What are your reactions to the latest news about Mosul, Iraq?
Yahoo Answers Team
2016-11-10 10:15:20 UTC
Overshadowed by news covering the presidential election, several sources reported this week about the first cases of alleged abuse from the US-supported Iraqi government forces working against the Islamic State.

Read up here:
194 answers:
2016-11-25 04:48:00 UTC
I knew about some story about Iraq, some will not understand it for sure. When Iraq have a fight with Iran, Kuwait supported Iraq. Russian is the one that bring military equipment to Kuwait and Kuwait bring it to Iraq. When Kuwait asked for the credit of Iraq, they create war on them. there is a little complexity, not all can get it.

some will tell you story the other way around that look like they knew the history of the world, like this:

What are your reactions to the latest news about Mosul, Iraq?

I dream of that time Iraq will stop all this.Its is a dumbfounding situation on the news about mosul.

I just pray that its over soon.
2016-11-10 22:12:57 UTC
What are your reactions to the latest news about Mosul, Iraq?

I dream of that time Iraq will stop all this.Its is a dumbfounding situation on the news about mosul.

I just pray that its over soon.
2016-11-11 01:56:59 UTC
Somebody once said that the first casualty of war is the truth. And the same probably can be said about politics. Because war is just continuation of politics by other means.

I'm not surprised at all that war leads to all kinds of atrocities. That's how it always has been in every war.

The only difference in some wars is the way the media reports or doesn't report about what's going on. Reporters usually try to make the other side look bad and their own side look good. And that's why it's so hard to know what the whole truth is.

It's possible to lie and lie a lot by telling only half of the truth.
2016-11-14 12:55:02 UTC
War is hell. In Iraq, it is worse.

If the Iraqi troops are committing war crimes, it's because ISIS has inflicted mind numbing atrocities on the people of Iraq for 2 years. They are lower than dogs, and I support wiping them out.

I hope the Iraqi government retakes Mosul with the minimum casualties, and inflicts a Cannae like defeat on ISIS.
2016-11-11 10:05:11 UTC
Warfare is brutal. The Middle East is tribal and revenge is a cultural virtue, so warfare there is particularly brutal. Where this article says, “US backed Iraqi forces” the author is guilty of naivity at best, deception at worst. Since the inception of Islam Baghdad was a Sunni city, until 0bama’s precipitous withdrawal handed it to the Shiite and their Persian (Iranian) masters. Mosul is today the epicenter for dominance of Islam, with Iranian led Shiite gleeful to slaughter their nemesis, so it is laughable or comical to imagine it would not be brutal.

The purpose of the US government is to ensure domestic tranquility and provide for the common defense. US vital national interests include protecting Americans, which means killing ISIS, Al Qaeda and their Al Nusra affiliate. “US backed forces”, as if the US is responsible or endorses their conduct. The US ability to influence Iraq was lost when 0bama chose his precipitous withdrawal. Today, the US armed forces are advancing US interests, which means dead radical Islam adherents, an expression 0bama refuses to utter.

If you have a sanitized concept of warfare, you are guilty of cultural imperialism. You imagine combat waged under the controlling rules of the Geneva Conventions and Hague Regulations. Newsflash: Those treaties were negotiated by and between European armies. Further, they apply only in international armed conflict. This battle is Iraqis within Iraq wresting their territory from the greatest evil we have seen in our generation.

Do I wish Shiite and Arab and Kurd Sunni were less brutal than they are? Sure. Would I delay pursuit of US national interests until such time that these groups were culturally indoctrinated with western values? That will occur … never. Thank you, US forces, for your role in fighting and winning our nation’s wars this veteran’s day. Your fortitude, dedication, and professionalism are an example to the weak miserable scourge leftists than infect America today.
2016-11-13 01:01:31 UTC
How many Americans even know Mosul is a city in Iraq? The Y!A authors even had to write "Mosul, Iraq" for the benefit of those who have strong opinions but don't know where the city is.

E.g. the authors would not have to write "Los Angeles, USA" or "New York City, USA".
2016-11-18 17:11:07 UTC
Iraq was never a country that respected the rule of law, human rights, the laws of war, democracy, freedom, or even basic morality. This is not because Iraq is a Muslim country. It's because Iraq bends to the United States' will. I am not arguing from a realist perspective; I am saying that we must recreate the international system from within. One that's more positive and satisfies the interests of everybody NOT at the expense of other like the United States has been. I am trying to argue from a constructivist perspective. Regarding what you said, let's just pray that Iraq stops these brazen violations of human rights. Let's hope that world leaders find a solution that is beneficial to all parties rather than just a few. Leaders need to respect conventional human values rather than pursue the utilitarian calculus or the status quo. Leaders need to make the international system continue to evolve and reconstruct their identities in a more positive form.

When it comes to my reactions, of course I am shocked, but once again, Iraq has never respected the rule of law, human rights, democracy, freedom or the laws of war. ISIS' methods of war were far more savage, but the unfortunate reality is Turkey's actions in Syria are heading in that direction too. Regarding my position on Turkey, I am a Turkish person who thinks Erdogan is the most demented man on planet Earth. Warring with Syria to occupy the country. Even if the methods are not as savage as ISIS the intentions are. Oh yeah, and I should mention that Erdogan is treating ISIS members in hospitals and allowed for ISIS to conduct attacks in 140+ countries.

To the few of you who argued for genocide, let us recognize that even ISIS should be treated as human beings, even if their actions are barbaric. That is how the laws of war dictate it.
2016-11-19 19:11:55 UTC
W. Bush, and aides Rumsfeld and Powell, lied us into war in Iraq. It never was a hotbed of terrorism until W. Bush tampered with it. Obama, claiming that he was going to end the wars, kept W. Bush's advisors and aides (to make a seamless transition), and ramped up the war (more killing, more troops), which is exactly what W. Bush was trying to do. That only exasserbated terrorism. Isis formed as a result of US occupation of Iraq, Followers of bin Laden are now convinced, more than ever, that the US is evil and bin Laden is great. Surely our president should have been clever enough to make bin Laden seem like the villain he is. Torture camps, which W. Bush revealed to "some" members of Congress, including some Democrats, also ramped up terrorism and didn't save any US lives despite rhetoric to the contrary. W. Bush, followed by W. Bush lite (Obama), mired us in war for decades with no end in sight. W. Bush even tried to turn control of Iraq over to the UN (which W. Bush previously said was irrelevant), and later tried to turn controls of Iraq over to the Taliban (even radical islamics like al Sodr). There was no graceful exit from Iraq, and W. Bush should have thought of an exit plan before he entered.

