PLEASE!!!!! Someone EXPLAIN to me the HATRED for our two term PRESIDENT?
PNAC ~ Penelope
2007-08-16 17:36:49 UTC
Here is a descent hard working god fearing Christian that deserves your respect. This man served his country flying jets in the National Guard until his HONORABLE discharge. He earned a Harvard MBA! No Terror ATTACKS on USA soil since 9/11 - He is keeping us safe!

Just an all around great guy who has brought Honor and Dignity back to the White House after those awful Clinton years.

You have to admit LIBS. It's kind of nice having a President who does not spend all his time in front of special prosecutors, Grand Juries and Impeachment Hearings! My family was ebarrassed that Clinton soiled the office like that. Now, we look at Bush with pride!

(My 360 Blog has a poll - Do you LOVE GWB?)
44 answers:
2007-08-16 18:05:42 UTC
first, liberal media bias, and second a convenient mask for a well orchestrated power grab by control thirsty liberals who neither have the power to wield or the ability to carry out the sales pitches they offered with the unpopular war with iraq. we have a president who completely and correctly understands the need for defense against al qaeda and an out of control liberal razor thin majority who feels the need to blame the ills of al qaeda on our president and villfy him to take away focus from their ineptitude at getting things done. remember about iraq...poltical correctness DOES NOT and ESPECIALLY IN THIS CASE EQUATE WITH WHAT IS CLEARLY RIGHT and in this case you simply have members of the pelosi/reid regime who took full advantage of that fact.
2007-08-16 17:58:36 UTC
I think you need to look up your sources, you were lied to.

God fearing isn't necessarily a respectable trait.

He went AWOL (which is very illegal) when called to serve his country during Vietnam. (And before you say it, I'm in the military so don't try to turn it on me.)

He didn't earn his degree, it was bought. You forget to mention that there were no attacks since '93 also. And before that? Pearl Harbor. Your point is irrelevant.

I go to Iraq and I can tell you that we're not doing anything but protecting assets (oil). That's why the military numbers are down so much. Most soldiers (after deploying to iraq) never resigned for a longer contract.

Billions of dollars randomly disapeared.

Thousands of gallons of oil randomly disapeared

Thousands of guns and ammo randomly dispeared

all cases in Iraq.

He lied to the country about WMD's and the Niger documents.

He's a fake christian who uses the leverage for a vote. and you guys eat it right up.

He put the economy at the lowest it has ever been....ever!

He took away our rights with the Patriot Act. (you can't have freedoms taken and be free or safe)

There's a million more reasons.

It's not hate, its resentment for ruining the country, sending soldiers to there death for no reason, and stepping on the constitution as if it doesn't matter.

I think you need to research him a little closer before you make a claim like that.
white angel 007
2007-08-16 18:25:38 UTC
Dear Penelope,

you have all the wrights to beleive whatever you thinks , but when any human who have a littel piece of mind wants to judge any one at all ( Bush is an example), do not look at what he has done .....!!! no, look at the HORRIBLE results that we've got as a reply to that person's act ....!!!

You said that Bush did bring Honor & Dignity to the White House ??you didnt say to USA..!!!!!(thats one against you!! )

now I am asking you , have any human at all , since President G.Washington ,dare to attak USA like what happen in 9 & 11 september ??did you ask yourself how & why this happened ?

Ther is only one answer's BECAUSE HE MAKES AMERICA UNDESIRABL FRIEND TO ANY COUNTRY in the world !!!! beleive me I love USA,,,,but its president should be

a better man , bring us back some one like Kennedy , and America will be the top of the world WITHOUT making wars , or interupting in other countries internal affairs ......................

my friend ,Bush hates USA, !!!! and makes everybody in the world do the same .....and to your knowledge , this is the Policy of the hidden government and he is just working it out ...!!!!!!

I am sure that any one else will returns love & honor and dignity to the face of USA,

2007-08-16 17:59:26 UTC
Waaaait a second... Why has Bush's "accomplishments" remained so dependent on Clinton's "failures"? What if there had been no Bill Clinton? Is there anything else that this president has accomplished (other than, of course, being a Christian businessman/airman) that can stand on it's own?
2007-08-16 17:51:42 UTC
Probably because that is all he talks about. It is as if he doesn't want the country to heal and move on. He pushes the terrorist's wants on us and tells us to be afraid unless we do as he asks.

