Why do raсist hаte groups and neo-Nаzi fascists like Trump so much? What is it about him that commands their devotion to his causes?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do raсist hаte groups and neo-Nаzi fascists like Trump so much? What is it about him that commands their devotion to his causes?
195 answers:
2017-02-03 03:14:10 UTC
Because Trump is very ethnocentric himself and has said many racist and sexist things. Plus he's a demagogue, so he uses hate to get popularity, which really resonates with other hateful people.
2017-02-02 16:37:02 UTC
Trump is a hateful xenophobic bigot. "Birds of a feather flock together".
2017-02-02 16:34:55 UTC
He is a neo-Nazi Fascists
2017-02-02 23:32:17 UTC
Trumps parents had close ties to the kkk. He and his family are firm believers in Superior genes and he mentioned this a dozen times which is what white supremacist agree with. He also went out his way to appeal to the Fox News crowd by mentioning deportation of muslims and mexicans. Why wouldn't they like him. Several of his staff are alt-right and he too the kkk off the terrorist watch group and praises their leaders. There's is much more to it and he most likely has closer ties to the kkk than he would admit. The biggest reason is the kkk finally has a president who's penis is most likely not much bigger than theirs
2017-02-02 16:40:18 UTC
Maybe because he comes from a long line of racists?
2017-02-02 16:37:57 UTC
well..... early on, Obama aligned himself with folks that advocated killing police back in the 60s and 70s....'d that play out during his Presidency?
2017-02-02 22:41:05 UTC
Because they are just as stupid as the other Conservatives.
2017-02-02 18:52:28 UTC
As the KKK newspaper editorialized in support and endorsement of Trump, "He is one of us"
2017-02-02 16:59:06 UTC
Same reason some women stay with an abusive husband. Malania's defense of Donald is the same reasons women give for voting for him
2017-02-02 22:40:44 UTC
First,.. he's white.

Second, he had made MANY racist comments.

"maybe list them...."

OKAY then...

Trump called Conservative Bill Krystol a "Renegade Jew"

Trump said Mexicans were rapists, killers & drug dealers.

Trump said this of Captain Kahn's mother "“If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say."

Trump said “I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks.”

Trump said “Our great African-American president hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore.”

Trump Said "laziness is a trait in blacks,”

Trump said "The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes"

Trump said "He called a U.S. Senator who had Indian heritage "Pocahontas"

SHALL I GO ON with the other 10 or so racist remarks?

Trump tried to single out and marginalize a judges LEGAL DECISION based on the judge's Latino heritage.

Trump Said in 89 "Who the fvck knows? I mean, really, who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?”
2017-02-04 09:02:25 UTC
Probably the fact that he's racist, I mean his parents were literally kkk members
2017-02-04 06:20:04 UTC
Then you should probably go back to England, and leave USA for the Natives.
2017-02-04 01:40:51 UTC
Why do racist hate groups like BlackLivesMatter fascists like the Democrat party so much?
2017-02-03 18:15:20 UTC
People say the faith is "Islam" but it is "Jihad" that the Ayatollah has preached from Tehran and it is in the Name of "jihad" that they murder US. They believe in and die for "Jihad" so Jihad is their "Faith" and it is all about murdering all of US and stealing our land, so it is ridiculous to protect them under the Johnson 1954 Amendment. I actually am liberal about women, Blacks and Gays so I voted for Hillary, but she ran the race like the Hare and the Tortoise won. And thank GOD he did! Iran, which just took the city of Aleppo in the Name of "Hezbollah" has fired a 1.000 km missile! It is time to be practical.
2017-02-03 16:19:58 UTC
Huh? The racist hate groups and neo-Nazi fascists as you call them are NOT Trump supporters, they're leftist Democrats that are marching in the streets. You're projecting just as the lamestream media is to undermine the new administration. Nazis are Socialists, i.e. leftists and in the case of situations like in Berkeley where the anarchists rioted and forced the cancellation of Milo's speech displays a contempt they have for freedom of speech and dialogue. So while Trump supports ALL Americans regardless of their race, ethnicity, class or gender, it's what drives the Democrat party, the party of segregation to divide America into sub groups. So all this fascist activity going on across the country is by those claiming they want to end fascism, when in fact it is they who are the fascists.
2017-02-03 14:13:52 UTC
They might like him, he doest not like them. Ever have someone follow you around that you found embarrassing?.
2017-02-03 08:36:32 UTC
Linda R
2017-02-02 19:06:40 UTC
Because they only accept the TRUTH, know what's wrong with America and praise his promises.
2017-02-23 07:42:56 UTC
it's 'cause of the brainwashing... haven't you heard? recently trump has been brainwashing people to support him... that's how he won the electoral votes, by brainwashing the electoral college into voting for him... it's actually kinda smart if you ask me, which means he didn't think of it 'cause hes the stupidest go damn person alive...
2017-02-06 08:02:07 UTC
Same reason the openly racist black panther group like Obama. They had a similar skin color thats it. It certainly isn't because of Trump promissingredients throughout his campaign to help the black community rise out of government dependence.
2017-02-05 15:01:52 UTC
Realize that they're all Christians too, strange huh? Christians are Nazis! Atheism is the only way.
Seldom Seen
2017-02-05 00:16:37 UTC
Donald Trump appeals to neo-Nazi and KKK groups because he panders to them and he is a bigot himself.
2017-02-04 18:48:54 UTC
First of all, it is the religious against the non religious. Secondly it is a war between the sodomites and the holy. thirdly, it is a war between those who want to kill and those who want to live. any arab who is running away from death in Syria, where should be his first escape town? Jordan, Iran, Egypt, Saudi, Kuwait, Israel or America? Why hasnt Saudi or aany of the arab nations accepted the refugees? By the way, are mexicans also fighting a civil war? Why are people running in mass to scavenge and destroy a particular spot at one time in the name of refugees? I wish those who are pro refugees will read history to hear what muammar Ghaddaafi of Libya said about conquaring the west by Islam. Guys, it is nonesense to speak passionately of what you have no idea about. Allow trump to revert all that the gay president did.
2017-02-04 06:03:34 UTC
The guys think Teh Donald will get them laid. Teh biatches hope mass hysteria happens and it will drive up teh price of vagina mind... I'm sorry... this is your society mind.
ron h
2017-02-04 02:21:38 UTC
Because he's strong. Some people just want to be led by ANYBODY. It's absolutely bizarre how many republicans like and defend Putin AGAINST AMERICA. Trump has no respect for the people who actually make the world work. Tradesmen and small business owners that he refuses to pay. But he's in awe of Putin. He takes orders from the alcoholic anarchist Steve Bannon because Steve is strong enough to fu ck anybody.
2017-02-03 20:30:32 UTC
They see him as a rare politician that is willing to try to reverse a lot of the stuff that has been happening that they see as attacks on white people and white Christian culture.

