Why dont white people understand white privilege?
2016-07-25 19:56:30 UTC
Why dont white people understand white privilege?
121 answers:
2016-07-27 05:46:14 UTC
They don't know what it's like to be a minority, so you really can't blame them for not completely understanding. They don't know what it's like to be treated differently, simply because of their skin color.
trouble teen
2016-07-27 05:05:53 UTC
Because it doesn't exist it's a lie that racist people believe in.

Are you telling me I am successful because of the color of my skin

or do you think because I am White my world is sun shine and Rainbows?

I wouldn't say White privilege was made up by Black people because most Blacks don't believe this lie.

this lie comes from those with Ghetto mindset they refuse to get a education because their peers would call them Uncle Toms they want things to come free to them because their ancestors were Slaves many long years ago.

Only they believe in White privilege but little do they know that they are more likely to get a jump than whites because of racism.

If a work place doesn't have enough minorities employees then the company will go out and hire some that way no one can say the company is racist.

White privilege is a lie that ghetto people use as an excuse why they can't make it in life.
2016-07-27 18:27:03 UTC
They do understand white privilege. They just refuse to acknowledge it out of fear of being labeled racists. If you were a white man and had a daughter, you would want her to marry a white man as well because you know her future will be brighter with him. He will have more doors opened to him, promotions due to his good work ethic but being white doesnt hurt. A policeman will never feel threatened by pulling over a white man which is why a lot of times they don't even get a ticket. Last time I went to court for a speeding ticket it was full with hispanics, blacks, some asians and Indians and only 2 white people were there besides the judge and the cop there. I'm so sorry I couldn't be white because if I was white, people would have no reason to look down upon me, they would take me more seriously. So to all those people who are white I say, enjoy it. It is a gift. You have no reason to fail in life. And rest easy knowing that next time you get pulled over, you wont have to fear for your life.
2016-07-27 10:19:46 UTC
Because white people are idiots that think even though they have done **** to become who they are they aren't being helped along by the fact white people have an easier time because racism still exists today. It's the same as why men don't understand that they have it easier, and some men mat argue that they work harder but a woman of equal qualification is less likely to get a job a man is also going for. Same as poc, if a black man is highly qualified for a job a man that is white is more likely to get the job, even if he is not as qualified. A white person struggles to understand that they are being treated better because they haven't had to live through being treated worse. There are obviously exceptions though, I for one am white, and I'm sure anyone who grew up with people or live in an area where white skin is not the norm have experienced some oppression. People stick with what they are familiar with.
2016-07-26 21:51:56 UTC
First off, I want to say that I'm sorry about what you had to deal with. Some of your neighbours sound like pretty terrible people.

With the term "white privilege" comes the assumption that you're given opportunities simply because you're white. So, for people who have struggled their whole lives or worked really really hard to get into a certain line of work, for example, that's extremely offensive. If you're in a mainly Caucasian area, there also isn't enough special treatment for everyone to be get a piece of it. Racism and bigotry are terrible, but it's also worth noting that most white people aren't like that, and at the same time some non-Caucasian people are. There's been a big movement lately about how bad all white people are (which is racist btw), and they're basically assumed to be racist, until they say something that proves that they are, which is going to make people sensitive to the term.
2016-07-27 09:32:57 UTC
White privilege is just another label for a victim mentality that is preached by the left. If you you're a women you are a victim of sexism. If you are black it's racism or white privilege, If your poor it's the wealthy or elitism, If your gay it homophobia, if your Muslim is because everyone is anti-islam. and on and on and on. The world isn't perfect get over it, There is nothing keeping a person in this country who wants something bad enough that they cannot achieve it. The left doesn't want you to know that because they survive on victimhood. "If we don't take care of you, then you will never succeed". Look at anyone who is black, or female and successful and you will find they most likely all had some type of barrier to overcome but they didn't let that stop them.
2016-07-27 06:09:15 UTC
White privilege is defined as a set of advantages and/or immunities that white people benefit from on a daily basis beyond those common to all others. To answer your question perhaps the way you think it should be answered - White privilege can exist without white people's conscious knowledge of its presence and it helps to maintain the racial hierarchy in this country.

