Why has Barack Obama become the most polarizing president in almost 30 years?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why has Barack Obama become the most polarizing president in almost 30 years?
46 answers:
2012-03-03 04:53:29 UTC
Anybody but Obama-2012
2012-03-03 04:44:28 UTC
I'm no fan of Obama, but we've been polarizing ourselves for years. He just happens to be the schmuck in office during its zenith.

@Mark F - That's the most retarded thing I've heard today. Funny how * you * are the one mentioning his race.
2012-03-03 05:45:52 UTC
obama promised to "fundamentally change America, from the foundations up..." in his 2008 campaign to become 'ruler' of the U.S. That would not be possible without first creating chaos through hate and discontent. obama has an agenda, and is just following his road map to that end.
2012-03-03 09:11:18 UTC
Because Obama acts like poor white trash being uppity

Obama has lost the Trust of all decent Americans, no matter what color.

He has lied his way to Failure as a Fundamental Destroyer over and over again.

Destruction is Obamas agenda and only success.
2012-03-03 07:58:44 UTC
He appealed and pleaded to "Blacks for Obama" and that is not in any way uniting the people, more of a polarizing All hell would break out if Bush would have starteed a bloc of white people for GW. The so called fair and unbiased media like the way things go in their class division / warfare and snobish attitude.
Ethan M
2012-03-03 04:52:27 UTC
Socialism either you love it or you hate it very few are on the fence
2012-03-03 04:41:31 UTC
A combination of both. He simnply continued doing what he'd done throughout his life - Chicago "thug" politics.
2012-03-04 20:09:24 UTC
With Obama I have gotten the feeling that when something needs to be done it is his way, or no way. There is no negotiating until the bill (or whatever) is close to a vote then he acts surprised when it encounters resistance from other groups.
Philip H
2012-03-03 08:15:14 UTC
Since the vast majority of all actions he has taken are irrefutable Failures, and since he is unwilling to take take responsibility for his deceptions and shirks responsibility, he MUST Blame Someone.

So he uses the Race Card Repeatedly, and blames Patriotic Americans who actually understand and want to follow the Constitution. Obama deliberately drives a wedge between those who are parasites who want handouts and those who are Responsible self-sufficient Liberty Loving REAL Americans.

The Elitists who Dominate Washington DC want us, as a nation to be divided so They can have more relative strength.

The Division is by Design. Obama and his fellow Elitist Lords want it that way.
2012-03-03 04:39:53 UTC
Three reasons:

1. His Extreme left wing approach and views

2. His blatant racism

3. His complete incompetence
something different
2012-03-10 17:03:00 UTC
It's also why Hillary was not the "chosen one" It became fairly obvious... how they could use his race to shut people up. America isn't a racist country, except for the minorities- Many of the minorities are now the ones who are the most racist.

When they lose the ability to claim discrimination-look at all the freebies and benefits they will lose?! The leaders and donations and groups built and sustained on racial division-It's a real profitable situation. It's to their advantage to polarize the races, and it was slipping away. Make one group dependent with no real stake in the game, they will keep voting for benefits...leading to collapsing the system and re-making America into a Socialist Country.

Let everyone believe they have a chance to make something of themselves-there goes the blame and excuses..and the money and benefits..and generations of living and believing they don't have a chance, useful idiots who are taught the world is against them (Reverend Wrights Church)

The election was supposed to prove that racism and division was gone...and look how the honest and good intent backfired- It usually happens that way. Give an inch and anyone with an agenda, will take a mile. We criticize the agenda, and get attacked on racial lines-it's simply all segued to what works for the ones in power, and having the loudest voice, or largest Megaphone!!!
2012-03-06 04:57:11 UTC
Obama, and for that matter every single president since JFK, are all just faces to which the masses can either shout their love and affections for or wish their hates upon. They are all essentially controlled by the true power of this world. Money. It is the people with the money that controll your government, and in turn, controll the country. All your wars on "terrorism" have been created for the sole purpose of making more money. The idea that one bloke will be better suited for presidency over another is false. With or without Obama, the actions of the US government would have been the same this past year. What you need is a revolution of the people to put the power back in the peoples hands and not the elitists who believe they can do whatever they please, while the rest of world fights for jobs and money so they can survive.
2016-10-15 05:31:13 UTC
a million. How can we stay away from ourselves from being placed into concentration camps with the "Whities" you hate plenty? 2. can we nonetheless be allowed to swear on a Bible? 3. How do you intend to flow tens of millions of protection tension workers and kit to a distinctive continent interior a count of hours? 4. Will you denounce racism interior the comparable passive way via which you addressed your racist congregation with? Will you stand via and watch helplessly as human beings slander racist comments on the comparable human beings you represent like the way you probably did at your church? 5. Are you Saddam Hussein reincarnate? 6. Do you somewhat hate white human beings? (answer honestly this time, you already gained) 7. are you able to finally provide a different answer to something on the grounds that all your solutions previous to being President went around in circles without solutions in any respect? 8. Why are you slumbering interior the Oval workplace in the time of artwork hours? 9. you at the instant are not heavily inviting that terrorist group to have tea with you on the White domicile such as you have been making plans, have been you? 10.Will you please renounce till now the masses difficulty the 1st Presidential keep in mind in heritage?
MTR 2.0
2012-03-10 23:26:11 UTC
Conservatives have Obama confused with radical socialist agenda.