It is, therefore, not surprising to see yet more atrocities at the hands of US soldiers and our so-called allies.

There should be strict guidelines and punishments for such horrible behavior (followed by pundits who say that we punish our own worse than we punish the enemy).

We need to pull out of Iraq (which would result in the puppet US supporting government of Iraq to be attacked and replaced), then we can get past this war issue. Sure, grudges will be carried for years to come, but there is no way to avoid that. We need to save money and lives, and end this ridiculous war.
2016-11-11 19:06:56 UTC
I don't have reactions to news about Mosul, Iraq. I have reactions to news about cities in America.
2016-11-11 15:54:51 UTC
ISIS needed to be driven out of Mosul sooner or later, especially considering that it is by one of their greater oil reserves. However, there are two disadvantages as well at the moment:

-If Iraqi forced advance too hastily, then they risk the lives of the hostages.

-Iraq may end up eventually deciding to reinforce al-Assad if they eventually gain footing over Mosul.
2016-11-11 21:04:21 UTC
It's probably true. Terrible, but true. At least this time it's not American troops committing the atrocities.

If you are going to war, you can't be astonished when stuff like this happens. In war, certain things are inevitable. Who's doing the fighting makes no difference.

Most folks don't ask the consequences or costs before they engage in war, or declare themselves in favor of warring against some enemy. They just act out of anger or fear. They don't ask themselves first "Am I willing to see innocent children maimed and killed? Am I willing to see my own neighbors in uniform maimed and killed? Am I willing to accept people by the hundreds being killed, not as combatants, but simply by accident? Am I willing to learn my representatives in uniform have done things that make me ashamed?" Because all of those things will happen when you go to war. Every time.

I'm not saying war can always be avoided, or it's never appropriate. I'm saying it's a choice with unpleasant consequences. Responsible, intelligent people concern themselves with consequences BEFORE making a choice, rather than bemoaning them long after the choices have been made.
Admiral Smith
2016-11-27 08:48:51 UTC
I am not for Greenpeace. Over there, I know that AK47s and explosives can just be obtained with a little effort. Here in the United States, a person probably has to kill at least one person to get stuff like that. I say just because they are civilians that does not mean anything. Civilians are not so innocent either but I do not know the full story. If I were paramilitary then I could see US military involvement. I do not know the whole story...
2016-11-25 19:44:14 UTC
I am angered. We should never have invaded Iraq in the first place. The tribal wars have been going on for thousands of years and as long as one man is standing there will be a Jihad. Bush and Haliburton Cheney created chaos and destabilized the Middle East. They are are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings. When will people ever learn --there is no such thing as a "good "war or a "bad" peace.

Capitalists, war profiteers, and opportunists make very bad presidents. I am afraid of what a reality show host megalomanic president might bring.
2016-11-16 12:43:03 UTC
We really never got the system of government and who represents the voice of the people there. We made our position known but the words of our government never made inroads to the people. They are governed by the religious sects and it has been that way for centuries. America helped the people and in the end they had no idea what to do with a system that resulted in a no confidence from the religious leaders.The US is not in a position to dictate religious policy so we will never get the people torn between all the different sects. Iran is the enemy of our enemy and they still remain our enemy. This does not sound like a policy that has any merit. It is like the parent of three siblings.
2016-11-10 19:42:34 UTC
What are your reactions to the latest news about Mosul, Iraq?

Seems like BS to me, Mosul was doin OK, then America left, this is the fault of Democrats who left Iraq ... I say let them war till Death do us part in the mid east or help them die sooner > it's not our job to judge, it's God's, our job is to arrange the meeting nor is it like Media isn't full of BS > case in point > President Trump , LOL !
2016-11-20 08:01:32 UTC
It seems to me that Obama acts now but for getting a platform, which is Iraq, to attack Russian troops in Syria given the size of Iraq that would be advantageous to Obama's plans that seek to push Russians back while complies with Netanyahu's own plans and provoke World War III. Isis is being pushed to Syria, not being exterminated in Iraq.
2016-11-10 11:52:20 UTC
I think it's awful. But having spent time in Iraq, I'm not sure what we can do about it. Unless we go take over the country and run it for them. But then peace will only last for as long as we're there. The middles east has been at war for centuries. Nothing we can do will stop that.
2016-11-13 18:18:46 UTC
Being an Iraqi myself, just think of it this way.

Its time of war and people that stayed in Mosul are ISIS supporters...invasions did not come in a flash it took them days, if you stayed you obviously were working with them.
2016-11-10 21:46:00 UTC
As usual, there are conflicting accounts about who exactly did what---not uncommon in war.

It is hard to separate the strands of war, atrocity, justice and accountability. Given the situation in Iraq, it is also difficult to separate enemy from friend.

It would be a wonderful world if war did not exist. As it stands, there is little about war that isn't, in some form or another, an atrocity.
2016-11-11 14:50:20 UTC
That's what happens when Obama and Hillary support radical Islamic terrorist, give them weapons, funding, training and air support, to be their "Arab Spring" boots on the ground.

Obama and Hillary built ISIS through their support of Arab Spring, because it was the radicals and terrorist fighting it all along. And if Saddam Hussein had still been in power in Iraq when ISIS invaded then the same Obama and Hillary who supported them in Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria would support them in Iraq and instead of pretending to bomb ISIS Obama would have been bombing Saddam Hussein while continuing to call ISIS "Freedom fighters" and "Moderate rebels"

The blood of Mosul and the Entire Middle East is on the hands of Obama and Hillary.

I hope President Trump locks them both up.
2016-11-10 23:29:27 UTC
It is well to dream of glorious war in a snug armchair at home, but it is a very different thing to see it first hand. And after the death of his friend, Barry's thoughts turned from those of military glory to those of finding a way to escape the service to which he was now tied for another six years. Gentlemen may talk of the age of chivalry, but remember the ploughmen, poachers and pickpockets whom they lead. It is with these sad instruments that your great warriors and kings have been doing their murderous work in the world.

Barry Lyndon
2016-11-17 03:38:36 UTC
8 Years ago we had an election that in part was a referendum on the war and war mongering in general by Presidents of the USA.

