Is obamacare really that bad... unbiased thoughts please.?
2014-03-04 11:15:30 UTC
So i been defending obamacare personally(Let the hate begin). The reason being in theory is sounds better for EVERYONE. I understand your hard working and you earn your insurance but not everyone is born in to a family with a "silver spoon in mouth". Another reason i am for obamacare is the bible. How many verses are about helping a brother or taking another's burden? And even if you do not believe in God, Jesus, whatever the bible is a great guideline basically on being a good human being and being civilized.

As far as theory goes WE ALL pay therefore equally sharing the burden of others. Before obamacare all uninsured people that have emergency procedures would would go unpaid (assuming they dont pay the bill) which in turn we (our health insurance)would end up paying for with higher costs in medical procedures, that majority of the time really are not that much to complete in the first place even with doctor pay, equipment, etc. Now with obamacare all those uninsured people are paying which in turn reduces all other medical procedures cost because now there is not as many unpaid medical bills that have to be compensated for. So once the system stabilizes healthcare should be theoretically be cheaper and at the same time everyone is being taken care of which otherwise would not be.

Im not a politician but i am constantly arguing (with fellow christians btw)I would rather help all no matter race, financial position no matter how much it hurts my self. I am far from "rich" and even if obamacare made me live in a homeless shelter at least with obamacare maybe one more person can live from a medical catastrophe. And yet a person making 50 times what i am is so selfish they can't live with downgrading there life for the benefit of all.

So basically you see what i think(which im sure is far from the whole picture) but i want you to explain to me what is wrong with my idea of how obamacare works.

Please refrain yourself from taking either side and just explain to me how this system really works in the real life scenario and what is wrong with my perception of it so maybe i don't hate people that are basically sound like they would rather have all uninsured die a long and painful death that nobody deserves.

P.s. would people rather have uninsured commit awful crimes so they can be taken care of in jail on your taxes??
23 answers:
2014-03-04 12:03:04 UTC
A) Where in the Bible does it say for the government to take your money for charity purposes? It doesn't. Charity is a private matter.

B) Price never actually go down, at most your scenario would yield higher profits for the hospital. Besides that the pre-Obamacare insurance model let insurance companies remove the most expensive people from the system(pre-existing conditions), or not insure them in the first place. This influx of expensive patients will increase insurance costs. It has already been shown that. Even beyond that the increased services required require higher premiums, even when those services make no sense. A fifty year old man for instance doesn't need coverage for lactation classes. Those are required

C) Young people aren't signing up for it. Without them the system becomes top heavy because the base needed(young healthy people who don't spend the insurance) aren't there to suport the expensive patients.

D) We are still paying for it as the majority of new insured are Medicaid policies. So it is either higher taxes, or higher premiums.
2014-03-04 11:37:05 UTC
Too much government interference over the last 50 years is why our health care and health insurance is so expensive. (granted, there are other reasons as well) Their method of cutting costs will also cut your options for life saving treatments. Everything the government subsidizes becomes unaffordable. Government intervention only removes our choices.

I'm not against safety nets but ACA is one horrible piece of legislation. If it was good, those alleged 30 to 46 million people who were uninsured would be signing up without hesitation. There are many more changes coming our way that will eliminate health insurance companies from the picture. They will be replaced by ACO's. These are groups of health care providers with direct payment rather than insurance based on actuarial information. The employers will pay instead of insurance, a prepaid amount for estimated costs of health care based on the medical records of their employees. That will mean people will be forced to adhere to the latest and greatest healthy living standards set by the government. Doctors will no longer be able to have private practices. They will have to work for hospitals and outpatient facilities for a salary. Once that is in place in 10 years or so, things will be in place for single payer.