Now we have a country that arrests tourists off the street for taking pictures of buildings and we now require all foreign journalists to get special permission to enter the nation. Since the Patriot act if a journalist enters this country under a standard visa then they can be indefinitely detained and deported. Only other nations that have such a requirement are dictatorships like Iran.
2007-08-16 18:00:43 UTC
I think the hatred stems from the fact that the liberals are at a loss to blame anything BUT him. I wont be going to your 360, but I will answer the question. No I dont love him, but I do respect the way he has handled himself..... at times. However, I do believe he is hard headed, and has listened to ALOT of bad advice. I tend to think Cheney may be the problem.

My wife & I had a real good time on that 300.00 we were sent. I think they called it a tax cut. When one thinks of what they receive (Congress) compared to that 300.00 it makes this one want to barf.

ALL the politicians in DC are of the political elite.Special as it were. I wish I could buy them for what they re worth & sell em for what they THINK they re worth.

Now gas prices !!!!!!!! This is one of my main concerns. We are being gouged to death & there aint a politician in DC with the nads to make an issue of it & say we are.

It is refreshing not to jhear about oral sex every day on the news, but ...................... I m sick to death of all the bashing. It will be over soon enough & then DC will have moved on to something else & someone else to hate. Why not hate those who hate us? that would be the logical thing to do, but alas ! the A C L U must have more in it than 'card carrying members'
2007-08-16 17:53:00 UTC
Well he is a politician. Tell me how long has it been since any politician has been for anyone's best interest? It's not about republicans or Democrats anymore. It's about how long you think you have anymore personal freedom and Bush has just signed our freedom away with the patriot act in the name of "terrorism" he does not care about safety of our people he cares about contracts. Just because a person claims to be a christian look at what they have done to this country and not for this country. Don't be brainwashed by anyone always seek the truth, because the truth will make you free.-check out

Freedom to Facism.
2007-08-17 07:24:19 UTC
I wish I could explain it to you but I can't.

I'm at a loss for words explaining how bad this guy is.

I guess it's because he's done very well in doing things he set out to do. He's accomplishing the impossible by not letting fools convince or sway him to turn tail when dirty things need fixing and no one else is up to the task.

What a gem!
2007-08-16 18:10:45 UTC
He used his familys wealth to squirm his way out of having to go to Vietnam.

Where is the dignity in that?

He has been known to be a drunk and used cocaine. Where's the dignity in that?

The terrorists were a Saudi Arabian fundamentalist group that holed up in Afghanistan....its been proven over and over time and time again that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11, yet its been uncovered that the Bush administration planned to invade Iraq for quite awhile. After 9/11, Bush and his cronies used that incident as a "reason" to invade Iraq, basing it on WMDs (despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary), ties to the terrorists (despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary), and later, in an attempt to justify our presence there after the first two reasons turned out to be untrue, to "liberate" the Iraqi citizens despite the fact that many, many other citizens of many other different countries are far more oppressed than the Iraqi citizens have ever been.

The Bush administation has constantly been spewing out propaganda to justify its actions for years, but news outlets and journalists all over the country and worldwide have been uncovering the truth regarding these actions.

The Bush administration has an agenda, while the news outlets do not, except to uncover the truth. Who are you going to believe?

As for terrorism, Osama Bin Ladin, who has been directly tied to 9/11, is still running free. Saddam Hussein, who had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 (which Bush himself has admitted- YES-HAS ADMITTED), is the person that Bush turns our country's armed forces toward for all these years.

Bush has told the American citizens outright that Saddam was a HUGE threat to our safety, and many believed him. At the same time North Korea and its Head-of-State Kim Jong-il has openly tried to buy nuclear arms, tested missiles, and has declared that it will use nuclear weapons against the U.S. as soon as it gets the chance.

Bush attacks Hussein for the "reasons" that Bush tells us are valid, but he DOES NOTHING, yes, does NOTHING about a real, actual threat coming from North Korea.

