How can you possibly like Sarah Palin?
2008-09-14 14:07:27 UTC
She lied about the bridge to nowhere (she opposed it only AFTER it was too late for the money to not come in and used the rest of it for a ROAD to nowhere), thinks it is okay to go to war if we THINK someone will attack us, and gets angry when she doesn't know the answer to a question and the reporter persists. That's a scary thought considering that McCain is, in fact, old enough to realistically die!
32 answers:
2008-09-14 14:10:17 UTC
oh god that women is a retard
2008-09-14 14:16:30 UTC
Re: the bridge to nowhere. It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind which is exactly what she did. When the money came in, it was never "specifically" designated for this bridge.

Regarding the Bush up on it. No such Doctrine exists as it is just a term and has as many interpretations as the bible. Not one politician can answer that one specifically...

I suppose you'd rather have a socialist in the White House eh? Go live in Cuba!!
2008-09-14 14:18:26 UTC
she is a desperate move by john mccain..use the intuitive side of your brain for a sec. Hillary clinton had female votes like no other when she was fighting barack (thank god he won). Many of those women still believe in the fact that they want to see a woman run for president one day (face it ladies). Now Barack is destroying John Mccain right now, and Mccain had had to pick someone that would influence more ppl to vote for him....hmmmmm why not a FEMALE vice president!! Honestly John Mccains days alive are numbered if he dies SHE becomes president...and THAT my friend would make the idea of a female president come to life (theres nothing wrong with that, but im just saying in reference). So John Mccain knows that he would get all of those Hillary voters to possibly vote for him. He doesnt care about who or what he picks, as long as he gets those votes. And this mysterious woman is his ticket
sara j
2008-09-14 14:43:44 UTC
Sure I like her, she's likable - who wouldn't like her? I'm sure she would be really fun to go shopping and have lunch with - I actually heard from someone who knows Nancy Peloci that she says George bush is really likable and fun to hang out with. I'm sure she is very likable... I wouldn't ever vote for her. It's not personal and it shouldn't be. I realise for a lot of people it is. I think a woman should have the right to choose, I think that polar bears should be on the endangered species list, I think that drilling for oil isn't going to do much because in the long run there is only so much oil and it's going to run out, and we need to start inventing things that use renewable resources. I don't think that teaching abstinence as a way to prevent pregnancy works, which is evidence by her daughter getting pregnant. And I think that the only way that she can deal with conflict with other countries is to go to war because she thinks we need to stamp out people who want to destroy us. That scares me.
2008-09-14 14:17:31 UTC
I don't like her but she is making the hypocrisy of the Republican party so obvious. Everyone knows they have taken her corruption & then turned it around as it it is the opposite. This is going to cause people to look into McCain's war story cause he did the same thing with that. He injured himself crashing a plan, need help from then enemy & told the enemies everything. Even when he came back he made sure the P.O. W's were not looked for. There are videos of him walking out on the women who representing these families. Do a search for Vietnam Veterans against McCain & look for their videos. He is on tape helping the enemy so it is all documented. So if she can get people to wake up & look at how corrupt McCain is then our country can come together & be strong.
2008-09-14 14:19:49 UTC
Palin would make a horrible VP. People like Palin because she is like Hillary.A woman. that's it really. If a man made the slogan "drill,baby,drill"

McCain would obviously look like he is attracting the redneck voters. If she was the president, we would need to impeach her right away. That is actually scary to see a ditz in office. Obama has Biden, a man who has experience.

Obama chose the wise choice. Not one of his black friends(which he did try to do at one time), but the person his party chose. That decision is as synonymous as the choice to go to college, you can never go wrong with that and it will make you good money with a good life.

Palin is just a voting strategy to the female voters. That is her only use.
Old School
2008-09-14 14:16:59 UTC
When you join NATO you back each other up when your under attack.

So she said the right thing, I saw the interview and never saw her get mad. John McCain's mother is still alive and very healthy if that tells you anything. I guess when you don't like someone it's easy to make something bad that's not.