No wonder Obama lied. He made it sound so simple. If you like your doctor/insurance, you can keep it. Now he is telling insurance companies exactly that so millions more won't lose their insurance just before the election. I don't particularly appreciate being tricked. Not sure how you can tolerate that either. I guess you are a believer in the end justifies the means. Just tell the sheep anything to pass the bill. Nobody needs to know what's in it.
2014-03-04 11:43:39 UTC
It helps 30 million on the lower end get insurance while at the same time, it's projected that same number, that are just in the next level up economically, will lose theirs. It's a wash just changes the demographics of those uninsured. It does help these under 26 and those with persisting, which is great, but there are other options on the table that could do that. Now it also hurts 300 million at the same time, raising their rates, cutting their coverage's. The briefing notes that were released tells us that this administration knew all this. It also put more taxes and fees into the system which winds up being paid by the consumer, so in a time where we are earning less, our cost of living is going up. There is a lot more then that and the tentacles that reach out, like the boss having access to your medical records or the state having the right to remove a child from the home for being fat.
the night of the zombie g
2014-03-04 11:26:47 UTC
Obamacare is far better than the past situation..

there are MANY ISSUES with Obamacare... but most are an IMPROVEMENT on the old situation...

only by ignoring the horrible numbers of the old system does Obamacare look bad...

it's like if you lived in a trashcan... and someone says "that's horrible, how do you stand it"...and you say "well I used to live in a nuclear waste dump"...then, all of a sudden, it doesn't look so bad... and this is as good as it gets for right now
Texas Mike
2014-03-04 11:23:09 UTC

!. It targets a small percentage of the population. And has exclusions for certain lobbiests [because they cannot afford it].

2. It is so confusing nobody really understands it. Hence job creation is on hold until we do.

3. It is planned failure for sure. And actually it is much worse than that. Mark Levine [Talk show host] had audio clips last month in 2007 where Obama said "we need to take the White House, The Senate and establish a healthcare system THAT WILL PROBABLY FAIL, apologize, but say 'we tried' and then move on to a single payer system This should take 10-15 years".

Is that diabolical or not? I heard Obama myself.

Bad is an understatement.
2016-11-19 02:46:23 UTC
Reasons Why Obamacare Is Bad
2014-03-11 01:12:55 UTC
I hope you read the Affordable Care Act in the complete sense before you are for this act. There is only one insurance policy for everyone in America. The policy mirrors Medicaid. The only difference is that the more money you make , the more that one policy is going to be and you will have a higher deductible. Then you have all these taxes that has to be shared by everyone. The people this Act was intended for was 7.5% of Americans who wanted affordable health insurance. There is over 3 billion people in the United States. many people had their own health insurance, Obama said, "If you like you insurance you can keep it." Obama lied to almost everyone in this country because of the changes made to insurance and the one policy program. They added Mental Health which was not in everyone's policies and they even made it where men have to pay for their own maternity and birth control. You can only go to one general doctor and he has to make referral to another. You can no longer go to a hospital closer to you if you live in state and the hospital is in another. You will have to go to one in your county or area. But there is way more to this than anyone can imagine. It only gets worse, because under the Affordable Care Act, your parents and grandparents are having to pay for your insurance (those under 34) and by this I mean they are actually taking the money out of Social Security. Now to make sure that the Seniors are reimbursed they are making people who make over $200,000 pay an extra .039% of their earnings. Why this the exact same percentage they are taking from seniors on a monthly basis. Then you have all these people who are exempt ( do not have to follow the law). Business cannot hire unless this bill is repealed. They also have a whole bunch of taxes that they have to pay under this bill. There is 149 different taxes associated with this bill if not more. Who knows? Obama's Administration keeps adding to these taxes and changing the rules. But they are doing this illegally. Any part of a law that has to be changed has to go through the Legislature. One should not listen and form an opinion based on what the media says and especially what comes out of this administration. You should not be pushing this Healthcare Bill. You say you are for the Constitution. But my friend, this Affordable Care Act violates the 10th Amendment and it appears to be violating the 14th Amendment. Think about it. Remember this health insurance according to the Democrats you are pushing is a one policy fits all. You also have to think how people are going to pay for their regular bill and still pay for Obamacare. That price tag you are quoted is monthly and not yearly. That deductible is for the whole year and each person has to have their own individual policy which runs up the cost of the insurance. Such as: A person having a wife and three kids. That is 5 policies that have 5 different deductibles. If you do not finish paying your deductible in your fiscal year, then it starts over again in the next. I use to sell Life, Health and Accident Insurance for a living so I kind of know what I am talking about. I also have studies in politics, criminal justice, art, history, and business.
2014-03-04 11:36:23 UTC
I won't get in a debate about the Affordable Health Care Act, no matter what you choose to call it. I believe Obama has great potential, but believe he goes at all of it in the wrong way without knowing all the facts and the consequences it will impose. He isn't known for communicating with people who need to be involved before he ever does anything. However he has changed some since he first came into office, but it took too many years to make that change.
Uncle Pennybags
2014-03-04 11:18:26 UTC
There are some things in ObamaCare that are fine. Not all is bad.

