covering something up.

He's racist, he never uses American labor despite claims that he has, he only wins debates by calling the others names, and the fact is that he has absolutely no experience running a country! This is not debatable- in terms of political knowledge, he is a baby! Donald Trump has supported Obama, the Clintons, heck, he's even admitted he agrees with Obamacare on national television! How isn't the GOP freaking out, I wonder? This man is unqualified, inexperienced, and he's a liar.

However, the other candidates, Rubio in particular, point out his flaws to the public and are gaining momentum. Trump gains support by making people angry and then mocking his enemies; he has no plan. But, Cruz, Rubio, heck, even Kasich know how to balance citizens' rights and how to protect our country. They don't change their minds frequently, as Trump as done ever since his campaign began. I'd say join Team Marco, but heck, anyone would be better than the Toupee of Terror.

(I'd like to point out that I'd take Trump over Hillary but I would much rather have one of these men over Trump.)
2016-02-28 23:07:26 UTC
I'm supporting for Donald Trump
2016-02-28 20:18:45 UTC
I would vote for A Democratic president ... I feel like Republicans somewhat take away freedom if you know what I mean.. Like gay rights .. Democratic lean toward supporting gay right while republicans is like "Put them inside a trunk and kill them"... You know ... And Trump was once talking about sending all the Mexicans to Mexico... That's wrong... If you want a supportive world, environment, and society or whatever than vote Obama.. If not , vote Trump... Trump is very aggressive and speaks his mind. And don't vote just because of skin color.
2016-02-26 19:46:54 UTC
Donald trump is an entitled bigot. He inherited his wealth to start his business, and has stepped on the foots of many people in the process. I wouldn't be able to stomach Donald Trump as President, nor have any more faith in a country that I hate to say, is fucked. I'm only 18 and seem to be the only one amongst my peers who have a legitimate concern about the continuity and prosperity of this country. Having a man like trump will cause us to eventually, inevitably lose ties with many of our allies( UK for example). Make us go deeper into debt; let's face it, running a big business is nothing compared to running a country, let alone one as powerful as ours. In addition, let's not forget all his grand plans to complete negotiations with Iran or to build a wall across the entire Mexican border. How's he going to pay for it? His money? Not a chance, prepare for taxes to skyrocket with that plan and his other disastrous plans. As for Iran; negotiating with a corrupt government whose nuclear capability can determine a lot going down the line is nothing compared to negotiations on where to build the next casino. Trump thinks his business savy will win over others when in fact, it would do the complete opposite. DONT VOTE FOR THIS GUY. That's my 2 cents
2016-02-26 20:45:41 UTC
@Anonymous, how is he taking freedom away from Mexicans? Don't you mean that he's going to finally make illegal activity illegal again instead of granting amnesty like Fuer Obama.

People speak poorly of him because of his wealth. Think of how wealthy the Kennedys are. JFK was one of the greatest men that we've ever had in office. Him being that wealthy means that he can't simply be bought by some retarded special interest groups.

However, I see no reason for anyone to vote. Your vote doesn't decide legislation and if you didn't vote for a candidate, someone would still be put in office. You can believe that your vote matters if it makes you feel better.
2016-02-26 11:27:09 UTC
Oi homie! You should for our mexican brothers and sisters. Just because we don't want to work at capatalist jobs? Everyone knows the rich milky whites are keeping all the money so they should just give us money while we take over leadership and how are we supposed to win the mexican american war that is still going on? Seriously. Plus hard drugs are not a problem!!!! Its the haters who don't use them ya know? You shouldn't vote for trumpe homie because the american border is like our version of wallstreet. We send stuff in that is worthless for trade and then we get back millions of dollars by claiming it was good stuff. That would shut down our econmy because everyone knows mexico has no industry aside from the government elchappo runs. That is why he is our hero.
2016-02-26 12:46:38 UTC
Because obnoxious people, while successful in certain circles, generally do not work well with others. Besides a lack of class, Donald Trump is out of touch with, and has no vision for, how to address our society's most pressing concerns i.e. education, stagnating wages, gun violence. Building 2,0000 mile wall is not forward thinking. Oh, and he's a hypocrite too. He has no issue with immigrants as long if they're in the porn trade, like his wife.
2016-02-29 09:06:23 UTC
Well for many reasons,he's a cheat,and a liar so apparently he was originally a democrat and now he's running as a republican so he's not true to any party,plus he's has no religious background whatsoever,he has stated he needs no forgiveness so that cancels out Christian,and in all reality the rich Muslims love this man.
2016-02-27 00:49:47 UTC
I'm a Liberal who wants you to vote for Donald Trump.

Enough said and let's see if you strike out a third time.
2016-02-25 16:29:02 UTC
I don't see any reason why not. He just wants to protect us from blood thirsty foreigners. Some people are too naïve to believe or understand the level of hate that certain middle Eastern people have for Americans. People who are peaceful and non-hateful are not able to fully understand. Also, Trump is a little cocky, but deep down, I think he would be a shrewd president, always ensuring that America get the best "deal" in nogotiations. Completely unlike Obama whose administration has openly stated that they want the "little guy" meaning little countries to come out ahead for once. That is charitable and all, but if the president can't "champion" America, then who will? At least Trump will proudly represent America, and the world will once again have respect for America again. P.S. Name one country that allows immigrants to enter their country with no accountability? Any criminal or middle eastern with ill intentions can come with no questions asked. That's just downright stupid if you ask me.
2016-02-26 04:17:39 UTC
He's a racist, he's full of hate, he has straight out publicly insulted the Chinese, Mexicans, new Yorkers and the scottish. He said "I could shoot an American and no one would care" on TV, showing his lack of compassion.

He's going to stop majority of nationalities coming into the us, meaning less tourism, less money coming into the country, untill you are paying more tax to make up for losses, eventually, you're broke. All he does online and on TV is insult other people, nothing else. He's not a leader, he's a rich man who wants power. Sadly that power will screw the whole country. The rest of the world can tell Americans are being played for fools, why can't they? He doesn't care about America, he cares about himself.
2016-02-26 12:33:15 UTC
He's Obnoxious, Racist. Last Time I Checked, Ted Bundy, Charles Manson Are Not Mexican. I Can Name More. But I'm No Stating That Every Criminal Is Caucasian. I'm Caucasian.
2016-02-26 08:31:45 UTC
Don't vote for Donald Trump! Just don't! Robin Williams said and I quote "never vote for a celebrity to be President". So listen to Robin and don't vote for Trump. All he's going to do is build a wall across the Mexican border and put us in even more debt. He says he's going to make America great again. But really he's going to **** up this country and send us back to the economy we had when America first started. Hint hint, we were poor and couldn't afford anything. So please listen to me, and Robin Williams, and don't vote for a celebrity like Donald Trump. PS do you want you or your kids to die in war because trump will send us to war
2016-02-27 17:48:19 UTC
Somehow he's got everyone convinced that he'll be a great President, but I'm not buying it. The man is simply not Presidential material. And I for one don't want to put the nuclear codes for the United States in that reactive, egotistical, delusional, crybabys hand. He's going to get us in a lot of trouble. He has no class, no dignity and no respect for anybody that goes against him. He knows nothing about foreign policy.

He's a 10 ton catastrophe on 50 pound chain.
2016-02-25 20:40:06 UTC
1) he said that he would date his daughter if she wasn't his daughter.

2) he's extremely racist. He believes all Muslims are terrorists (if that was the case the world would be drowning in blood and it would be utter madness since there is 1 billion+ Muslims in the world) he doesn't care about blacks and calls Hispanics drug dealers and rapists.

3) He doesn't seem to have a sturdy plan to 'make America great' he seems to be busy being racist, sexist, and wanting to build a wall along the border which really won't solve anything.

4) he wants to kick all illegal immigrants out of the country. These people came for a better life and are trying to be legal, it's simply awful if we kick out these people for trying to have a good life.

5) he wants to ban all Muslims from immigrating or coming into the U.S without a thorough background check.

Here's a compression of him and hitler, kinda frightening.i suggest you vote for Bernie Sanders, he isn't perfect but 100000x's better than trump.
2016-02-26 06:45:16 UTC
Don't vote for Trump. I know he says very popular things but will congress actually approve of what he does or he will end up being another 0bama in reverse? I'm still looking at other candidates, especially Rubio and Kasich that is what you want to do.