So Bush attacks a weak opponent, but when someone stands up to him, he does nothing.

Where is the dignity in that?

Luckily for the rest of the nations of the world, North Korea has settled down. No thanks to Bush. Bush was too scared to even meet with Kim Jong-il.

And if he's so decent, hard-working, and doing such a great job, why is his administration bailing out on him? He's doing a crappy job, his social security and immigration bills failed, and even other republicans are turning their backs on him because of idealistic, as opposed to realistic, points of view.

He destroyed the U.S. foreign policy that had been built throughout the years. Other countries have turned their backs to the U.S.

Bush broke international law when he went into Iraq without the approval of the U.N. He could be charged with a war crime after his term is up.

I am all for going after terrorists, but he didn't even go after them!!!! He threw some light military at them in Afghanistan, then turned all military to Iraq.

What a bozo!!!!!!!!!
Ford Prefect
2007-08-16 18:01:09 UTC
Actually he's been a great dictator...the peasants haven't stormed the castle and are still toiling away, the idle rich are enjoying the fat of the land, witches are getting burned on schedule, the headsman's axe is very sharp...Would it be more appropriate if we just dressed up in funny consumes to entertain him with our wit and tricks as he claps stupidly at us?

Maybe I shouldn't be hard on might just be a sarcastic Liberal trying to do damage to Republicans by having such a stupid You work for the Democratic party?
2007-08-16 18:27:52 UTC
Oh penoplepnac you are killing really are from that planet on the otherside of the sun the one we can't see, this alternate universe thing is getting scary. Do you love GWBer?

so if you look into a mirror do the words look correct in that universe?
2007-08-16 18:10:31 UTC
I vote primarily Republican, and I am a conservative. But Bush wanting to open the borders, grant amneswty to illegal aliens, giving out pardons to his buddies yet letting 2 border patrol agents suffer in prison for doing their job, working to destroy American sovereignty by creating the North American Union, I could go on and on. I think Bush just used you, just like he used me. He named the name of Jesus to win us over, and now I see that he is a fake.
2007-08-16 17:55:33 UTC
Some sicko's see it as payback for the Republicans impeaching Clinton. The difference is that even as a Democrat I can see Clinton lied and Bush tells the truth. I didn't vote for him and don't think he has been a great President but he has been very very honest.

It is the far-left wing that is so hateful. Even though I don't like him, he has kept us safe, increased entitlement spending more than any other President in history, except for FDR, and he has kept us safe.

I have Republican friends that are willing to admit that even though they didn't care for Clinton his welfare reforms, making able people work instead of getting handouts for life was the right thing to do.

I think there is a silent majority of us here in the middle that don't get much attention.
2007-08-16 17:55:36 UTC
if clinton would've used executive privelidge as many times as "w" he'd have been voted best president EVER........

this bean headed ignorant geek is as stupid as a box of rocks......

he only wants to enrich his buddies,his pals ,his oil drilling cronies,his terror funding saudi lovers,BIG DICK cheney and anyone who can send him some favorable tax returns when he's retired and living under the guard of the secret service we have to pay for for the rest of his life....

my point is,he has screwed us as much as he can and he knows he will be protected as good as anyone in the world.

and it won't cost him a the meantime

our sons and daughters are being killed day after day,no closer to a resolution,gas prices are outta this world,wages are typically lower and the rich are seeing larger profits than ever before....

i have just scratched the surface..........

should i go on..?

i will if you request..........
John Doe 1st
2007-08-16 17:50:42 UTC

Dubya is just a rich kid with a father who was a former president. He was raised among oil barons and enjoyed privilege his whole life.

He is not (and never was) a great statesman or public speaker like Jack or Bobby Kennedy. He does not deserve to be compared to either of them, or other great historic figures like Teddy Roosevelt or Churchill.

NO WAY has he brought "honor and dignity" to the White House; his administration is as ripe with corruption and dishonesty as ANY.

At least Clinton could play the sax with style.

Bush has entire web sites dedicated to his lack of language skills.

