How can Michelle Obama say anything negative about Trump's performance in office when her husband couldn't even handle the economy?
2020-08-18 18:21:26 UTC
Trump took actions necessary to halt covid19 and democrats called it racist so it's VERY clear that Trump handled this FAR better than Obama would have, and on top of that, our economy is still doing better than it should be. Democrats are currently holding our relief funds hostage for $2 trillion in bailout money for their states, how is that helping us? How is that a better response to covid than Trump's? Can she explain what her useless husband would have done differently under these sane circumstances? Of course not, her husband couldn't manage our economy, couldn't handled our foreign policies, couldn't handle the middle east, couldn't handle his own medical plan, his legacy is obamacare that was a total nightmarish disaster from the first day it was implemented. So with all of that in mind, 8 year recession generated by him, 8 years of lost jobs that he claimed "we would need a magic wand to bring back", that Trump brought back immediately, 8 years of sending our enemies billions of dollars, 8 years of failing education, 8 years of not securing our borders or laws, 8 years of trying to force us to depend on a government that can't even properly fund or run itself. Michelle, your husband was 8 years of failure and for you to say ANYTHING about Trump's ability to lead is beyond laughable, your husband couldn't lead a potato.
22 answers:
2020-08-19 15:40:09 UTC
Every economic expert agreed his economy was about to tank because he destroyed the housing market. If Trump hadn't slashed his executive orders all you liberals whould be living in shanties by now. Those are facts easily researched.
2020-08-22 23:42:23 UTC
The economy tanked in 2007, last months under GW Bush.  Trump blames Obama on the economy that begun to rise under Obama.  Such a fool.
2020-08-20 14:21:14 UTC
Because she loves him and it's difficult to be ashamed of someone you love
2020-08-20 07:56:40 UTC
What sort of tripe is it that you vomit forth,  

Bill Clinton and his first Democrat-controlled Congress were able to reverse the Reagan/Bush depression, then go on to not only balance the budget, but build up a huge $362B surplus. The Republicans from 2001 through to 2008 under the lawless Cheney/Bush administration swallowed that huge surplus in one giant unfunded-tax-cuts-for-billionaires gulp (2001, 2003) that took the U.S. deeply into debt---so much in debt with unwise corporate-colluding fiscally illiterate GOP policies that the new deficit rose to 10.6% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) while driving the U.S. economy into the ground---to include the GOP-deregulation-caused housing and credit markets' collapse from 2004 through 2008 (many millions of Americans lost their homes in the subprime-lending scandal) that led to the nearly fatal FINANCIAL SYSTEM MELTDOWN from 2007 through to 2009.  All of this Bush/Cheney/GOP-caused insanity was inherited by Hawaii-born hugely popular President Barack Obama and his highly productive 111th Democrat-controlled Congress. The MELTDOWN bankrupted most of Europe, our trading partners, and took the United States to the very edge of a cliff even after the $800 billion bailout of the nation's banks in 2007-2008 (see PBS's "Nightline: Inside the Meltdown" online).  

Barack Obama put his top-notch Paul Volker-led financial team into place even before being sworn into office to figure out how to get us out of harm's way, first convincing the Democrats in Congress to put some oversight in place to regulate banksters' use of the Bush/Cheney bailout dollars.  Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) sponsored a bill to limit the bailed-out MELTDOWN-causing bank CEOs' salaries to a "mere" $500,000 per year (instead of the corporate-rating multi-million-dollars they were used to) until they had PAID US TAXPAYERS BACK and to do so WITH INTEREST for the bailouts.  Check out for the wise decisions made once for the Recovery and Reinvestment Act (a.k.a., stimulus), to include the Obama/Biden bailout of the nearly bankrupted American auto industry.  The economists on Bloomberg News (Democrats and Republicans alike) gave high praise for President Obama's brilliant economic policies that reversed the Republican-caused Great Recession, saved the auto industry, gave paid-for targeted tax cuts on April 1st (2009) to every working American making less than $250,000 per year, and other nation-saving new policies.  Thanks to President Obama and the 111th Congress's Democrats, our GOP-damaged economy was repaired and then put onto a path of fiscal sanity that had the longest private-sector jobs growth in U.S. history, lasting all the way to 2020, since the Paul Ryan/Mitch McConnell Congresses chose to keep that Obama budget in place with Continuing Resolutions.  Trump did NOTHING for our Obama-budget economy since Trump had NO BUDGET in place until Speaker Pelosi got a new budget this year, 2020, which Trump signed.  
2020-08-19 19:29:07 UTC
Whoa... a rant from a crazy person
2020-08-19 18:39:59 UTC
He is the best to have everything handled. To handle the economy, he took things slowly to recover, it was solved.
2020-08-19 17:52:57 UTC
her husband got us out of the great recession that Bush caused
2020-08-18 20:40:41 UTC
Well she can say negative things about Trump in part because Barack did handle the economy well.  When Barack Obama came into office the American economy was in free fall.  He took steps to turn it around and those steps were successful.  He kept it from becoming an actual depression and his policies helped create the longest peacetime economic expansion in American history.  He handled the economy so well that his economy lasted for three years after he left office, only falling apart once covid came along.  Hell, Obama handled the economy so well that Trump is running for reelection on the basis of that economy. 