Plus you have to be 18 to vote, you sound like you're a few years short of legal age.
2016-02-25 14:49:03 UTC
I'm voting for Donald Trump unless someone has a good reason why I shouldn't? >>> I could give a CRAP who YOU vote for ... it's not like you matter more than any one else , odds are if you are like most in YA's you are not even old enough to vote or you are too stupid to be voting ... LOL !
2016-02-27 01:17:50 UTC
Go read a book called 'The Crowd' written by one of the pioneers of social psychology. Only after reading this will you will realise not only why he's winning but why will he make a good president. (And also u will understand the reason behind his successful speeches)

Besides he's been successful in many things in past, so it is obvious that he will be successful as a president now. Plus, people don't realise that in order to be successful it is not only hard work and luck but much more than that. To be really successful, u have to be truly devoted to your work, u have to be true to your work and to yourself, you have to be self-disciplined etc etc and Trump excels in them all. Now, what else do you want in a president.

He is one of the greatest people in America... he can also be compared Arnold Schwarzenegger. Cuz both of them get really professional, sincere and honest towards their work... in addition they both hate failure!

And Trump, without any doubt, will take his presidency very seriously.
2016-02-25 17:55:16 UTC
Politics is how one perceives an individual's ideologies. To suggest a reason why not to vote for a candidate is reason enough to believe you shouldn't vote a failed businessman with a larger than life personality that with seemingly now political prowess, can persuade a mindless and lost society into believing his ideological stance on America is best.
2016-02-28 11:59:23 UTC
Donald doesn't even know what he's talking about. HE is definately not presidential material at all. Maybe I'm saying becuase I'm Muslim he did say that there should be a ban on muslims. However aside from that I feel that Bernie Sanders is the best candidate of them all. Feel the Bern from Senegal!
2016-02-27 20:30:22 UTC
I'm going to point out that Donald Trump did NOT "pull himself up by his bootstraps." He has always been privileged, coddled, and downright spoiled. His father gave him $1 million when he moved out, and he has never had a hard day in his life other than the times he has completely squandered his money. Trump is a joke, and is just as unelectable as any other Republican candidate. If I were you, I would vote for Hillary, as she is the most Republican candidate that is electable. Personally, I am voting for Bernie Sanders, and I think you should, too.
2016-02-26 10:49:43 UTC
Ummmmm...... How about the fact that absolutely not one smart person is voting for him. Or maybe he is a master of manipulating the subconscious egos of people who cannot think for themselves... As far as policy and his personal accomplishments are concerned, I could go on for several lifetimes as to why you shouldn't vote for him. People will look back on this election and site idiots and morons everywhere. Unfourntunetly, the fact that you look to yahoo answers for advice suggests that you have many years of rigorous study ahead before you can weigh in on something as complex as the direction of human society. My advice. Either don't vote at all, or vote for trump so we can get a talley on exactly how many morons we've got in the pipeline. The information could prove useful when correcting this problem.
2016-02-26 13:27:47 UTC
Don't vote for that mean man!

Donald Trump unfairly discriminates against terrorists!
2016-02-25 14:19:42 UTC
Don't worry about it... It's not your business and as a conservative I can assure you that you don't need to know any reason and at some point if we feel like it, we will let you know. The bottom line is your vote is irrelevant anyway but you should know that you're betraying you party. I have no more time for you. You are disgusting. Please un register as a Republican!
2016-02-26 05:57:08 UTC
Trump also has deliberately insulted Mexico, our huge neighbor to the south, and bragged that if he's elected President, he'll force the Mexican government to pay for building a wall along the border. This is just hot air, and a great way of getting the Mexican people & their government to dislike us. Why talk this kind of trash, when you don't have to?
2016-02-28 17:39:11 UTC
Many reasons that Trump shouldn't even be in the field. Let alone the front runner.

1) Zero experience at anything. Would you go try to hire some guy that flips burgers at McDonalds to be your next CEO. Probably not. Same applies to the President.

2) No substance. Mostly he just repeats the same 5 things over and over again. Winner, Make America Great Again, Loser, Stupid, Dumb.

3) Lack of policy. Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it? Ok, but how? No Trump saying he is terrific and will get it done isn't a policy. Insurance he will remove "lines". Ok, but how will that make it where people can actually afford see the doctors who have insurance? remove more "lines".

4) He has no filters. While I don't like PC myself, but there is a huge difference from being a rude ahole versus being critical. Being adult means often you will have to hold your tongue. I just can't see somebody like Trump being elected just to tell Merkel she can't make good decisions because she has a vagina.
2016-02-26 19:27:04 UTC
Donald Trump has already been asked where he would strike ISIS. His answer: "Somewhere near Israel"... Very good material. Reality check: ISRAEL IS PART OF THE UN!!!! Hi I voted for the man who started WWIII because I don't know what international relations are and who gives a **** about the several hundred countries in the UN that will strike at us and also doesn't care about innocent people he will bomb just to get ISIS. So John is talking about not having the American dream anymore. How about not having America anymore because that's what is going to happen. If you vote for Trump, go stand where he will nuke first and be my guest to watch it fall on you, because he doesn't care about you, just what his goal is.
2016-02-26 11:08:36 UTC
For a long time Trump sounded like a broken record people are tired of what Washington has become - today Christie just endorsed Trump which I believe will put him on top an help a great deal with the DC. BS ahead
2016-02-26 04:48:05 UTC
Well he has one thing going for him, he's not a career politician - and therefore not a boring 'stiff'.

Personally I would have voted for Jesse Ventura - but that doesn't seem to be.

Hilary is just a witch.
2016-02-27 21:53:15 UTC
He has pro's and con's just like every other candidates. I really like how he is shedding lights on issues that had been swept under the rug like he did on George Bush and how he had disrupted the Middle East by creating a war and all. On the other side, his idea of banning Muslims in US and building a "Great Wall" between US and Mexico are otally outrageous things to propose. Thanks to Donald Trump the Republican debate had been turned into an embarassing entertainment show and in my opinion, with no real candidate who is fit to be our next president.
2016-02-26 08:02:35 UTC
YES Donald Trump is a rich man who has built a massive Brand and has a finger in every pie, and unless you are a minority or an immigrant or have any relations or stake in foreign policy or the middle east, you have no need not to vote for him.

Unlike Other Republicans he does not need lobbyist money, because he IS the Lobbyist.

And while he may be extremely charismatic, and knows how to play the system.

See this video for example:

Sadly Mr. Trump is not an honest men, he did not get where he did by being a 'nice guy', he bent every law he could, and cares only about himself.

He's a serious flip flopper

And while many people compare him to Hitler and Call him a Fascist, I doubt he'd actually hold a pogrom and mass scale evictions, I don't think he'll stay true to his words and build a wall or anything because while he may not be fascist, or an anti-Semite, he is still a demagogue and populist(a guy who says what you want to hear to get your vote), just like Hitler was.

Trump doesn't hate Muslims and Hitler didn't abhor jews, both care nothing about the respective groups though and have tapped into the existing xenophobia and are using it as a rallying call.

My main issue with him is not that he hates China, Muslims, Mexicans and other Minorities, nor that he has bad foreign policy. It's that he doesn't care about you and I.

He's only in it for himself, Like Silvio Berlusconi(Italy). Both are rich Tycoons, both ran for president, Both are narcissists, both have had divorces and multiple broken marriages, both are old farts, both have weird hair, both own lots of property and have shady friends and relations, both made massive names and wealth.

I fear history will repeat himself.

4-8 years under Trump while not a disaster will not bring any real progress, rather there will be more corruption, as Trump uses his powers to improve his business and his life like Silvio did.

Both were charismatic, both knew how to use the media and twist the law, both are filthy rich, and both will/ already have held bunga bunga parties. I for one do not want the world to see scantily clad strippers dancing in the white house on BBC news.


If you hate Gay people: Trump will do nothing for you.

If you Hate Mexicans or Muslims: though he says it Trump will not eradicate them, at most he'll do some minor things for show, making life difficult\, but nothing serious. He needs good trade relations with Oil Money, I'm sure he'll recant everything and try to mend bridges with his Saudi buddies, he's not stupid.

If you hate Black people: again he's not actually racist, he just acts it.