It is a very similar concept to saying that black people are better boxers and run faster because they are born with more ability.

Similar to that statement about black boxers/running, understanding white privilege is one thing and meaningless,

agreeing that white privilege exists in the US, is another thing,

most important,

agreeing white privilege is prevalent in the US,

(which appears to be your point, not understanding it),

is still another thing and is the question that most people are answering,


it is debatable as shown by the answers.

That is not to say you are wrong,
2016-07-26 18:21:42 UTC
By "white privilege", do you mean, studying in school, go to college, and then get a high paying job?

White privilege is almost non-existent. Notice when I said ALMOST, because sadly there are still racist white people out there that will not hire people because they're colored. However, people need to realize that there are black people (and other races) that have more high paying jobs than the majority of white people on this planet.

Those people didn't get to where they are today by holding picket signs and acting like they deserve everything in the world because they're ancestors were treated unfairly. The black people of today that are famous Olympians or make tons of money off of studying cures for cancer didn't get their jobs by telling they're employers all about the fact that this country used to be run by slaves, and then their bosses hire them because they felt bad. Reality is, they had to work just as hard as us white people, and doing that got them more than enough money to raise a family and live a successful life.

If you have the experience and the dedication, no matter what race, you can be whatever you want.
2016-07-26 23:15:47 UTC
My argument is that the white privilege that activists try to address is usually mixed in with a lot of assumptions. For example, I am a middle class white male who lives in a suburb with a low crime rate, my dad is an optometrist and both of my parents live together. Clearly I have a lot of privilege compared to others because I have never worried about my dad losing his job, I have never lived paycheck to paycheck and I had access to a better public school than many of those who grew up in the city and I have never experienced racism. I also get to drive my dad's old car so I never had to buy my own. My older sister is adopted and she is Hispanic. She has access to all of the same resources I do but a big difference between us is that she has been harassed by the police, called racial slurs and been told she would get deported. She was given a speeding ticket in a construction zone for going 3 miles over when I got let off for going 16 miles over the one time I got pulled over. My sister has dealt with a form oppression that I may never be able to understand but that doesn't mean she is not privileged. She and I will never understand the struggle of waking up not knowing if your dad will still have a job or living someplace where you can get killed just walking on the side walk. We both have a place to live while attending college while some of the students attending the community college are homeless. We don't have to work an 8 hour shift and then go to another job instead of going home and we aren't working 7 days a week just to get by. My older brother who is also Hispanic attended a college that cost $10k plus the cost of his dorm, my parents paid his full tuition and he never even showed up to class. They then paid half his tuition while he got a general ed degree at community college and then let him continue living here while he got a different associate's degree in opticianry which he paid for on his own. He's 26 and hasn't moved out. Who else's parents would let them do that crap without kicking them out of the house? Certainly not mine now, my older sister and I were made to pay our own tuition from the beginning after his bs.
2016-07-27 01:59:55 UTC
to think of white privilege,it's not always a good life for anyone it can be very hard on anyone,I don't know the numbers to say Privilege you mean to be better off not all white people have an easy life for one reason or be born white it can only be wondered about how it would be to be black,Black people have come a long way and if the white and black people who want to stop that then we don't need them here put them on a nice island we can only be smarter, stronger and better if we are the same.
2016-07-27 11:01:48 UTC
It's not privilege, it's superiority by careful selection. Just maybe whites are naturally better at things in life that matter because they have been bred to do so. You have to admit how they look and think are more acceptable than blacks. You would be better off being born white but you're not. So you'll just have to stop complaining and get used to being worse off because of genetics.
2016-07-27 00:29:03 UTC
To quote bill o'reilly, if there's white privilege then there's also Asian privilege because you could easily say any one of those things about asians

