Don’t worry about the “ap” and her colleagues. They are barking d 0gs. They don’t bite.
The real problem is within Hinduism. Hindus go home and wonder, why non Hindus hate hindus..
Muslims and Christians go hone and read their sacred books, which they believed from childhood. Those books teach them that, other than islam, all religions are a lie and sin. What do you expect from such people?
Millions of species on this earth got wiped off the face of earth, because they are not competitive. Even early human species were eradicated by some other human species.
Now we fight for what we believe in. Hindus fight for every one. Hindus don’t know how to fight for themselves, because we don’t see ourselves separate from others. However, Muslims fight for themselves, Christians fight for themselves.
So, according to millions of years of history on earth. Hinduism is destined to end, if we do not change our attitude, and think selfishly.
One easy way is to, stop worshiping many gods. Worshipping many gods, makes hindus think that gods from non hindu religion as one of many gods. Polytheistic religion people have less passion for their religion. First we need to change hindu religion as monotheistic. (One god). Rest of the things will follow. Hinduism will not survive if it is polytheistic religion.
Now we need to think and take bold move. Stop worrying about ahimsa. It will kill us. We need to do what ever it takes. Then we will survive.