So if those were your wishes, he's playing you for a fool.

If you are poor: then bad news, he doesn't give a penny about you, his policies will help him and his rich friends, but do nothing for you.

Voting for him is like letting a silver tongued thief into your bank vault and expecting his to leave without pocketing some 50s. Trump WILL use his powers for personal gain, mark my words.

If you vote for any Other candidate(except Bernie), except for minor party based policy difference, no real difference exists.

So YES if he wanted he could have worked for the American people, but Just because he may have the know how and the brains for it, doesn't mean he has the heart, his heart doesn't beat for America, he's a fraud and a liar, who'll say and do anything to get your vote, and betray you once he gets it.

If you don't believe me just check out his track record.

Voting for him will just be a waste of another 8 years, we won't gain anything from his reign, only his checkbook will.
2016-02-25 17:43:12 UTC
Because he supports the FBI over Apple. And that will be the beginning of the end of freedom, if you were stupid enough to elect someone like that to office.

Once they control the technology, they will control your Freedom. The government will have the upper hand when it comes to technology rights.

Its basically the censorship of free speech.

They will control the information. That means they will decide which way technology will go.

He WILL do something like that. That also means the right to spy on people. ANYONE. They will invent any excuse, and why shouldn't they? Because they can.

Where is Rand Paul? What happened to him? Do YOU KNOW?
2016-02-26 03:59:22 UTC
You shouldn't vote for him because his opinions only help him not benefit the nation. You can also ensure that he will remove all Muslims which are simply trying to follow their religion. He also has said that “‘Laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that.”

And that is such a racist stereotype. My friends mother works 16 hours a night to support her family. Also building a wall will take away from government finances leaving us more in debt. I beg you to vote for someone who would actually do something good for the nation
2016-02-26 20:05:36 UTC
Say what you want, but in the debate in Houston as a debacle that all these debates are, Rubio and Cruz showed everyone that your Trump cannot defend his views, and rants. He says he will build this fortress wall and have Mexico pay for it, but can't tell you how he'll do it. My guess is that he would mess with Mexico in the trade bring Mexico to economic collapse and that Mexico would come "crawling on its knees" with check in hand. The problem with that is South American, Central America would be so enraged by the move that they would do an embargo on the U.S. and other nations around the world may get involved, and the delicate scale of global economics would go into a spin. Brazil that supplies much raw material, would shut it down to sending raw goods to the U.S.

He claims a one payer healthcare system, and when Cruz pressed him on the government paying for this initiative of Trump "proposal" he absolutely denied the government would pay for this, and 6 months ago, he absolutely said a government sponsored one payer system would be his policy paid for BY THE GOVERNMENT!!! So if it's not government sponsored like he claims, how is he going to fund it???? He has yet to tell us anything about it. He doesn't explain ANYTHING!!!! YOU PEOPLE ARE CONVINCED HE SHOULD BE OUR PRESIDENT.

He's made bodacious claims of making the Arab world bow down to his strong hand, but hasn't explained how he's going to do that, Is he going to fight a dozen wars on a dozen fronts?? How is he going to make these countries bow down??? How is he going to crush ISIS without causing another conflict somewhere else.

Actually Obama has done a masterful job of the Syria debacle, and with the help of radical stupidity of ISIS sympathizers in their attack on Paris, France and Russia are pounding them unmerciful. Trump would go in there with guns blazing fulfilling Islamic caliphate prophecy and get the whole region fired up like hornets.

So IDIOT, you just go ahead and vote your Trump you and your brain dead GOP electorate.
2016-02-28 13:59:57 UTC
A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for Hillary Clinton. Only vote for Trump if you want Hillary Clinton to be president.
2016-02-25 18:36:04 UTC
What does America stand for?

Why have many people come here?


America stands for freedom. To get better opportunities. Lives.

ANY RACE can live here. And what does Trump want? Also, he is a bad example for children! I know an 8 year old girl and she says she wants to grow up to be president of the U.S. A wannabe president who insults women, spreads profanity and despises anyone who disagrees with him isn't someone to look up to.

No one wants to loose what America truly stands for. Just please take that in. Consider.
2016-02-27 10:09:20 UTC
IMO - Mr. Trump would be a great talk show moderator i.e. Bill O'Reilly, Bill Maher, Rush Limbaugh. I get what he is saying, but hate the way he is saying it. He has too much of a chip on his shoulder and little to no control of emotion to properly represent the citizens of this country / this country in any capacity let alone our President.
2016-02-27 18:25:52 UTC
don't listen to all these dumbasses. we need someone strong in our government who doesn't just give illegals and lazy people free stuff. he isn't racist, at all. he's trying to protect AMERICA. who would want illegals here or potential threats to our country when look what happened when European counties opened up and look what happened. He isn't against Muslims. the world was not a safe place at the time and we need be feel safe in our own land and we didn't. illegals don't pay taxes and live off the government. why is that fair to tax payers? back when Reagan was president nobody wanted to mess with America and look at us now. we're a weak country. he's a businessman. we are tired of stupid bullshit politicians. sorry people the truth hurts and people need to start accepting it.
CassandraofTroy Philosopher
2016-02-29 06:27:25 UTC
Donald Trump is lying. He is not a conservative. He wants Hilary elected and this strategy has been connived between the two of them. He will run as an independent, split the party and get Hilary elected. She will appoint two liberals to the Supreme Court and democracy in America will be over because the President will just appeal to the Supreme Court and get anything they want.
2016-02-26 16:16:35 UTC
Trump is anti-Israel and doesn't want to repeal Obamacare! I'm voting for Ted Cruz!
2016-02-27 02:19:32 UTC
He's given moderate Muslims a reason to think that millions of Americans are their enemies -- and that's terrible for US foreign policy and US military security over the next century.
2016-02-26 17:39:22 UTC
I can't think of a good enough reason not to that answers your two reasons to. Newt Gingrich agrees with YOU. Love him or hate him, Newt is an Historian and Professor, an insightful analyst and Visionary Thinker.

He is often the smartest guy in most rooms, even when he is wrong. Here he is Very Right, and in Agreement with YOU on The DON: gingrich-dont-kid-yourself-its-a-huge-night-for-trump
2016-02-26 14:44:48 UTC
I'm not gonna bash any politician on here, but i feel like people are so fickle. You said you hated Trump but now you love him ONLY because you see he has a chance of winning. You people do not stick to your so called values, only popular opinion. I don't respect that.
2016-02-29 07:30:44 UTC
A large part of being a good president is being able to respect the people you interact with, regardless of whether or not they agree with you. You need to be able to communicate your ideas clearly and be ready to discuss (and at times persuade) respectfully. You must know how to face criticism without flying off the handle, because it is incredibly important to maintain a professional demeanor. Donald Trump does not know how to respectfully and professionally face criticism, nor does he know how to respectfully criticize other people.

If you want to talk about who pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, talk about Dr Ben Carson. He was the one who grew up in a very poor family, was not doing well in school, and through the encouragement of his mother ended up improving his school work from failing to getting straight A's. He went from failing to attending some of the top institutions in the entire nation, and the world. Eventually he became the world's most renowned neurosurgeon.
2016-02-25 16:55:00 UTC
He might get something worth doing done in the white house. Break tradition in a bad way. He is well traveled so may not take as many trips at public cost. He is use to doing some work so knows how work is done,Very Very bad there. He is into exotic exersize true it seems to keep him in shape. So may not play golf as much. All good reasons I think. But I am still going to vote for him.
2016-02-26 07:53:37 UTC
He never provides details on any of his policies. He's bankrupted several businesses and has a reputation for strong arming associates and not paying contractors. He's being sued for fraud for scamming people into joining Trump University. He's delusional thinking Mexico is going to pay for his great wall. He's the favorite candidate of the KKK and most hate groups. He's blaming specific immigrant group for all our problems and wants to ban them (just like Hitler did in Germany). He wants a database on all Muslims (just like Hitler made all Jews register). Most of his talking points in debates are lies: seeing thousands of Muslims celebrate 9/11, 40% unemployment rate, claims the majority of whites are killed by blacks. He has a history of lying to associates, colleagues, and ex spouses.

Asking this question is like me going to take a **** in your bed and you saying I'm not going to remove that piece of **** unless you give me a good reason.
2016-02-26 04:11:05 UTC
That is your right to vote for Mr.Trump come Nov.2016.

