The Whole World Failed at Keeping COVID-19 out of their countries. CDC, NIH, HHS, & WHO all Failed, as governor Cuomo argued. Doctor Fauci & CDC Scientists have been operating as they have since Obama's Administration & this pandemic proved that the bureaucracy they had in place then could not handle SARS-COV-2 spreading at this magnitude. Thus, a Task Force requiring Defense Dept. & Private Sector involvement was crucial. WHO should've taken the role of an International Pandemic Response Agency mobilized as soon as there's a large outbreak of an unknown disease infecting humans in a city to quarantine & study. WHO was late to gather Data & sound the Alarm for every country in the world to brace it self from a pandemic the world connected by travel & transport where every day life requires social interactions in close proximity was not prepared for.
No One could've known about an "unknown" disease to infect humans that transmit from human to human simply by talking from people who weren't even showing signs of illness at the beginning stages & into a pandemic. A respiratory disease like COVID-19 can't really be contained absent of data on how fast & easily it spreads by 85% of infected people who never got ill or hospitalized (14.5%-14.95% are recovering) experiencing symptoms of a common cold for which the lightly infected & doctors overlooked it as just a cold, until an alarming number of hospitalized infected patients overwhelming the hospitals & 1/20 were dying weekly which prompted a Chinese doctor to look through a microscope ruling out the Africanized swine flu happening at the same time across China that started 3 months earlier. China took extraordinary measure when it was apparent how contagious the virus was, but it was too late as initially they focused on quarantining feverish people having acute symptoms which allowed the virus to spread out of Wuhan to the world through foreign tourist, diplomats & business travelers showing no signs of infection.
American Virologists such as Virus Hunter CJ Peters are saying that the COVID-19 virus is natural. It is revealed that the Obama Administration funded the virology lab in Wuhan to research corona virus in bats. An Obama affiliate or CIA holdover probably bribed an underpaid personnel in the lab to release it. Peter Strokz did text to Liza Page that they have an insurance policy. Bill Maher, SJWs, & (D)wTDS were dreaming of this scenario before the second Impeachment inquiry began over a year ago. Obama holdovers most likely thought this was a good plan since all (D) cares about is power & sheeples are just tools to manipulate in the pursuit of power.
The 3nd & 6th sentence of the above paragraph is just a theory, a probable theory seeing what great lengths the Obama FBI, CIA, & NDI will conspire with FUSION GPS & FISA court to attempt an espionage coupe to get the POTUS impeached.
Prior to 03/15/20 when all partisan (D) news media anchors along with Doctor Fauci & many other (lib) experts stated that seasonal flu (Influenza) should be looked at more than Wuhan Flu with Dr. Fauci assuring the public not to be alarmed on NEWSMAX aired in 01/21/20 & again emphasized the danger was miniscule in 02/17/20. In April, Dr. Fauci reverses his don't wear mask advice, only healthcare workers, questioned by many as it spreads from simply talking. CDC found COVID projection model was over estimated, Fauci mused 1 year quarantine late March, then mid May say the country needs to open as shutdown has grave irreputable consequences.
Despite the war cries against Chinese Wet Markets, there doesn't seem to be much vitriol in African bush meat markets where Ebola & HIV were unleashed by under cooked primate/monkey meat. Is America & the world Angry at Sub Sahara Africa? Small pox originated in North Africa Egypt, the Black Plague originated in central Asia through fleas, Malaria, Dengue, Yellow Fever, Syphilis originated in Tropical Humid Climates, should there be anger directed at tropical countries? Melanesians of Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea & Austronesians of Indonesia hunt & eat wild bats very well done. Americans eat Black & Brown Bears, Racoons, Nutria, Porcupines, even mountain lion to not waste the meat, but if Koreans, Vietnamese, Pilipino, Indonesian, Nigerians, Congolese, Kenyans, & tribal indigenous South American natives eat dogs, bats & tarantulas its a crime of the century. Even eating Spectacled, Sun, & Moon Bears are a taboo for snooty European descent. Africa, S/E Asia, Oceana, Central & South America still have lots of wet Market. The US had lots of wet markets up until after WWII when Birds Eye's frozen food took off. Obtaining fresh meat in the US now days is mostly harvested directly from the wilderness or livestock in farms.