The fact that America has a black president shows that Americans will support anybody who they feel will get the job done. It's not racism that keeps people down, it's their own decisions.
2016-07-26 19:44:25 UTC
Define "White Privilege". I don't understand the term. I am a white guy of 65. I've worked hard all of my life and have earned everything I own. I've worked with Black, Asian, and Hispanic men all my life also. Those I've had the pleasure of working side by side with have equally succeeded. Am I supposed to feel guilty because I'm White? Realign your attitude and understand that everything the liberal press feeds you is not truth.
Mr. Smartypants
2016-07-25 20:00:30 UTC
For the same reason that fish don't realize they're swimming in water. White people, especially those old enough to remember how it was before the civil rights bills of the 60s were passed, have gotten so used to white privilege that equality seems like oppression to them!
2016-07-25 20:07:20 UTC
(1) They are white, and have had those privileges their entire lives, and therefore do not notice. Most people can't see outside their own bubble.

(2) They think the idea of "white privilege" diminishes their own personal experience and accomplishments.

(3) They really don't care if minorities have harder time.

(4) They think giving minorities equal privileges means taking those privileges away from them.
2016-07-28 06:30:46 UTC
Here are just a few of the things that are more or likely to be true if one happens to have been born white in America:

1. You are less likely to be arrested.

2. You are more likely to get into college.

3. You are more likely to "fit in" and get called back for a job.

4. You are less likely to be perceived as a "thug."

5. You are less likely to be labeled "angry."

If you say white privilege isnt real then you must have never experienced it first hand.You dont get it because you are use to it.

Most white people respect the laws of our nation and our states. Most white people do as they are told by police.

Most white people don't glorify thuggish behavior in any way.

If you act like the law is written by white people so it does not apply to you or that is contrary to your culture you can't expect to not be viewed as thuggish. White people don't see thuggishness as a style or cool. Sorry but if you act like a fool or a thug that is what you will look like.

I saw one typical example of this last evening driving home from work. Three young black boys walking straight through an intersection across four lanes of light controlled traffic expecting everyone else to accommodate their disdain for following the prescribed DOT method of crossing the intersection because it is beneath their dignity.

Sort of like walking in the middle of the street instead of provided sidewalks.
2016-07-28 12:17:18 UTC
White privilege? Who comes up with this crap? Whites are more law-abiding than blacks. Anybody with a pulse can get into some colleges and the other colleges are killing each other fighting over the limited pool of qualified black applicants. Whites are more likely to understand that you are paid to work, to take direction, and don't equate any employment situation where some white person is your boss as "slavery". If you employ a white person they aren't going to pull this racial crap on you. If you don't believe there is more criminality among blacks in general than white people, I would have to question what planet you think you are on.
2016-07-27 02:30:22 UTC
Instead of punishing white people it would be better to find all the reasons why minorities (especially black people) have such a strong representation in prison.

I've actually studied this topic from both sides. How minorities (latino and blacks) raise their children contributes to this. Then there actual racial crime patterns. The added culture that latinos and blacks have of being afrid of encountering a corrupt cop or a cop who is use to a racial crime pattern (because cops see them a lot) creates an atmosphere that's easily missunderstood when someone is blatantly doing something wrong.

The media's Ghetto culture is seen as a way to empower ourselves (i'm latino) but it's actually a culture of criminalization. If someone dose something wrong then they should go to jail, and racial crime patterns exist, blacks make up an alarming amount of the prison representation with latinos close behind. I also know black friends who are followed by police.

It's the "natural growth" style parenting that latino and blacks do instead of tending to the child's mind early on that doesn't raise the maturity of these two minorities leaving for greater missunderstanding and frustration, add the african american high blood pressure or lack of mature family environment and clearly minorities will have difficulties with police.

So class, family structure, media influence, cultural child parenting, genetic variables and the psychological connotation of police is why minorities can have problems with this confrontation.

I once went into a store and me and my brother and cousin started walking around the store, since we didn't buy anything and we we're kids in a liquor store the manager told us to leave. I wasn't drinking at 14 but the connotation was obvious to him.