He is a moderate.

Instead of pushing for hydrogen he advocates for methane (both engines operate under essentially the same principle).

He is not fighting for nuclear energy and instead seems to be stalling off on pipelines so he can appear to be liberal during an election season.

Even though the pipelines will only create temporary jobs compared to nuclear that adds permanent jobs to the economy.

He also cut funding for NASA, and continues to allow the department of defense to waste money on programs like DARPA (millions wasted on failed weapons experiments), even while the right criticizes him for exploring failed ventures in alternative energy like solyndra.

He is moderate candidate that the right paints as radical.

So all it proves is the right is good at creating a rift in their own party.
2012-03-04 13:16:51 UTC
Thomas Sowell (a Black American economist, political philosopher, and

author) says the Occupy Wall Street (which Obama supported) is what

Obama's America will look like (when he's completed his changes for

America), an America where humans have been degraded to the level

of animals..defecating in public and having sex in public; and our

founding documents have been shredded and suffering will come to

the American people but liberal/socialist folk will live in opulent splendor.

We've seen the beginning of what Obama and his comrades are

capable of. Think about it seriously.
2012-03-03 13:18:54 UTC
Since when is 48% approval polarizing?

And on what planet is 27% approval considered a "man of the people"?

Obama may be the most exaggerated threat by the GOP maybe. but polarizing no.

The only way he looks even slightly polarizing is if you are getting all of your Information from slanted news sources.

Just to prove how little you seem to understand what the "people" think most Progressives are not very happy with Obama because he is not.. Yep that is right NOT lived up to there expectations.

The reasons someone may call a person who acts Obama's policy's a racist is because they grossly exaggerate every issue with out cause, therefor not arguing the actual issues but the made up fear mongering. People who actual bring up Policy issues are normally treated with respect.

Here is a helpful hint: when discussing policy re-fame from terms such as "puppets" or statements like calling Bush a man of the people when he left office with a 27% approval rating. This shows a preconceived slant to your question that show you are not interested in talking policy's but exchanging insults and if you come ready for a mud fight you are going to get hit with mud.
2012-03-06 19:55:28 UTC
I do not consider him polarizing. The congress has been more polarizing by taking issues that have been settled for over 40 years, like contraception and made it a cultural issue. Like taking the debt ceiling hostage and by having the poor & the elderly enfranchised by suppressing their votes.

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed."

-- U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864

(letter to Col. William F. Elkins)

Ref: The Lincoln Encyclopedia, Archer H. Shaw (Macmillan, 1950, NY)

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor." Desmond Tutu

“A world where the excesses of the wealthy few is not paid by the toil and suffering of the many poor”

Lady Jane

Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe. Frederick Douglass

The GOP base is completely brainwashed to be blind to the truth.

During the Bush presidency we lost 43,000 INDUSTRIES, all subsidized by our tax dollars. With those we lost 15 MILLION jobs. Then he said he created jobs by giving tax breaks? Jobs in China do not benefit the US worker and does not increase our tax revenue. The Jobs created by Bush were military jobs. Those who enlisted were counted as employed and their wages came our of our taxes. Hence, the debt increased. Obama has created polices that bring private sector jobs. But he also is bringing back the troops which will create a backlash in the unemployment figures. If it took 10 years for this mess to be created then it may take just as long to correct. Obama, may stay there for 4 more years but we will not see an improvement for at least 6 years. At least with him now we are in the positive side of the graph, but you will not even look at any graphs would you. Go to the department of labor, to look a the graphs, or go to the census department.