Never be swayed by someone Else 's argument or reason not to or even to vote for to a candidate that is running.

Just as it is my right to vote for whoever I choose.I have never been swayed by someone's opinion or reason about a candidate, but that is just me.
2016-02-28 00:45:02 UTC
Donald Trump said "I don't think Ivanka would do that inside the magazine, although she has a very nice figure, I've said that if Ivanka weren't my daughter perhaps I would be dating her." He obsesses over Ivanka's body!!!! There is other things he has said towards her body figure! That's disgusting! Another disgusting thing he has said- Interviewer- "What is one thing you have in common with your daughter?" Trump- "Well I was going to say Sex, but I can't do that..."

2016-02-25 19:24:39 UTC
Yes there is a good reason not to. Trump presents himself as "anti-establishment". He claims that he will lead a government that believes that government derives its power from the consent of the governed and government serves the people. And maybe he really is all those things now. But if he is put in the presidency he will be co-opted by the establishment and those powers who believe that government derives its power through force and the people serve the government. They will turn him so quickly and so easily. He does not have the strength of character to resist them, first of all. But he also lacks the intellect, will, moral capacity and desire not to be compromised. He will wind up being just as bad as Obama or any of the Bushes at destroying liberty.
2016-02-26 00:28:39 UTC
He's Racist

He's Sexist

He's Homophobic

He's a dictator in the making

He said he'd date his daughter if she wasn't his daughter

He's an abuser and a rapist (he abused and raped his first wife)

He can't admit that Obama was born in the US (again, he's a racist)

He's the real life male version of Umbridge and Principle Trunchbull from Matlida.

I could go on but what's the point?
2016-02-28 09:33:44 UTC
Actually, Rubio is married to a woman.

But that aside, if you've narrowed down your choices to Trump, Cruz, and Rubio, I would go ahead and vote for Trump. I actually support Kasich, but you probably don't think he or Carson has any chance anymore. (They probably don't.)
2016-02-28 05:35:25 UTC
Because he's an overall waste of oxygen why on earth would you vote for someone who looks like they've been wind swept and electrocuted at the same time
2016-02-26 03:20:51 UTC
Well, if you think it's America's turn for a horrid dictatorship with massive bloodletting, by all means vote for Trump, the American Hitler.
. Smith
2016-02-29 07:45:53 UTC
Voting for Donald Drumpf is a fools errand.Drumpf is his families original name.He is a liar and a fraud,and one need do little research to find that out.He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
2016-02-25 16:11:23 UTC
Trump doesn't want to be president, he's merely there to ensure Hillary gets in.
2016-02-25 17:26:28 UTC
Nope thats fine with me. 1 more vote for Trump. But underlining in this question, I feel you wish to make this a rant on Trump and you were never going to vote for him in the first place.
2016-02-25 20:55:12 UTC
Unfortunately Trump did NOT pull himself up by the bootstraps as you put it!'s_protection_mostly_did_the_trick "Exposing How Donald Trump Really Made His Fortune: Inheritance from Dad and the Government's Protection Mostly Did the Trick

This excerpt from "The Self-Made Myth: The Truth About How Government Helps Individuals and Businesses Succeed" tells the real story about how Trump got so obscenely rich."

Trump says if he wins he will prosecute Hilary Clinton!

That will BE a turn of events, for the queen!

Trump has it in for Clinton! Too bad!

Sanders will NOT be allowed to win! He will roll over! Not wanting to end up like Ralph Nader!
2016-02-26 02:27:17 UTC
He's an egotistic idiot who thinks he can lie his way into the presidency. He can make all the claims he likes but has he ever said how he's going to do it? He needs the support of congress and the senate and I don't think he's going to get it.
2016-02-28 23:09:22 UTC
I would vote for Trump but I wouldn't be upset if Cruz won.
2016-02-28 19:11:36 UTC
Trump praises Russian Putin

Trump employed Polish illegal immigrants

Trump repeated marriages including two Slavic sluts

Trump paternal grandparents are from Germany (same traits as Hitler)

America will be destroyed badly.
2016-02-26 13:00:18 UTC
His idea on shoving out any Muslims are part of ISIL's plan, or so what a majority of people think. If they are turned away from every country, then the only place they can really go is back to ISIL.
2016-02-25 18:23:33 UTC
Don reminds me of Dusty Rhodes from the movie 'A Face in the Crowd'. Look this up.
2016-02-26 07:35:19 UTC
Cruz screwed himself with the sleasy crap done in Iowa imo... he is somewhat constitutional but amnesty is just bullshit... ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL... Rubio is a con artist imo... i have NO trust in him... Trump may not be "Presidential" material but Obama should be hanging from a legal rope for treason as should some of our previous criminal, treasonous potuses, Hillary should be swinging from a legal rope too... Trump loves at least what America has afforded him...unless someone better for our country comes alone Trump will get my vote... anyone who votes for either Dem is brain dead, or blind by God knows what.
2016-02-26 10:43:49 UTC
Because if you're this easily persuaded you shouldn't vote for a man with such power.
2016-02-26 10:27:30 UTC
If you vote for Donald trump, you're non compos mentis. Go see a doctor.
2016-02-26 17:18:33 UTC
He's an aweful choice for Presient, that's why!
2016-02-28 08:15:25 UTC
Donald Trump has no credibility. You don't have a lot of common sense, smfh.
2016-02-29 14:19:29 UTC
For the same reason that pre-war Germans shouldn't have voted for Adolf Hitler.

He is a populist megalomaniac. He will ruin the United Staes and millions may die in the wake of his aggressive and fanatical views.
2016-02-28 10:25:47 UTC
Here are a few from tumblr

1. His ex wife admitted that he forced her into sexual situations.

2. He wants to spend billions of dollars of our already dwindling budget to build a wall to stop Mexicans from coming into the country.

3. When asked hard hitting and relevant questions by a female he avoided them and went on to blame it on her period.

4. He gave out a senators private number out of spite.

5. If he can’t fix his hair how can we expect him to fix our economy?

6. He accused all immigrants of being rapists.

7. He believes immigrants stealing jobs is actually a thing.

8. He believes that sexual assault is to be expected when men and women are put together.

9. He’s disgusted by breast feeding.

10. He’s overall just a sexist, racist bully who uses his money in order to push people around.

11. He wants to shut down all mosques, though he knows that it may be illegal

12. He wants to make all Muslims wear a badge and carry an ID that says that they’re Muslim

13. He said that autistic children just need to be properly disciplined and that people suffering through depression and PTSD are acting as though they’re the first generation to struggle with these issues.
2016-02-27 03:49:22 UTC
He's naught more than a bloated, bullying, loud-mouthed megalomaniac.

For the first time since I started voting, I will not be able to vote republican.

Which means I won't be able to vote.
2016-02-28 12:23:48 UTC
Why r you asking us? The national voting ballot is secret and everyone should make up their own minds. Research, go on his webpage Look at his tax plan, be an 'informed voter' capable of voting for yourself, by yourself.
2016-02-25 17:02:47 UTC
How's about: He's a narcissistic egomaniac with delusions of grandeur?
2016-02-26 01:25:06 UTC
He was born into money so the pulling up by bootstraps is not exactly true.

Rubio and Cruz are ridiculous yes. Vote democratic as there are no viable republican candidates.

I get that you must be disillusioned with politicians, but you have to remember that we have enemies in the world who really want to harm us. I worry that Trump is not competent to face those threats.
2016-02-28 16:17:00 UTC
While there is perhaps good in everyone I respectfully disagree with you in regards to Trump. The gop tea party and Trump are using fears of people to get votes while Hillary and Bernie are discussing issues in a productive way.I am voting for the given democratic candidate, And while I disagree with you; when it is all said and done I will be raising my coffee cup to everyone including you. This being said I also welcome you to join me in perhaps electing HILLARY as our next president. CHEERS.
Peter Griffin
2016-02-27 11:07:42 UTC
Don't do it ..!