These neo nasties and hate groups now called alt right were previously seen as vermin living under rocks ..crazies. However given recent events in the USA, Europe, lands clearly being invaded...the Islamic threat etc......these hate groups can now come out of the woodwork and cash in on sentiments that regular non racist people fee. So for example if regular non racist American citizen joe citizen thinks illegal immigration is wrong and needs stopping, if he believes muslims are a threat to our country and our citizens as any normal person that watches the news knows....the hate groups can say hey..we feel that way too and they are now considered normal....for they express the same sentiments that normal people do. After all, what normal person thinks its ok for their country to be invaded? or for people who hate them and want to conquer them and massacre them to be allowed to come into their midst in massive numbers?
2017-02-03 19:58:01 UTC
It's because of the brainwashing. Haven't you heard? Recently Trump has been brainwashing people to support him. That's how he won the electoral votes, by brainwashing the electoral college into voting for him. It's actually kinda smart if you ask me, which means he didn't think of it because hes the stupidest go damn person alive.
2017-02-03 17:25:32 UTC
Trumpkins are x tea tards and bushites, they been the brunt of ridicule and foolish decisions, now they can finally speak thier ignorant racist minds
2017-02-03 15:58:03 UTC
I am latino. My skin color is not white. I do not have blue eyes and blonde hair. I like Trump. He has not hurt my family or taken away my income. Only idiots hate Trump. Thank God for the U.S. Constitution that protects LEGAL citizens from Hillary and her thinking.
Zezo Zeze Zadfrack
2017-02-03 15:08:03 UTC
because of his ideas
daniel g
2017-02-03 06:31:36 UTC
I don't know that they do. Trump certainly doesn't condone or support them.

Trump has no "causes", as commander in chief,that would be conflict of interest.

His policies are well noted. You don't have to agree with them, but if you are any sort of real American, you would respect them.
2017-02-03 05:19:54 UTC
2017-02-03 03:41:06 UTC
Because Donald Trump is a dumb C@nt and all those who follow him are also dumb C@nts
2017-02-03 02:03:06 UTC
You missed the Berkley fires protesting freedom of speech by liberal Democrats and Obama's friendship with Bill Ayers who was responsible for killing a police officer when he was in the Weathermen , a terrorist group. You know at Berkley, they hit people who were just going to listen to a man from Breitbart with pipes and sprayed them with pepper spray. Keep current , The media is not going to showcase this stuff and you need to ask why.
2017-02-03 00:16:24 UTC
2017-02-02 21:40:06 UTC
The only hate going on, is young liberals hating white people.
2017-02-02 18:54:37 UTC
You have issues.
2017-04-14 19:18:09 UTC
they might like him, he doest not like them... ever have someone follow you around that you found embarrassing?...
Keep It Real
2017-02-07 15:57:31 UTC
Because someone has to help the white race. Liberals have been degrading the average white guy for 8 years.
2017-02-06 03:28:51 UTC
Even though kkk endorsed Hillary Clinton
2017-02-04 19:54:51 UTC
Because he has the cajones to do what needs to be done to stop the terrorist mass murders like Boston Marathon and San Bernarrdino by stopping immigration from certain areas until the vetting system is fixed. Because he is bringing prosperity (JOBS) back to the U.S.. If you think mass murders are the norm, then you are young and stupid.
2017-02-04 13:00:13 UTC
An honest answer is that these groups must fall in line with some political group, I guess. I'm not a hater and I'm not a racist so it's hard to figure these folks out. I think they are nutcases to be honest and don't really want to conform to life in the "real world". But, given some of the democrats much publicized positions involving racism and such, I guess they would prefer the republicans? Yet, republicans I know are not at all racist or anything of that nature. I dislike how people try to group us all into stereotypes, we are not.

