About 3,000 people have died in China from the virus yet flu kills 50,000 Chinese each year so why is this virus seen as something worse?
2020-03-16 16:58:19 UTC
If I’m not mistaken , China already has the situation almost under control.. so far around 3,000 Chinese have died from Coronavirus yet every year around 50,000 Chinese people die from flu .. So why is this virus as something worse than the flu ? Do you think governments aren’t releasing the real number of people who have died from this virus ? 

Thank you 
136 answers:
2020-03-19 18:21:22 UTC
its a inside job there is no way in this world this could happen

we have taken shots and flu shots and something like this happen and the speed no way a small market takes out the world

thats bullshit there is more to it they are not telling us
2020-03-19 00:13:16 UTC
1 Billion catch the flu and 1 Million die from it for a death rate of .1%.

If 1 Billion caught the Coronavirus, 34 Million would die since it has a death rate of 3.4%.

Coronavirus has no known vaccine so it will kill much more than the flu which has vaccines. Only reason millions haven't died already is due to the extraordinary measures being taken to stop the transmissions such as mass quarantines, cities and countries being on lock-down, laws banning crowds and social distancing. If these measures weren't in place, Billions would become infected and Millions dead.
The Oracle of Omigod
2020-03-18 16:28:22 UTC
Because we are about one-tenth of the way through this pandemic and a lot of deaths have not been reported by repressive countries.  It is possible that most of the world could eventually be infected, with a 2-3% death rate and with a 12% death rate for older people.
2020-03-17 21:19:54 UTC
Becuase people meme about it like they are ******* 14 in highschool....simple answer really
2020-03-17 21:16:25 UTC
It's not. The flu IS ALSO dangerous. We just have vaccines for it (if people would take it). There is not, so far, a vaccine for coronavirus. The panic is trying to stop its spread before we have something like the flu to worry about on top of the flu.
2020-03-17 16:34:29 UTC
The news media is using COVID-19 to scare people and sink the world economy to stop President Trump from getting re-elected in November.

They alway underestimate Trump and did not expect Trump to become the greatest US president to ever serve aside from George Washington.  His system for stopping the virus is far surpassing the results of any other nation’s leader in history.

Trump 2020!!!
2020-03-17 15:47:58 UTC
This thing is more contagious and lives longer on surfaces than the flu. We are trying to stop it's spread.
2020-03-17 13:04:01 UTC
On a percentage basis, the flu kills about 0.1% of the people who catch it.  As of current reckoning, COVID-19 kills around 3-4% of everyone who catches it.  So, if 10 million people catch it, 300,000 people will die.  Put in perspective, that's the population of Pittsburgh within city limits.
2020-03-17 06:53:59 UTC
I reckon the virus may have come from space via a meteorite. So it could have alien origins.
2020-03-16 17:05:20 UTC
The governments are using the virus as a means to acquire more power for themselves by drumming up fear and then using that fear to rationalize taking peoples rights away and growing the power of the state. 

Just look at democrats in congress that have put up bills that force worker benefits on employees. Mandated work benefits violate the rights of employers, but democrats can rationalize it because god forbid someone doesn't get paid sick leave for a virus. 
2020-03-19 09:23:28 UTC
The Democrates and left wing media CNN< and MSNBC are doing fear mongering so Hillary can win the 2020 election
ron h
2020-03-19 06:06:58 UTC
Speaking of questions, WHY WOULD CHINA SHUT DOWN 1000s of factories? To fu*k with tRump?   Seriously?
2020-03-19 00:23:01 UTC
Because it is a new disease, the Flue is old news.
2020-03-18 08:05:19 UTC
The governments of China and South Asia need to stop the so called wildlife markets to prevent more world wide viruses infecting pandemic.
2020-03-18 07:49:47 UTC
In China, shoddy-built elevators and buildings have killed more people than the flu and Coronavirus combined. 
2020-03-17 22:05:47 UTC
While I find the flu more dangerous, I'm guessing the coronavirus is considered worse because there are currently no vaccines to prevent it and a higher percentage of people die from the Coronavirus. For instance, while I don't know exact numbers, maybe 5,000 have gotten the coronavirus and 3,000 have died from it, yet 26,000 have gotten the flu and only 2,000 have died from it.
2020-03-17 21:52:38 UTC
the covid got loose from a chinese lab,those in charge are unavailable to consult with outside tech experts  from anywhere,unavailable, dead  ,locked up  we do not know,no one is permitted access to lab data,any/all news out of china is it ought to be.