TL;DR: Blaming white people for their reputation isn't a solution. there are a few factors that minorities need to answer in their own parenting style, their cultural and psychological fear of police, and the seemily harmless media, gangs or ghetto subcultures they let their kids enjoy. It's disgustingly common for latino children to develop small gangs and they harass the children that don't join.
2016-07-28 01:45:50 UTC
White privilege? Who comes up with this crap? Whites are more law-abiding than blacks. Anybody with a pulse can get into some colleges and the other colleges are killing each other fighting over the limited pool of qualified black applicants. Whites are more likely to understand that you are paid to work, to take direction, and don't equate any employment situation where some white person is your boss as "slavery". If you employ a white person they aren't going to pull this racial crap on you. If you don't believe there is more criminality among blacks in general than white people, I would have to question what planet you think you are on.
2016-07-28 10:38:51 UTC
Answer this? If you could be born in the year 2015. Same parents, same values, same school same culture, the only thing different is skin color.

Next topic: chicken egg argument. Do certain races committee more crimes because they are inherently bad or has that race traditionally been given the short end of the stick?

Does IT Matter? Right now we are in a system that does not work. Something needs to change or nothing will. What side is going to show they can come to the table, and work with other races?
2016-07-25 20:18:43 UTC
As a white who is part Indian and gets super duper tan and dark in the summer I definitely understand racism and have been very hurt by it, but white privelage is always explained in a very biased way from either direction that I'm not really even sure what it means and what is included under it.
2016-07-27 12:21:47 UTC
It is bizarre. But most of those ppl just aren't conscious of the advantages and immunities they get on the daily basis...because they are white.

But, the reverse could also happen, because they are white.

Every race gets hate, but non other gets privilege of having the benefit of a doubt the way Caucasians
2016-07-26 07:59:58 UTC
Hey I have no problem with being called privileged. I don't feel bad one bit for having a great life. A life made possible by positive role models, education and standards. I provide for my family, work hard for all that I have, and I do have my struggles. Maybe those struggles are not as bad as what blacks go through, but hell....Why do I have to feel bad about that? Its not my doing, its certainly not something that I can fix..... Its all about accountability folks... if you keep blaming others for your lack of progress in life...but are unwilling to progress ...then what is the solution?
2016-07-27 08:18:12 UTC
White people will never understand "white privilege" because they have no idea what it is. They are part of the majority and life works.
David B
2016-07-27 12:48:58 UTC
If I start dressing and talking like an uneducated white trash thug, I bet I wouldn't get any "white privileges" either.
Yoi and Double Yoi
2016-07-27 23:28:31 UTC
Because it's basically a bunch of BS drummed up by Guilty White Liberals and Black Community Activists as a way to blame every bad outcome for a person of color on racism. It's also a way to further the agenda of victimhood among the African-American community, and to absolve them of any responsibility for their actions.

Why don't you ask some of the dirt poor white folk of Appalachia how that "white privilege" is working for them....@$$h0!e.
2016-07-25 20:02:10 UTC
Fu*k you and your white privilege/white guilt shi*. We work hard for what we have and minorities want everything on a silver platter. If I can be refused a job position because they need to meet minimum minority employee count, its actually you that are privileged. White men are being put down for the actions of our ancestors that aren't even relevant anymore, just as modern day blacks aren't in slavery. You have the same opportunity as the rest of us do now. But instead of putting in the effort, you just want it given as a "reparation". I won't give a dime to an able bodied man or woman who is just lazy and wants to play the race card to get an easy life.
2016-07-27 01:29:26 UTC
There is no such thing as white privilege. The democrats just made it up because they like chaos. Most people that are killed by police officer are white. It's just hardly reported. I never been favored because of my skin color.
2016-07-27 21:45:11 UTC
I understand it perfectly. It helps make white people successful.

"White privilege" is when a white boy who lives in the ghetto gets a free kick in the behind every day for the crime of being white. It motivates him to study hard, and stay off drugs so he can get out of the ghetto, and avoid future *** kicking.

I am German. My grandparents never owned slaves, killed Jews, wore a white hood, or any of the other stuff that I got the blame for just for being white, and German.. In my school anyone not Mexican got a kick in the *** daily. I never had had issues with my black classmates.