I think we think differently and maybe it is a left brain vs. a right brain thing (forgive use of these words as I mean brain function vs. political position) and some people are simply more practical and others are more ruled by feelings vs. practicality. I think that is why so many of our younger folks are liberals as they have yet to get out there in the world and truly try to support themselves. When they do, they often re-think things and become more conservative, I sure did. I was a democrat in my early years and then gradually changed to a republican viewpoint. I often re-register as an Independent after voting in primaries. I'm not any of those hateful things I just want things done a certain way and I've learned as I've aged what works better, in my humble opinion.

We all need to stop trying to somehow blame a side and align the "bad" groups with them, it's just not right to do that as the majority of people, left and right, are nice honest folks who just want things a certain way. I have your best answer, but I am sure you are looking for someone to justify your own opinion that the right is made up of haters who follow some master of hate or something like that. Good for you if that is what you want to do. I, for one, would like to see us all stop hating so much and work together to resolve our differences.
2017-02-04 12:53:49 UTC
Generations of home schooling coupled with the dumb US constitution. Yeah that was a great idea in the 18th century, but as of now its a complete failure
2017-02-04 12:21:04 UTC
what is this Racist Rubbish islam is a cult full of terrorists not a race
2017-02-04 03:54:47 UTC
Your wrong.He is the greatest President that ever graced the white house.
2017-02-04 01:59:42 UTC
Likes attract
2017-02-04 01:57:58 UTC
lol. That letter is a complete joke and the idiot who typed it is dumb as f**k. He said "foreigners" as if he isn't one himself when he is. This isn't white people's country. I'm black and the letter want me to go back where I came from? Well that would be on the other side of town from where I stay at now. When Christopher "white supremacist" Columbus came to America, it was already inhabited by the natives which are the American Indians and black people. White people, this isn't your country. I can't seem to understand why you think it is. Your area is Europe. If non white people go where their ancestors are from, you're going to be on the same plane back to dirty Europe where you're from. And white supremacists love Trump because Trump is a white supremacist. It really isn't rocket science. People are drawn to those they share a common interest in. There's no coincidence that Trump have a huge following of white supremacists.
2017-02-03 22:51:18 UTC
Because he seems to be anti Mexican, and anti Muslim, I don't think it's 100% true that he is but that is what many think he is
2017-02-03 19:24:23 UTC
They don't. They have some common causes, and like idiot blind men liberals follow each other in their mindless assumptions that a common cause makes things identical.

Are you under the impression that anyone who opposes illegal immigration is racist?

If so, I cannot possibly make you understand.

But you liberals, you make up whatever comforts you.

Meaningless to the rest of us.

You just undermine your own reputation and show the world why liberals do not belong in government.
2017-02-03 17:30:39 UTC
And why do anti-white hate groups like Black Lives Matter or communists support Hillary? Listen, you can't judge the candidate based on a few of their most extreme supporters.
2017-02-03 17:16:18 UTC
They're freaks
2017-02-03 16:36:12 UTC
As a White Nationalist and life long White Supremacist I support our President because he has been the most closely aligned with the issues and causes we have been fighting for. Is President Trump a racist? Clearly not. An anti semite? Again no. But many of his policies and promises work to our favor whether intended to or not. At the very least he will pave the way for a true White nationalist to win the White House in 2020 or 2024. However with each passing day he seems more and more like /our guy/ and this is not a bad thing.

God bless you President Trump. May you live forever!
2017-02-03 16:32:40 UTC
Unless Trump openly endorses neo-Nazi fascists and/or many of their ideas, I wouldn't associate him with them as if there's some kind of political affiliation between the two.
2017-02-03 14:15:15 UTC
do you have an agenda in asking this question?
2017-02-02 17:34:58 UTC
Success just blows you whole ignorant progressive agenda all to hell

doesn't it.
2017-02-02 16:36:05 UTC
Lex Lodge
2017-02-05 17:15:34 UTC
Don't know about categories and grouping, but I think many americans have wanted an action positive leader; which has been a missing character element for a long time.
2017-02-05 10:42:09 UTC
Because people are afraid of fair competition. They don't want the most intelligent guy to win, they wish they could decide about it. It's totally unfair.
2017-02-04 22:51:21 UTC
Some of Trump's policies against emigration, Muslims, and the xenophobia rhetoric that mirrors many of the racists, white-supremacists, and Neo-Nazis stances.
2017-02-04 22:32:55 UTC
Because Trump is less politically correct. Racist groups are on the extreme politically incorrect side while Trump is just leaning. But he's still better to them than people that are politically correct.
2017-02-04 19:37:39 UTC
2017-02-04 16:43:56 UTC
They support his aims.
2017-02-04 04:38:15 UTC
2017-02-04 04:08:47 UTC
More libtard lies.
Diana M
2017-02-04 01:15:10 UTC
Because they are all uneducated and ignorant
Nick G
2017-02-03 21:04:41 UTC
It seems to me that the hate groups and fascists are Democrats who hate President Trump and who are continually demonstrating and rioting because of things they do not like that President Trump is doing and want to stop free speech of those whose views are different from their own. They most definitely DO NOT like Trump.
2017-02-03 17:37:30 UTC
Many minority groups support Donald Trump. You are just to stupid or in denial to see or accept that. Question for you. Why do illegal immigrants, terrorists, welfare recipients, criminals support Hilary Clinton?
2017-02-03 16:24:58 UTC
I am not a Nazi and certainly do not belong to any hate group but I voted for him because I am fed up with the foggy bottom line in DC that has been all too prevalent for decades
2017-02-03 11:44:21 UTC
Everyone votes for the candidate or party that best represents their values. In recent years Democrats have moved far left of center compared to Democrats 40-50 years ago. So, do you expect those who are racist or whatever other label you want to put on them, to stay home on election day? No, they are basically voting against the candidate that attacks their life choices. That doesn't mean their values completely align with the person they vote for. They are basically casting a vote against the person who they dislike most.
2017-02-03 08:11:08 UTC
Because the world has gone PC mad , some people can finally say something without being labelled a racist and nazi lover. These people are not racists, just saying what the majority of us are thinking.
2017-02-03 05:02:11 UTC
My favorite protest sign was 'Love Trumps Hate'. President Trump isn't a racist. He wants to give America back to the people. Freedom should appeal to everyone.
2017-02-02 20:38:51 UTC
DONT SUPPOSE YOU EVER READ a history book in your educative years
2017-02-02 17:31:08 UTC
Because there stupid and he's a fascist.
2017-03-10 09:11:49 UTC
i don't know that they do... trump certainly doesn't condone or support them...