Now, 8 years later, we are still seeing death and destruction in Iraq and Afganistan with American finger prints all over it.

I don't understand it.
2016-11-14 04:25:49 UTC
I didn't know anyone in Mosul was still alive. How do people survive war for years and years?
2016-11-23 07:26:56 UTC
You always find this sort of thing in war situations. And the mess in that region of the world will not end anytime soon. After ISIS and or Al-Quaida there will be some other crazy faction (and do not forget the Muslim Brotherhood, which is quite active...and not always for the good: look at Egypt).
2016-11-14 20:06:00 UTC
I really have no idea why they want to recapture Mosul. The town is in ruins, and most of the buildings that haven t already been leveled by bombs soon will be.
2016-11-28 04:35:08 UTC
this crap has been happening far to long Iraqi troops and isis need to be wiped out off the face of the earth all they know is to kill humans on the earth we live that is where the real hell is im so sick of it im only 23 years old and i ever do is hear how people can kill one another over stupid crap all the time what ever happen to peace and freedom they only have blood in there eyes and they are blind as a bat to see what they are doing is wrong but they dont care >>>> just drop atomic bomb over there in get it over with even if they have to wipe the whole country off the map that would be a good start
2016-11-23 11:03:44 UTC
My reaction is that all this fighting would have been completely avoided if our idiot and stupid Muslim President Obama would have acted prudently and properly from day 1.

This would have also stopped the creation of ISIS.

So happy that Muslim Obama is leaving the White House permanently very soon, January 20th to be exact.
2016-11-12 11:04:12 UTC
The point of the War on Terror is to try to basically wipe out the middle east. There were secular governments, but the West doesn't want any Syrias or Irans in the 50s moving into the modern age. That's why it funds the Islamic terrorists, never really kills them minus one or 2 every now and then, and threatens Russia with nuclear apocalypse if Russia effectively kills terrorists and saves innocent civilians.

As a veteran I don't hold this against a majority of troops, as I know many who served were righteous people. However, there's enough **** bags in their midst, and the people in charge use compartmentalization and the funding of ISIS to do their dirty work for them.

They fund ISIS to rape and pillage.

ISIS raping and pillaging mostly muslims and their holy sites is used to spark anti Muslim resentment in the western world (PS anti semitism doesn't just mean hating Jews. It means hating any middle easterner).

ISIS presence gives the west an excuse to go in and "liberate" (conquer and slowly exterminate) the Muslim population, basically finishing ISIS's work for them. Many soldiers have no idea, though, due to compartmentalization. But thanks to pro ISrael churches and fascist elements in their midst, they have enough people to do it.

Rinse repeat.

There's been flawed but ultimately secular and modern Islamic states that wanted to be the Middle Eastern version of America, Britain, or Switzerland-the west, basically. They wanted to be some form of secular constitutional democracy. They probably would have very much liked to take notes from us and possibly have been good allies with a lot of economic and diplomatic relationships if they were helped to just evolve faster. They probably would have mitigated terrorism and stopped most of this immigration problem, making people want to stay in their countries.

We overthrew those countries, with the Radical Wahabist Jihadis we funded, and had the audacity to blame this in middle easterners and Islam as a whole.

When 9/11 happened, and to an extent when I joined the military, we were told we were fighting terrorism, dictatorship, and we were spreading democracy and helping the middle eastern peoples. Now all I see us doing is funding sharia law, being friends with Saudi Arabia, telling people to hate all arabs, and basically trying to MAKE the middle east as bad as we say it is so we have an excuse to hate and exterminate these people. I think they want a feudal sharia law in place, a think they want a theocratic medieval hell in the middle east. Why? Cuz dicatorships and divided nations are so much easier to control by a foreign power. Countries that represent the needs of their people utilize their own resources to make their own economy and nation great. Countries that are under a puppet dictator can be bought off by an Imperial power to exploit them of their natural resources, like gold or oil.

This is also why Africa is so poor and ****** up. I mean, yeah Africa and middle east definately have tribalism and wars that must be condemned, but for heaven't sake look in the mirror, west. Africa is rediculously fertile and has tons of gold but is poor. Why? Cuz the government the western powers put in place (again, not the American people but the government, most don't know) puts in mobsters and vassal kings who can be bribed to suck their people dry.

So what's my latest reaction? I"m not surprised. I'm sure there's some people who joined the military for decent reasons-to serve their country, help the middle east, pay for college in a time of rediculous debt. At the end of the day, though, the well meaning crusaders are being corrupted into or slowly replaced by thuggish conquistadors. Our nation has become that. And the thing is, we often hire police or government to oppress the people. So if people are raped, tortured, or wrongfully shot all under the name of killing ISIS, I'm not surprised. My government and it's allies funded the terrorists in the first place.

I'm loyal. I believe in the dream. But that's what they told us. A dream. They had no intention of making it a reality. I understand if my fellow Americans went along with it the first 5 years, hell the first decade, but we need to wake up.
2016-11-19 15:50:26 UTC
Drop a few big bombs on Mosul to wipe out the city. One less shitty place in this world benefits us all.
2016-11-19 05:30:01 UTC
I suggest the Newsmen and women that are covering this conflict fine a good seat for the controlled Hate the Quran placed in so many young men's heart has no equal and it will be awhile as both the innocent and guilty are Buried in the same Grave .......
2016-11-10 19:27:16 UTC
The US government starts wars or supports rebels in different countries and millions of people are killed or displaced. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, etc. They want to topple rogue dictators but should have a more responsible plan in doing so.
2016-11-11 18:27:22 UTC
This is typical of what white people do around the world have have done for centuries. The only part that is new is that, since the advent of the CIA, they outsource their evil to local rebel forces who become beholden to the US in the aftermath of what usually turns out to be a coup d etat.
2016-11-20 06:46:17 UTC
İ agree with one of the previous remarks...that often truth is half presented. That is misleading. Warfare is terrible and civilians caught up in the midst of it pay the price.

Big powers and countries meanwhile blame each other or point at each other because of the civilian losses. All of us then lose the big picture and cannot figure out what is going on.
2016-11-13 07:58:07 UTC
Whether we like it or not, all's fair in love and war. Brutalization is a way of war for the Middle East. Iraqis, Arabians, Iranians, Afghans, ISIS, et al. All the same ethos, brutalize the enemy...kind of like shock and awe don't you think?