He will lead America into the abyss. The whole world despises this cretin yet he seems to have you lot in the palm of his hand. He's admitted it himself that only the un educated (Polite version) would vote for him, yet you still want to. That is borderline insanity
2016-02-25 15:38:20 UTC
Then you shouldn't vote at all.
2016-02-25 14:23:22 UTC
If you like Trump and dislike Cruz then go vote for Hillary. You get the same policies without making republicans look bad.
just me!
2016-02-28 19:01:56 UTC
I think he is not president material. He is not diplomatic, and says whatever he wants. You can't run a country like that. He has a bunch or failed business, which is ok, but we can't afford for America to be a failed business.
2016-02-25 17:32:24 UTC
don't ask yahoo answers, theyre just gonna post their sh*t opinions on here as to why Donald trump sucks even though he doesnt
2016-02-26 07:11:32 UTC
Donald Trump does not abide by his word. He discriminates against the American people. No one should be made fun of because of a disability.
2016-02-26 10:03:04 UTC
you are correct. Trump started with nothing from his father - only a few million dollars and a few thousand apartments.

Trump will start new Iraq war. This is good if you own defense company stock. It is bad if you or our son is of draft age,
2016-02-27 19:42:01 UTC
you can because its your choice but he speaks a little too much of the truth when it comes to foreign people and Mexicans and that they should be removed there's a reason we use white lies besides I think he's trying to talk about stuff that most Americans agree with so he can get elected and then he will eventually abuse his power
2016-02-25 21:00:01 UTC
trump will not be able to pass 80 percent of the things he talks about--he thinks he is going to become KING--the house and the senate will see to that even if he is elected--president of mexico has already said f---trump,we will see who builds the wall. If elected, trump will have the whole world down on us in a short time.
2016-02-26 08:59:12 UTC
Googles run by an Indian man, can you live without it?

Btw no more Chinese take out for you :)

Or anime... Or basically anything that isn't "white culture" as if the color white could be a culture? Guess you can enjoy your tea and biscuits.
2016-02-27 22:43:48 UTC
I can think of a reason why you shouldn't: he is always making fun of the other candidates and calling them names, instead of thinking of solutions to help people.
2016-02-27 19:15:40 UTC
Vote for Ted Cruz. Thats who I'm voting for.
2016-02-28 00:16:37 UTC
He's a naive racist bastard and he has no experience whatsoever to be president. He comes up with stupid ideas,like building a wall for mexico or something. He looks like a stupid orange and he makes fun of disabled people. He is arragont!
2016-02-27 11:51:51 UTC
You should if you don't see any reason up till now. But you know you have to be blind to not see At least 10 reasons
2016-02-25 17:39:48 UTC
Vote for whomever you want too. You do not need a reason to suffer Donald Chump for president
Tad Dubious
2016-02-26 07:27:11 UTC
Volt', I offer one reason: if you do not want to waste your primary vote, do not vote for Trump, as he will NOT be the Republican party candidate for President.
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-02-25 16:12:54 UTC
You should vote for Trump. Rubio is the only real Republican running. Hillary, or Bernie, can easily beat Trump or Cruz.
2016-02-27 00:14:47 UTC
Let's make America bad again 😄
2016-02-25 17:06:54 UTC
His relationship with the Republican Party is shaky at best. At one point he was a Democrat. He made racist comments in his first speech as candidate. He’s not a fan of U.S. soldiers that have been captured and tortured. Apologies are nowhere to be found. No government experience at all. Tends to get the facts wrong.
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-02-25 16:45:00 UTC
eff it at this point, that's the only candidate that will win anyway...maybe Hilary too but I agree I will also be voting for the Trump...Hilary is NOT a stable person
2016-02-26 09:01:53 UTC
You go right ahead honey and don't listen to all that useless drivel above. Most of them contradict themselves in the same sentence. At present he is the best choice and basically our only hope of seeing some improvement in our country and the regaining of control with protection that we need badly.
2016-02-25 22:37:41 UTC
Donald trump speaks like a racist truck driver. No etiquette whatsoever. Problem is most Americans are not that bright in general, plus people are sick of politicians and here comes Donald trump talking like uncle Tony at the dinner table about how much all the Mexicans and blacks are moving into his neighborhood so they appeal to the dumb masses of America. He represents the ill informed American idiot
2016-02-25 17:36:27 UTC
Good for you. I may too. Everytime the corporate owned media aka Wall Steet, the very people who got us into this mess, publish their reasons we shouldn't vote for him, I'm motivated to vote for .
2016-02-25 19:22:13 UTC
If you vote from his nominee it will be a guaranteed victory win for Hillary. That's a good enough reason for me.

😨 😨 😩

👕 👕 👕

2016-02-27 09:01:57 UTC
Aside for Trumps intention to carpet bomb the middle east, pal around with Putin, allow torture of suspected terrorists, insult women, and the disabled, I don't want his wife as our First Lady. However nice she may be she has posed naked and near-naked in her various modeling jobs. Google for her photo! We would be a laughing stock and is this what we want our young women and girls to aspire to?
Allidois Goofoff
2016-02-29 09:22:55 UTC
If listening to his racist, misogynistic rants and empty promises don't turn you off nothing I can possibly say would sway you. Do you love your Mom,Grandmother,sister or Aunt don't vote for this guy. Do you have any gay friends don't vote for this guy. Do you have any black, hispanic, asian, muslim or any non white friend or family member don't vote for this guy. Do you have any disabled friends don't vote for this guy.
2016-02-26 08:16:29 UTC
Others may rant, but NONE have a GOOD reason for you NOT to vote for Mr. Trump, as you already know.
2016-02-25 22:31:15 UTC
Go form it. We Democrats urge all Republicans to get behind Donald Trump now and make this an easy contest...
2016-02-26 04:50:17 UTC
He has no clue how to be President or what it truly involves. He will NOT have the support of either side of the aisle because he really isn't a Republican, so NONE of his "good legislation" will pass, whatever "good legislation" is that he talks about.
2016-02-25 13:15:39 UTC
You could vote for Bernie, that's a good reason not to vote for a narcissist.
2016-02-25 21:26:05 UTC
Conspiracy theory: Donald Trump is actually two dehydrated oompa loompas under a trench coat.
2016-02-25 21:38:03 UTC
Trump is a Moron! an embarrassment and insult to everyone who listens to the hate spilling out of his mouth.

His campaign slogan should be "lets make America a joke"
2016-02-26 12:48:45 UTC
He has no platform. He just billows hatred and fear of others. That's not presidential material. Just because someone speaks what's on their mind does not make them right.
2016-02-27 15:22:06 UTC
The very fact that he is Donald Trump ought to be reason enough not to vote for him.
2016-02-26 09:58:07 UTC
Because he's incompetent. But then again, that seems to be a requirement to become a politician.
2016-02-26 02:22:37 UTC
No reason. He's as good a choice as any and has the best attitude.
2016-02-26 19:20:37 UTC
A. He is racist.

B. Selfish.

D. He's just some crabby business man who can't manage a country.

E. Like Denisowator said above, not a good idea.

So there is why if you want to still have a good life! :D
2016-02-26 02:33:01 UTC
Because he is an idiot, a bellicose loudmouth with extreme views. Also anyone who supports Sarah Palin can't be right in the head.
Anne kate
2016-02-25 15:21:13 UTC
That's your problem. It would be best this year to vote for no one as my grandma says.

She says none of them are good anyways
2016-02-26 11:42:11 UTC
Here is a good reason: Donald Trump is an idiot and if he becomes president, he will destroy America.
2016-02-25 13:15:02 UTC
Maybe you need a good reason why you should vote for Trump.

I have not heard any.
2016-02-26 11:05:57 UTC
He's our best candidate. Vote for him
2016-02-26 20:15:19 UTC
He has made some overly dramatic remarks regarding races and religion. Also he is not presidential material. More business man kind of guy he has been known to throw money recklessly is in some debt himself its been said and has had some trouble with the law.
2016-02-29 09:20:17 UTC
Make Donald Drumpf Again!!!!
2016-02-25 13:22:18 UTC
So you're telling us that you can visualize this blowhard who has no filter on his mouth actually sitting down with other world leaders in a sensitive and important negotiation and representing our country in a dignified way? REALLY?
2016-03-02 02:20:22 UTC
You should not, cause he does not know how to make USA great. He only talks !! He has no experience in politics, he is a hotel rentier for christ sake. He is narcist, proud and disgust anyone else, who does not have at leas 5 billion on his account. Congrats, you are dummy sheep from the crowd. I mean really, no offense.
2016-02-25 14:06:35 UTC
Well you must be a millionaire because if you not - You will be screwed with the rest of us for next 4 years. Except I will not be voting for a Billionaire who love to buddy, shouting and stepping on little people for his own gain...
2016-02-26 03:29:30 UTC
It's a free country...full of fools.
2016-02-26 15:22:07 UTC
He doesn't have control over his words. He is not professional. He will destroy our relations with other countries like china, mexico. He openly insults other personalities. He doesn't have experience in politics. then why is he leading?

