Isn’t it good that Liberal companies shut down the free speech app Parler?
2021-01-13 14:24:45 UTC
Sharing ideas, especially conservative ideas is dangerous. We need social media to censor conservative views and need to shut down any site which doesn’t do so.   We are on the right track.  Do you agree?
57 answers:
2021-01-16 17:39:27 UTC
planning treason and terrorist acts and mass murder against your country....I think is good reason to get shut down.....   only a moron would not understand that.
2021-01-15 19:21:16 UTC
It wasn't free speech. Nobody could go on Parker and say the planned on shooting up a school. They would be arrested and according to Republicans their free speech violated.
2021-01-15 17:58:26 UTC
From the start, John Matze had positioned Parler as a “free speech” social ... He was also calling company after company to find one willing to ... He said the app would probably shut down “for up to a week as we rebuild from scratch. ... with Mr. Trump and Parler have been applauded by liberals and others.
2021-01-14 18:37:05 UTC
It's called capitalism. Private companies can choose or not choose to work with whoever they want. If glorifying racism, rape, antisemitism and violence are conservative ideas then those are indeed dangerous ideas. 

Parler found a new host so what are you crying about?
2021-01-14 18:03:44 UTC
The first amendment includes exceptions f/ how courts decided victims have rights too. It's all about common sense. Inciting violence causes physical harm and why it's an exception.
2021-01-14 13:55:09 UTC
People were sharing Conservative ideas long before smartphones or the internet.
2021-01-14 02:59:37 UTC
Your concern is that you compare fear inspired notions, disdain discourse, and actuation of savagery with "moderate thoughts." The large web-based media locales, which so since quite a while ago permitted such chat on their gatherings, have at last taken in their exercise. They will at this point don't permit intermediary destinations which utilize their specialized offices to do likewise.
The First Dragon
2021-01-14 01:02:08 UTC
Absolutely.  Non-violent forms of dissent are likely to prevent violence, which obviously is not a Liberal goal.
2021-01-13 21:57:33 UTC
No, that's an insane viewpoint to have. Free speech is free speech. It doesn't matter that you don't like it. Anything else is oppression
2021-01-13 14:33:03 UTC
Social media taking sides and censoring certain views is one of the things dividing our nation.   
2021-01-15 23:55:16 UTC
Free Speech no longer has a place in society, Unless it is Approved Free Speech. 
2021-01-15 13:09:33 UTC
Censoring free speech is never good.
2021-01-14 23:42:01 UTC
That's rather fascist of you.  It's the 21st century of book burning in Germany in the 1930s.  
2021-01-14 20:36:18 UTC
I think it's good to shut down hate speech and venomous lies. I know a lot of people here don't respect the Bible, but I do,  and I keep thinking of one of the last verses in the Bible:

"For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and fornicators, and murderers, and idolaters, and whoever loves and makes a lie." So Don't love Trump's or QAnon's lies. Also don't make an idol out of Donald Trump. And of course don't do the other sins.
2021-01-14 19:55:55 UTC
It is not only good, it is fantastically.  
Ron Akia
2021-01-14 19:09:23 UTC
It's actually a disgrace as we're losing our 1st Amendment right of free speech as they attempt to divide America even further than it is already!
2021-01-14 19:03:15 UTC
There will not be a democratic party when Trump's done. We now know for sure 99% of democrats are criminals who buy and bribe their way out of courts. Not happening any more!
2021-01-14 18:32:48 UTC
Well for liberals at this time it’s great but as a nation of freedoms they will take yours away next. The big picture is to rule what you think and what you say. So if that’s your wish this is great.