I am your "brother' not your enemy. If some white person is a jerk to you, then that his HIS loss. God made him a "dick". I rather be black, red, yellow, brown, etc than be a :"dick".
2016-07-28 05:37:26 UTC
White privilege hasn't exited since 1963
2016-07-25 20:01:44 UTC
Why do black not understand that the Mexicans do just fine taking care of there selfs and they have just as much right as anybody and the Mexicans are burning the blacks oht of there NABERHOOD in Las Angeles and what are you going to say to me im Latino and I think we hate you more than the whitess stf uo or get your *** out a d I'm sick of being called a minority because we work hard and nowhere near a ******* worthless ****** so **** you MF I see why the whites hate you
2016-07-26 16:42:38 UTC
Why don't non-whites understand affirmative action? Companies hiring people not based on qualifications, schools not admitting students based on qualifications, but in both instances decisions made solely based on making sure that a certain percentage of either employees or students are hired or enrolled simply based on race or ethnicity.

In other words racism.
2016-07-27 22:08:34 UTC
Probably because it no longer exists. I see a lot of black privilege though. White racists used to have things for only white people and now black people do but its not considered racist.
2016-07-26 08:50:46 UTC
Wow! This question isn't racist at all. White people are all the same and share a collective view and understanding on all topics. I don't even know why it's necessary for all white people to vote. 1 white person can vote and just multiply that vote by the number of white people in the country.
2016-07-26 18:06:37 UTC
Because white privilege is another thing black people made up to victimized themselves. All races are equally important in this country.
2016-07-28 19:41:16 UTC
It does not exist.

1) I abide by the law.

2&3) Where I am at in my career and education, black and hispanic applicants with "C" averages get accepted all the time. The white person that I know that had the lowest GPA, had a 3.2.

4) I dress in clothes that fit and carry myself well.

5) I have no idea. I guess its because I don't let my temper get the best of me.

The only real perk to being white is that bandaids somewhat match my skin tone.

I worked to get where I am at. I left high school with trade experience, a 3.9 GPA, and workforce experience. Sure I have a nice car, a nice job, and am happy, but not because of the color of my skin. I got where I am at by working hard, staying out of trouble, showing others respect, overcoming hardship, and not giving up.
2016-07-26 05:09:34 UTC
Have been white my whole life, have yet to see any 'privilege', if the police are pulling you over to much, get off the phone, take that illegal tint off your windows, stop blasting music at 2am and drive like responsible person.
2016-07-26 20:18:34 UTC
Because to white people it is not a privilege, it is their way of life.
2016-07-26 04:50:49 UTC
I do believe that white privilege exists.
2016-08-23 18:19:28 UTC
answer this? if you could be born in the year 2015... same parents, same values, same school same culture, the only thing different is skin color...

next topic: chicken egg argument... do certain races committee more crimes 'cause they are inherently bad or has that race traditionally been given the short end of the stick?

does it matter? right now we are in a system that does not work... something needs to change or nothing shall... what side is going to show they can come to the table, and work with other races?
2016-07-27 15:48:28 UTC
Because there is no white privilege.
2016-07-27 16:43:04 UTC
It's all a hustle and you're hustling right now by posting this question. Get ahead by working hard and you'll find privilege will suit you.
2016-07-27 13:30:44 UTC
"White Priviledge" DOES exist and it is not simply the result of a "victim" mentality,

as some would say.

I don't go around feeling sorry for myself; I do get picked on by various white locals

& police simply because I'm too brown for their taste.
2016-07-27 19:32:13 UTC
i agree that white privelage exists but it's not like i've expirienced it first hand to my knowlidge, if i was black i would probably see evidence, but as a white man, it's hard to prove a negative, im treated normal, so life is normal, if i was black and discriminated against, i could see it, whites just dont have a clear view on the issue.
2016-07-27 15:33:19 UTC
White people and christians really believe that they are victims being put out by whiners who aren't white or christian. Strongest, richest country in history, and all they can do is whine. Well, the righties, anyway.
Linda R
2016-07-28 07:45:49 UTC
Seriously? WE work hard for everything we have and do NOT have every thing handed to us on a silver platter.