trump has no "causes", as commander in chief,that would be conflict of interest...

his policies are well noted... you don't have to agree with them, but if you are any sort of real american, you would respect them...
2017-02-05 19:14:45 UTC
Why do anarchist like the democratic party?
2017-02-04 19:39:00 UTC
because they dont know trump is mexican
2017-02-04 19:24:40 UTC
Why do stupid brain dead liberal idiots ask such stupid questions?

Is it because their reaction to Trump being their President has been more akin to mass hysteria. Although no legitimate group is contesting the validity of the election results. The stupid brain dead liberal idiots are protesting, some violent, and have caused massive property damage, snarled traffic, and involved at least one shooting (armed with a Tec-9). Agitators have stoked rage and panic with fake “hate” incidents. Democrats are lashing out at senior party leaders. Pro-Clinton college students have collapsed into anguish, unable to handle their academic responsibilities. High school students have walked out of school in mass. People have taken to social media to openly call for Trump’s assassination and the assault of his wife, and a college lecturer talked about shooting white people. In one particularly disturbing incident, a mother brutally shamed her 7-year-old son in an online video for voting for Trump in a mock election at his elementary school, insisting he was no longer welcome at home. Stupid brain dead liberal idiots have gone completely crazy because of Trump's win!
2017-02-04 13:40:52 UTC
Under the new administration, the KKK, John Birch society , neo Nazis and other white hate groups are not an extremist groups anymore.
2017-02-04 10:29:11 UTC
Who cares.

Trump cares about legal US Citizens, our Constitutional and our Military!

Get on the Trump train or get left behind!
2017-02-04 07:25:29 UTC
Hope you die in an airplane crash
2017-02-04 05:55:05 UTC
The fact that he is just as racist and white supremecist like they are
2017-02-04 05:03:16 UTC
Black supremacy movements oppose him, because he's white. White supremacy movements like him for that reason.

I have a theory. The primary factor to many radical groups is the inability to properly differentiate normativity from objectivity. In the world of a radical(X), what should be drives their perception of what is, by contrast. For comparison, a more moderate person(Y) perceives what is and uses their perception of what should be to assess and reshape it. The X's inability to separate normativity from objectivity leads to confusion. Moral beliefs become universal truths, that facts only exist to prove. For example, to X, a group is evil. This means that all actions by the group were intended for evil purposes. If purposes are evil due to the intentions, then all acts(like allowing X to live) will be evil. The existence of intent is objective, much like orientation. X's assuming it can lead to their victimized perspective.