If you like the freedom to think and speak your mind and share your opinion. Then you should be against this type of action. Suppression of the people in anyway in this country is unconstitutional.
Joseph Michael
2021-01-14 11:41:58 UTC
All free speech has been shut down. The democrats don't want the truth, just fake news media that they own or control. It has worked on the mush for brains democrats they believe everything on the boxes. Sad mush for brain morons. I am a Trump supporter and I believe he has been set up and republicans have been got at to switch sides as they could have been threatened. We all have skeletons in our closets, some worse than others. The Capital hill was the set up to impeach Trump. They literally put words into his mouth to say he actually did incite violence. Staged footage by the media working to make it look just like the real deal. Truth hidden.Shut everything down to hide the real truthful story.
2021-01-14 06:55:26 UTC
There are limits to free speech
2021-01-14 03:53:26 UTC
Well the fact I haven't used social media in a good while, Twitter and Facebook really have no power over me. I don't need those pathetic platforms to get the word out
2021-01-14 01:06:18 UTC
If Parler and its supporters want a platform to spew their hate without having to worry what others think, then Parler can fork over the dough and buy its own bank of servers and direct backbone connection to the Internet. They will also need their own building and staff. That will be very expensive just to get the infrastructure in place and then it will be expensive to maintain it. I'm guessing that not a lot of those cousin lovin' hillbilly types are willing to pay an outrageous subscription fee to keep it up and running.
2021-01-14 00:50:10 UTC
The protesters were going to murder the vice president and members of congress and even killed on police officer that was not a protest that was terrorism 
2021-01-14 00:08:58 UTC
Private companies like Twitter and Google create user agreements with each individual before they can use the platform.   If the user then violates the agreements, the company can end the agreement.  It's really quite simple. 
2021-01-13 23:26:48 UTC
Your problem is that you equate conspiracy theories, hate speech, and incitement of violence with "conservative ideas." The big social media sites, which so long allowed such talk on their forums, have finally learned their lesson.  They will no longer allow proxy sites which use their technical facilities to do the same.   
2021-01-13 23:13:16 UTC
Well the fact I haven't used social media in a good while, Twitter and Facebook really have no power over me. I don't need those pathetic platforms to get the word out
2021-01-13 22:54:55 UTC
Yes it's a good thing. Not because of their conservatives values but because of the threats of violence.
2021-01-13 21:43:33 UTC
Yes - censorship is a good thing.  Ask any communist.
2021-01-13 15:26:11 UTC
Anything the deep state doesn't approve of must be banned.
2021-01-13 14:35:19 UTC
Absolutely agree.  Conservative views are dander out to our country and need to be censored.   Hopefully with republicans losing the presidency and senate control, we will be able to censor these dangerous ideas even more. 
2021-01-17 11:58:03 UTC
We don’t need conservative views censored, we need crazy people giving violent threats banned and held accountable. It’s against the law. If you can’t handle a different viewpoint other than your own then you shouldn’t be on the internet. 
Nuff Sed
2021-01-15 16:29:42 UTC
"Social media" is not "the government." Only the government can censor anything. The government did not shut down social media. Therefore, there has not been any censorship. Yes, it's good that private companies started to realize that they can be held criminally liable for allowing use of their platforms to incite violence -- one of a few  exceptions to Section 230 immunity (criminal acts and copyright infringement).
2021-01-15 13:05:04 UTC
I think we need to monitor misinformation across the board. Which party do you think sends out the most 'misinformation'?
2021-01-15 03:42:27 UTC
I agree that you are an unworthy person.  Censorship is un-American and anyone who tries it should be taken down HARD.  The right track is to take liberal idiots who believe in censorship and censor them for a while so they can see if they like it.
2021-01-15 02:40:48 UTC
In france there is a large population of muslims, a small percentage are radical and support (and often plan) terrorism. The radicals are recruiting through social media. Would you sit back and allow it:

1) if you were the head of twitter?

2) if you were in charge of the app store?

3) would you sponsor a law forcing twitter to allow it (if you were a member of congress)?

The solution is to have "observers" observe twitter moderation policy, same way as election observers. Moderators who overstep their bounds should be BAMNED.
2021-01-14 23:58:55 UTC
Yeah, suppression of free speech is what this country is all about!
2021-01-14 20:26:12 UTC
Anybody who thinks so is basically saying that free speech should only be available to liberals and the left wing . Also by agreeing to this it means a person is happy to be censor by billion or tillion dollar companies. It also shows that even in the US freedom of speech is ever so slowly be eroded to some sections of society and som may think well thats good but eventually the people who think it is good will find they are also being shut down .
The Football God
2021-01-14 16:43:39 UTC
Good? NO.

Did it serve their agenda? Yes. Now which one is it you think they're more proud of?
2021-01-14 14:55:25 UTC

This his how we learn to make new and honest companies so we can abandon the old corrupt ones
2021-01-14 14:00:29 UTC
There is no room for Free Speech in a Communist country. 

Mindless Robots Parroting the Party lines is what we need

Orwells 1984 is #1 on Amazon
2021-01-14 13:09:50 UTC
They are shutting down the Fascists Trump, and that is good.
Armchair Goddess #1
2021-01-14 09:28:50 UTC
What exactly does the nonsequitor of "Liberal companies" mean, hiding behind anonymous?  Privately owned corporations are for-profit and their owners tend to seek those profits until doing so puts our nation's security at risk.  Are you saying that only folks with liberalism care about America's democratic processes?  Being PRINCIPLED is what you call Liberal?  Parler chose to remove seditious materials, perhaps to avoid being criminally liable for the murderous mob.  
2021-01-14 05:52:37 UTC
No I don't agree. But it's whatever. And I'm a liberal.
2021-01-14 03:37:58 UTC
Yes, I trust Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg to be the final arbiters of what is morally correct and true. We should just let them run our government as well.
2021-01-14 00:47:47 UTC
Nothing but racist hate speech on parlor. 
2021-01-13 22:47:33 UTC
In the 60's the liberals were right to march in favor of free speech. It's a fundamental right to be allowed to express your opinion in a free and open society.