It's not our fault we focus on education and other races don't.

'Whites' may have owned slaves, in the 1800's, but we moved past that and do NOT own any, why do the African Americans feel we should pay them for one of their distant relatives who was a slave? If any other races would use their efforts, in a positive manner, then they wouldn't have to demand anyone pay them for something one of their distant relatives did eons ago. Other races need to focus on the positive and improve their own lives......just like all of us 'whites' did when we first came to America!
2016-07-27 20:35:09 UTC
At the end of the day most privileged whit ppl don't have to live a struggle so they're not truly concerned about others who are unfortunate they just say "better them than me"
2016-07-27 09:15:49 UTC
Because there is no such thing as 'white' privilege because there is no such thing as 'white' people. White is a color not a race, and color coding human beings is racist.
2016-07-28 16:53:14 UTC
What about federal loan programs that cater towards minority with 0 interest loans and what about federal school programs that offer free rides to minorities? Whites are not the only ones with "privileges".
Jacek P
2016-07-27 18:37:01 UTC
Are you saying that compared to me Barack Obama is:

-more likely to get arrested

-less likely to get to college

-more likely to be considered a thug

-more likely to be called angry

-less likely to get a job

If none of this is true then where is my white privilege.
2016-07-26 09:56:48 UTC
Because they don't know what it's like to live with out it. Its ridiculous that they think equal rights for all is discrimination for them. Not all white people are like this but an overwhelming amount are.
Joan T
2016-07-28 00:30:27 UTC
Because it doesn t exist! No one....NO ONE ---handed my mother food stamp, or HEAP, or rent subsidy...she worked---as a housekeeper, and a maid, and a driver and washed and ironed clothes. Widow at 43 with 2 kids...and no one NO ONE gave those things to me when I had my child at 17. I worked as a housekeeper, and companion for the elderly, an assistant in a craft class in a nursing home--all where I could take my child with.....and I made it! It s not a was my job!!!
2016-07-27 13:04:40 UTC
Because a good amount of white people are avg income people or low income people just struggling to make ends meet and support a family, no one recognizes them, they just ech out a living.
2016-07-26 19:16:22 UTC
What about black privileged black and Hispanics get more handouts from the government than whites it isn't the whites who are special privileged it's blacks and Hispanics !
2016-07-27 20:05:44 UTC
Simply because "White Privilege" is a racist term.

The only race in the world is human.
2016-07-26 07:09:34 UTC
White privilege is a made up term to make blacks feel better, it doesn't exist.
2016-07-27 15:02:14 UTC
We are all given choices and opportunities, it is us to each person to decide and act. Using excuses not to is not label others as being privileged.
Vinegar Taster
2016-07-27 14:50:38 UTC
It doesn't exist . It's almost as silly as " Islamophobia ".

It's a term used by whiners who want things handed to them because of what / who they are .

#4 ) Don't look / dress like a thug ....
2016-07-27 05:42:46 UTC

1. You are less likely to be arrested.

We do less crimes.