US has a few C cases, 2 hand w fingers count the number who have croaked,italy is the worst effected so far,,the philipine islands are on lockdown,,but with NOT ONE case of this flu, In PI ( as of a couple days ago) a lot of labs are working on the cooty,why some get it why,how others are sickened,,some not some die,chances it will fizz out are pretty good,,but,,cooties evolve,being simple life forms, into something exponentially more dangerous
2020-03-17 11:17:59 UTC
Flu does not kill 50,000 Chinese people each year. The Flu VACCINE kills 50,000 each year.

Viruses are a hoax!
2020-03-17 08:24:20 UTC
There is no cure for this virus 
2020-03-17 03:19:48 UTC
The only difference between the Flu & CV19 is there's no vaccine for CV19 & no cure,,

If you get it, you either recover or you don't,,,

On the bright-side though,, a hell of allot more people are recovering than dying.

So,,if there happens to be no Alcohol or Sanitizer on retailer shelves,,,Helloooooo! Soap & Water is actually an effective way to wash your hands!

And,,if there happens to be a TP shortage then for Christ's Sake!,,it's incredible how little use there is for it just by NOT Sh*tting yourself over everything you see in the frkn News!!                                                                                                                                                                       In the meantime, from my perspective riding things out here on the Asian-side of the Planet where fatalistic rumors about China tend to pass-through 'first' & get filtered on their way to the West, the good news is...YUP! China's got it ALL under control!                                      and any mention of surplus Provencal populations irradiated & cleaned-up with Mobile-crematories on big Military-trucks are no-more confirmed than the sound of a tree that everybody damned-well fell in the forest.  
2020-03-17 03:07:45 UTC
It would be a blessing if this is uncontained and we start to thin the elderly population.  This is our last hope that other generations will get Social Security and a functioning Medicare program.
2020-03-17 01:50:07 UTC
The difference is about 100,000 more will die from this here alone than would in any flu...period. At the current rate of infection, we are on the same curve as Italy...that means in another week we will have around 30,000, then in a month a few million and the model show at the minimum and we put in lock downs we will still see 80,000 death this year but if we cannot control it we could see 1.7 million dead and 240 million infections. Those are the CDC's numbers based on computer models. 
2020-03-17 00:54:34 UTC
1. You're comparing about 3 months (virus epidemic started at around the end of 2019) of deaths to a whole year.

2. Way more people have the flu than the coronavirus. If the amount of people with the virus was equal to the amount of people with the flu, the deaths would be way higher.

3. Doctors know how to treat the flu. Good treatments aren't known for the coronavirus yet.
2020-03-17 00:00:02 UTC
Because people love darma, that's why
2020-03-16 21:57:45 UTC
When the News runs out of news, they create news. The coronavirus a hoax and the numbers prove it. Numbers don't lie. CNN lies.
2020-03-16 21:27:32 UTC
The flu kills when not taken care of.  Dr's know how to treat the flu.

Much is still not known about Covid-19 and it's much more contagious than the flu is.
Random Guy
2020-03-16 18:59:39 UTC
Considering that China tried to cover up the virus outbreak several months ago, I'm not sure if you should believe a word that they had it under control. Plus the concern is trying to get them to stop spreading to the point it'll get to where flu has gotten.
2020-03-16 18:20:47 UTC
I think that people who never would have died from the virus will now start getting weaker and weaker and sicker and sicker and start dying because of food shortages caused by hoarding. And by not being able to pay their mortgages and getting their utilities shut off and ending up homeless because they can’t go to work anymore. That’s what I think. And who knows, maybe some of those who have lost massive amounts of money in the stock market will now soon start jumping out of windows as well.
2020-03-16 17:18:07 UTC
Funny how fear mongers used flawed circular logic to misrepresent the risks.  They say fatality rates of the flu and Coronavirus prove the Coronavirus is more deadly, but that’s not what actual fatality rates support.   Actual death data shows the flu typically kills far more people than killed by the Coronavirus.    Even if Coronavirus deaths in a China double before this is all over, it will still fall far short of flu deaths.    
2020-03-16 17:00:08 UTC
for most of us it probably wont be that bad
2020-03-21 23:18:45 UTC
This is to crash the us economy started by the deep state!
2020-03-20 03:59:41 UTC
Something is afoot here that is more than meets the eye ~~~

I ---think we have been at war from with-in , for the last 3+ years ...and it's all been directed at President Trump .

Are we " collateral damage "...?.... Makes me wonder ...indeed the world .

I'm expressing my doubts in all this ...thoughts keep coming up, and I'm not able to shake them off ....things just don't seem right about all this ....

I think it goes back to the measles none/ event that was pushed  , and did'nt quite get enough traction from it ...I could'nt figure out the reasoning for this childhood disease getting that much attention ...and pushing measle shots on us.....I considered it a really silly attempt to sway our thoughts .