Now, not just the ACLU but many European leaders are speaking out against this tyrannical behavior being displayed by Big Tech. If they wanted to they would simply delete ILLEGAL activity, not just the opinions they disagree with. Instead they are deplatforming people in order to increase their political power. It's irresponsible to wield their power with the impunity they are showing!
2021-01-13 22:31:50 UTC
The 1st amendment is not unlimited. There are restrictions. Not ALL speech is protected. Check yourself. Before you wreck yourself.
2021-01-13 19:56:30 UTC
That's what Fidel did in Cuba, Hitler in Germany, and Stalin in Russia .....

And that's where the DEM's want to Take America !

The real reason why they are trying to shut down Alternative Points of View (Smarter ones) is because the LIBs in Government and the Media saw this election that EVEN with their 24/7 Brain Washing Propaganda  of the American People, MORE Americans Voted for Trump !!!!

This is the Good News for All "Americans" ! The Propagandist and Liars  gave it their best shot and were STILL REGECTED in the Voting Booth ! ..

So they had to STEAL the Election from the Voters of America !  

They know that they had to Change 1,000's of Votes From Trump to Biden, allow Illegals to Vote , create FAKE PEOPLE/ Mail in Ballots, use Voting Machines that will change the votes, and Rescan the SAME Fraudulent piles of Ballot over and over , So  the Evil slimy DEM's could PRETENT they won !
Mark and Ereen
2021-01-13 17:23:13 UTC
Lets go back to 1930s Germany.  First thing to go was freedom of speech.  just because we don't like what we hear, doesn't give us the right to stifle speech.

be careful all you left and right wing whackos, you might get what you wish for
Lord Bacon
2021-01-13 14:39:36 UTC
Is Parler the only social media forum or are there others? Is Parler privately owned and usage subject to agreed terms and conditions?  Has the owner done something they were not allowed to do? Why would they shut it down if Parler was economically viable as part of their portfolio? In a free market economy, shouldn't private companies be allowed to make their own business decisions? They are not going to do anything against the interests of the shareholders, are they?  Simple economics tells us that, if there is lawful demand, someone will satisfy that demand if it is economical to do so. Maybe this is your incentive to be enterprising.
2021-01-16 00:28:37 UTC
The thing about free speech is that it's limited. No one is censoring speech. Violent speech is being censored; there's a difference. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you get to say whatever you want whenever you feel the need to. That is exactly why Twitter suspended Trump because he was spreading these nonsense conspiracies and those same exact nonsense conspiracies are the reason our Capitol was attacked because Trumptards sincerely and genuinely believe there was widespread voter fraud. If anything, there was SOME voter fraud on both sides but not on a widespread level. 
2021-01-15 19:06:45 UTC
It would be better if we all STFU completely.  (*sound of crickets*)
2021-01-14 18:16:26 UTC
Yes.  It's always good to know who (libbies) fears you (conservatives) and what tactics they intend to use to keep your message from getting out.  Of course, libbies have always feared and tried to shutdown conservatives.

?, WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY??  Something intelligent, I hope.
2021-01-14 03:16:38 UTC
Trump should have been shutdown a long time ago. Some conservative talk radio should be shut down, and religious conservative talk radio should have their tax exempt status taken away, "LIBERAL COMPANIES??" How dare you talk about capitalism that way!
2021-01-14 02:04:35 UTC
Radical right wing speech is not Conservative Speech.  If you want free speech then go stand on a street corner beyotch.  This is the internet and you abide by the rules of the site you are using or you start your own.
2021-01-14 00:38:33 UTC
It shows two things.

1.  Liberals all stick together and support leftists. 

2.  Democrats are now violating the Constitution that they hope to dismantle!  Just keep watching!  If free speech is blocked then we only hear leftist speech.
2021-01-14 00:12:21 UTC
Sure.  Let's continue the trend and shut down Google and Twitter as well.

@ sey:  They have the right to do that but it would be nice if they'd stop changing their rules and policies from day to day to fit their agenda of silencing Americans and also apply those rules evenly to all their users, not just the ones they disagree with.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.