I have not met anyone who supports him. who are these people then
2016-02-26 19:27:38 UTC
You are entitled to your opinion, and vote.

If you want America to go down the hill, you will vote for Donald Trump.
2016-02-26 08:23:49 UTC
"He pulled himself up using bootstraps". Uh no. Fred Trump set him up with quite a lot of money, bribed his way into schools, and gave him all of the contacts (and history of abusing minorities). And Fred wasn't exactly a bootstrap guy either.
2016-02-26 13:47:10 UTC
He can't win in the general election, which is what matters! All the polls show him LOSING in the general election! As a matter of fact, he does worse than ALL the remaining GOP candidates in the general election.

Remember, winning the GOP primaries is like winning an in-practice scrimmage. Winning the general election is like winning the game - which is what matters!
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-02-27 11:10:23 UTC
The list is too long; Trump is a good business man, but does not possess the virtures that is necessary for dealing with worldly matters !
2016-02-26 09:43:56 UTC
Ex-Mexican president Fox: 'I'm not going to pay for that f***ing wall'
2016-02-27 17:58:42 UTC
Maybe consider the fact that Great Britain tried to ban the man from their country, he has openly discriminated against countless groups of people, and he thinks the mexicans are going to pay to build a wall that will block them out of our country. If you still want to vote for him, no argument will stop you.
2016-02-25 13:54:37 UTC
What's one good reason you should?
2016-02-27 17:30:37 UTC
Didn't he get a million dollar loan from his parents to start up his business or something similar to that?

Anyhow, his views towards latin-americans is completely unacceptable. He would support practices that allowed police officers to round "mexican looking people" to deport them. Even if they were third generation americans. -__-
2016-02-26 12:17:41 UTC
If you vote donald trump you are a selfish and unintelligent human, he offers nothing.
2016-02-26 18:32:34 UTC
Because he's the only candidate that doesn't have a cat's chance against Clinton.
2016-02-28 10:12:37 UTC
Do you really listen to Donald Trump, that is your answer
2016-02-27 11:29:19 UTC
2016-02-26 02:15:30 UTC
You're obviously voting for him because you're racist! Plus, if he becomes president, he will be the worst president!
Steven S
2016-02-26 05:32:22 UTC
How about he is not doing this for this country, it is for his own self image. America will take a back seat to Trumps ego if he succeeds in this.
2016-02-26 17:56:33 UTC
2016-02-28 21:53:35 UTC
Trump will change your country with just a small loan of a million dollars. TRUMP WILL TRIUMPH
2016-02-25 20:18:56 UTC
Trump is basically taking the Hitler approach to politics.unifying people with hate and getting a following with that hate. never a good thing
2016-02-25 17:59:37 UTC
He's an asshole.

If that's not a good enough reason, then you're an asshole, too.
2016-02-25 20:41:29 UTC
He is a good business man, but the dude clearly has no morals. He is perfectly fine turning his backs on refugees ( killing thousands of innocent people) so how would someone who could do that run a country?
2016-02-26 09:31:41 UTC
2016-02-26 08:39:13 UTC
How about what he did with the USFL. It could have gone on (maybe with less teams) if they did not try to compete with the NFL, but Donald led the other owners to try to move to Fall football.

Then he sued the NFL, and won $3.
Gregory B
2016-02-25 15:16:00 UTC
Reason is on your side: vote for Trump and ignore the losers.
2016-02-28 18:47:01 UTC
Maybe because he's went bankrupt... TWICE!!! Ill never trust someone like that to have power
2016-02-27 19:05:16 UTC
Waste of time voting for this old sack of ****.

He's most likely going to die on his first term.
2016-02-28 02:07:01 UTC
I hope you do vote for trump because i want my country to be the #1 super power ahead of the US
2016-02-27 22:11:07 UTC
Trump sucks . Everything he do fails , his casinos FAIL , he is in debt . & just like his debt problem America will be deeper in hole and us Americans will be fucked , he isn't president material . He talks about immigrants but him and his ugly *** family immigrated here .
2016-02-25 13:13:18 UTC
No part of Trumps personal or professional history makes him qualified to be President. He would certainly lead our nation into war. Based on the way he runs his companies financially, there is no reason to believe he would do anything to reduce our debt or deficit, and he would intentionally low taxes on himself.
2016-02-25 17:36:24 UTC
Because Donald Trump is not fit for the job.
2016-02-27 11:06:07 UTC
I live in Japan I'm just here for the memes to be honest.
2016-02-26 12:52:24 UTC
It is your privilege to vote for who you want but please remember he is ill he has the same illness as all dictators have and have had as a old English man I can look back at all the countries that have had dictatorial leaders and see how they have failed one of the main reasons why they fail is that they take God out of the equation and forget the quality of mercy
2016-02-25 15:31:18 UTC
Because he's a piece of **** in general
2016-02-27 13:17:17 UTC
Please vote for trump. All these losers are people who don't want to loose their welfare checks or beaurocratic jobs. Some might also be illegal migrants or just plain stupid sheep who follow the crowd
2016-02-25 14:35:35 UTC
He was born wealthy and was always wealthy. He never had to work at a minimum wage job like the rest of us, he simply does not understand how it is to be lower or middle class like most Americans are.
2016-02-26 22:14:12 UTC
Trump is a business man (and a very poor one at that), not a politician.
2016-02-26 20:51:06 UTC
Donald Trump is just a "Showman" at best--A Conman at worst---He Craves the limelight-

can you imagine him anywhere near the Nuke Button?
2016-02-25 14:37:07 UTC
Can't think of any.
2016-02-26 19:42:38 UTC
Because you would basically be voting to put another Hitler in charge of our Country! But probably worse because Trump is smart enough to do even worse things than Hitler and too stupid to care! Please wake up and be smart enough to make an intelligent voting decision
2016-02-26 13:37:26 UTC
He said if his daughtet wasn't his daughter he'd marry her...
2016-02-27 07:48:57 UTC
2016-02-26 16:12:30 UTC
2016-02-26 11:04:57 UTC
I have only one reason,the man is a KNOB.....If this isn,t reason enough please hand in your voting form.But seriously do you think any of your politicians are worth voting for?Why would you spend Billions of $ to get a job which pays very little,unless there was something in it for yourself.
2016-02-26 11:06:22 UTC
He is a SOCIOPATH and a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. He contradicts himself ALL the time. That being said...I LOVE the "DONALD"...strickly from the entertainment value he provides. His overall sentiment about the state of our country is fair. He would NOT, however, make a good president.
Big Spider on Your Pillow
2016-02-29 22:33:05 UTC
If I were American I would vote for someone with political experience who knows how to talk to people and negotiate. I would vote for Bernie.
2016-02-25 15:40:21 UTC
if trump becomes president, u can bet saudi relations with US will become very bad as trump clearly hates muslims.i cannot imagine a world where saudi and US are enemies. it will not be good.
2016-02-27 21:21:08 UTC
Because he wants to seperate mexicans and honestly the illegal immigrants are the ones that allow the entire economy to flow with cheap work because are you willing to work in a US company for minimal wage? Well, they are... if you are, go ahead, if not its in your best interest to have people who are willing to work long hours with little pay so you can have what you have
anthony t
2016-02-26 02:16:38 UTC
have notice his proposal to stop pensioners having a holiday over seas six weeks only , what about the pensioners who where born in the 1940

are they going to penalize us who paid taxes until retirement age .

we enjoy our yearly holiday what ever country we choose .