Is it any wonder that JC with his crazy "love thy neighbor" and "do unto others..." was hated by the Middle East?
2016-11-13 04:54:27 UTC
Some good news of Daesh defeats and bad news of heavy casualties on civilians!!But some neighboring countries must help Iraqi people to save them from the most notorious perverted terrorists...fangs!!Why!!?Wolves or jackals kill many to just take one and the mad ISIS terrorists have lost their minds to kill randomly to creative more terrors....!!Unfortunately,X country instead of helping and saving people in need is trying to save its breeded serpent and scorpion heads!!!Of courses,we should not forget that dismantling and demobolizing Iraqi army and police was the then greatest mistake of US governor general appointed there!!!I myself expected much more implementation of military tactics there but unfortunately some mobilized forces forgot the training lessons and lost unexpected losses!!!If the EU,US NATO,and neighboring countries want peace after Daesh sonomy,they must not kill Times,since Iraqi civilians are in greatest dangers....Nobody must let lone wolves scape....Justice Rights.
2016-11-18 09:16:29 UTC
what? you mean the primarily shia forces are committing atrocities against primarily sunni ISIS members? who could possibly have seen that coming (sarcasm)? Or am I supposed to be surprised by the USA supporting a genocide as if they've never done that before? *cough indonesia, the banana republics etc... cough*. Seems like business as usual unfortunately.
2016-11-10 12:41:28 UTC
I don't think there is anything the West can do about the Middle East. It has always been a mess since modern times.
2016-11-10 14:15:23 UTC
they are not going to win the hearts and minds of the locals by acting like ISIS. But, ISIS does not wear an uniform. So it hard to find and identify the innocent civilians/residents and those who are ISIS terrorists. Their treating the locals so cruel , is going to encourage someone to join and be as radical as ISIS against them the US ,and any Western Nation.

With the current change in the US Government, nothing is going to done about it by the US.
2016-11-17 13:54:14 UTC
An attack made for the election that will be called a coincidence. See how tough Democrats are in the Middle East for November
General Chaos
2016-11-28 08:44:26 UTC
iraqi forces usa supports is containing some(probably all ) members of the kurdis revolutionists pkk who kills and killed millions (30.000.000 as said to be on 2000's ) and uses illegal drug market as financial soruce and other crimanal ways to get money . and is accepted as terrorist organisation by eu and im not sure but probably by usa . but probably not since there is ties they support this organisation directly (there are alot of clues proving this including wikileaks records but not limited with them. )

so killing innocent peoples in iraq? come on this mans kills nearly any week atleast 5-10 civil or military/police continously.

so no surprise there.

usa has a plan called great middle east project. which looks pretty fitting to actions of todays usa .

which plans to remap borders of countries there . the reason probably hides behind soviet and other enemy bypassing requirements from USA's security perspective.

if we look from their perspective it looks alot acceptable . but anyway violating general laws doesnt look acceptable . not even for their long time security.
2016-11-18 16:58:18 UTC
It's not surprising, but then taking into account what they're up against I'd prefer living under them than ISIS any day. Plus, you cannot expect to defeat such forces with ACLU tactics.
2016-11-21 20:08:42 UTC
I think it is time for the USA, to close this chapter on Iraq and walk away. Let Iraq depend on themselves. This is the same and worse than the Vietnam conflict.
2016-11-10 10:51:59 UTC
Seriously?????? we just elected a Birther Moron president.

He will soon have the nuclear codes.

We have more than enough to worry about right now, and the news media is 24-7 all about Trump the RUMP. right now.

The middle east will just have to sort themselves out for the time being.
2016-11-13 09:03:12 UTC
As long as obama is in office, be suspicious of a trap. For example, a couple of hundred ISIL suicide bombers could do serious damage to the Iraqi forces, which would stalemate the war for years. Obama is the sugar daddy for ISIL.
2016-11-11 14:28:22 UTC
I really don't care about that part of the world. It could all get bombed into a heap of rubble & take all of the people with it. I have issues with people who willingly live in the dark ages. I doubt they truly need the help of the US.
2016-11-10 13:26:09 UTC
Muslims and abuse have a 1400 year old history. During war or not (Muslims can not make a permanent peace with any group) the Muslims will always be abusing others. Their religion dictates their sickness
2016-11-23 03:34:07 UTC
With regards to anything political, I've learned to think to myself 'How do I - personally - feel about this?'. The meanings of names, and even actions, change - within themselves and with regards to their effect on the world and world affairs - depending on who is talking. To the oppressed, revolutionaries and freedom fighters are seen as heroes, to the oppressors (and with their own interests in mind and at stake) they are seen and portrayed as terrorists and a large part of the enemy force. And of course you have sympathizers on both sides that will seek to defend what see as heroes fighting and dying for a Just cause.

There are of course certain exceptions in which everyone agrees that they were just evil and went completely off the rails. Hitler, Stalin, Gaddafi, Amin, etc.

You can't trust the news media, individually, but you CAN get to the truth when you cross-reference feeds from different news stations. They all spout their own version of modern propaganda to serve their own national agenda, but the only successful propaganda is that which is some truth in it, and so when you cross-reference, you YOURSELF can sift through the crap and get to the real truth.

Personally, I always feel sorry for the true victims of situations like that. I'm not going to name any ONE conflict because - frankly - it's always the same. The men, women and children with no ties at all to terrorism, counter-terrorism, military or the government, the people just going about their lives and just trying to get through each day and enjoy, even at the most basic level, the same benefits that are afforded to everyone else in the world. They're the ones that suffer the most.

If you sign up to the military then you sign on to the possibility that you may be killed, same as if you join the ranks of a revolutionary/terrorist group. Yes, in that situation the family of the killed (let's say operative) also have to deal with the grief, but as with the 'operative', somewhere inside they have already been allowed to/had time to come to terms with the idea.

'The West' - as a geo-political entity, is too fond of saying 'I don't agree with this, that or what you have over there, we haven't got it and we want it' and then acting by going wading in and kicking the hornet's nest up. What's wrong with simply saying 'Well, we don't want your ideas in our country, and if you try to spread them in our country, we'll fight against it, but of course you're fine doing whatever you want to do in your own country, that's none of our business'? 'The West' talks about negotiations and all the rest of it, but nine times out of ten, when the boots have been on the ground, the only negotiations have been from behind a gun or with the other party safely tied down and/or restrained.