Many of Trump's appeals use the same logical leap.
2017-02-03 21:17:12 UTC
Because Trump courted them.
2017-02-03 19:01:59 UTC
Basically they were all stupid
2017-02-03 17:31:05 UTC
He might give us hope and change.
2017-02-03 15:47:02 UTC
Helloooooo!!!!!!! Has no one heard of the murdering, rapist CLINTONS?????
2017-02-03 14:23:13 UTC
birds of a feather flock together
2017-02-03 05:11:15 UTC
Both Trump and Hillary, sadly, attract people on negative emotions. They appeal to different types of disenfranchised, angry, and entitled kinds of people.
2017-02-02 23:08:40 UTC
lol who knows
2017-02-02 21:34:03 UTC
Well to appears like you made up that letter and I'm not NAZI or fascist. But average guy who voted for Trump. I'm neither racist or fascist. I'm half white- Mexican so go **** your self race baiting screw ball.
2017-02-02 20:45:35 UTC
I did not know that racists hate "groups". What is it about groups that racists hate?
2017-02-02 18:16:22 UTC
They can see themselves in good ole Trump!
2017-02-02 16:40:19 UTC
Probably because they believe the bullshit propaganda of the lefty media, just like you do.
2017-02-07 00:59:09 UTC
Because all they wanted was change for the better & Bush, Clinton just added more taxes rather than changing their costly ways. Like Clinton straighten out the budget & put America in debt to $19 TRILLION. Mike
2017-02-05 22:20:35 UTC
Probably because of the fact he had a very racist past, the fact he acted like a racist Nazi nutcase during his presidential campaign, and the fact he had to be told to disavow support from David Duke, the former KKK head and acted like he didn't know what the KKK was when asked about it. He made racist, derogatory remarks about people of color in the U.S. (Blacks, Asians, Middle Easterners, Latinos, etc.). One incident I recall in particular was when some African American college students attended one of his rallies, they were escorted off the premises after they cried out against cop brutality and racism, and he said, "These people are not what make these people great." At another rally, he booted the head anchor/reporter from UNIVISION out, which is a major Latino American TV network. Many Latino-owned companies broke ties with Trump after the offensive things he said about Latinos. I am still wondering why Black Americans and other people of color voted for him.
2017-02-05 13:32:21 UTC
I dunnoooo
2017-02-04 18:29:23 UTC
Stop hating on my president, daddy trump xox
Hell Walker
2017-02-04 17:21:23 UTC
Why are liberals destructive and violent?
2017-02-04 14:21:50 UTC
Fake news and sticks and stones are not good but you should try to limit yourself to that behavior rather than hurting people in the streets or destroying property . That's not the American way plus you could get jail time.
2017-02-04 05:27:29 UTC
It is very unfortunate for America that Neo-Nazis support Donald Trump. However, the Neo-Nazis and other racist groups have lost their power significantly since the 60's civil rights era. Ironically, their stand against Islamic terrorism and Islamic political ambition is a justified stand and far from racism. So, the reason why they like Trump is because Trump has taken a strong, justified stand against the Islamic aggression toward the west. Since Donald Trump is not a racist person, he is not the best choice for the radical white supremacist cause. In the contrary, due to the reckless political correctness of all the other candidates, he is the best choice as the president of the United States.
2017-02-04 04:31:51 UTC
because in his heart deep down he shares the same desires and beliefs,he a coward and I cant wait for his downfall **** don barack hillary the whole gov they dont give a **** about you or me they love the money and the power
2017-02-04 02:42:44 UTC
Because they are so stupid they believe the lies the Left is telling about him. Now, why do Commies like Jugears Hussein Otarded so much?
2017-02-03 17:44:30 UTC
You never bothered paying attention to what he said during his campaign, did you?
2017-02-03 13:41:45 UTC
I don't know and I don't care. He got my vote this time and then in 4 years he will have it again.
2017-02-03 13:39:28 UTC
Im not a racist ( just ask my jamaican wife ) nor a neo Nazi but we both think Trump is brilliant.
2017-02-03 03:55:46 UTC
You wrote that yourself LOL
2017-02-03 03:01:31 UTC
Wow such hate. Probably because he is rich. Americans are obessed with $$$$ and power
2017-02-03 02:56:50 UTC
I hate white racists
2017-02-02 23:22:39 UTC
2017-02-02 21:42:29 UTC
They are grateful that we dodged the Hillary bullet.
2017-02-02 19:42:49 UTC
Wtf you need to report that note to the police
2017-02-02 17:14:21 UTC
delete this question. you are adding fuel to the fire. they are coming for you. trust me. mark my words,
2017-02-18 15:28:50 UTC
first of all, it is the religious against the non religious... secondly it is a war between the sodomites and the holy... thirdly, it is a war between those who want to kill and those who want to live... any arab who is running away from death in syria, where should be his first escape town? jordan, iran, egypt, saudi, kuwait, israel or america? well, why hasnt saudi or aany of the arab nations accepted the refugees? by the way, are mexicans also fighting a civil war? well, why are people running in mass to scavenge and destroy a particular spot at one time in the name of refugees? i wish those who are pro refugees shall read history to hear what muammar ghaddaafi of libya said about conquaring the west by islam... guys, it is nonesense to speak passionately of what you have no idea about... allow trump to revert all that the gay president did...
2017-02-05 09:13:18 UTC
he is logical
2017-02-05 01:02:34 UTC
Maybe because many White American Patriot's grew sick of the Zebra Obama and his desire for a One World Order.

So many uneducated whites stupidly felt some sick & rather twisted form of White Guilt? Obama and his actions actually

drove many whites to more extreme view points.

Many white American's simply want to restore our true values and show pride that this is a White, Christian Nation.
2017-02-04 22:57:42 UTC
Explain in stupid for me
24/7 blazer
2017-02-04 11:36:17 UTC
Donald Trump says things that make him seem racist. Of couse the alt-right groups, like the KKK and Neo-Nazis like that.
Midnight Rider
2017-02-04 05:25:58 UTC
Because his haircut reminds them of Hitler.
2017-02-04 04:11:00 UTC
I'm a National Socialists (NO NOT A CONFUSED Neo-Nazi who knows nothing about NAT SOC.) and I didn't vote for Trump! He is nothing but a puppet of the Jewish Oligarchs just like ALL the politicians in the US. (Even His doughter is a jew!) If you hadn't noticed the US is oppressed by the Jewish minority (1.75% of us pop) controlling our banks, our media, Hollyweird, our former US- now multinational corporate empires, our Govt, the Jewish BOLSHEVIK's control the DNC and the militaristic Neocon Jews control the RNC (Names listed below). Since jews have taken over our country starting with president Wilson who sold out our national Bank our freedom has been replaced by corporate oppression and endless poverty by way of Jewish Usury. Do you research on who Hitler and the Nat. Soc. really were instead of listening to some Jew who hated NAT. SOC. And hide the facts because Hitler had the Jew kicked out of banking, politics and business the German goyim prosperity and wealth EXPLODED!
2017-02-04 02:30:20 UTC
Trump is the best
2017-02-03 23:09:53 UTC
Actually the neo-Nazi, KK, and other hate groups hate Trump because he doesn't tolerate the hate they live on. Also please note that the neo-nazi, KKK and other hate groupos are deeply embedded in the Democratic party, not the Republican, and further, the KKK was soley the product and remains Democrat. It is just the haters and the trolls that want to believe your fake news commentary.
2017-02-03 22:15:06 UTC
Maybe he is one of them his father Fred Trump was busted in a KKK raid in the past but never charged with it and his cabinet is full of white supremacist like Steve Bannon and many others ! So i guess the old saying " that birds of a feather flock together " is true !
2017-02-03 21:08:52 UTC
I can only say that many of his supporters do not dig and search a person background. It is imperative to know all there is to know about a person that will govern the country that we love.
2017-02-03 18:49:51 UTC
Well didn't you know there are people in The United States that truly hate all people of color and if you aren't Christian they hate you even more. These people love Donald Duck because he just blocked a whole lot of folks from coming to our country because they are muslim.