For instance, I think being able to keep young adults, up to 26 years old, on their parents policy is a good thing.

I'm not against healthcare exchanges to shop for insurance, although it's pretty clear the administration botched those but good. And it would have been better if these exchanges offered policies good in every state, vs. just one state, to allow for more competition in the insurance marketplace.
2015-08-10 08:51:46 UTC
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Is obamacare really that bad... unbiased thoughts please.?

So i been defending obamacare personally(Let the hate begin). The reason being in theory is sounds better for EVERYONE. I understand your hard working and you earn your insurance but not everyone is born in to a family with a "silver spoon in mouth". Another reason i am for obamacare is...
Par 4
2014-03-04 11:19:20 UTC
It's a noble goal, but money doesn't grow on trees, and look at post-WWI Germany what happens when you decide to start printing more.

SOMEBODY has to pay for all these medical bills. Is it going to be the poor who are already on food stamps and welfare? Nope.

So who is going to be the ones paying for everybody's medical bills? It's going to be the hard working taxpayers. People who work are going to have to pay for people's bills who don't want to work.
2014-03-04 11:28:12 UTC
Oh, what a honey covered crap pile you spew. Are you homeless NOW after you've given away most of what you have to help the next person? Those opportunities ALREADY exist you know. You can, this very day, do what you said you would do.

Put your money where your mouth is.
Working Man
2014-03-04 11:25:46 UTC
I wouldn't know from personal experience, only what others tell me who have to deal with it. I guess I won't know until after the elections, because of the employer mandate being extended. If all you say is true why didn't just let it go into effect when it was scheduled to! I feel no obligation to provide Ins. for anyone else except me and my family!
2014-03-04 11:34:44 UTC
the CBO has projected that in 5-10 years there will still be over 30 million uninsured, in other words, just as many uninsured as there were before obamacare. so in essence, its a massive expense with no benefit.
2016-11-09 23:23:26 UTC
in theory Obamacare should work, but good health care is a privilege for those that can afford it. America sucks. it really does.
2014-03-04 11:25:12 UTC
Let's see...steal money from individual taxpayers, give it to corporate insurance companies.

...yeah, you're right, nothing could go wrong.
2014-03-04 11:17:04 UTC
It is that bad.

Here are 10 reasons why ObamaCare will destroy the country:

1) ObamaCare cuts income and jobs

According to CNN, ObamaCare has already put 4.2 million Americans out of work and turned 29 million full-time employees into part-time employees. How many more jobs and hours need to be cut before the rest of America wakes up?

2) Undocumented immigrants and Muslims get free insurance

This is already creating problems in states that are along the Mexico–United States border. Governor Jan Brewer from Arizona told MSNBC last week, “The #1 problem in our state right now is ObamaCare. The reason we have so many Mexicans and Muslims running rampant is because they are getting free healthcare. I would want to come to this great country of ours too if I was getting free health care. ObamaCare must be stopped before it bankrupts America.”

3) ObamaCare kills people

Michele Bachmann said it best, “Let’s repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. Let’s not do that. Let’s love people. Let’s care about people. Let’s repeal it now while we can.”

4) The 2.3% Medical Excise Tax applies to sporting goods and fishing supplies

The medical excise tax applies to non-medical items such as archery and sport fishing equipment, tires, coal, and “gas guzzling” automobiles. The 2.3% Medical Excise Tax that began on January 1st is supposed to be “hidden” from the consumer, but it’s been brought to the public’s attention by hunting and fishing store Cabela’s who have refused to hide it and are showing it as a separate line item tax on their receipts.

5) The government will be picking your doctors

According to H.R. 3200 (ObamaCare), “The Government will select the doctor of the individual being provided health care no matter what other conditions may apply.” That is not capitalism or even socialism, that is a dictatorship.