Wake up members of parliament ,the grey power in Australia will fight this proposal.
2016-02-27 18:55:14 UTC
Anyone who has read Animal Farm, 1984, The Iron Heel et al would already know the reason.
2016-02-25 21:30:41 UTC
YOU SHOUldnt vote for donald trump because you are a dumb *** if you do
2016-02-29 17:46:17 UTC
Oh I don't know, perhaps his Hitleristic ideologies on innocent American-Muslims, his proposed wall on the Mexico border that won't be cheap, and his annoying voice. If he does win, please make a wall giant wall on the Canada/U.S. boarder too please. We don't support ignorant idiots who fight FOR oppression. Please don't move here either as you say when your country messes up or does something you don't agree with. Deal with your country's issues, we don't want them up here. K?
Rick C
2016-02-26 12:49:49 UTC
I am sick and damn tired of mexicans being here by the millions! This is an invasion. It is nit immigration. They want Americans to learn spanish. Forget that!! We need to show them that the days of them being here illegally are over!! I have problems with them daily. They are evil and need to be deported! They sicken me!
2016-02-26 09:14:37 UTC
He's a failed business man.
2016-02-28 17:52:24 UTC
There isn't a reason not to!
2016-02-26 18:31:18 UTC
He's an egomaniac. A self-centered POS who get us in maybe our final world conflict.
2016-02-26 21:32:19 UTC
I don't care vote for him. But he is full of BS and lies... like the others.

I am just saying...
Robert H
2016-02-27 11:04:45 UTC
Finally a candidate that says what he thinks... Not a cunning deciever like Bush or Obama.
2016-02-26 17:04:35 UTC
Hes a bad man
2016-03-02 05:13:05 UTC
trump is a republican and that is all the good reason to vote for him i would give ANYTHING to keep a demo out of the office
2016-02-29 18:37:24 UTC
when Donald trump is president and he **** up and act horrible remember why you voted for him. you get what you payed for!
2016-02-27 12:02:19 UTC
He inherited $200 million, hardly pulling up ones bootstraps
2016-02-25 23:13:40 UTC
Trump could be better than Ron Reagan and I thought he was real good.
2016-02-29 09:44:08 UTC
It is idle to dread what you cannot avoid....................Those that DON'T vote for Donald Trump ..............YOU'RE FIRED !!!
2016-02-29 14:33:58 UTC
If he wins america will be an even bigger laughing stock to the rest of the world :D from here in the UK everyone thinks america is full of racist idiot, since he is doing so well
2016-02-26 01:10:17 UTC
All I have to say is he isn't capable of it
2016-02-28 18:04:59 UTC
2016-02-27 17:06:12 UTC
Because Bernie Sanders is a better candidate.
2016-02-25 14:40:27 UTC
Go Trump Fu ck N i gg ers
2016-02-27 12:08:07 UTC
Flush the toilet in Washington. Send a message to ALL the useless and unAmerican career politicians who have forgotten that they are publuc SERVANTS and their job is to keep us safe; NOT have their own personal money-making and self empowering hobby!
2016-02-25 21:57:22 UTC
I'm disappointed in our all choices that were given us. Yes, "GIVEN US" by the corrupt Government/ Administration that we have. Were F***ED~!
2016-02-26 19:00:00 UTC
Because if you do that makes you a non puppy lover. And would you want people to see you as a non puppy lover? Cmon boy
2016-02-27 21:51:17 UTC
Trump seldom refers to the U S Constitution and I doubt that he knows much about it. Protecting and defending

the Constitution and our citizens is the primary job of the President.
2016-02-27 11:50:36 UTC
Because of America.
2016-02-26 14:30:20 UTC
I don't give a damn who you vote for !
2016-02-28 18:07:40 UTC
He is racist and sexsist, don't vte Trump! FEEL THE BERN!
2016-02-26 07:58:39 UTC
He's a racist prick who is only making America less secure.
Sunday Crone
2016-02-27 10:32:38 UTC
Pulling oneself by boot straps means nothing HITLER did the same thing.

He is an ego centric Bully who want to absolutely control the US based on his whim at the moment.
2016-02-28 23:48:33 UTC
Pretty much he's going to screw the US over...

Internationally he is going to be a disaster...
2016-02-26 05:51:58 UTC
Donna trump is like Donna Summer , she/he works hard for the money,Only.
2016-02-25 14:48:04 UTC
Do it! I too am voting Trump!
2016-02-26 08:02:24 UTC
we need donald trump as prime minister in the UK as cameron is hopeless, soon we will be overrun with all the calais immigrants and ponces.
2016-02-26 08:31:56 UTC
Don't do it
2016-04-03 15:23:43 UTC
vote trump
2016-02-25 15:35:20 UTC
vote instead for Bernie Sanders
Flying Spaghetti Monster
2016-02-26 11:12:40 UTC
You can do whatever you want I don't care
2016-02-25 17:26:16 UTC
Just don't
2016-02-25 15:14:40 UTC
He wants to build a wall if he becomes president he will isolate the U.S. From foreign countries
2016-02-26 18:43:55 UTC
All in all he is a bigot and childish man how solves things with comebacks only freshmen in high school use. He has racial bashed many people and acts like. 20% of his voters regret we gave up slaves... one of his top support is the grand wizard of the kkk...
2016-02-27 08:52:26 UTC
2016-02-28 08:33:12 UTC
HE S A FRICKEN REINCARNATION OF HITLER EXCEPT HE S AFTER MUSLIMS AND MEXICANS. Use your God given right to vote and make America better by voting Bernie instead. I m Canadian so I can t : (
2016-02-27 20:07:50 UTC
he can't be president and is arrogant and tries to dis people off
2016-02-25 21:35:15 UTC
if you vote for donald trump his sexiness will kill us
2016-02-27 03:55:45 UTC
Vote for trump, he is the most fun in the morning.
Body & Soul
2016-02-25 19:02:19 UTC
Donald will win nobody plays the trumpet like him.
2016-02-27 04:52:54 UTC
So far the best who does not need to rip people off because he has enough for himself and know the cost of money
2016-02-25 19:20:29 UTC
He thinks global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese. Nuff said
Mont K
2016-02-27 09:20:27 UTC
yes good choice, the donald will make everything good in america again just like georgy washington
2016-02-26 14:06:52 UTC
he's a psychopath
2016-02-27 09:04:49 UTC
Me as well, we support Trump.
2016-02-27 12:55:47 UTC
He is extremely racist, and in my opinion a very stupid, selfish man and the worst thing that could possible happen to America.
2016-02-27 13:49:06 UTC
America is not a business, you have to have heart to run a country.
Linda R
2016-02-27 11:34:35 UTC
GO TRUMP!!! A candidate with a brain, balls and ALWAYS tells the truth!
2016-02-26 00:26:52 UTC
I supported him until I heard how our allies thought about him. Electing him will severely damage our relationships with our key allies.
2016-02-27 13:47:53 UTC
He wants to ban all Muslims from the US. I believe someone tried to do something very similar to Jews, now what was his name?...

Oh yeah, Hitler
2016-02-26 04:20:24 UTC
Trump is insane so are you if you vote for him.
Loretta Marie C
2016-02-29 13:14:33 UTC
I love Trump.... there is no one out there better than him.
2016-02-26 13:38:57 UTC
Vote for whoever you want. We will have to choice between two people that suck.
2016-02-27 13:22:07 UTC
He's a complete idiot.
2016-02-25 14:54:32 UTC
TRUMP is the only smart choice to lead this nation!!!
2016-02-25 13:41:34 UTC
You can vote for whom ever you want to
2016-02-26 13:50:19 UTC
Vote trump. candidate in the race
2016-02-26 10:58:00 UTC
Vote for him. Your vote doesnt count anyway
2016-02-28 16:34:24 UTC
he wants to build a wall and kick out the muslams.

