2009-10-10 04:44:53 UTC
Carter, Obama's already done much more damage to the US economy than Carter, who did great economic damage and gave away strategic territory, which is why he deserved his prize.
Wilson was a communist revolutionary fascist who put decenters in jail as political prisoners. His socializing of the US was only interrupted by WWI. He deserved it.
Teddy Roosevelt was pushing Eugenics advocating some of us shouldn't be allowed to breed, or even eat because they were a waste of food. He was turning into a little wanna be Hitler, he deserved it.
Al Gore, taking measures toward damaging our economy with the bogus human caused global warming scam. It's a good step forward if you want to destroy our economy and force in communism to control the people and keep them down. He sure deserves it.
Yassir Arafat got one, Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. He deserved it for stealing billions from his own people and keeping them embroiled in hate, like Obama does with the democrats and especially the black community blaming everyone else for their problems and keeping his fascist preacher and mentor Jeremiah Wright's destructive radical communist redistributive message.
Obama got one the day after we find out he more than tripled the last record deficit, at 1.5 TRILLION, he's destroying our economy, and they love him for it.
If you love freedom and support democracy in any form, the Nobel Prize panel are not our friends. The Nobel panel which is majority Communist activist, obviously hate the USA, and want to see us taken down and Europe rise again.
Who wants that Prize? Not me!
I'm telling you, if I ever got one (which I wouldn't because they only give it to the super rich elite important people who make moves to put down those pesky little people and their bothersome quest for rights and liberty) I would tell them to take it back and argue with them over the criteria that put me in such crappy company. I might even sue.
Didn't Hitler appeasers get a couple of those pieces of crap "Nobel, You're a colossal scum bag and we like that", prizes?
Shouldn't we rename it the Nobel Piece of Crap Prize?
What do you bet some of those Nobel panelists get billions of out tax dollars for this? That is exactly how Obama rolls. He did it with Hamas, giving them a cool billion for their donations. He just gave the Criminal Belgian Billionaire Communist activist who helped him get elected 2 Billion of our money through his oil company in Brazil to drill for off shore oil, though he says we can't because he says it's environmentally damaging. He tried to give ACORN 8.5 billion for helping him cheat the vote and cheating to get Al Franken the win after he lost in Minnesota. They could have voted for him expecting the same kind of pay back others have gotten for doing dishonest deeds for our Destroyer of the Country in Chief.
I think no one deserves it, like Obama deserves it.