Sorry ~ you asked.
Mike G
2007-08-16 17:57:32 UTC
One reason he lied about about Iraq?!?!?! Comon we didnt find the weapons of mass detruction (his excuse for war) and after he admited it he still didnt pull out seriously now inocent people in Iraq dying everyday and our great soliders are risking thier lives for a lost cause. Thats only one reason comon Wake UP PEOPLE!!!
2016-02-08 08:12:22 UTC
You said that Bush did bring Honor & Dignity to the White House ??you didnt say to USA..!!!!!(thats one against you!! )
carlos d
2007-08-16 18:01:43 UTC
Fight the NWO scum! Vote pro-constitution! Vote Ron Paul 2008!!!
2007-08-16 17:51:19 UTC
Gee you dont know much. The president is also a part of the skuul and crossbones club. Look it up. Then tell us how good he really is.
2007-08-16 17:56:15 UTC
OK,,make it real,,add KARL ROVES NAME,,to GWB-love,,cause without KARL ,,,Bush would not be.....period...lets call it like it is...I have faith you will...chow freepress
2007-08-16 17:41:20 UTC
Look at the top of this page. See that search bar? You can find everything you need by typing in a few keyword on this subject.
2007-08-16 18:03:55 UTC
The left project their flaws as all narcissist do.
2007-08-16 17:45:07 UTC
Some people do not like the way the world is so they need someone to blame everything on. The president is a highly visible person who despite his good intent, is not the worlds greatest speaker. This fact makes him an easy target. So rather than look at the facts of the world as it is, they revert to calling him names and blaming all the ills of the world on him. Add to the liberal media and congress crying defeat and trying to undermine the office of the president and these types only feel more justified in their personal attacks. Its just a case of sour grapes by persons who lack the sophistication to express themselves in any other way or are unwilling to let teh facts get in the way of their opinions.
2007-08-16 18:04:12 UTC
Given in to the Dark Side you have............
2007-08-16 17:49:13 UTC
idon't hate bush,i hate trolls. bush has did very little i agree with though
♥ Mel
2007-08-16 17:53:37 UTC
I agree with you totally. It is just allot of Liberals are miserable and have to hit someone so it might as well be the President of the United States voted in 2 times.
2007-08-16 17:45:21 UTC
Bush is Evil.
2007-08-16 17:45:08 UTC
Nobody wants to read your little blog. Go promote it at your high school, it's more on their level.
2007-08-16 17:48:45 UTC

That ought to do you. Enjoy.
2007-08-16 17:44:30 UTC
Well why are we at war for nothing? Did you hear about the suicide numbers? Soldiers are killing themeselves because they feel it unneccisary to go on.
2007-08-16 17:52:28 UTC
Hi Ann Coulter, take the blinders off!

Here is what we've come to: A President blinded by power and privilege, oblivious to the devastation toward which he is pushing America and the world. An International corporate culture run amok, freed from restraints in every area from pollution control to health and safety standards to merciless price-gouging, even as the abuses slip quietly from the attention of corporate owned media. An economy trumpeted as "blooming" even while hundreds of thousands lose their jobs, slip into poverty, are left without homes or health care or enough to eat. A "Patriot Act" that makes all of us traitors if we speak out in any way the Washington thought militia deems threatening. Warrantless Wiretapping, Systemic Torture. Abuse of Detainees, Cherry-Picking Intelligence, Muzzling Truth tellers, Shredding our Constitution.

George W. Bush's last act as Governor of Texas and one of his first acts as president-elect, George W. Bush demonstrated his utter disregard for the law when it comes to secrecy. In December 2000, as the cliff-hanging Florida presidential recount was sorting itself out and heading for the U.S. Supreme Court, Dubya was in Austin, Texas, away from the spotlight. As soon as he got word of the U.S. Supreme Court's favorable ruling, he arraigned for his gubernatorial records to be gathered, placed on sixty large pallets, shrink-wrapped in heavy plastic, and, with no announcement, quietly shipped off to his father's presidential library at Texas A&M University. Actually, this effort to bury his records had started in 1997, when DUBYA sought and obtained a change in Texas law to permit a governor to select a site for his papers, within Texas, other than the Texas State Library. But such an alternative site was permissible only after "consultation" with the state's library and archives commission. This consultation was mandatory, obviously required to make sure any alternative arraignments satisfied the state's stringent open-access law regarding the records. DUBYA, however, removed his papers with no consultation whatsoever; rather, he dispatched an aide to inform the head of the Library and Archive Commission that he was sending his records to his father's library, like it or not.