So, it saddens me, because deep down we're all exactly the same, regardless of the names attached to groups or individuals by those higher up the food chain with an overarching agenda. As human beings, like any other animal, when we, our family or our clan/pack feel threatened or victimized we seek to defend ourselves and we lash out at the enemy, whether directly (if possible) or indirectly (if a frontal attack is not possible).
2016-11-19 11:17:55 UTC
OK so, what exactly were you thinking was going to happen? We are human, thats what we do, we kill each other without remorse, in the name of the antiquated mind set that each of are right in their beliefs. What ever they may be. Philosophical, personal, or psychological, each one of us think that they know what is best. These thoughts give way to fostering contempt towards those who do not share them. Thus conflict and violence. It’s in our DNA for some reason, can’t wait until that little genome is decoded and repaired.
2016-11-24 13:39:45 UTC
The Islamic state is proof of all the destructive potential that Muslims can take. For cowardly Muslims of the sort who murder and rape women and children, every punishment the members of this terrible group suffer is small.
2016-11-10 12:03:02 UTC
They aren't going to win the backing of the people by being just as bad as those neanderthals in ISIS. If fact, they may even end up radicalizing more people.
2016-11-18 00:19:17 UTC
Just another reason why we shouldn't be involved in those countries. Some people react that way after being exposed to war for too long.
2016-11-16 13:26:44 UTC
there is no such thing as abuse in war screw the Iraqis do you really think that they show as much compassion or courtesy that the us army show to them while ther chopping there heads off or burning Americans alive they deserve everything they get its fine for you to make your minds up sitting in your nice warm houses sitting behind your computer/phone screens but if you were actually out there im sure you wouldn't be saying that fk isis
2016-11-24 12:23:27 UTC
Weren't we supposed to be finished and out of there a decade ago?

The military/political machine continues to roll on-unstopped and unopposed.

I guess as long as there's money to be made, it "doesn't hurt" to pull the wool

over Americans' eyes...
2016-11-15 06:57:34 UTC
We didn't need to go in the first place. Now we need to reopen green zone, take half their oil revenues, and clamp down on that country with an iron fist.
2016-11-16 17:03:34 UTC
Hope this will end soon and Mosul will be re-gained
2016-11-11 16:35:32 UTC
The carnage of ISIS raping goats for the past yeas must stop , the donkys arnt safe either
2016-11-12 05:37:41 UTC
I feel very sad for the casualties caused by these monsters. I really wish we never got involved in the Middle East.
2016-11-11 17:35:54 UTC
Holy godd@mn sh!t yahoo people ask some interesting question once in a while.

FYI this behavior has existed in that region for at least 2,000 years.
2016-11-10 15:40:24 UTC
I think news companies need to start resisting the urge to post 'alleged' news before people stop believing them altogether.
2016-11-21 16:31:09 UTC
my reaction is... whose bright idea was it to train iraqi soldiers after we ravaged their country over a useless war?

did you guys really think they would be exemplary soldiers to represent the u.s.? come on. we wrecked their homeland. for what? i was against the war from the beginning.....and sad to say, i actually predicted this would happen.

do ME a favor. and let ME run the gawd damn country or be someones advisor? this would never have happened if hillary was in office, instead of GW Bush. grimey az conservative.
2016-11-11 11:05:18 UTC
Yeah under Obama's watch.
2016-11-10 23:44:48 UTC
It's a war situation.
2016-11-11 19:58:24 UTC
No reaction--Mosul is a 'Ruin' now.
2016-11-17 18:14:23 UTC
I honestly do not know. I have had my head buried in the sand since I was betrayed by the Clinton Admin back in the 90s.
2016-11-10 10:47:26 UTC
I could care less. As a proud American, I am more focused on my own country. I am not concerned about some foreign country that doesn't care about mine.

Make American Great Again.
2016-11-10 20:37:25 UTC
As long as Islam is in charge there will be horror. Islam is evil and highly destructive.

I Cr 13:8a, Love never fails !
2016-11-10 19:18:18 UTC
We had years to send troops and finish it.

Instead we have someone call them a junior varsity team

and say they are on the run.The real investigation

should be to find out who supplied those weapons.
2016-11-23 23:46:54 UTC
War will die out through many long years to come as long as there is a yin/yang balance. War is barbaric. So I obviously don't like war.
2016-11-10 20:29:46 UTC
Big surprise. NOT. Time to leave the Middle East and let these people solve their own problems. We are just making it worse.
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-11-27 22:05:59 UTC
It has always been a god damned holy war. Shia vs Sunni is just like the old wars between Protestants and Catholics. Muslims are just Christians in blankets.
2016-11-25 05:49:20 UTC
The "news" does a poor job of exprdssing what might have been mass outrage.

We are silenced as a population

so that there can be freedom for our military & corporations.
2016-11-11 13:43:05 UTC
I will be honest!

I couldn't care less about the entire Middle East!
2016-11-26 01:52:09 UTC
I am profoundly saddened by the suffering of the poor civilians, women and children, but I have no affection for Moslims.
2016-11-12 13:41:47 UTC
It is more than likely partially true. They would torture captured enemies when we were there. All of it with knowledge of their command. We tried to stop it, but it is their culture. I would say some of these news sources are lying as well, just as they did while we were there.
2016-11-10 18:40:15 UTC
Well the U.S. military finally admitted they have killed civilians, made thousands flee to Syria, and blown up hospitals. the U.S. are so incompetent. I hope when Mr. Trump is Prez he will make smarter moves.
2016-11-21 16:14:35 UTC
It's unfortunate but abuses will always occur in war. All one can do is try to minimize it's occurrence.
2016-11-15 11:43:31 UTC
same as the old news :