Now ~~~here comes a " human engineered virus "...Scaring and causing wide spread panic all over ...illness and deaths as well.

I believe there's a hidden agenda here behind this virus madness unleased upon us ...and indeed the world .

I keep thinking it's a new different way to wage war~~~.

Have a nice day.

2020-03-18 23:01:41 UTC
The liberals were crying for a crisis that No leader could do anything about so they could blame Trump...….so they created a you go from the WHO
2020-03-18 14:59:44 UTC
There is a vaccine for the regular flue, but not for the coronavirus. Even with a free flue shot from our health insurance, many people don't trust this medicine. China has an authoritarian government that can take action almost instantly with no need to pass laws. It's only about one-third through 2020, so we can expect closer to 10,000 deaths by year en. Also, Chinese are very accustomed to wearing filter masks and to obeying government rules. I see photos and video clips every day of Americans who go out with no mask and even hold hands.
Proud Deplorable
2020-03-18 11:21:08 UTC
How many people have gotten the flu vs the coronavirus?? Learn about "per capita" before commenting such stupid nonsense. 
2020-03-18 01:04:42 UTC
Based on the Flu example:

Flu fatality is 0.1%

To kill 50,000 people, the Flu virus needs to infect 50,000,000 people

COVID-19 has a fatality is 4% (7,965 deaths / 198,229 cases, 18 Mar 2020)

To kill 50,000 people, COVID-19 needs to infect only 1,250,000 people.

Look at it another way, if COVID-19 had infected 50,000,000 people like your flu example, there will be 2,000,000 deaths.

COVID-19 is 40X more dangerous than Flu at this stage. Furthermore, there is no vaccine which will make matters worse if COVID-19 is left to spread freely.
2020-03-17 22:41:19 UTC
Fearmongering opportunists.
2020-03-17 22:25:58 UTC
It's the rapid spread of a new virus, that scares everybody. No one know where this will end up, yet. Not even in china

And people are coming into emergency rooms, needing respirators. This is not the same as the flu. It's hiting faster and harder.
2020-03-17 12:59:58 UTC
The Coronavirus is new though so could get worse if we are not careful. 
2020-03-17 03:57:25 UTC
Fake news as well as yahoo answers is fake news with their bullshit character quota that makes me wanna scream and throw puppies out of a moving car window.
2020-03-17 00:25:57 UTC
Because it is. The Coronavirus unfortunately is likely to rise over the flu.
2020-03-17 00:14:23 UTC
How many people have died as a result of crime and road accidents? 
Alan H
2020-03-16 21:08:28 UTC
You have a valid point.

More people will die of flu in a small country like the UK than from Covid 19 globally
princess pounder
2020-03-16 20:32:46 UTC
Because its in addition to the flu. Maybe we can stop it from being around every year.
2020-03-16 20:05:03 UTC
The flu has a vaccine.  Not only does the corona virus not have a vaccine, it lasts longer than the flu.  China let it spread around the world and lied to everyone too.  You also need to consider how this is a new strain of virus that just released across the globe vs just saying the flu killed more since the flu has  been around longer. 
Mr. Wizard
2020-03-16 18:59:04 UTC
The CDC and WHO ( World Health Organization ) know the origins of all KNOWN 18 virus strains currently existing on Earth. Coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) suddenly popped out of nowhere--and did its business VERY fast--faster than the standard "Type A" flu. 

To date, the exact origins of COVID-19 are not known least publicly, anyway.Comparatively: Type A-Flu and COVID-19 are closely similar--with the ONLY difference being that COVID-19 zeros in and attacks ALREADY WEAKENED respiratory and immune systems; and that's where the death toll numbers affect: The critically ill and weakened elderly. THERE ARE POSITIVE CASES OF COVID-19 RECOVERING--albeit the numbers right now are small---THEY ARE GROWING and this is a welcome sign of hope. There sadly is both an economic and political dynamic behind the abject fear-mongering shamelessly being broadcast among ANTI-TRUMP "news" media. I suspect the factual media distortion of factual information on COVID-19 is designed as a "win/win" effort to create a huge profit boost ( price gouging ) backlash to BENEFIT Corporate America ( who resent President Trump ), aided by several influential LIBERAL DEMOCRAT persons, who want to politically strike back against President Trump.   