2. You are more likely to get into college.

We study harder

3. You are more likely to "fit in" and get called back for a job.

Maybe our personalities are better

4. You are less likely to be perceived as a "thug."

Less of us act like thugs

5. You are less likely to be labeled "angry."

Being angry is not the worst thing, but we are more likely to be labeled as racist and privileged.
2016-07-27 17:41:52 UTC
Since "white privilege" is a complete myth, it cannot be understood.
2016-07-26 08:18:33 UTC
I don't care to understand it. It's liberals like yourself that have to resort to racial tensions, not us on the right. Also, I could care less about being white.
2016-07-28 00:35:55 UTC
No such thing. In today's age minorities are now the majority. From LGBT to BLM to Islamists. They get the press and hence get the "privileges".
2016-07-26 03:08:14 UTC
Also, you have the issue that when you say the word "privilege" most people in the majority immediately think of themselves as being "normal" and people with more privileges than they have are privileged (i.e. wealthy people), and people who have less privileges than them are under-privileged (i.e. the poor and most minorities).
2016-07-27 14:15:55 UTC
Also white are less likly to be a beast like michael jackson and famous on tv radio with songs....who let the dogs out
2016-07-26 08:49:52 UTC
I do believe that white privilege exists.
2016-07-27 07:21:56 UTC
Because it hasn't existed since the Civil War. Move forward like the Jews did with the holocaust or the Japanese did with Hiroshima. End Racism!!
2016-07-26 19:44:41 UTC
I know what you mean, but you hurt your position when you stereotype white people. I'm sure you don't like it when non-whites are stereotyped, so why do you do it?
Tad Dubious
2016-07-28 05:23:05 UTC
I understand it, anon'. It's in the media all the time. I don't broadcast or brag that I do. I appreciate my good fortune and try to make it a better world.
2016-07-27 17:58:03 UTC
Im white and i fight with my white husband over this. He dosnt understand how "lucky" he is to be born a white man in america. I belive it has to do with people turning a blind eye because its "not them" in those shoes... I hate it.
2016-07-27 20:48:23 UTC
Some do understand and some don't. Maybe it's hard for them to sympathize.
Par 4
2016-07-27 11:22:09 UTC
Acknowledging it exists and crawling on my knees begging for forgivness for something I wasn't around for in the first place are two completely different things. You want me to grovel at your feet, all the while crying and throwing money at you while saying "Im sorry, Im sorry" You need to grow up
2016-07-25 19:58:18 UTC
white privilege = being successful at creating civilizations. You want them to be bad at it and live in dumps?
2016-07-25 20:05:55 UTC
that would be like saying why dont black people understand black privilege

common sense start using some twit
2016-07-27 15:05:56 UTC
Unfortunately, it is a living, breathing part of life that affects people everyday. Doesn't make it right tho.
2016-07-29 12:35:57 UTC
Correct I don't know. But if I felt strongly about it I would go to a place where I fit in better rather than whine and ***** about it.
2016-07-27 06:04:50 UTC
"white privilege" is nothing but propaganda perpetrated upon the masses by racists and bigots and militant civil rights campaigners all of who use the phrase "white privilege" for their own ends.
2016-07-26 16:40:52 UTC
Why are there dirt poor & homeless European Descent since before the Civil War. Affirmative Action doesn't benefit them.

According to FBI statistics of 2014:

Criminals of the 12% Population commit 15% of Interracial crimes perpetrated on the 72% Population. If you Equalize the 12% Population & 72% Population in the middle it would be 36%. If you multiply 15% times 3 you get 45%.

Criminals of the 72% Population commits 7% of Interracial crimes perpetrated on the 72% Population. If you Divide 7% by 3 you get 2.33%.

When it comes to interracial rape Rapist of the 12% Population perpetrate 1000 rapes on Females of the 72% Population out of 1 rape perpetrated by Rapist with severe appearance deficit of the 72% Population Perpetrated on Females of the 12% population, although a mix female of both population has a higher chance due to the level of attractiveness. 1000 rapes committed by rapist of the 12% population out of 1 rape committed by rapist of the 72% population on opposing population is 0.1%

Should there be affirmative action in criminal behavior also? If 2% of children misbehave 5 times more that the other kids, should the 2% of Misbehaving Kids get off the hook 4 out of 5 times to make thing equal.
2016-07-25 19:59:31 UTC
Because they are WHITE.

They have NO idea how differently you are treated in day to day interactions when you are a NON-white
2016-07-27 18:45:34 UTC
This offends me. I walked out of plenty interviews and soon as I seen a black going in after me I knew I lost the job. On 2 occasions I went back and seen their cars in the lot. Good for them.
2016-07-25 19:58:22 UTC
I understand it. It's a rent seeking scheme.
2016-07-25 19:58:03 UTC
Because it is buIIshit that dum basses use to try to control people. It doesn't work on me.
2016-07-28 10:02:35 UTC
There is no such thing as white privilege.
2016-07-27 19:51:17 UTC
Laws of physics

Law of finance

Law of economics

check out germany /japan in world war 2

japan had 2 atomic bombs dropped on her

germany had carpet -bombing. every female was raped by the russians in world war 2

many white germans committed suicide when the russians entered berlin

2016-07-27 23:44:11 UTC
Cuz that idea was invented by Jews to be fed to lil brown babies to make them dependent on handouts and willing to go shouting in the middle of the interstate when they're told to
2016-07-25 19:59:57 UTC
Because the US was built for the white man
2016-07-26 06:15:03 UTC
Why dont white people understand white privilege?

