DemoKKKrats. The kings of hate.
All of the racist bigots became Democrats after the Civil War because Lincoln was a Republican. For 100 years, Democrats were the ones who lynched blacks and made laws against blacks. Democrats formed the KKK and established segregation. Democrats fillibustered and defeated Republican anti-lynching bills in 1922 and 1938.
That's why most blacks were Republicans until the Democrats bought their votes with welfare in 1964.
But even though the blacks switched parties in 1964, most racist bigots did not.
How many pre-1964 southern racist Democrat bigots did NOT join the Republican party after 1964?
Orval Fabus
Benjamin Travis Laney
John Stennis
James Eastland
Allen Ellender
Russell Long
John Sparkman
John McClellan
Richard Russell
Herman Talmadge
George Wallace
Lester Maddox
John Rarick
Robert Byrd
Al Gore, Sr.
Bull Connor
In fact, it seems that MOST of the Dixiecrats did NOT join the Republican party, even though many of them lived long past 1964.
Only a very FEW of them switched to the GOP, such as Strom Thurmond and Mills Godwin.
And as we all know by now, the LAST admitted former KKK member in Congress was DemoKKKrat Robert Byrd, a former KKK Kleagle, a recruiter who persuaded people to join the KKK. He fillibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
So where do we get this myth that "most" of the southern racist Democrats switched to the Republican party after 1964?
Is it a myth?
Or just another Democrat LIE?