These people want to have their own country with only white people in it, one of DDonald's staff members is one of their promoters.

Watch out Trump supporters.
2017-02-03 11:51:01 UTC
He's on our side 🐸
2017-02-03 11:09:22 UTC
This is so disgusting. I read a prediction says trump is going to be the reason for world war three. The same lady predicted his presidency...
2017-02-03 10:12:32 UTC
2017-02-03 08:34:40 UTC
I don't think they give a crap about his economics or policy(except the wall and Immigration halt), I think they like that he doesn't take sh*t from anybody, he isn't snowflakey, so just his personality as he also speaks his mind.
2017-02-03 00:50:01 UTC
Well, he's white and they mistakenly think that he will only favor white people, but in actuality,

the whole country will benefit.
2017-02-02 21:21:06 UTC
All i have to say is load up. F**** it if these racist dummies want to start a fight then they got it. They're not invincible. I dont give a s*** whos president.
2017-02-02 18:18:46 UTC
I do not find it to be an insult when a racially inferior human calls me a racist. I'm not a racist I'm just a bit higher on the human development scale than you are. So get in line and STFU.
Big Lance!
2017-02-06 07:32:32 UTC
OBAMA endorsed black panthers thuggery over truth in creating insane racial divide when he and retard racist Eric holder created hands up don't shoot which after hundreds of millions in losses of business property human life WAS PROVEN FALSE.. Holder of the Justice Dept before being fired stated to many whites out there don't get it and ironically he was the idiot after due process and investigation was complete ultimately rendered the Justice depts final decision WAS A LIE.. Holder stated the media duped us all... But the damage was done.. CNN MSNBC obama Eric holder continued w the false narrative leading to black panther wanna bees and idiot fanatical militants to conduct sniper killings of cops in Dallas TX... All based on a false narrative... Media is dangerous as was obamas endorsement of thuggery choosing identity politics race and politics and for that we now have the huge racial divide and dead cops.. Sucks... Obama was supposed to carry the torch for mlk.. He ruined it
2017-02-06 00:19:59 UTC
Because he's a white conservative male. It's hard to be conservative if you're anything else; it requires the thought that white, rich, American males are superior to the rest of the country. This is Donald Trump's opinion. He's a racist, bigot who thinks women are property of the man and that they're an inferior creature to men. Anyone who voted for him thinks the same way. Look at all the racist rants he had; he didn't even lose votes because of it; he gained them!
2017-02-04 22:34:46 UTC
Trump condems the KKK.
2017-02-04 14:25:00 UTC
Ok wtf did i just read
2017-02-04 09:35:40 UTC
Well you can't really associate a secular group with an individual unless you really do know Donald is apart of those groups. I dont think Donald Trump is interested in the Neo-Nazi agenda or the KKK's for that matter. They say he's a racist for targeting a secular group of people coming from another country (Drug cartels in Mexico) and flooding our nation with criminals and when he says "they" it's an automatic trigger to sensationalise him as a racist who hates all Mexicans and not just the cartels and stuff (which Donald aims for their false portrayal of him because he knows he's right). The cartels occupy every state in the U.S. But he's a racist they say which isn't the case at all. If you've ever played basketball, you know how much dookytalk a person in their right mind could do. It's all the same with the oppositions (with mutual respect to them both) that they do it more professionally and secretively to remain a superficial status.

Hope and opportunity shouldn't be abused.
2017-02-04 06:57:50 UTC
2017-02-04 04:06:06 UTC
Harry potter.
2017-02-03 23:36:18 UTC
An odd looking guy, with funny hair, who holds garbled, shouted, emotional speeches - of course, they feel at home!

No, seriously, he holds and promotes similar views as the far right groups - funny, I used to think, Trump was something of closet liberal, but he is mostly an opportunist, it seems. Rather revolting.
2017-02-03 21:14:28 UTC
Most people that like president Trump are NOT RACIST!!!!
2017-02-03 19:14:46 UTC
Because you are an LGBT goathumper and a child molesting fascist traitor.
2017-02-03 16:09:04 UTC
Everyone wants to make a big deal about the KKK and the Nazis supporting Trump, but those people are citizens too, they have a right to be represents, and Trump was the best candidate for them. That's how it works in a republic.
2017-02-03 15:54:58 UTC
"Why do raсist hаte groups and neo-Nаzi fascists like Trump"

Actually, most racist hate groups support the Democrats. The Neo-Nazis support Trump because he stands up to racist hate groups like Black Lives Matter.
2017-02-03 15:01:30 UTC
2017-02-03 13:41:12 UTC
This note was written as a hoax, probably so that some immature person had a boogey-man to complain about. It is not signed by any group, and is not coherently set out. It's made up of typical phrases one might expect to hear from that redneck down the street. Most American people who fit into one of those groups mentioned are from the USA, hence there being nowhere to "go back to".