Trump did not take much action to stop the pandemic.  In fact, he helped it along.  The main action which Trump took against covid is a set of travel restrictions (he often lies and calls it a ban) on travel from China.  But these restrictions were incomplete and tens of thousands of people came into the US from China after the restrictions came down.  Things were even worse with Europe.  In a nationally televised address Trump announced a total ban on travel from Europe, to be implemented in a few days time.  Only this was wrong.  It was a partial ban.  But the announcement spooked Americans in Europe and caused them to flock home in the coming days, bringing the infection with them.  The rush to get home also caused crowding at airport customs terminals, perhaps spreading the virus.  But his malfeasance went beyond that.  He ignored the virus for months, saying publicly that it would "disappear like magic" or that it was "a hoax" and resisting the entreaties of staffers and administration members like HHS Secretary Alex Azar to get him to take it seriously.  As the pandemic exploded out of China he made now plans for how to deal with it and ensured Americans that everything was fine.  Even after acknowledging the existence of the problem in mid-March he continued to downplay it.  He's recently suggested that if young people get covid "you get the sniffles and then a day or two later you're fine".  He hosted an in person rally where his campaign actively discouraged social distancing (going so far as to remove signage put up by the venue).  That turned into a virus spreading event which is probably the cause of Herman Cain's death.  He spread misinformation about quack cures such as hydroxychloroquine and even suggested injecting household cleansers like bleach into our bodies to "clean out" the virus.  At least one person died because they took a similar sounding product to one Trump recommended.  Most disastrously is how Trump, for political reasons, pushed Southern states, where the virus was not yet widespread, to open up early and with few or no restrictions.  Now states like Florida, Texas, and Arizona are seeing massive infection rates, dwarfing what we had at the height of the pandemic in New York (which still has the highest body count).  It's an unmitigated disaster. 

As for the budget standoff, it takes two to tango.  You say that Democrats are holding relief funds hostage but that's not true.  Republicans are holding them hostage.  The House has passed a relief bill.  Republicans in the Senate could pass it today and get the money out to people.  But Republicans want to eliminate extra money for unemployed people.  They also want to spend billions and billions of dollars on military hardware as well as hundreds of millions on refurbishing the FBI headquarters in DC in order to protect Trump's Washington hotel (I wont go into the details but you can google it).  You ask how bailout money for governments helps: it helps by keeping those governments going.  Unlike the federal government most state and local governments can't run deficits.  They need to balance their books.  The pandemic has devastated state budgets.  People aren't working as much so they're not paying as much in income taxes.  For localities which rely on sales tax revenues are devastated because people are shopping less.  At the same time, states and localities are facing new expenses.  Some of these are in the form of extra services such as public assistance offered to people in need.  But they're also having to spend a lot of money dealing directly with covid, from things like partitions and PPE for government workers, to hiring contact tracers to track outbreaks, and running diagnostic tests on people.  If these governments dont get bailout money then layoffs are going to have to come as they balance their books.  And that's not going to be good for anyone.  The layoff of government workers will further depress the economy as they pull back on their spending.  And it will make the job market even tighter as all those laid off workers compete with others for scarce private sector jobs.  Bottom line is that Congressional Democrats want more help for Americans who are hurting and Republicans want less. 
2020-08-18 18:40:20 UTC
You have no idea what you are talking about.
2020-08-18 18:23:30 UTC
Obama dug the US out of GWB's recession then Trump took Obama's improved economy and flushed it down the toilet
2020-08-18 18:22:46 UTC
Obama improved the economy more than Trump and Trump has the worst Covid response in the world.  You might not be too bright.
2020-09-06 09:17:19 UTC
Bullshit devin.  You don't have a clue.  Typical trumptard liar with your head buried in the sand.  
2020-08-21 15:16:10 UTC
Exactly  anyone can badmouth someone when there so rounded by people that think alike . 
2020-08-21 03:54:03 UTC
You sound ridiculous.  How is going from an economic recession from the Bush White House to an unemployment rate of 5-6% by the time Obama’s second term ended?  You really sound like a fool.
2020-08-19 23:50:21 UTC
Compare Obama's last 3 years with Trumps first 3 years ( before the virus)

More jobs created  by Obsma mot Trump

Unemployment  fell further and faster undrr Obama

Stock market rose more under Obama

Deficits  decreased

And those Devin are the facts
2020-08-19 04:39:53 UTC
Well she can say negative things about Trump in part because Barack did handle the economy well.  When Barack Obama came into office the American economy was in free fall.  He took steps to turn it around and those steps were successful.  He kept it from becoming an actual depression and his policies helped create the longest peacetime economic expansion in American history.  He handled the economy so well that his economy lasted for three years after he left office, only falling apart once covid came along.  Hell, Obama handled the economy so well that Trump is running for reelection on the basis of that economy.
2020-08-18 20:35:47 UTC
Trump took actions necessary to halt COVID-19?  By doing what - firing the entire pandemic response team?  Politicizing the wearing of a mask?  Holding self-promotion events in the middle of an outbreak?
2020-08-18 18:54:51 UTC
BS..obama got us out of the 2008 bush crash
2020-08-18 18:25:20 UTC
you do know once Obama had to hand over the very successful economy over to Trump he was the one that messed it up. And takes credit for many things Obama has done.
2020-08-18 18:24:09 UTC
Oh Devin, get a grip. trump inherited a booming economy, low unemployment and takes credit for it.  He will take credit about Obama's accomplishments and blame him for his failures. Read the link and get informed.
2020-08-18 18:23:59 UTC
Trump took actions necessary to halt covid19? 170,000 dead and counting, what did he use a fan.
2020-08-18 18:22:10 UTC
You are absolutely delusional. An 8 year recession under Obama? 8 years of job loss? He set the record for consecutive months of private sector job gains, cut the unemployment from 10% to 5%, and the DJIA grew by 150% through his presidency. All while inheriting the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. You can disagree with Obama, sure, but your criticism should be at least *somewhat* rooted in reality.


You are either hopelessly uninformed or a complete liar.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.