2013-12-31 08:40:28 UTC
2) You like to tell parents that they can't discipline their children. Yet you love to hold them accountable. As a matter of fact on several occasions here in Yahoo Answers you've accused the parents for their children's poor education. Let me tell you a true story.
This social worker went to my neighbor's house to yell at him for disciplining his daughter. The guy told the social worker that it was his daughter and he himself knew what was best for her. The social worker kept rambling on until he told her that she would take care of his daughter from now on. As soon as he said that the social worker walked out the door. Is that what you liberals call responsibility?
3) You impose heavy regulations on businesses then when something goes wrong. You blame Republicans even though you know yourself that it was your regulations that caused the mess in the first place.
So when will you take responsibility for your own actions? The moment you do that I may actually begin to take you seriously.