iraqi govt forces took part of neighborhood A after a long battle.
2016-11-12 14:20:45 UTC
Did you hear about this morning where a suicide bomber killed two service members in Afghanistan and injured many others. War is not nice.
2016-11-11 00:39:43 UTC
It is war, not afternoon picnic. These things happens in war and especially in war with such enemy as Islamic State when its hard to tell who is civilist and who is soldier. How do they know these were not fighters of IS?
2016-11-10 20:08:08 UTC
All I know is that you can't condemn and wage war on counties, territories, nationalities ,races, creeds, different color people, provinces, and or tribes or groups because they can't afford modern euthanasia drugs
2016-11-12 08:05:06 UTC
I am happy for listening news of iraq. the destroy of DAESH is very good news
2016-11-14 10:48:43 UTC
I don't know alls I know is I'm really getting tired of hearing about the middle east its always one thing or another. just getting sick of it all an its never going to end this middle east crap
Dennis Bergkamp
2016-11-10 11:30:43 UTC
The "War on Terror" is one of the biggest shams in American history. Time to pull out and end the charade, and focus on American interests.
2016-11-19 10:16:30 UTC
The humanity in me wishes peace to all. Having said that, if these people turn their violence on us Kaffirs do Muslims expect us to care about Muslims killing each other?
2016-11-12 18:29:52 UTC
War is a harsh, brutal thing. Bad things happen, and good people may be moved to do awful things. Same as it has always been.
2016-11-16 00:42:56 UTC
We do Not belong in this Allah loving land, and the Muslims don't belong here. Water/oil do not mix.
2016-11-19 04:42:56 UTC
How do you feel about the Muslims murdering little children and women? War is hell and when only one side has any rules of conduct it is worse.
Brevet Shop
2016-11-22 14:55:29 UTC
All cases must be taken in consideration and reported...attacks against Islamic States would be kept during all night...
2016-11-27 20:33:35 UTC
The war in Iraq is unjustified. It must stop.
Tad Dubious
2016-11-15 05:57:39 UTC
Allegations are not news and should not be treated or repeated as news. My reaction is Y!A is trying to stir the pot.
2016-11-14 14:20:50 UTC
Sorry, but I really do not care. I does not effect my personal life. I have enough problems and challenges of my own to deal with and worry about.
Just another Y!A liar.
2016-11-14 21:53:57 UTC
I have to get emissions repairs done on my car That's my reaction.
2016-11-11 16:23:40 UTC
2017-02-01 11:21:00 UTC
shouldn't have invaded a sovereign nation...
Linda R
2016-11-28 07:41:59 UTC
So the enemy can sever our heads, hang our heads from over passes and it's NOT considered abuse? What ever we do to them - we MUST do it FIRST!
2016-11-24 18:56:56 UTC
2016-11-11 20:39:47 UTC
Usa problem for joining in. Just block them off
2016-11-11 03:58:43 UTC
Glad we elected a competent President.
2016-11-23 12:35:06 UTC
Frustration, but also the realization that they are not us, and they have a different history, culture, and views regarding this type of behavior.
Master Infinity
2016-11-11 13:03:18 UTC
I hope that President Trump will finally utter defeat and crush ISIS.
2016-11-14 16:58:18 UTC
I'm just glad their driving out ISIS, with Russia's help.
2016-11-10 17:40:36 UTC
I think we should focus on our own problems, if you people in the media are so goddamn concerned about over there, then you go over and fight them, and stay off the air.
2016-11-12 12:13:34 UTC
I love how the Iraqi forces have finally started to fight back against the terrorists.

2016-11-16 06:25:52 UTC
And ISIS wouldn't do the same back?

They are dogs and should be treated as such.
2016-11-18 23:52:53 UTC
This is normal unfortunately its been happening for a long time, because of religion mainly from muslims seeking "jihad"
2016-11-14 21:48:40 UTC
I have no reaction, all i can say is the end justifies the means.
2016-11-24 13:42:56 UTC
Coup it now coup it right there now. Root out all the Corrurption now, Agree
2016-11-11 13:33:50 UTC
They are Muslims! That is what the Noble Quran orders them to do!
2016-11-12 12:09:15 UTC
Its terrible but ISIS is a threat to all of Islam due to their ignorance and radical rhetoric.
2016-11-11 12:16:10 UTC
I rarely focus on things I have absolutely no control over.
2016-11-25 18:49:30 UTC
It's evil.
2016-11-10 16:48:30 UTC
Abuse against the Islamic State? are you serious???? they rape girls, stone women, through gays out of the windows... We need to wipe them all. Stupid regressive leftist, go with them if you complain
2016-11-11 07:42:46 UTC
A war the US never should have gone into
2016-11-27 21:18:01 UTC
Obama surrendered Iraq, and now we have to go back (again).
2016-11-11 05:00:26 UTC
It always happens, you help them and in the future they use it against you. We should stay out of it, let them all fight their own wars.
2016-11-25 15:30:19 UTC
Don't care
2016-11-12 08:32:11 UTC
Some ppl are born lions per se... and they still have Judges to be summed to.
2016-11-23 08:36:30 UTC
Piss off media

You lost

Now your doing more stupid coverage.

Piss be upon Mohammad and the countires who worship his **** show games
2016-11-15 18:01:11 UTC
It's about a terrorist country, so I don't care
2016-11-13 17:06:33 UTC
Can't find it on a map. Don't care.
2016-11-12 06:02:50 UTC
How the hell can ISIS be abused? They've raped and murdered children by the THOUSANDS. NOTHING done to them could POSSIBLY be called abuse.
2016-11-13 16:03:29 UTC
Bad place, especially for ISIS attacks.
2016-11-22 06:22:41 UTC
I just hope America stay out of this
2016-11-22 08:58:59 UTC
We should have never gone to Iraq. So all this is B S.
2016-11-19 14:12:11 UTC
No reaction
2016-11-22 09:58:40 UTC
what news?
2016-11-12 08:52:37 UTC
politics is a waste of time and oxygen.