Here's the John's Hopkin's view of the COVID-19 spread. Note: Totals OUTSIDE the U.S. MAY be incorrect. THE U.S. totals ARE correct.......
2020-03-16 17:54:39 UTC
Viruses today can be created by artificial intelligence with the maximum effectiveness as a bioweapon. It could be that our world leaders are using the corona virus to prepare for something that is to come.
2020-03-16 17:14:33 UTC
Because the flu is established. The goal is to try to prevent the coronavirus from becoming established. Flu kills 1 out of 1000. Corona appears to kill 30 to 40 out of 1000. So we don't want the bug to be spread around as much as flu is.

SO: Wash your hands, avoid crowds, keep your distance from strangers, and DO NOT go out if you are sick with a fever, cough, shortness of breath!

If we do not take these precautions coronavirus will be devastating. It is easily contagious.
2020-03-16 17:02:54 UTC
It os far worse than any flu. Wait until the number of people diagnosed with flu and covid are comparable. The flu has obviously killed more now because many more have been diagnosed
2020-03-16 17:02:19 UTC
It is 10 - 25 times more deadly and more contagious. Without precautions it would kill far more than seasonal influenza.

COVID 19 has far more in common with the Spanish Flu ( than with seasonal influenza.
2020-03-20 19:58:28 UTC
because other people are dying now.
2020-03-20 17:01:22 UTC
because the incubation period is EXTREMELY long and the mortality rate is still 20-30x greater than the flu 
2020-03-20 05:14:57 UTC
its called MATH
2020-03-20 03:13:41 UTC
If patience is worth anything .it must endure to the end of time .And the living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm .people our blackest storm is this virus chinese italian, maltese ,craotion, english .All we must survive stay inside 
2020-03-19 23:20:31 UTC
so 12 months with 50,000 is somehow worse than 3,000 in three weeks? 
2020-03-19 10:35:58 UTC
The media are promoting it. Similarly the Communists killed 120 m civilians yet the Nazis who killed less than 10 m civilians are portrayed as worse.
2020-03-19 04:55:00 UTC
There’s vaccines for the flu.  There’s no vaccines for Coronavirus 
2020-03-18 16:10:01 UTC
This is intended to keep people who were "educated" in government schools distracted from the impending economic crises.  Soon the purchasing power of the United States dollar will be zero.
2020-03-18 02:53:05 UTC
Because it can be easily transmitted from one person to another and can be obtained over and over again.
2020-03-18 01:51:20 UTC
is politics and some secret I can not tell you in internet 
2020-03-17 23:28:26 UTC
The flu and covid 19 were never given the same opportunity to wreck havoc.  If both were allowed to spread with no actions taken to slow them down, covid 19 would kill many more.  Spreading among young children with few symptoms and killing the elderly in large numbers.  As it is this new virus will eventually infect 40-70% of the world population with nearly 15% of the elderly dying of it. 
2020-03-17 16:39:37 UTC
< China already has the situation almost under control >


If you've been watching the numbers (you obviously aren't or don't understand them), numbers of cases outside China have now passed the number of cases in China.  This virus is spreading quickly.  I think this will be similar to the number of deaths from the 1918 flu though we won't know for likely a year.
2020-03-17 08:14:19 UTC
Exponential growth. 50 deaths could be 50,000 by next month. Viruses spread faster and faster.
2020-03-17 03:26:26 UTC
Was on YouTube and some geeky scientist said caronavirus is 10X worst than the flu. I rather have the general flu than the caronavirus. 
2020-03-17 00:38:18 UTC
The media has decided we must have a pandemic so apparently we are having one.  People need to just practice good common sense.. but that is too much to expect from our politicians and the idiot media!
2020-03-16 21:58:30 UTC
The flu is an age old ancient disease with low mortality rate, and low negative symptoms. If you take care of yourself or and get medical treatment on time your death from the flu is less than the corona virus. And corona virus is a new disease which spreads much like the flu, but it’s symptoms tend to be worse, and since it’s new we know nothing or no little of the virus, think of this way during ww2 people had bombs to bomb each other and kill other with, but when we discovered the atomic bomb the anxiety over its potential made japan surrender and Germany to surrender. Pretty much saying that when you get corona virus it will feel much worse than that of a deadly flu. So it’s better to be prepared because the virus is as contagious as the flu but since it’s new we don’t know much of it, and we have very little to combat it, and maybe give it some time we can he world especially the Americans will find something to rid of this disease speaking as an American, we are the best and have the most resources and the best minds to do anything, just give it time! 
Elwood Blues
2020-03-16 19:38:36 UTC
2009-10 H1N1 mortality rate = 0.02%.  2017-18 flu season 0.06%.

