IRAQ! Should troops pull out or remain in iraq??
2007-08-21 21:56:08 UTC
I say stay in iraq i got my three reasonable arguments

1 why pullout beacuse weve done so much to just come back
i belive on day we will end it all and iraq will have political sucess
we will always have precense in iraq
2without us iraq would be vounarable !
its government doesnt do much and relys on us
3 IT WAR!! people die in war. They chose to list . its a voluntery service

any one got any other answers
why should we pullout or remain in iraq and give 3 reasons why
Seven answers:
2007-08-21 22:15:49 UTC
Trust me, it would be a nightmare, it take from someone who has been there, if we just cut and ran right now, it would empower our enemies, bring instability to an already volatile region and Iran and Osama, would have another to use as Training centers, for terrorists, and a safe haven. Then when they go back on the offensive and bring the fight back on U.S. Soil, the left wing nuts will blame Bush for leaving early. Bush is in a no-win-situation

First off as someone that has been there, it helps out the morale when you know that your own country is behind. It also helps when your own media reports all the positive things your doing out there. Beleive me it hurts when guys like Harry Reid say we already lost the war, he should be tried for treason, it sends the wrong message to the troops, and makes our enemy stronger. If the enemy knows that the morale and our elected officals are caving in there gonna get bolder and stronger and up the amount attacks, with more road side bombings, suicide bombs, etc. because they feel the more violence they spead the weaker we will and break our will.

Military tactics, since most liberals who never sereved think they are well schooled HIPPIE in military tactics. We made mistakes in the begining no doubt, it's a differant kind of war and we underestimated the Terror cells in Iraq. We would drive them out, annd keep pushing and not leave a proper security force behind while we were pushing forward, as we were pushing forward and on the offensive the terrorists just pulled a 180 and moved back in while we were gone. The troop surge is putting a stop to that since we can maintain a proper security force and establish 360 degrees of security.

Also it's tough out there, in the begining since we weren't sure who was friend or foe, the enemy doesn't dress in Military uniform they dress in plain street clothes and our own ROE'S hurt us in the begining.

I know most Liberals who have never served seem to think they know all in Military tactics and the Iraq people, but news flash at the end of the day the good people of Iraq who have been ruled savagely by Saddam, want us to finish the job or at the very least make it place where they finally have some sort of civilized society.

Those sanctions were placed by the U..N. on Iraq when Saddam decide to invade his neighbor we call that the Gulf War, Saddam also broke 17 U.N Laws for 17 years, and not using profits from oil to feed his people. Get your fac ts straight, and Clinton bombed him in 98 during operation desert fox with the same intell Bush had WHEN WE WENT TO WAR

I am taking about a civilzed society were you don't have to worry about that the leader of your Country is gonna MUSTARD gass you like Saddam did, Also a civilzed leader who doesn't kill you if you speak out against the GOV, think about it pot head, your on here everyday spitting Anti-Bush, Anti-U.S. crap on this site all day long, now I ask you, if you were an Iraq under Saddam rule would you be able to do that, NO you would be dead. Also Saddam straved his people, bruttally murdered them. I got more examples if you need them.

Now if the terrorists drive us out and win and gain a whole country like they had in Afgan do you think there gonna treat the people of Iraq kindly, or rule with fear, and kill those who oppose them, just like the taliban did in Afagan,
2007-08-21 23:01:49 UTC
Reasons for staying:

1. We destabilized the country and are obligated to protect its citizens.

2. Leaving could allow certain groups to take control of Iraq and destabilize the surrounding areas.

3. Leaving Iraq would mean leaving its civilians more open to sectarian violence and terrorist activities.

Reasons for leaving Iraq:

1. The current government is incompetent and incapable of passing legislation that will help calm sectarian violence.

2. It has become a civil war and foreign governments should not partake in such wars.

3. Our troops are at the point of exhaustion. PTSD is high, suicide is high, families of soldiers are completely stressed and worn out. Our soldiers are stretched thin and many are getting out as soon as they can.

4. We are spending 3 billion a week. We can't cut back on private contractors with what we have but we can't continue to put this much money into another country meanwhile ignoring our debt which has spiraled out of control.

As an end I would like to say that the last two arguments for staying were also used with Viet Nam but that little actual effect came from it.

Also their are some signs that the government may be getting its act together with talk of replacing those who fail to show up to Parliament every session but as it is just talk right now you cannot count on it yet.

I personally am for a troop draw down by the end of the year because I do not think we can continue to push our troops the way we have been and expect to have an army left. If the government cannot start to be a government and the people do not elect new officials then we leave entirely and hope they pull through. At this point their are only two scenarios really left. Things go well we draw down the number of troops every one wins. Things go bad we are forced to draw down the number of troops due to fatigue a bunch of people die everyone loses. At this point it is mostly out of our hands.
2016-11-13 08:27:38 UTC
the 2nd the US pulls out iraq could have an entire blown (quite of the now "secret" one) civil warfare. btw. Iraq is plenty faraway from beeing "good" regardless of US troops in there. edit yet iraq isn't even the extra advantageous subject. the perfect "shaggy dog tale" (if there would not have been a lot of human beings killed for no longer something) in historical past could be freedom and democracy for afghanistan (a rustic the place an excellent variety of the individuals don´t even understand a thank you to place in writing "via fact 70% are illiterate ;-) the observe freedom or democracy no longer to show get what it capacity.
Robert S
2007-08-21 22:33:35 UTC
Don't worry about getting on the bad side of the troops. To support them, is to support their success. They have a different view on the situation. The news media will not show this, or any other display of success because it goes against their agenda... Eliminate Bush at all costs.

Nice to see someone who can make an educated decision for himself, instead of falling into the media quagmire. Sheep, they are all sheep.
2007-08-21 22:04:37 UTC
well I see that you're from indiana, so am I.

Your grammar's not giving us much credit. Neither is your logic.

The war is fought under false pretense. (No meaning)

the original meaning turned out to be fake.

We haven't really accomplished that much, besides kill a lot of people and take over oil fields.

Their government didn't rely on us previous to this war. The people supported us because we promised a better life for them. Guess what we didn't supply.

Too many soldiers have died for no reason. There is absolutely no excuse for this. Pull out now and save the soldiers we can. This is not an cowardice act, but a corrective one. We've been there killing for no reason and, magically, big wigs have made millions.

People who don't pay attention to the facts like yourself make me sick. I start to question why I enlisted to protect our people when our people are just looking for some cheap thrill. This is not an action movie. People like you don't care if the war is justified or not, you just want to see stuff blow up. Try thinking about the soldiers first.
2007-08-21 22:03:42 UTC
pull them out now. war is never an answer. I'm saying this not because I believe in it, but holding a pro-war point of view will get your account deleted by Yahoo.
Senator D*L*P™
2007-08-21 22:11:38 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.