How is Obama taking away anyone's freedom of religion and how is he responsible for the increased gas prices?
2012-02-25 10:27:07 UTC
The Republicans are scavenging for ANYTHING they can to blame on Obama as they have for over 3 years now. This is the only bait they have right now and are holding onto it like a fish to tackle bait.

The Catholic Church, one of the wealthiest corporations in the world are exempt from paying taxes in this country. Obama told them that fine, but if you're an employer of Americans, you, as any other employer need to cover women's health care including contraception and surgical procedures involving women's health. How in the name of our Lord, can you see that as taking away anyone's religious freedom?

How is Obama responsible for the high gas prices we're paying. It's all because of the civil unrest going on in the middle east and has NOTHING to do with him.

You'll take anything you can and turn Obama into a villain.

If you don't see that Santorum's agenda is to force his religious beliefs on everyone in this country, you are blinded by all the republican lies and hate you thrive on.

Where are the millions of moderate Republicans who are intelligent, sophisticated and no better. Why do they remain silent while they see insanity taking over their party?
Fifteen answers:
2012-02-25 10:29:08 UTC
He isn't taking anything away from anyone the victim mentality is part of conservative disorder. The current oil prices are a direct result of Bush administration policies.
Jane Doe
2012-02-25 10:44:17 UTC
This is why the Government should stay out of all private endeavors.The Government has no business telling anyone,people or private insurance companies, what they should and should not do.

If the Government would remember their place this would not even be a issue.They need to STOP inciting and pitting one group of people against another.And if We the People would remember that we RUN this nation and NOT the Government we would RESTORE the balance.

Gas prices are up for many reasons.One is Congressman and Senators inside trade.Obama could stop that.Speculators..he could stop that.Main reason they are so high is that companies send most of it over to China because they get more money for it.Obama could invoke the precious high taxes on them for doing that they want to impose on everyone else.

I hope people remember that no President has much control over gas prices.AND THEY SHOULDN'T.But people seem to have forgotten that when Bush was President and then remembered it again when Obama was President.We the people need to stop playing politics.Its a losing game.Only we can fix all that is broken.Because our Government is broken and they are incapable of doing anything.
2016-09-10 03:15:36 UTC
Obama isn't ( for the beyond three hundred years each and every factor is or has been white now the church needs to shout I say give up your elders from molesting their participants and the oil is coming from different international locations why do you consider Bush lied approximately the warfare in Iraq to get the oil fields which he had inventory in
Armchair Goddess #1
2012-02-25 11:37:37 UTC
Cigar Monkey and "The Taxpayer" personna have obviously been misinformed or else they did not have their listening ears and thinking caps on when formulating their responses.

Drilling for oil here in the U.S. is at an all-time high (see for more details). The Keystone Pipeline cited by Cigar Monkey is not going to provide one single barrel for U.S. consumption (National Public Radio's "The Diane Reim Show" Friday, Feb. 24), because the proposed route ends at Port Arthur, Texas---a duty-free export location. In addition, the President has kept his campaign promises to focus on alternative energy resources as a way of weaning the U.S. off of dependence upon the finite resource of foreign oil and we now have more than 30 states with new or rebuilt manufacturing plants busy turning out "green energy" renewable energy products that have translated into JOBS for American workers!

As to the recent hullabaloo over contraception and birth control being provided in Catholic-owned health care facilities, the law states that insurers must provide these services to the workers in these facilities who may wish these services---and not every one working in these hospitals or clinics are Catholic so they have a right to receive the services as part of their health care coverage. The Catholic church itself does not have to dispense the products, but the insurers do---and I am in agreement with this provision because we have the Constitutional guarantee that no one religion has precedence over all other religions and that those among us who choose aetheism or agnosticism should not have Catholic extremism imposed upon them.
2012-02-25 11:21:27 UTC
Its sad that despite all Obama has done to hurt our economy and embarrass and make America look bad you still apparently worship him. He is weak on immigration. He is an apologist. He promotes bigger government. He disrespects the Constitution. He has been caught in countless lies and has failed to keep as many promises. All he can do is talk and charm the gullible. He has now even resorted to singing to make people think hes a regular guy. Happily.... "He can fool some of the people some of the time but He cannot fool all of the people all of the time". He will be bad history in Jan 2013.
Reverend Master of Curses
2012-02-25 10:47:40 UTC
I used to think it was inappropriate of Santorum to place such emphasis on religion in the political sphere, but then I realized he doesn't go anywhere near far enough in that direction and the cause of our economic and world conflict problems is that we have displeased the almighty. It could be that the only way to redeem ourselves is to sacrifice our most prominent citizens (the bankers, the Wall Street tycoons, the owners of business and industry) in the hopes of appeasing the almighty. Those people are obviously our greatest treasure and it would be painful to try and survive without them, but as great a sacrifice as it would be perhaps we could atone for our sins and it would put us back into the good graces of the almighty if we were willing to give them up as a gesture of worship.
2012-02-25 10:32:56 UTC
If say an Amish person has to buy health insurance, even though he/she doesn't believe in utilizing western medicine, there is your 1st Amendment violation.

Lately he has been kind of bragging about our increase in exports. Turns out, what we are exporting is gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. There's your increase in gasoline, though I don't really think he is totally at fault. What he does need to do, is push the idea of dropping the 18cent/gallon federal gasoline tax, to provide a slight relief on pump prices, though it isn't much at over $4/gal.
2012-02-25 10:40:05 UTC
Next 0bama will go to a Jewish deli and demand a ham sandwich or sue them for discrimination.

0bama is giving billions to failing green energy. He is holding and stopping drilling in the US. Look what he did in the gulf and the XL pipeline.