anybody who wants/says that shouldnt lead a f*kin country
2016-02-28 08:14:17 UTC
Better empty your piggy bank to pay for that wall he wants to build.
2016-02-26 13:39:30 UTC
He wants to ban gay marriage and get rid of the internet. I recommend Bernie.
2016-02-28 10:46:47 UTC
He is an idiot, what he sees as making things better is starting a war.
kerry guarino
2016-02-26 20:35:39 UTC
Vote for him
2016-02-25 13:19:48 UTC
How about cause he has no plans, only vague ideas with no possible way to implement them. Hell, they are even bad ideas.
2016-10-31 14:08:19 UTC
Trump will literally mind rape u all if u vote for him
2016-02-25 17:16:26 UTC
He makes fun of disabled people
2016-02-27 22:41:43 UTC
Na m8
High Country Drifter
2016-02-26 22:03:19 UTC
Death to the Fascist insect that preys upon the life of the people. And stuff like that.
2016-02-27 15:22:35 UTC
Is his hair a good enough reason
2016-02-26 07:14:00 UTC
Because his balls are bigger than his brain. Trust me, he is going to start world war 3!
2016-02-25 13:10:47 UTC
I'm going for DT as well
2016-02-26 12:03:13 UTC
He's a liberal.
2016-02-27 10:06:43 UTC
He's a dumb one
2016-02-28 17:03:39 UTC
Trump is a racist
2016-02-28 11:37:35 UTC
Not the right person for this country
2016-02-26 05:55:05 UTC
He is a better business man
ConTard Nation
2016-02-25 22:44:57 UTC
He's really nuts. Plus he is a major douche and asshole.
2016-02-26 00:28:31 UTC
he's a joke to me...i barely pay any attention to him
2016-02-26 03:25:08 UTC
good and politics didn't mix so well.
2016-02-25 23:22:20 UTC
Don't do it he is against humanity his heart is full of racism and ugliness
2016-02-26 11:59:22 UTC
he's a bigot!
2016-02-25 21:35:27 UTC
He's a moron
2016-02-27 23:44:58 UTC
His support of eminent domain.
2016-02-27 06:05:33 UTC
He's a dick
2016-02-25 13:20:02 UTC
How 'bout this one....
2016-02-26 07:04:16 UTC
Erm hes racist? How about unfair and nasty? He paints everyone with the same brush.
2016-02-28 12:58:52 UTC
Does anyone care
2016-02-26 16:16:24 UTC
He looks weird
2016-02-26 19:09:27 UTC
Me too there is no good reason
2016-02-25 14:23:05 UTC
Write in Putin!!!
2016-02-26 06:10:43 UTC
He has no platform beyond nativism
2016-02-27 01:07:43 UTC
If you have a working brain and do your research you will not vote for Tramp.
2016-02-25 13:19:27 UTC
You should vote for him because he sounds like hitler.
mr wenrich
2016-03-02 12:39:01 UTC
if you want to come into the country he is GONNA make id and what not required like at the DMV
2016-02-27 20:42:57 UTC
hes pedophile,and has a bad haircut, he doesnt have swag like obama
2016-02-26 05:35:45 UTC
Go for it. I wish we had non PC realistic politicians in the UK.
2016-02-29 01:28:11 UTC
common sense
2016-02-29 03:04:29 UTC
He is going to win!😍
2016-02-26 12:46:42 UTC
2016-02-28 11:24:59 UTC
Naw, you made a good choice!
2016-02-25 13:11:22 UTC
There are none. The last thing we need is another Politician as President.
2016-02-25 13:41:48 UTC
he's such crazy loud mouth ape !!!
2016-02-28 06:02:54 UTC
bad luck
2016-02-26 07:06:28 UTC
The New Crusade you want to avoid.
2016-09-20 08:11:20 UTC
Yeah I think it is correct
2016-02-26 15:57:05 UTC
Vote for him. he will win
2016-02-26 00:12:32 UTC
its good you know who to vote for ..i like him
2016-02-25 21:44:50 UTC
I also will vote for him, so you are a smart voter.
2016-02-26 19:44:52 UTC
trump is gonna be worst than Hitler
2016-02-26 17:47:06 UTC
He is not a coward. It should be interesting to see him fight the media.
2016-02-27 10:09:35 UTC
Me too
2016-02-26 13:55:47 UTC
frankly, cant think of one. the alternative is more of the cancerous damage from failed Obama Marxism.
2016-02-27 20:56:28 UTC
sheriff apparo is on his side (the sheriff of maricopa county) he is selfish jerk and your allies say a lot about you.
2016-02-26 07:47:52 UTC
your vote is important... its not what been said so far ,its can you trust him.. or will he be even worse in office
2016-02-26 08:30:04 UTC
no i agree with you 1000%
2016-02-29 17:17:47 UTC
Most people do, despite the constant propaganda against him.
2016-02-27 07:34:21 UTC
Because he's crazy? Please please please research all of the things he has said, I don't understand why anyone would want to vote for him he's literally insane.
2016-02-26 09:56:57 UTC
His hair
2016-02-28 03:47:31 UTC
the illuminati will be killing trump.. in about August...choose again
2016-02-25 17:20:54 UTC
2016-02-29 10:36:46 UTC
dont vote for him he is a dirty mexican from china in disguise
2016-02-26 10:08:06 UTC
Good for you. I agree.
2016-02-27 15:15:20 UTC
Just no
2016-02-26 18:25:39 UTC
He's a racist moron
2016-02-28 08:11:19 UTC
who cares
2016-02-27 10:48:46 UTC
In come the liberals
2016-02-25 17:32:55 UTC
If you vote for him in primary we are guaranteed a democratic president so please do lol
2016-02-26 10:48:26 UTC
2016-02-28 09:21:44 UTC
Nobody is gonna think for you.
2016-02-27 11:50:03 UTC
Your choice or thiers.
2016-02-26 11:54:25 UTC
dont vote. use will get worst
2016-02-26 00:15:58 UTC
You will be a ******** if you vote for him
2016-02-25 22:25:24 UTC
2016-02-27 08:44:03 UTC
your joking. the man's a tosser.
2016-02-27 16:27:06 UTC
I hate you
2016-02-25 13:10:16 UTC
knock yourself out--vote 3 times if you want, other cons do
2016-02-27 16:50:56 UTC
Does the phrase "inbred, bigpt, redneck, hater, moron enlighten you
2016-02-26 19:36:29 UTC
Weasel McWeasel
2016-02-27 11:37:12 UTC good reasons NOT to.........

Cruz and Rubio are worse.
2016-02-25 13:18:42 UTC
The burden of proof is on you.
2016-02-25 18:23:03 UTC
will destory the united states
2016-02-25 17:03:35 UTC
Go for it!
2016-02-26 19:02:02 UTC
He will ruin everything.
2016-02-28 18:13:01 UTC
well... despite all he is saying, he is trying to keep us safe
2016-02-29 10:24:58 UTC
2016-02-29 07:12:40 UTC
you decide what you want to do its not up to anyone else to decide for you.
2016-02-29 11:24:40 UTC
so we all can live without debt
2016-02-26 19:36:39 UTC
Fuc* you and trump
kalid isse
2016-02-26 20:23:09 UTC
He is ugly n racist
2016-02-25 13:26:26 UTC
do it. if for no other reason, the entertainment value.
2016-02-27 00:46:13 UTC
carry on
kevin Powers
2016-02-27 11:49:08 UTC
swag puff gangsta stain
2016-02-29 06:29:01 UTC
good question charlieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2016-02-29 22:44:04 UTC
2016-02-26 07:16:00 UTC
Because he is a racist.
2016-02-26 11:01:25 UTC
2016-02-26 06:18:45 UTC
He is racist and homophobic
2016-02-26 12:55:54 UTC
2016-02-27 19:49:55 UTC
So am I
2016-02-28 20:28:15 UTC
different stroke for different folks
2016-02-26 07:44:21 UTC
Go for it!!!
2016-02-29 01:10:03 UTC
Rubio is not gay you idiot.
2016-02-27 09:02:06 UTC
2016-02-27 01:01:30 UTC
can you think for yourself?
2016-02-26 14:15:04 UTC
just cuz no
2016-02-26 16:00:40 UTC
2016-02-27 11:37:36 UTC
2016-02-25 13:12:55 UTC
He is an Idiot.
2016-02-26 12:57:53 UTC
2016-02-27 05:38:11 UTC
The hair man.......the hair
Baby J
2016-02-26 00:35:28 UTC
He is crazy...
2016-02-26 19:17:26 UTC
Liberals sequester from fact
2016-02-26 17:45:46 UTC
Do so.
2016-08-22 12:24:13 UTC
it depends...
2016-02-27 15:42:58 UTC
2016-02-26 14:15:40 UTC
As am I !!!
2016-02-28 05:52:06 UTC
Please don't vote for him
2016-02-25 20:15:33 UTC
2016-02-25 17:41:11 UTC
ur retarded
2016-02-27 00:19:49 UTC
Do as you please

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.