Who is he polarizing? The conservatives and liberals. Lets see: During Republicans presidencies we have seen that 20% have been enjoying controlling 93% of the wealth in the country while 80% has been allowed to share only 7% of the wealth. Then how do you think It is Obama who polarizes when it has been like that since Reagan de-regulated industries that should never have been?
The Alpha and the Omega
2012-03-04 11:58:55 UTC
I don't think it's racism if you attack the president's policies, but I do think that attacking him will solve nothing. In essence you are only wasting your time by constantly bickering as though you will change his mind. If you don't like his policies, vote against him. If you do like his policies vote for him. It's that simple. When you ask questions like this one, do you expect someone to tell you something that will change your view, or are you merely looking for someone to support your beliefs? Think about it. This is not a question seeking an answer, but rather it's seeking feedback to do two things. For one, you want to anger those on the left. And secondly, you want those on the right to come up with something hateful or witty. There is no point. You become part of the problem by using this tactic of division. Understand? Am I too harsh or am I being fair?
John W
2012-03-05 21:14:19 UTC
Because Obamas Debt is like the answers to this question forever adding more
2012-03-04 23:06:31 UTC
President Obama is not polarizing ! There are some people in america who are such bigots that they are the ones who are polarizing ! They don't like his politics and that is their right but its not just that,they hate the fact that there is a black man in what they consider to be THEIR WHITE HOUSE ! Some of them hate President Obama so much that it go's way beyond ,just political differences ! Fox and 740 am demonizes president Obama EVERY DAY SENSE HE TOOK OFFICE ! Some republican supporters go so far as to say very ugly things about his wife and kids.His wife and kids don't make policy ! The republican presidential candidates use race baiting speeches to attack him and to appeal the america's worst racist ! The truth is not a weak defense THOSE WHO CALL IT A WEAK DEFENSE,SAY SO because the truth hurts ! MOST OF THESE PEOPLE RUNNING THE PRESIDENT DOWN ARE RACIST ! George bush jr was a weak president but people won't say that ,they just say that dick chaney was a strong vice president ! IF BEING ATTACKED AS A RACIST BOTHER YOU ALL SO MUCH ,STOP ACTING RACIST ! The american nazis started the tea party and the AFP ! Their grand parents were in adolph hitlers nazi party but the race baiters want to paint President Obama as a nazi ! If you want to call President Obama polirizing ,go right ahead but any honest person in america KNOWS THAT IT IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST LIES EVER TOLD ! THE LOUD MOUTH RACIST ON TV AND RADIO ARE THE MOST POLIRIZING PEOPLE IN AMERICA ! THAT IS A FACT OF LIFE IN AMERICA TODAY !MOST PEOPLE KNOW THIS ,WHY DON'T YOU ??????????? could it be that you are among the most polirizing ?
2012-03-05 13:30:39 UTC
i personally don't think 0bama is naive. he just hates America, the Constitution, capitalism, individual liberty and self-defense. he has telegraphed what he's going to do to eff us all but knows that the MSM and moochers are gonna cover for him. he is cocky and what he's done to hurt our once great nation was done deliberately.

doesn't matter though. deliberate or just inept.....he's gotta go
Guru Hank
2012-03-03 04:57:18 UTC
The 'polarisation' is more of a heightened opposition to the central government on one side of the political spectrum, specifically that section of the Republican party which draws support from the same areas of the country in which religious fundamentalists and right wing militia groups also draw support.

For a genuine 'polarisation', you would expect there to have been a corresponding increase in the opposition from the radical left - the trotskyite socialist groups and communist inspired organisations of the left. These were on the increase within the Democratic Party at the time of Hilary Clinton's initial attempt to gain the Democratic nomination, but found they were sidelined by the candidate who subsequently won. The puzzle is, why such left wing agitation has been reduced to a disorganised rump in the US following what its supporters see as a 'Capitalist financial disaster' in the last few years, while in European countries it has gained support.

You could argue that there has been less of a polarisation than a swing to the right. It has been possible for a number of prospective Presidential candidates to include an intention to engage in a new Middle Eastern War as part of their campaigning prospectus.

Why has this happened? Possibly because the section of the electorate concerned sees its power base as under attack, and that this attack is a result of an increase in the vote volume for the opposition. There is a worry that a significant, previously inactive part of the black population of certain states have joined the political process, and that these voters are less sympathetic to the views of the right, and that the increase in voter participation has been influenced by the colour of the candidate.