>> LOL > it's RICH and FAMOUS PRIVILAGES that many PEOPLE enjoy > including Blacks > ya whining, lying racist !
2016-07-26 00:16:58 UTC
cuz they like to thiink theyre hard workers and actually accomplish everything thats a bit easier for them to get than it is for other groups...that and most ppl sleepwalk thru life not giving much deep thought to anything
2016-07-28 01:37:44 UTC
Because they are white and have never had the pleasure of not having white privilege..
Bon Bon Girl
2016-07-27 20:39:28 UTC
This is a white country. I'll bet black priviledge exists in Africa. Best go and check it out. It's a cinch you hate it here.
2016-07-27 04:03:24 UTC
Why don't black people understand black privilege?
2016-07-26 11:20:16 UTC
Why don't black people understand black privilege?
2016-07-29 00:18:04 UTC
why do people see each other as different races we are all red underneath our skin we are all living people that deserve equal amounts of respect so the real question should be why do PEOPLE have such an ignorant way of seeing things .
2016-07-27 19:31:18 UTC
Whites wanna ignore the obvious cause they want believe this country is equal when it not
2016-07-28 08:11:08 UTC
I am a white man married to a black woman and we both agree you are completely full of it, and you are a RABID RACIST.
2016-07-27 18:10:26 UTC
It doesn't exist
2016-07-25 20:37:06 UTC
because thats under-privileged information only.
2016-07-26 05:48:45 UTC
Yes white privilege exists. I've seen it in bureaucracies and police officers. White people tend to be insulated.
Chemical Goldblum (hope this helps)
2016-07-26 02:30:43 UTC
Because most of them live in a bubble.
2016-07-29 08:39:50 UTC
the number of you guys who have worked alongside minorities over the past 20 years?

god save us from academic theorists

the minority underclass,you defined them,why they so often are STILL poor? got an answer?
james s
2016-07-28 07:27:08 UTC
wow are you delusional...and mis-informed, and off the charts tagging onto a dangerous rhetorical LIE! Tell your professor she or she is NUTS! Or give me their Phone# and I will.
2016-07-26 08:47:17 UTC
Have you ever give the thought a look. That is might just not exist.
2016-07-26 19:13:54 UTC
They have not evolved to that level yet ... your dog probably understands
2016-07-26 05:41:21 UTC
They DO but they won't admit it!
2016-07-27 16:10:22 UTC
I was going to answer but I would be wasting my time
2016-07-26 12:05:48 UTC
Why can't black people understand their mostly all criminals?
2016-07-27 09:54:09 UTC
Cuz you're a racist muthafucka
2016-07-26 09:58:40 UTC
2016-07-27 14:17:12 UTC
2016-07-25 19:57:52 UTC
Because there isn't such a thing...
2016-07-27 22:29:20 UTC
Simply because..they believe its not true.
2016-07-28 22:36:26 UTC
They do, and they're terrified of losing it. But they won't admit it.
2016-07-28 12:59:48 UTC
because it doesn't exist,but it gives the blacks something to whine about
2016-07-27 00:27:39 UTC
Take it for granted maybe?
2016-07-28 03:24:59 UTC
It comes with the territory.
2016-07-29 09:58:05 UTC
So what about likeliness and whatnot?
2016-07-26 21:13:07 UTC
What color is our president again? I forgot.
2016-07-28 01:51:08 UTC
No such thing.
2016-07-26 21:31:08 UTC
yes !
2016-07-27 20:17:54 UTC
2016-07-25 20:25:07 UTC
most do.
2016-07-26 14:33:35 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.