COVID-19 mortality rate = 2%.  DUUUDE!!!  That's 33X deadlier than a bad flu year!  Multiply that 33 X 50,000 [your typical] to get 1.66 million deaths.  That's only part of the problem.  If the sickness is spread over time, hospitals can deal.  If there's a big wave, hospital !!OVERLOAD!! mortality doubles.
2020-03-16 17:54:06 UTC
Clearly the flu has killed more.    People who compare mortality rates are using flawed statistics.   The majority of the people who got the Coronavirus, who had minor symptoms, recovered were not counted, so it makes the mortality rate look higher than it truly is.   

It’s the total death rates or fatality rates that are more accurate and also determine the overall risk a population faces.   Perhaps China will have another upsurge that changes things, but as of now, there’s nothing to indicate that.   As of now, the flu has killed more people, notably more.   
2020-03-16 17:38:11 UTC
who profits?............. who makes almost ALL of the antibiotics in the world?......................................................CHINA !

the world in under attack
2020-03-16 17:17:24 UTC
Chinese people don’t bathe regularly
2020-03-19 13:07:46 UTC
China has not reduced their COVID-19 Coronavirus cases. This is an abject misinformation. The COVID-19 Coronavirus originated in the Chinese governments bioweapons laboratory in Wuhan situated at the site of a crowded food supplies market from where they would receive food specimens and testing materials. China is now trying to claim the USA engineered the virus. China was implying Korea and Japan had both been the instigators but that failed. China is now saying that China and Russia are allies against America but Russia is not communist and hasn't been Soviet in 30 years. Russia had nothing to do with this virus and knows more about these things from their Cold War experience than China has and why they are dangerous and Russia has closed all borders with China. No media is allowed out of China. The virus in China is horrifying beyond human belief that the Chinese government wants to absolutely censor all media in and leaving China. There have now been deaths in China in at least the many tens of thousands to the hundreds of thousands and infections into the millions. This is 10 to twenty times more than China is reporting to as much as 200 times or more, it is so bad. China forbids all media and political reporting and observation of this in China and from leaving China. All China is in total absolute lockdown, travel ban and media and political censorship.
2020-03-19 00:40:55 UTC
I can tell you about Italy ...People living in Italian towns under lockdown described a “surreal” and “fearful” atmosphere as a seventh person died of coronavirus on Monday and the number of confirmed cases rose to 229.

Eleven towns across Lombardy, where the outbreak emerged suddenly on Friday, and Veneto have been quarantined for at least the next 15 days as Italian authorities scramble to contain the worst outbreak of the virus in Europe and the third worst in the world.
2020-03-18 23:10:39 UTC
Its voracious tries to choke you its primary gaol is to suffocate.Your throat swells to a point were it makes dificult to breath while your coughing your lungs out for 3 to 5 days.Oh thats not all it will travel down to chest and compress it like someone's hand squeezing These symptoms can last for up to 7 days and there's nothing you can do about it.Wash hands everytime you come home.
2020-03-18 15:30:06 UTC
Influenza is everywhere worldwide, coronavirus isn't, once it spreads it will be way deadlier than the flu. There is a vaccine you can get to prevent getting the flu, there is no vaccine yet for coronavirus.
2020-03-17 22:52:35 UTC
It is not normal flu. The results are very alarming.
2020-03-17 22:22:34 UTC
3,000 out of over 1 billion Chinese dying isn't even a drop in the bucket.

But that's 10 times the fraction of people who have died in the US. (100 out of 320 million). And the US media can't stop talking about it.
2020-03-17 16:11:08 UTC
because they have died in a few days and year is barely started.
2020-03-17 14:25:57 UTC
You are right, the beer virus is just another Liberal hoax drumpf up to hurt President Trump. Don’t worry though.  Like impeachment, the beer virus has only run support for Trump even higher.
Aquarius 1011
2020-03-17 10:26:12 UTC
The negative New World Order having created the virus, as part of the depopulation agenda. It also starts off in China, the most populous country. And, who also control the media. So, making a big issue about it.  
2020-03-17 07:31:20 UTC
Chinese government controls the Media, Journalism, and the Press, if anyone goes against it, the country arrests them, there is no free press in China, everything said by the country is state approved!, so, is 3c000 the actual dead in China?, we don't actually know, as it's a number given by a state without a free Press!
2020-03-17 05:41:15 UTC
Better not do anything then..
2020-03-17 03:14:25 UTC
Media hype!  More than 3000 poeple will die of motor accidents in China this week.
2020-03-17 01:15:01 UTC
There's several reasons: (1) unlike the flu, no one has immunity to this virus, so it could probably run through half or more of the population of a country before it would stop (2) without measures to slow it down, it undergoes exponential growth, (3) it kills a LOT more people than the flu--maybe 30 times as many.  