6) ObamaCare is the largest tax hike in American history

A July 2010 article by FactCheck concluded that “as measured by the rather useless yardstick of raw dollars, with no adjustment for inflation,” the Affordable Care Act will be the largest tax hike in U.S. history. At $76.8 billion in 2014, the law would be the largest one-year tax increase in raw dollars since 1968.

7) Senior’s insurance will change

Grandma and grandpa will have little to no care according to recent reports. Euthanasia and death panels will become an everyday happening. Say goodbye now to anyone over the age of 50.

8) Your privacy is not intact

The ObamaCare website,, which cost tax payers $634,000,000, does not use HIPPA. The site allows companies and individuals to use your information without your consent. This is not the dream envisioned by the founding fathers.

9) Premiums will go up

According to the Congressional Budget Office, premiums will increase at least 26%. Each state is different but in CA, MD & NY, to name three, premiums will increase between 30 & 50%.

10) ObamaCare is socialism

We can all see the terrible job the government schools are doing with educating our children. We do not want the same lousy system running our health care. Everything the government does costs four times more and provides less service than a private company could do. As a god fearing, country loving, pro-gun, American patriot it is your job to learn the FACTS about ObamaCare. Educate others before it is too late!

- See more at:
2014-03-04 11:17:24 UTC
If the most technologically advanced government in the world can't even get the damn website working properly on start up, and it's now being delayed for the second time since it's implementation. I have a hard time trusting it.
2014-03-04 11:23:54 UTC
This story has played innumerous times and the answer is still the same, you can take 0bamacare and shove it.

We don't care for your sob stories no matter how many times you tell it.
2017-03-24 06:06:48 UTC
I would recommend that you try this site where onel can compare quotes from the best companies:

RE :Is obamacare really that bad... unbiased thoughts please.?

So i been defending obamacare personally(Let the hate begin). The reason being in theory is sounds better for EVERYONE. I understand your hard working and you earn your insurance but not everyone is born in to a family with a "silver spoon in mouth". Another reason i am for obamacare is the bible. How many verses are about helping a brother or taking another's burden? And even if you do not believe in God, Jesus, whatever the bible is a great guideline basically on being a good human being and being civilized.

As far as theory goes WE ALL pay therefore equally sharing the burden of others. Before obamacare all uninsured people that have emergency procedures would would go unpaid (assuming they dont pay the bill) which in turn we (our health insurance)would end up paying for with higher costs in medical procedures, that majority of the time really are not that much to complete in the first place even with doctor pay, equipment, etc. Now with obamacare all those uninsured people are paying which in turn reduces all other medical procedures cost because now there is not as many unpaid medical bills that have to be compensated for. So once the system stabilizes healthcare should be theoretically be cheaper and at the same time everyone is being taken care of which otherwise would not be.

Im not a politician but i am constantly arguing (with fellow christians btw)I would rather help all no matter race, financial position no matter how much it hurts my self. I am far from "rich" and even if obamacare made me live in a homeless shelter at least with obamacare maybe one more person can live from a medical catastrophe. And yet a person making 50 times what i am is so selfish they can't live with downgrading there life for the benefit of all.

So basically you see what i think(which im sure is far from the whole picture) but i want you to explain to me what is wrong with my idea of how obamacare works.

Please refrain yourself from taking either side and just explain to me how this system really works in the real life scenario and what is wrong with my perception of it so maybe i don't hate people that are basically sound like they would rather have all uninsured die a long and painful death that nobody deserves.

P.s. would people rather have uninsured commit awful crimes so they can be taken care of in jail on your taxes??

Update: so here is some thoughts you guys have put in my head..

you guys say the government is basically stealing from us with obamacare... well what were they doing before obamacare with 25% of YOUR paycheck. A overpowered military, SS, etc. nobody has a problem with that?

but you guys have brought up some important flaws

@jimmy please research...

This is what American people remind me of after asking this question

Follow 22 answers
Cm punk
2014-03-04 11:18:02 UTC
@ Bada Bing...Obamacare is NOT about health care. It is about health INSURANCE...and it is STILL unaffordable to many of the people it was supposed to help.
2014-03-04 11:16:38 UTC
How people can moan about more people having healthcare sounds so asinine.

The poor aren't paying for it now..
2014-03-04 11:21:08 UTC
please point out ANY government run health care system that ISN'T a failure!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.