Stop propagating false stories with fake threat letters.
2017-02-03 13:14:17 UTC
Not all racist hate groups. The black supremacist groups like the New Black Panthers and Nation of Islam don't like him.
2017-02-03 08:37:32 UTC
2017-02-03 07:04:14 UTC
Damn that's a freaky note
2017-02-02 21:33:22 UTC
I mean white supremacists and fascists are obviously more likely to vote Republican. These people are usually white christians and they're conservative, so obviously they aren't going to support Hillary Clinton
2017-02-02 16:36:29 UTC
Ur just mad that he's making America great again. White people have been oppressed for too long under Comred Obama
2017-03-19 08:28:56 UTC
they might like him, he doest not like them... ever have someone follow you around that you found embarrassing?...
2017-02-10 21:47:39 UTC
it's 'cause of the brainwashing... haven't you heard? recently trump has been brainwashing people to support him... that's how he won the electoral votes, by brainwashing the electoral college into voting for him... it's actually kinda smart if you ask me, which means he didn't think of it 'cause hes the stupidest go damn person alive...
2017-02-06 06:37:52 UTC
Simple they always vote republican, does not matter who the candidates is just as long he or she is not democrat. Same reason blacks vote democrat. Duh! To make an issue of this is ridiculous but you have to hear it every election the nazi/white supremist support the GOP therefor he must be one.
2017-02-04 19:45:02 UTC
Well, anyone with common sense would easily understand that RACIST GROUPS and NEO NAZIS would by definition support ANY white president over Obama. You Trump Derangement Syndrome nutbags need to think before posting ill conceived questions based upon your uninformed bigotry.
2017-02-04 15:12:42 UTC
Just stop complaining about Trump. If you hate him this much then leave go to Canada or something.
2017-02-04 06:25:05 UTC
LOL. That letter is obviously fake, written by a white liberal.
2017-02-04 03:59:27 UTC
Because they are Americans and they are fuking stupid
2017-02-04 00:50:20 UTC
perry m
2017-02-04 00:44:30 UTC
That letter is fake
2017-02-04 00:32:41 UTC
Trump holds their hope of simple solutions to very complex problems. I like cut an dried solutions too, but am realistic knowing there are two sides to every story and you should at least listen to the other. The Nazis solution was to kill the people they didn't like and anyone that got in their way of doing just that. That is about cut and dried and as final as it gets. Then move on to the next "problem". Why do you think Trump uses executive orders. Simple, fast and final. Mostly because he knows his fellow republicans don't have the guts to oppose him. Those in his cabinet that do get fired. Some of his ideas are right at their core, they are being delivered by the wrong messenger.
2017-02-03 22:41:11 UTC
Yayy 😁 Ill be deported
2017-02-03 20:03:53 UTC
Trump is a hatemonger, a racist and a bigot.

I don't believe there is any mystery as to why the hate groups, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and other fascists like him so much.

Trump started his campaign by insulting Mexicans. He had previously brought attention to himself as the most prominent birther, trying to undermine President Obama's legitimacy and sending out clear racist signals in so doing.

Trump has been sued twice, in major lawsuits, by the Department of Justice for discriminating against African Americans. His actions and inflammatory words in the Central Park jogger case were based in racism. He has said racist things.

Trump also disparages Muslims, is a sexist, which hate groups admire, and in general displays the kind of bigotry that the hate groups absolutely love to see in a prominent government official.
2017-02-03 19:15:11 UTC
white power !!!!!
2017-02-03 15:17:36 UTC
Doesn't matter. The KKK endorsed Hillary too.. It's impossible to control who endorses you or not. But it's the fact that Trump disavowed that matters.
A Helpless High Schooler
2017-02-03 15:00:53 UTC
the terrorist groups like the KKK and neo nazi groups like him because they have taken his already racist words and have twisted them in their brain to make them fit there beliefs. Im not saying Donald Trump is an angel, but he does NOT say he supports the kkk. That is them. So i think they only like him because of the awful things he said.
2017-02-03 13:54:58 UTC
Because Trump is a very good man in business. He will change the world. I don't remember any racial groups liking him. what media are you looking at?
2017-02-03 13:40:10 UTC
That letter is showing all the whites of USA are like that, but it's certainly not true. I agree with you that Dump supporters like himself have a lot of hate inside them and are racist, but there are also many even WHITE Americans that are strongly against his policies. You'd better not upset that group or we'll face the concequences.

Dump's grandfather (not so long ago) was an immigtant from Germany. So the thing is, he shouldn't think America is for him. Diversity is what makes USA beautiful. USA is MADE of immigrants. All Americans are come yesterday's immigrants want to ban the new ones? And even the innocent ones too? Excluding those who are REAL terrorists like the 9/11 attackers? So it's not because of national security in reality. It's just because of hate and racism...because the old immigrants want to ban the new ones. It's stupid.