Put those all together and for a country like the U.S., that means if you do nothing you could have a million or more dead by the end of summer.

Now do you get it?
2020-03-16 23:37:41 UTC
Because there is no vaccine for the CoronaVIrus. People who die from the flu simply did not get their vaccines.
2020-03-16 23:21:48 UTC
THE economy was on the edge public debt; unsold cars,and struggling economy. The virus is just the match that imploded the

stock market.
2020-03-16 21:49:02 UTC
In case you are somehow serious, imagine what would happen if it became as widespread as the common flu.
2020-03-16 21:09:20 UTC
I don't know   .
2020-03-16 18:31:39 UTC
The worry isnt totally about what it is now. The bigger worry is what it could become. That is, it could be on par or even greater than the death toll caused by the flu if left unchecked. 
2020-03-16 18:30:07 UTC
Because the media is fanning the flames of hysteria in the face of a lukewarm public health threat.
2020-03-16 17:02:38 UTC
its a way to Hurt america.
2020-03-20 05:48:44 UTC
its a inside job there is no way in this world this could happen
2020-03-20 05:44:47 UTC
its a inside job there is no way in this world this could happen
2020-03-19 21:58:53 UTC
The Chinese used their police state powers-checkpoints for temperature checks, etc.
2020-03-18 21:48:24 UTC
Most virus with known vaccines, therapies, remedies, or medications to treat, but corona virus doesn't.

The Corona Virus causing the world panic because of no known vaccines, therapies, remedies, or medications to treat.
Ajay D
2020-03-18 07:23:36 UTC
because this virus can affect the top 1%. they can escape the flu by spending money on vaccines etc. but they can not escape this virus by spending money.
2020-03-17 23:16:15 UTC
2020-03-17 17:20:20 UTC
No cure. No vaccine. I think nations are honest about the numbers, save one: Red China.
2020-03-17 15:40:44 UTC
because this virus is so new and there is a vaccine for the flu . 
2020-03-17 14:52:09 UTC
You can't look at the total count and the compare them. You must look

at the count proportional to the number of people who caught it. Therefore,

it has a future potential for more people to die if and when they catch it. Gosh,

it hasn't been in the United States for very long, and look at how quickly it

has spread?

The corona virus has a higher death rate, and it is also more easily transmitted

due to the fact that the virus can live for days outside of the human body.
2020-03-17 14:48:23 UTC
Cause doctor never know how to treatment this flu.And never found its any medicine or vaccine.      
2020-03-17 12:08:14 UTC
This virus is man made and has no antidote.... yet.  The man who invented it, died of it
2020-03-17 12:07:28 UTC
if my memory is correct first news report mentioned that  that the H1N1 (remember) was more dangerous than the coronavirus .well suddenly all those reports have been scrapped and the same journalists are declaring with a blank face that the COVID -19 is highly dangerous . well call me a conspiracy theorist if you want ,  i won't be f##@$$$ twice .

anyway i am spending time in africa right now . this type of propanga are legions over here ; no wonder people are so relaxed . by the way do you remember that the ozone layer was supposed to be gone by the year 2000 and we should all have cancer ; that report too is gone. should i need to go on ...
2020-03-17 11:25:40 UTC
Obviously I don't have the answers to your question, but the thing to do is not to panic. Fear is the one thing that will kill you, quite literally you can do that. I would say just take all the reasonable precautions that you can, stay away from public places as much as possible, and don't worry about what you can't control, only worry about the things that you can control and it's things you can change when and if necessary.
2020-03-17 00:23:56 UTC
For two reasons:

a. Flu can be prevented. A vaccine for flu exists. Not coronavirus.

b. Mortality rate for coronavirus is 3.5% compared to 0.1-0.2% for flu, almost 15 to 20 times higher than that for flu. 
2020-03-17 00:06:28 UTC
Correct. It can't be verified, of course.  I have paranoid friends and they absolutely believe China has more infections and casualties than reported. It's also believed the onset of the spread was reported late intentionally.

The reason people around the world are concerned about this is because this is a new virus and you have no immunity to it. No vaccine exists. This is in the family of SARS coronavirus. That was extremely well contained and the quarantine resolved the issues. 

The delay meant the virus was unknowingly spread internationally to a much greater degree with a higher degree of contraction. Low projection for the US is 1 percent of infections causing death and the amount of projected contractions is in the millions putting the US in line for a number that match the worldwide deaths from the flu. This hasn't played out yet, but think about what happened in China that's confirmed.

Their medical system was overwhelmed and collapsed due to the added load of the coronavirus infections. The US is spread out and each state is a separate situation, but it could happen here if this isn't handled properly. Many die of the flu, this is true but the people who get very sick and don't die from that may get this and die.