get a real job at taco bell or buger king

get off the computer and get a job at taco bell.
2016-11-11 00:53:14 UTC
No reaction
2016-11-15 01:39:20 UTC
This is what happens when a war is declared for no good reason.
2016-11-28 11:57:50 UTC
I think the Yahoo Answers "team" is young and over-payed....
2016-11-13 13:21:01 UTC
I too would want to torture someone if I had to fight against a stubborn enemy like ISIS!
Spock (rhp)
2016-11-14 07:33:12 UTC
my reaction is that the Iraqi soldiers are less brutal than Daesh. If that bothers you, please volunteer to clean Daesh out in person.
2016-11-18 02:48:32 UTC
This isis war was uneccessary
2016-11-11 04:24:16 UTC
We ( Americans ) should be paying MORE attention to exactly whats REALLY going on here at home .....AND Why .
2016-11-11 13:17:24 UTC
2016-11-19 06:48:38 UTC
It saddens me to see how this murderous mindset is so difficult to end.
2016-11-13 07:48:17 UTC
War is tough
You Know . . .
2016-11-10 14:03:17 UTC
Maybe the deserve it, as they killed thousands of innocent civilians already.
2016-11-17 19:43:19 UTC
**** ISIS and anyone who aids them in any way, that s my reaction.
2016-11-26 05:49:11 UTC
could care less it is their way of life always has been get out mind our own business
2016-11-12 05:01:01 UTC
Islam is evil incarnate.
Maria S
2016-11-10 23:31:50 UTC
Considering how ISIS treats their "guests" I say whatever.
2016-11-27 06:45:59 UTC
Blah Blah Blah...Obamas ISIS brothers are being defeated...GOOD !
2016-11-19 06:33:00 UTC
sad news for humanity. isis is monster
2016-11-17 19:41:37 UTC
I'm not surprised.
2016-11-11 03:15:33 UTC
soldiers have always commited crimes since the dawn of mankind
2016-11-16 16:54:48 UTC
I ll bet this incident is one of many.
2016-11-27 11:48:34 UTC
I'm, glad im not there this time around.
2016-11-11 06:31:42 UTC
2016-11-22 14:51:32 UTC
Gee, now what The Hell Just Happened???????
2016-11-10 18:24:11 UTC
americans are not the policemen of the world.
2016-11-12 11:45:53 UTC
Mind your business forginers :(
2016-11-19 08:24:56 UTC
2016-11-10 22:23:28 UTC
All of this is just gonna get worse.
2016-11-23 19:50:11 UTC
I have an erection. No other reactions yet.
2016-11-20 12:03:16 UTC
this has been going on for centuries and will continue for centuries longer.
2016-11-12 09:28:04 UTC
Ending the ISIS up on ending the Democratic presidency ,Coincidence ? don't think so .As Donald Trump take the lead in US and clearly send the message to Islamic state ,means he respect the central government of the countries and foreign relationships as he demand Obama mount ago to not make any further steps toward the foreign policies.This action was clear stopping the US from involvement in bigger wars .I do not call it retread ,but I call it a break to see clear where the path is going .He realized that US did not gained any political or military advance by getting involve in Syria and Iraq ,where European countries ,such as Germany and UK take the credit and of course million of free barrel oils and Gold ,where they put the US head to head with Russia and China close to edge of a nuclear war .Iraq is small country ,but old as history of the human kind ,they been ans see many many wars and rapid of the history same as WWII and WWII was leading to path for WWIII .As mosul strong hold of the ISIS fail situation it get more stable ,where Turkey ,Iran and Syria feel less thread on boarder security and the foreign militaries in rigen .Now that proof comes out Chemical bombing in Syria was operated by rebellion in Syria (Backed by US military) Accusation of John Kerry in committee of the Representative for going war with Syria it came out wrong (false intelligent or framing and set-up the Syrian president ).A deal made by Democratic party for US military equipment with Same Arabs that donate large amount the money to Clinton foundation ,which end up in hands of the ISIS and result 3 years blood shed and barbarism with this Clinton Idea that let the Arabs kill the Arabs it became a nightmare scenario world wide .Designing a COPE in Turkey ,Nuclear deal with Iran and Selling high performance Military equipment to the Saudi Arabia ,Stand Alert in eastern europe countries boarder with Russia and at same time with China in the Pacific was nothing except the declared the war to the world .Opposite of what we were thinking of Democrat party as peacemaker government it comes out wrong ,they were war makers .Reminding Gorge Bush in one move without many actuality take the Iraq and Change the regime ,which every think was going on schedule to create a Republic democracy government to control the Iraq without any Civil war or region war and world support that even Russia did not entrop the attack .The british when see the oppertonity to take over the oil in the middeleast designed a senario and push the US in to a mass ,which themselves build up in souther boarders of Iraq where the oil is and by a calculated plan even they resign contract with other europian conutries and Brexit from EU and leave the rest of the mass for US and EU to deal with .Now US must deal with Russia to build a relation on Syria matter ,Must gain the Turkey trust ,Must deal with illion refugees ,Most importantly must deal with war heads that they leave in the eastern europe countries as defence plan against Russia .

Stress still is continued and if one of the NATO members deside to make a nuclear attach with or without the US authorization ,systematic warhead will go on from any direction ,which no one can control it and till they find out where is coming it's too late .Hoe ever Taking the Mosul is not end of the war in Iraq ,cause soon after that Kurdish military will claim the territory and that is the Time which two large Country (Iran and Turkey) will not accept such claim ,even Iraq Government will not allow them to Claim government in the Government.That mean Kurdish democratic party will start the war same as ISIS .This is what all the region countries are wake of and is same story British play in Iraq WWI and WWII to creating a new oil Company deals and such the Iraq oil as possible .The plan is not freedom of the Iraq or Syria ,even is go farther to invasion of the Kuwait ,Saudi Arabia and Iran ,plus all the Arab countries to take control of the entire oil wells .According this plan NATO will have control of largest source of the energy in the world ,where can dictate to china and Russia or any other countries that are buyer of the oil for their industrials.That mean there's no human right or any bowl **** they are using in the UN as consol the human right in that regions ,it's just an invasion plan using any political tricks and UN protocols for open reason to attack .The VETO power in UN is allow the 5 countries to attack and invade any country any time for any reason ,now if you call it freedom of navigation ,then this freedom must be apply to all the countries as well ,moving the huge naval destroyers close to International boarders of any country is war thread no matter which country .Do we allow the Russian or China do the same maneuver as well close to our boarders ? The answer is NO .Since year 2000 the invasion plan is taking place starting by Afghanistan ,then Iraq and the Syria and now is going to act on Saudi Arabia and the Kuwait and Iran From south and Eastern european countries from west of the Russia to making the tie surrounded attack line around the Russia .By forcing the sanction to Russia and military threads in boarders ,they will try to invade the Russia and the is China time to invade the china from the north ,west and east .Then plan called WORLD NEW ORDER will enforce to the WORLD WIDE (ONE MONEY CURRENCY ,ONE WORLD LEADER SHIP,ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT) and this is what Adolf Hitler dream of world idea was .So as you see we are not so different with what Germans were in WWII. .
2016-11-22 21:26:09 UTC
We dump money into stuff but it is impossible to predict how it will go.
2016-11-20 07:47:50 UTC
Nothing at all
2016-11-11 04:24:43 UTC
It is there land. It is there fight. May they die well fighting over it.
2016-11-10 14:24:48 UTC
War is war, there are no "Safe places" there.
2016-11-11 17:22:21 UTC
2016-11-22 06:25:58 UTC
2016-11-15 05:55:59 UTC
When is killing someone not an atrocity?
2016-11-25 05:37:55 UTC
I just hope they stop.q
2016-11-27 12:43:28 UTC
who cares those sand niggs should go burn
2016-11-11 22:07:38 UTC
I think its really sad is all.
2016-11-12 10:26:35 UTC
This is tragical
2016-11-11 07:33:43 UTC
It a mess.
2016-11-14 14:06:34 UTC
the cowards will pay
Special Man to the Rescue
2016-11-10 19:06:42 UTC
corrupt cops.
2016-11-21 08:36:51 UTC
2016-11-28 12:12:45 UTC
i dont care
2016-11-17 04:38:55 UTC
2016-11-11 07:55:16 UTC
2016-11-17 03:36:07 UTC
2016-11-17 11:25:11 UTC
the media lies so much..idk what to believe...
2016-11-14 07:09:51 UTC
2016-11-19 06:47:37 UTC
lynndie would be proud
2016-11-17 09:50:35 UTC
Are we still there?
2016-11-12 15:39:37 UTC
Allah save us!
2016-11-23 15:08:12 UTC
war is bad?
2016-11-17 17:34:48 UTC
Not any really
2016-11-11 12:45:41 UTC
US go home!
2016-11-12 00:14:29 UTC
Not yet.
2016-11-11 22:13:29 UTC
Yahoo, your propaganda has failed yet again...
2016-11-20 19:15:09 UTC
Your question: "What are your reactions to the latest news about Mosul, Iraq?"