In other words, the apparent polarization is due to the fact that the President is black.
2012-03-04 04:13:09 UTC
He was groomed by progressives with two agendas

1 - infiltrate the liberal democrats ; depose moderates

2 - do as you are told
Andy F
2012-03-03 12:40:08 UTC
Hmm, what a fine appeal you make to stereotyped and basically false beliefs.

Since when is the "progressive wing" able to "manipulate him like puppet"?

I'm a member of the Democratic Party's "progressive wing," and I wish we could do this, but we can't.

On the Navy SEALS hit that took out Bin Laden, on the US support for regime change in Libya, on the enactment of an "Obamacare" health insurance reform that is basically a repackaging of Mitt Romney's program in Massachetts, and on continued US military actions in Yemen, Afghanistan and dozens of other places, Obama has basically ignored the progressive wing of the Democrats and gone his own way.

Ditto regarding his successful efforts to get new "free trade" agreements with South Korea and Panama enacted by Congress.

Ditto regarding his failure or refusal to close Guantanamo Bay, and his signing a National Defense Authoritization Act that perpetuates some of George Bush's worst mistakes in the War on Terror.

As his trademark speech on bipartisanship among the "blue states" and "red states" suggests, Obama by preference seems to be a fairly shrewd middle-of-the-road politican who -- like Clinton before him -- is adept at playing both sides of the political spectrum against the middle.

As for why he's the most "polarizing president" in 30 years -- some of that really is white racism, and a lot more is the work of the Republican Attack Machine, which conducted a similary vicious and "polarzing" campaign against Bill Clinton just 20 years ago.

Obama's presidency is"polarizing" largely because a large fraction of rightwing America, amply funded by sleazy billionaires like the Koch Brothers and Richard Mellon Scaife as well as the US. Chamber of Commerce, has been on the war path against Democrats and liberalism since the early 1970s.

Obama as the latest Democrat in the White House is naturally their favorite target at the moment. But if he were replaced by an older, more experienced white Democrat -- like Biden, maybe? -- or if he were replaced by a white woman (like Hillary Clinton, maybe) -- or if he were replaced by any Democrat you want to name, the "Republican Noise Machine" would still be attacking the record of his replacement, accusing that alternate Democrat of being everything from a secret elitist to a sexual pervert to a Communist traitor to a crook.

This is what Republican noisemakers do -- they demonized Democrats, again and again and again, and Obama is simply their target of the day.

Some of you wonderful GOP partisans also vehemently attacked Jimmy Carter when he was president in the 1970s, and Lyndon Johnson and John F. Kennedy when they were in office in the 1960s, and Harry Truman and FDR before that.

A few of you, members of the old John Birch Society, actually accused moderate Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower of being a "communist" back in the 1950s, because Eisenhower tolerated the Social Security system and the UN and had a rather grudging commitment to the civil rights of African Americans.

EVERY moderately liberal Democrat and many moderately liberal, eminently sane Republicans are "polarizing" to people like you, because people like you have been trying to topple the American social safety net and government regulation of our capitalist economy since the 1930s or before.

In other words, YOU are the force for "polarization," it ain't Obama, or any of the other moderate politicians that you're attacking who bear the blame for this.
Armchair Goddess #1
2012-03-04 04:17:53 UTC
There's an old "joke" I once heard about a wife who constantly complained that her husband had stopped showing any affection during their frequent car outings, to which the husband, the driver, replied, "I haven't moved" (the implication being that he was not the one to move away since he was stuck behind the wheel---that the problem was the wife's doing). This is what occurred to me as I read your uninformed query---that any so-called "polarity" being shown is not the President's doing, but is rather the fault of the far-right-wing religious-nut zealots in control of the GOP who announced their intentions through Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his ilk that Republicans' "first job is to defeat President Obama"... Might I remind you that President Obama's continued efforts in his first two years as our elected leader were spent attempting to INCLUDE these naysaying do-nothing anti-anything-Obama right-wing Republicans---he tried everything he could think of to BUILD BRIDGES only to have his efforts sabotaged by the hidden-agenda bigots in control of the GOP!

