Hmm, what a fine appeal you make to stereotyped and basically false beliefs.
Since when is the "progressive wing" able to "manipulate him like puppet"?
I'm a member of the Democratic Party's "progressive wing," and I wish we could do this, but we can't.
On the Navy SEALS hit that took out Bin Laden, on the US support for regime change in Libya, on the enactment of an "Obamacare" health insurance reform that is basically a repackaging of Mitt Romney's program in Massachetts, and on continued US military actions in Yemen, Afghanistan and dozens of other places, Obama has basically ignored the progressive wing of the Democrats and gone his own way.
Ditto regarding his successful efforts to get new "free trade" agreements with South Korea and Panama enacted by Congress.
Ditto regarding his failure or refusal to close Guantanamo Bay, and his signing a National Defense Authoritization Act that perpetuates some of George Bush's worst mistakes in the War on Terror.
As his trademark speech on bipartisanship among the "blue states" and "red states" suggests, Obama by preference seems to be a fairly shrewd middle-of-the-road politican who -- like Clinton before him -- is adept at playing both sides of the political spectrum against the middle.
As for why he's the most "polarizing president" in 30 years -- some of that really is white racism, and a lot more is the work of the Republican Attack Machine, which conducted a similary vicious and "polarzing" campaign against Bill Clinton just 20 years ago.
Obama's presidency is"polarizing" largely because a large fraction of rightwing America, amply funded by sleazy billionaires like the Koch Brothers and Richard Mellon Scaife as well as the US. Chamber of Commerce, has been on the war path against Democrats and liberalism since the early 1970s.
Obama as the latest Democrat in the White House is naturally their favorite target at the moment. But if he were replaced by an older, more experienced white Democrat -- like Biden, maybe? -- or if he were replaced by a white woman (like Hillary Clinton, maybe) -- or if he were replaced by any Democrat you want to name, the "Republican Noise Machine" would still be attacking the record of his replacement, accusing that alternate Democrat of being everything from a secret elitist to a sexual pervert to a Communist traitor to a crook.
This is what Republican noisemakers do -- they demonized Democrats, again and again and again, and Obama is simply their target of the day.
Some of you wonderful GOP partisans also vehemently attacked Jimmy Carter when he was president in the 1970s, and Lyndon Johnson and John F. Kennedy when they were in office in the 1960s, and Harry Truman and FDR before that.
A few of you, members of the old John Birch Society, actually accused moderate Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower of being a "communist" back in the 1950s, because Eisenhower tolerated the Social Security system and the UN and had a rather grudging commitment to the civil rights of African Americans.
EVERY moderately liberal Democrat and many moderately liberal, eminently sane Republicans are "polarizing" to people like you, because people like you have been trying to topple the American social safety net and government regulation of our capitalist economy since the 1930s or before.
In other words, YOU are the force for "polarization," it ain't Obama, or any of the other moderate politicians that you're attacking who bear the blame for this.