Well, she didn't like it. With one of the nation's strongest public information laws (much to DUBYA's) chagrin), Peggy Rudd, the director and librarian of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, took exception to his unilateral action. Under Texas law, gubernatorial papers are immediately indexed by archivist and then made publicly available. All requests fir these records must be answered within 10 days under the Texas statute. Bush senior's presidential library is run by the U.S. government's National Archives and Records Administration, however, which quickly advised those seeking access to DUBYA's gubernatorial records that his papers were no longer subject to Texas laws and that the federal archivists were to busy with father's papers to process his son's. DUBYA had effectively federalized his papers, hiding them in legal limbo in his father's library, where no one could have access to them. His handpicked successor, the newly installed Texas governor Rick Perry, agreed with Dubya.

But Ms. Rudd did not cotton to being bullied by the former governor, even if he was president of the country, and refused to accept Dubya's designation of his father's library. It took her over a year, but in May 2002 she prevailed, forcing the Texas attorney general, who would have been hard-pressed to read the Texas law any other way, to rule against Dubya, making his gubernatorial papers subject to Texas Public Information Act. Given the clarity of Texas law, Dubya's claim that Ms. Rudd's office had no role other than the ministerial one of recording the governor's designation of an alternative location was beyond Philadelphia lawyering. It was a flagrant violation of the law.

News accounts reported that Dubya's ploy had not violated the law, but a close reading of the attorney general's formal opinion shows that these reports are incorrect. There are no sanctions for such a violation other than to male the papers available as the law requires. No telling how much scrubbing Dubya's gubernatorial papers received, both before he left office and while in limbo at his father's library.

However, Dubya appears to have the last laugh in this tale; His papers were sent to Austin, Texas, for processing - slowly. And Governor Perry, along with a new attorney general (both DUBYA supporters), had found new exceptions in the state's information law that give him the keys to the filing cabinets with DUBYA's records. In Short secrecy wins, and good luck to anyone seeking DUBYA's gubernatorial records (as a few did before Perry got the keys; such access resulted in DUBYA's embarrassment, like showing that DUBYA and council Alberto Gonzales processed death-row communications on incomplete information and faster than DUBYA could say, "EXECUTE HER". It is really difficult to believe one would go to so much trouble to hide his public records unless he had something he really did not want people to know about.
2007-08-16 17:57:13 UTC
love is blind
2007-08-16 17:41:28 UTC
Oh noooooo!!!!!

Do they relay do that?
Dude #2369™
2007-08-16 17:55:12 UTC
They just listen to the propaganda from the liberal media.
2007-08-16 17:47:40 UTC
George W. Bush embodies goodness.
2007-08-16 17:47:22 UTC
Hmmm...I guess you've been living under a rock.
2007-08-16 17:46:16 UTC
He is a bad president!
2007-08-16 17:43:54 UTC
They don't hate GWB. They just hate. It reminds me of the hate I saw when I was a kid in the 50's. A lot of white people used to hate black people. But they really didn't hate the black people. They didn't even know them. They just hated for the sake of having something to hate. Weak minded people seem to feel better if they have something to hate. It makes them feel better about their own deficiencies.
2007-08-16 17:48:42 UTC
Darn, you really are blond arent you.
2007-08-16 17:43:41 UTC
Let's not forget the fact that he IS the Commander-in-Chief, and therefore deserves our respect. Overall he is a good President that is dealing with the crappy hand that was dealt to him as best as he can.
Agent 99
2007-08-16 17:41:38 UTC
hes a liar. hes not my president. and yes, i loved the Clinton years better than these past 7.
2007-08-16 17:39:48 UTC
2007-08-16 17:42:52 UTC
You seriously must be joking!!..
2007-08-16 17:42:22 UTC
Because their guys lost twice : )



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