The Liberals among our millions of Democrats were even upset with President Obama for trying to compromise those first two years with extremists who never had any intention whatsoever of meeting him halfway. You neocons tried to say the very same thing about Hillary Clinton when she was First Lady or a candidate for the 2008 Presidential election---not because 'twas true, but because the fundamentalist religious-nut right-wingers marched in true Nazi-esque LOCKSTEP against her independence and intelligence. Like it or not, President Obama's wise policies have SAVED THIS NATION from the devastating destructions of the FAILED POLICIES of the theocratic-coup-seeking Republicans...and it is these Republicans who have chosen to pull away--not Barack Obama!
2012-03-03 09:28:58 UTC
It's the Community Organizer in him - he likes to mix it up and walk away, enjoying the fallout from what he has done.

It keeps him motivated.
2012-03-05 13:03:45 UTC
Because he is an illegal alien who has been planted here. He's obviously had a labotomy and a chip planted in his brain.
No more handouts
2012-03-03 13:14:47 UTC
Yes, everyone wants him out of the white house.
2012-03-03 12:13:56 UTC
Bush had a 90+% approval after 911.What was his approval rating when he left?

Sounds like your hero W was the worst in history!History just hasn't caught up to him yet!
2012-03-03 07:31:52 UTC
It is questions like yours that have made democrats become more polarizing. I know when I see the constant negativity from republicans it makes it easier for me to being my republicans friends to the side of democrats. You have no link & have nothing to base your question on & you only show what your energy is made up. You are made up of stupidity cause when a person lies about an innocent person life balances that by having someone innocent in their life to end up being lied about.

I know republicans don't have sex much so they don't have kids often but if you have an innocent child in you life watch how someone lies about him or her & gets them into trouble. I would bet you a million dollars if I had it that I am right cause karma/the universal law of balance always works.

So you look & see if your innocent mate or family member or even you are destroyed by lies. You can't destroy President Obama because he is able to own his power which is something you do not understand.
2012-03-06 13:56:05 UTC
because he is a fraud and America made a grave mistake, they just can't admit it.
2012-03-03 04:45:17 UTC
Will you tell the bad breath wolf. Obama is not far left. Hes either in the middle and being pushed a bit further left. And I say pushed. The right has a tendency to do that. Then blame you for being there.

In answer to your question sir Lancelot. there is no decent answer to the idiotic details after the question. It was almost answerable.
2012-03-03 06:04:14 UTC
Obama has tried time and time again to compromise with Republicans.

-- His health care plan is based on a Republican idea.

-- Many of the programs he supported had republican support until he became president, then republicans withdrew their support.

-- Senate Republicans have used the filibuster a record number of times to block Obama's policies.

-- House Republicans have blocked passage of nearly all of the bills that Obama supports.

The reason why Obama is so polarizing is not because of Obama at all. It is because of the right wing media base who constantly tells lies and promotes hate against Obama. How many stories has FOX News ran about Obama's birth certificate? The right wing media has brainwashed tens of millions of Americans to hate Obama.

In policy, Obama has been extremely centrist, but according to the right wing media, Obama is a socialist. (which is another lie they tell)
2012-03-06 13:24:29 UTC
People feel threatened by his intellect.
2012-03-03 08:51:48 UTC
because he can

due to a voter base of enablers
2012-03-03 13:54:33 UTC
because he's ideology is totally alien to most americans.
Earl Hickey
2012-03-03 04:38:06 UTC
Because Fox News tells you so. They completely own your brain and you are unable to form any of your own thoughts. You are only able to repeat what O'Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh and the other highly-paid propagandists of the super-rich 1% have plugged in to your head regardless of how nonsensical it is. That's why you all think that our debt problems can be solved by giving rich people more tax cuts.
2012-03-03 04:41:59 UTC
Yes, because the American right wing refuses to accept a black president elected by popular vote.
Mark F
2012-03-03 04:38:14 UTC
Some people don't like having a scary black man in the White House. That has a lot more to do with it than his policies, which frankly are not all that much different than the highly polarizing guy that preceeded him.
2012-03-03 04:37:38 UTC
It is the cloud of mystery that surrounds him. We should not have this many unanswered questions about any one that high in office.

2012-03-03 04:47:32 UTC
he's to the right of Clinton and Bush41, so the obvious answer would have to be: Melanin

Well, it could be that there is a "news" organization dedicated to trashing him too
USAF 1983-1987
2012-03-03 07:59:38 UTC
he's not.

How did you forget george w bush so soon?
2012-03-03 04:37:49 UTC
Because racism is alive and well. yeah America.
2012-03-03 04:39:52 UTC
2012-03-03 04:36:28 UTC
He hasn't.
2012-03-03 04:36:13 UTC
example? He is moderate

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.