Be careful, take the precautions, don't die and don't be the reason other people die.
2020-03-16 21:59:08 UTC
China is definitely lying. I do not trust China nor like their communism. There have been leaked videos of China citizens marching and yelling fake fake referring to China having the situation under control
2020-03-16 21:50:36 UTC
China has been spreading  the plague  since  the  1600s  and before  they  are also  responsible  for the spanish  flu that  killed   50 million in 1918   they are also  renown  liars
Yoi and Double Yoi
2020-03-16 20:03:08 UTC
It's not.  This is merely an exercise by various governments to see exactly to what extent people will forgo their freedoms and accept governmental regimentation.  A "dress rehearsal," if you will.

Expect this to happen with increasing frequency, and with ever lowering thresholds for forced disruption of everyday lives.
Blue Skies.
2020-03-16 17:14:44 UTC
The left wanted to make something out of nothing. That is what they do best. However

no one including you should take this virus

as being insignificant. It is deadly serious.

It can and will infect those terminally if they

have lung and weakened Immune systems.

It is nothing to turn your back on. But we will

get passed it and continue on.
2020-03-16 17:03:46 UTC
The media had to find something to blame on Trump since everyone is now wise to the lies the left is ranting about impeachment over and over.
2020-03-18 22:06:46 UTC
apparently, the news-media did not seem fit to report the significant number of flu-cases or flu-deaths during the 2017-2018, or the 2018-2019 flu seasons; so now, that seems like a lot of flu deaths to the american people.

[1]CDC estimates that influenza was associated with more than 35.5 million illnesses, more than 16.5 million medical visits, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths during the 2018–2019 influenza season.Jan 8, 2020

[2] The overall burden of influenza for the 2017-2018 season was an estimated 45 million influenza illnesses, 21 million influenza-associated medical visits, 810,000 influenza-related hospitalizations, and 61,000 influenza-associated deaths.

this is why the health dept. offers seasonal flu shots.
2020-03-18 03:52:26 UTC
Because you don’t listen to Theory Of A Deadman
No Conspiracy?
2020-03-18 02:14:09 UTC
Corona is 100% masonic hoax to cover for the collapse of the dollar. This is why the Masonic Corporate CEOs stepped down. They knew the collapse and "pandemic" was coming. 
2020-03-18 02:06:59 UTC
It attacks the immune system with force like Ebola or HIV and there is no antidote
2020-03-17 22:28:26 UTC
Because people are silly hysterical C|_|NTS that blow things out of proportion. 

For instance where do these people put their mouths and noses when they have sex??? THANK YOU. 

Anti-bacterial does nothing to prevent viral infections but anti-bacterial everything is selling like Starbucks coffee. 

Toilet paper should be the least of their worries. They are just afraid they are going to have to stick their hands in doo-doo! LOL! You might want to learn what bidets are USA.
2020-03-17 20:24:43 UTC
They SAY they have the situation under control
2020-03-17 18:20:25 UTC
3,000 people have died in the past couple months. That could easily add up to 50,000 or more in the next 12 months. You're comparing a measure of months to a year. It would make sense if you said 3,000 people died in a year from Covid-19, but 50,000 of the flu. But that isn't the case. Have 3,000 people died from the flu in a matter of weeks? You need a logical comparison to prove your point.
2020-03-17 15:53:08 UTC
Its all a huge hoax, just use common sense and do not listen to the CDC they are bought by the DNC. WAKE UP PEOPLE THEY ARE CONTROLING YOU, THEY JSUT WENT FOR THE CHURCHES IN MY COMMUNITY. Our guns are next so that final solution can take place. Some how after a random amount of time, the virus will suddenly lessen and our governments will claim they are the heroes and we need to continue the government control permanently. YOU WATCH ITLL HAPPEN
Almost anonymous.
2020-03-17 15:22:07 UTC
China has a history of starting pandemics and giving out dubious figures afterwards. What isn't so well known is that this virus is in fact, two flu viruses. The parent flu, which makes up about third of all diagnosed cases gave birth to son, and that makes up two thirds of cases. It's the ability to evolve into something else that makes this one dangerous.
2020-03-17 14:07:23 UTC
So are you a minimalist?

Or an agitator?

Or have a low IQ agenda?

What if your mother or grandmother was exposed to COVID-19?  Would that get your attention?

Go on YouTube and watch a couple video presentations of the 1918 Spanish Influenza situation.  Then think a bit deeper.  Ok?
2020-03-17 13:40:25 UTC
It is early days. Though the vast majority of cases are mild and so do not go reported. Meaning it the death rate seems higher as it is taken out of the confirmed cases. 