Evironmentalists and liberals hate American capitalism. They hate America using our resources. They don't mind Russia, China or the Muslims sending us their fossil fuels on barges over the ocean.
2012-02-25 10:33:10 UTC
You mean like when Obama ran for President and attacked George Bush and John McCain for increased fuel costs and promised an end to reliance on foreign oil in order to bring prices back down. back to those evil days when oil was all the way up to $3.50 a gallon:

or when the Obama GOTV effort Vote For Change urged people to register as Democrats to vote because they only make two gallons of gas an hour:
2012-02-25 10:30:17 UTC
He tried to infringe on religious rights with the health care mandate about every employer providing insurance covering abortion and contraception. When he got a lot of egg all over his face he did an about face. I hope he knows that if he ever launches a nuclear missile it is touch to do an about face,

As for gas prices if Obama and his minions would stop opposing domestic drilling for oil gas would be a lot cheaper.
The Taxpayer
2012-02-25 10:33:10 UTC
You must live in cliff.

Oil: (just to name a few)

1. denial of pipeline from Canada

2. Investment in Brazil v. US

3. Clean Agenda: Tax dollars to Solyndra in exchange for support.

Freedom of Religion

1. Telling Catholic hospitals to provide free contraceptives and they have a year to deal with their consciences. THE BACKFIRE: Make Insurance companies provide free contraceptives. Evidently, the only thing our poor have time for is unprotected sex.
2012-02-25 10:59:47 UTC
Sorry, I disagree with you entirely. I am not "scavenging for anything to blame on Obama", although I disagree pretty wholeheartedly with most of his policies. That's my right as an American. I have researched these issues since before the election; I have compared what he planned to do with previous presidencies throughout American History; I have read the Constitution and I have applied what I believed about him, and what I have seen of him, not only to my understanding of the Constitution but to those issues that matter to me in my own life. I would be happy to debate any current issue with you, but I would also challenge you to get out of your own comfort zone and try to understand a point of view other than your own, without calling me a scavenger.

To answer your questions -

The direct wording of the first amendment is, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;".

By requiring those who object to contraception to pay for it for others as a matter of law, is prohibiting the free exercise of their religion. It's not just the Catholic Church as an employer, it is citizens like you and me. There is a big difference to a "passive objection" to a law (Catholics and other objectors can certainly live within their own tenets, and allow others to peacefully practice their own) and a "required active participation" in a law that goes against their teachings.

Contraception is freely available all over the United States. There are plenty of OTC methods available for both men and women, and it is not against the law. The precedent set by Roe v. Wade is now the law of the land, and it is not going anywhere. Extreme cases of very late term abortion, where the doctor actually punctures the skull of an infant inside the birth canal and sucks out its brain so it is born dead (technically an abortion) is perfectly legal in this country. Many, many people find this to be abhorrent - but accept it because it is law. It is quite another thing to require that they pay for it.

By requiring a one-size-fits-all health policy, people will be paying for procedures they object to morally, ethically and religiously. Why should they have to do this? Do you think that taxpayers should pay for Viagra? What about male circumcision? What about female circumcision? Do you think that gay couples should be made to pay for maternity benefits that they'll never use?

I don't subscribe to Santorum's religious beliefs - but you are arguing something that is a fact (Obama's push to force us to pay for benefits we may object to) to your own belief in something that has simply not been stated or that is simply not a part of a political roadmap. Even if Santorum were elected and TRIED to outlaw contraception - there is no way that would ever happen. There is a duly elected Congress and Senate that would block that in a heartbeat. You have an active imagination, and you are allowing yourself to be taken down a road of pure fantasy.

As for the high gas prices - you seem to forget about the blame that Bush and Cheney took for high gas prices during the years of the Bush administration. True, the IMMEDIATE cause of our high prices is the unrest in the Middle East - but there is also a drought and crop failure in South America - and that has zero effect on our food prices. The point is that the demand for oil is based on the WORLD market, which has a HUGE effect on US prices.

Obama and the Democrats in Congress, beholden to the EPA and other environmental activist groups have refused to allow expanded drilling or refining of oil in this country for 30 years. During that time, we, and the rest of the world, have created a monster in the Middle East. While we don't purchase oil from Iran directly, China and Europe do. There is a worldwide demand for oil, and the Middle East is the major player - they have the world by the "short ones".

If we had been allowed to explore, to drill, to refine, to export the oil that lies under our soil and off our coasts, the balance of this supply would be skewed differently - as it is, France and Germany and the rest of the EU are now looking to the hamstrung US and Canada to help offset their high demand.

I agree that Obama has done nothing to affect the current spike in gas prices - but he adamantly supports legislation that creates the worldwide balance of supply and demand, and that keeps it skewed in such a way as to allow Middle Eastern unrest to affect worldwide prices in such a dramatic way.

Had we, over the last 30 years, been exploring, drilling, refining and exporting energy from domestic sources, the WORLDWIDE supply would be balanced differently, and we would be in a position to be able to ignore Middle Eastern unrest - politically AND economically.
2012-02-25 10:39:41 UTC
The religious accusation is bull.

Obama is partly responsible for gas prices for ratcheting up the pressure on Iran, something no Republican except Ron Paul supporters would object to. Gas prices are also due to more domestic demand, and Obama is partly responsible for the improved economy which drives that. Increased demand in China and India is also driving up prices.
Excuse Me
2012-02-25 10:30:01 UTC
Employers do not cover medications, insurers do, so why on earth would Obama even stick his nose where it doesnt belong?
2012-02-25 10:28:31 UTC
Oh My God. He hasn't done those horrible things. They Lie!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.