Please specify what type of reaction you are seeking:

___ emotionalism

___ surprise

___ denial

___ spiritual enlightenment

___ outrage

___ shame

___ desire to sell top secret information to hostile adversaries

___ awe

___ shock

___ both shock and awe

___ glee

___ nausea

___ vindication

___ hives

___ Other: _______________________________________

Your news: "Overshadowed by news covering the presidential election, several sources reported this week about the first cases of alleged abuse from the US-supported Iraqi government forces working against the Islamic State. Read up here:"


“In pondering the behavior of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, I cannot help but think of the 500,000 plastic keys that Iran imported from Taiwan during the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88. At the time, an Iranian law laid down that children as young as 12 could be used to clear mine fields, even against the objections of their parents. Before every mission, a small plastic key would be hung around each of the children’s necks. It was supposed to open for them the gates to paradise…The human wave tactic was implemented as follows: the barely armed children and teenagers had to move continuously forward in perfectly straight rows. It did not matter whether they fell as cannon fodder to enemy fire or detonated the mines with their bodies: the important thing was that the Basiji continued to move forward over the torn and mutilated remains of their fallen comrades, going to their deaths in wave after wave…

by Matthias Kuntzel, 30 July 2006, accessed 29 December 2014:



"On the surface, selling arms to a country that state-sponsors terrorism, of course, clearly, you’d have to argue it’s wrong... But it’s the exception sometimes that proves the rule…. I think history has to prove whether it’s wrong... I think it is debatable, and I think on the surface, you can make the case that it’s wrong... I think we could argue that it was right.” – George H.W. Bush, 1987, in regard to illegal sales of weapons to the Islamic Republic of Iran

by Matthew Purdy, Inquirer Washington Bureau, 29 January 1987


“The Halabja chemical attack… was a genocidal massacre against the Kurdish people that took place on March 16, 1988, during the closing days of the Iran–Iraq War in the Kurdish city of Halabja in Southern Kurdistan.... The attack killed between 3,200 and 5,000 people and injured 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians."


"The Iraqi no-fly zones were a set of two separate no-fly zones (NFZs), and were proclaimed by the United States, United Kingdom, and France after the Gulf War of 1991 to protect the Kurds in northern Iraq and Shiite Muslims in the south. Iraqi aircraft were forbidden from flying inside the zones. The policy was enforced by U.S., British, and French aircraft patrols until France withdrew in 1998."


"Iraqi Christians who were forced to flee the northern city of Mosul under threat of forced conversion or execution by jihadists have spoken of their terror as churches were turned into mosques and their homes and property confiscated... Last weekend Isis gave the city’s Christians a stark choice: convert to Islam, pay a religious tax, or face death. "They said there is no place for Christians in the Islamic state," one distraught refugee said from the safety of Bashiqa, 16 miles from Mosul. "Either you become Muslim or you leave." Mosul’s last 1,500 Christian families were reportedly robbed at Isis checkpoints as they fled."

by Fazel Hawramy, 24 July 2014, The Guardian


"Four people killed and dozens injured after two ten-year-olds become latest girls forced to carry out suicide bomb attack in Nigeria... The attack follows a similar incident on Saturday, where a bomb was strapped to a girl aged about 10, which left at least 19 people dead in the city of Maiduguri, in Borno state."

by Thomas Burrows, 11 January 2014, MailOnline, accessed 15 January 2015:


"... no faith teaches people to massacre innocents. No just God would stand for what they did yesterday, and for what they do every single day... Today, the American people will all say a prayer for those who loved Jim [James Foley, beheaded by Muslims].... We keep in our prayers those other Americans who are separated from their families... May God bless and keep Jim’s memory, and may God bless the United States of America." – Barack Obama, August 20, 2014


"Ben Carson likens Islamic State to American patriots… 'They got the wrong philosophy, but they’re willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness,' he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. 'We have to change that.' Commonly known as ISIS, the Islamic State group has been responsible for hundreds of deaths across the Middle East in recent months."

by STEVE PEOPLES, 15 January 2015, Associated Press.

someone who cares
2016-11-15 15:29:56 UTC
2016-11-11 06:34:06 UTC
Bigger bombs make bigger holes.
2016-11-14 19:31:47 UTC
Nuke the *******.
2016-11-26 04:54:29 UTC
Mad stuff.
2016-11-16 18:54:15 UTC
Idk i haven't watched the news, it is too depressing.
2016-11-20 14:10:40 UTC
2016-11-10 11:11:18 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.