In actuality, once more data gets in, the death rate will be a lot lower than is being shown right now. Remember, this is new. Chances are the death rate will be somewhere in line with the flu, a little higher but not much.
2020-03-17 11:00:27 UTC
This is more highly contagious than flu and because we have not the slightest resistance to it, more people will become ill.  Some people will be sick and spreading it without even realizing they have it.  And keep in mind we have no vaccines or established treatments for it.

It would serve no government to downplay the number of casualties since fear of death is something that makes the rest of us prudent enough to try to avoid infection.

The dead are easy to count since we know what killed them.  But the actual number of cases worldwide is anybody's guess since many are walking around with no symptoms and we don't have the ability to test everyone.

For latest info on COVID-19, try the CDC website.
2020-03-17 03:20:03 UTC
This flu just appeared and we have gone noway near thought it's full season to point out part of the problem with your childish argument.
2020-03-17 03:16:06 UTC
More deaths, a lot more than the flu if it's not contained and it'll overwhelm the hospitals and doctors if too many get ill at once as it spreads at a much higher rate than the flu 
2020-03-17 00:03:03 UTC
It’s not as bad as media portrays it regular flu is worse but the stampede has started ad will run it’s course.
2020-03-16 22:42:56 UTC
It is because it hit so fast and hard. 
2020-03-16 21:43:54 UTC
American liberal media wants to make it seem as bad as possible so they can say Trump is not handling it correctly.They are lying plain and simple.During Obamas swine flu nothing got canceled while 13000 Americans died and the media said exactly nothing.
2020-03-16 19:24:17 UTC
It is not "worse" but it is new and that is frightening.  It appears that the media has chosen to blow it out of proportion.  The death rate, if you have NO other health issues like cancer, htn, cardiac, kidney and respiratory disease, diabetes or any condition which causes you to have to avoid the flu, is 0.9%. The death rate for flu , at least in the USA, is 1%.  What is a mystery is why it is NOT affecting the young and why it is deadly, 15% mortality, to those over 80.  
2020-03-16 18:29:03 UTC
Because it is a new disease, people are used to the flu
2020-03-16 17:07:03 UTC
It is worse. It is not the worst thing that hit humanity, it is just that we can track it in real time and perhaps slow or lower the spread. 

We have not been able to do this in the past. This is more of an experiment. We could be over-reacting or under-reacting. We won't know until afterwards. 

This is why all the attacking Trump on this, is ridiculous. We are seeing FAST responses on everything, but OF COURSE there are going to be some problems and the President's response has to walk the fine line of not causing panic and taking it seriously. 
2020-03-19 03:31:38 UTC
I asked myself the same thing, at this point what makes coronavirus so dangerous is that there is not enough information known about it. It is new and it creeped up on us.

Anything that kills, is serious no matter what other illness it’s similar to, it’s a big deal.  So far we know it kills the old people just like the flu does, we know that most likely you will recover from it. We know “some” of the symptoms but that’s only “so far”... most likely it will be just another form of the flu but maybe a more intense version of it. However, the officials must react like this to gain control. There’s no vaccine for it. And it’s too early to know how it acts. 
2020-03-18 22:03:08 UTC
This virus is barely one or two months old. It's new, it's spreading to a lot of people, and it still has potential to mutate. Organizations like WHO, who are more knowledgeable than the lot of us, would not be declaring this an emergency and giving it attention if it were not a legitimate concern.
2020-03-18 06:33:19 UTC
I am not a doctor or other medical professional, but I am a retired engineer and am pretty good with numbers. Looking at the numbers as we know them, it appears that the Chinese were successful in keeping the infection contained to the province where it originated, so most of the Chinese population was not exposed to it. Influenza, on the other hand, is widespread geographically and thus much larger numbers of people are exposed to it. Many more people exposed equals many more cases of infection.

One other factor, in situations like this in the past the Chinese have lied up a storm to prevent the world from finding out the truth behind their failings.

Just my guess anyway, makes sense to me.
2020-03-18 05:32:22 UTC
The flu has been around for decades and this virus is just getting started since a couple months ago.  This also shows every sign of increasing exponentially. Look up what that means.
2020-03-17 14:27:21 UTC
Because this virus kills a much higher percentage of the people in infects than does the flu. This virus potentially will kill 10-25% of those who contract it, according to the medical people who are talking about it
2020-03-16 21:22:47 UTC
people live and die with the flu, if the Corona virus is not checked it can kill many more , some were saying 15% its now been knocked down to under 2% last i heard.

No one wants to be the 2%

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.