I saw an old white man was carrying a sign in anti-Dump immigration ban protests the other day that I liked it so much. It said: "My Iranian doctor is keeping me alive." I think the real haters of USA are Dump supporters. Because his policies are making America look so bad and will eventually isolate them.
2017-02-02 22:37:10 UTC
Which is strange as Trump is very pro-Israel and has several Jewish family members, including his convert daughter, her husband, and their children.
2017-02-02 22:02:47 UTC
Because trump appeals to them. Trump represents hate and division.
2017-02-02 16:39:25 UTC
nobody is more dangerous to America than the extreme left and they are in lock-step with the America Last party - the demturds.
2017-02-05 19:13:04 UTC
Do your research and get a history lesson Democrats are the real racist look up Andrew Jackson he was a Democrat and a racist
2017-02-04 19:04:20 UTC
Sounds like trolling. No group of white people besides the kkk think that way and their little to no people. The only time people join a whire supremacy is when they fear for their lives, freedoms, and liberties because of pc/microagressions culture taking their liberties and freedoms away when things have gotten out of hand where they cannot get a job and everything they say is deemed offensive, and when black supremacist took it too far, then out of fear, people join a white supremacy for safety. We should not have to worry about that unless the situations have turned to level 10 code red. The conditions for code red level 10 are you cannot safely walk the streets, you cannot get a good education for a pursued career, you cannot work, minorities spout bs racial slurs towards you and hit you, they rigged society so their actions are acceptable uncluding murder and kidnapping, and they protest blocking traffic in your capital of your state, then it's personal.
2017-02-04 08:25:52 UTC
Those who allow their emotions to overwhelm their ability to think straight or deeply, crave the simplicity of unsophisticated, gut reaction, "common sense" solutions to the complicated of problems of our nasty and dangerous contemporary reality. "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer", "Mussolini ha sempre ragione", "The only good Indian/Muslim/Afro-American is a .... ", "A woman's place is in the kitchen" etc. etc.
2017-02-04 07:04:10 UTC
2017-02-04 07:03:06 UTC
Trump plays to the crowd he knows best. The racist as bigots as this is if you pay attention exactly what he is and will be until the day he dies.

Making real policies and working on solutions you see is a lot harder. It means keeping your cool and working with those you may not like personally. This isn't something I don't think Trump can do as it clearly isn't putting him on the 9 o clock news.
pissed off
2017-02-04 04:56:21 UTC
Because the end of the free ride is quickly becoming a reality. The generational welfare recipients are going to have to piss in bottles and get jobs ... OMG what will they do ... !
2017-02-04 03:41:31 UTC
Because he is a fascist dictator like Hitler, Pinochet, Mussolini, Franco, etc. All fascist dictators are:

- white, rich, and they favor ONLY the elite minority

- they create their own military

- they put walls and close all ports

- they are narcissists with psychopath traits

- they confiscate weapons from the hands of civilians to have total control

- they censor the media and the arts

- they kill people with "defects" ( like special needs people, colored people, immigrants)

- they eliminate all support for poor people (like public education, public housing, public health care)

- they torture and kill "enemies of the dictator" (like liberals, authors, academics, artists, activists)

- they control women for the benefit of the needs of men
2017-02-04 00:56:50 UTC
Trump is your daddy!
2017-02-03 23:18:10 UTC
I wasn't aware that racist groups, such as the BLM Crew, liked Trump at all.
2017-02-03 22:11:15 UTC
Here's an way to explain it:

Trump's desire is to treat American boarders like a giant home and wants to keep its doors locked each night knowing who's going in and out of the house he's responsible for protecting (Not saying I agree, not saying I don't). Groups that are known for their racial discrepancies support the idea of pushing others out. This is why people think they support him so much.

While there are racists who support Trump, not all of his supporters are racist. There are racists in every shape, color, culture, nation, etc.
2017-02-03 15:40:33 UTC
Why do people assume that everyone who supports him is racist?
2017-02-03 14:23:56 UTC
Oh wow here we go again.
2017-02-03 02:52:11 UTC
Because they like his rather ultranational views
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2017-02-03 01:10:56 UTC
2017-02-03 00:54:21 UTC
I'm not racist nor neos power ranger but I like the man because he isn't a dickless cuck and he grabs chicks by the *****. Just look at the faces of these ladies they love it when a man is confident. Dickless white knight betas thinks its rape because they have no skills.
2017-02-02 23:45:49 UTC
The bond is pride in hate. He is their spokesman. Because he is a role model, it is permissible to express your worst human traits and actually think it is good. Trump is the biggest and best A-hole.
2017-02-02 23:24:46 UTC
2017-02-02 22:33:03 UTC
Ask lestermount
2017-02-02 21:07:16 UTC
It could be because to them, Trump represents the comparative, "us vs. them", "every man on his own" kind of mentality that they're slaves to. In their minds, he's a voice for their own egos.
2017-02-02 20:20:41 UTC
It would be funny if he grew a little moustache for a wind up.
greg r
2017-02-05 19:54:20 UTC
All racist hate groups are liberal democrats, and for hire to protest in any city for pay.
2017-02-03 19:10:24 UTC
2017-02-03 17:21:00 UTC
2017-02-03 06:57:35 UTC
They don't. President Trump does not condone this either.
2017-02-03 04:44:36 UTC
First and foremost Trump is NOT a neo-Nazi fascist, fron the looks of it it's you who are the neo-Nazi's and are hiding behind FALSE accusation politics to try and hide from the truth.

Another of your false statements has been so easily uncovered.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.