There's a Chimpanzee Island in a river in Liberia Africa to keep chimpanzees confined in the Island, until they die out or develop an immunity, experimented upon by US disease scientist to study Syphilis in Chimps & create a cure. The US failed in creating a cure for syphilis in the Tuskegee experiments that gathered infected Sub Saharan descent with Syphilis in a controlled environment where the participants thought they were being treated for the disease, but they weren't being treated nor were they told they were being studied. After the Tuskegee scandal US disease scientist resorted with studying Syphilis in chimpanzees in which scientist also failed in a cure. Anthrax are most likely being brewed & locked up in Montauk Island & Tuskegee bio labs, if not Tulane Univ., not to mention Unit 731 experiments data turned over by Imperial Japan's Unit 731 scientists. Syphilis is an American Tropical disease.
Once in a hundred years there's a pandemic that mankind can't prevent or control anytime. Micro plastic, Trans Fat, Hard Narcotics, Tobacco, THC Vaping, Weed, Sugars, & MSG (Ajinomoto) are somehow weakening our immunity from Single Cell Bacterial Viruses mutating for billions of years of evolution. Viral outbreak seems to pop up where large flocks, herds, & communities are densely packed. Every living thing (Animal, Plant, Fungi) on the planet has some sort of disease for billions of years. As mankind converts 85% of the planet's forest cover for human use: cultivation, roads, & development: entertainment, settlement, warehouse, airports... diseases have nowhere to go but where humans are to survive.
At some point the country & the world will need to cope & live with COVID-19 along other diseases that are far more lethal & incurable than COVID-19. With an incubation period of 2 weeks, 6 weeks quarantine/shutdown is more than enough & should've transitioned to targeted shutdown. The world is still dealing with HIV, EBOLA (99% mortality), Hepatitis C & Syphilis without a vaccine. Shutdowns for more than a couple of months will put 280 million US folks in poverty. A year shutdown will put 320 Million Americans in poverty where the government will have to nationalize the industries, private property, & public individualism inducing famine, unproductivity, desperations & deaths.
Sweden revered as a socialist success did not take the socialist approach of shutting down their economy as they knew COVID-19 isn't apocalyptic & will spreads no matter how (D)s & partisan news media makes it apocalyptic while the young & healthy rarely affected keeps the economy stable. Doctor Dan Erickson analyzed & exposed the natural & pre-existing conditions deaths are being classified as COVID-19 death, & Influenza deaths are likely being counted as well.
Worldwide Deaths from 01/01/20 - 04/04/20: COVID-19 59,226, Seasonal Flu 125,352, Water Related Diseases 217,099, Malaria 252,878, Suicides 276,480, Road Accidents 348,044, HIV/AIDS 433,382, Alcohol 644,785, Smoking 1,288,753, Cancer 2,117,316, Hunger 2,883,497
A nationwide 70%-80% economic shutdown to the essentials only is a communist model economy from a pandemic or warfare that plunges 1st world economies into a depression is when socialism takes hold & eventually take over that'll be permanent under the Green New Deal (New Communist Manifesto). Anyone who has lived in or escaped Venezuela knows this feeling, once all Industries & Private properties are nationalized. Senate & House (D)s Green New Deal will shape America's economy in line with Venezuela & Cuba where bureaucrats control the economy & profits (ripe for corruptions). Everyone will either be working for the government assigned jobs deemed necessary, or unemployed on rationed assistance hand outs & rent free dilapidated apartment in disrepair.
In a Socialist country it is very hard to impossible to be a Millionaire when socialists like Bernie & AOC will take 90% of an entrepreneurs wealth, income, & property. Sanders always touts Sweden (less densely populated homogenous country) as a socialist success where Millionaires & Billionaires thrives from the middle class & the working poor being the ones funding most gov. assistance in Sweden. Bernie & AOC will use every means of pressure & influence in advancing the Green New Deal's socialist agenda for the US economy & society to mirror that of Cuba & Venezuela permanently for a century to come. Unlike Sweden, it'll be funded by the top 21% (millionaires & billionaires) & reverse that into the top 0.0001% in solidarity with Cuba, Venezuela & N. Korea that will eliminate the middle class to exist flattening the income for all class among the rich, middle & the poor.