I will be casting my vote for McCain/Palin.
2008-09-14 14:19:39 UTC
Well, first, I can see how a liberal would REALLY not like her. You guys live in a fantasy world, and she is, definitely, real life and down to earth.

Next, you might want to get your facts straight. She was instrumental in getting congress to cancel the project. They even attributed her with initiating the move to kill the bill. I mean how could they not. Liberals SPEND money, and this wasn't spending money. It was NOT spending money. No self respecting liberal would admit that. It would probably get them barred from the good ole boy's liberal club. Charles Gibson was addressing her like she was the presidential candidate. He was asking questions that were clearly policy making in nature. How was she supposed to answer them, she's the employee-not the employer. These kinds of questions should be asked of McCain. She side stepped them as diplomatically as possible. The bottom line is-McCain is not dead; ergo, these are his to answer.

BUT, you gotta love liberals. They don't let little things like facts get in the way of thier ideals/thoughts AND statements
2008-09-14 14:12:16 UTC
Some people like their women dumb and clueless. It's like having a pet, almost. You see the cute labrador in the want to take it home...but you know at best all you can do is teach it a few tricks. It won't ever be able to answer a question directly, for example.

Just different tastes, I guess. That's what makes this country great. You don't have to be a member of Mensa to vote.
2008-09-14 14:12:35 UTC
I don't like Sarah Palin...

But she and McCain are MUCH better then the Communist they are running against.

Unless Obama starts releasing more of his records, starts explaining why he hasn't done his job since being elected to public office in Illinois, and dumps the sh*tbag that is his running mate... There is no chance in hell that I will vote Obama.

If I wanted to live in a communist state, I would move to china.
2008-09-14 14:16:07 UTC
how can you not? she has united the conservative base like we haven't see since Reagen and since your Messiah Obama wasn't smart enough to select Hillary as his #2 your ticked because we will be the first party to put a woman in the white house whose primary function will not be to "flavor someones cigars". So enjoy the bed you made.
Mrs. Spock
2008-09-14 14:14:04 UTC
As a human being, who hasn't made mistakes? My answer to your ?: I like her because she isn't afraid to say exactly how she feels about abortion. She is saying it because she knows it is the right thing to do, despite the fact that she would lose the votes of the pro-choice women who were voting for Hillary mainly because she's a woman. She also had her special needs baby when many women would have aborted. No, she is not perfect, but she has my vote!
Jack McSmack
2008-09-14 14:11:41 UTC
Oink, oink. Don't like bright, energetic, successful younger white women with fresh ideas to reform our trickle down system. She is rocking the boat and mess up a good thing. Leave well enough alone. I am okay, jack.
Todd O
2008-09-14 14:11:27 UTC
That is not what she said. She said if there was ample and credible information. Are you telling me if someone pulls a knife out on a subway you are going to stand there and wait to get stabbed before acting?
2008-09-14 14:13:37 UTC
Ugh I don't know. I don't think she would be capable to become president if McCain died. She has too much family and problems of her own to deal with. Plus, she isn't against animal cruelty.

Too bad she's originally from my home state, Idaho!!

I'm a blue girl in a red state!!
customizedsongwriter Mike McCracken
2008-09-14 14:12:26 UTC
She supports God on the issues of not being gay and is against abortion, mothers murdering their own babies by another name.

I will support her because of this like I did with George Bush.

In my travels around the world, I would say that me and George Bush fight for what is right.
2008-09-14 14:18:49 UTC
Are you kidding, have you seen the azz on that woman?
2008-09-14 14:10:42 UTC
Obama won't answer a question, all he does is change the subject. He'll be nice to your face and talk **** about you in another town. Obama plans to raise taxes on EVERYTHING

How could you possibly like him?
Right is not right
2008-09-14 14:18:05 UTC
*************** LIES ********************

Every word out of Republicans mouth has been shown to be untruthful.

Palin ended corruption in Alaska - Than why did she take $16000 for working from home ?

bragged about not taking money for bridge to nowhere (she was for it-when it was cancelled-she kept the earmarked money)

bragged about responsibility for the oil pipeline (it's not finalized & won't be built until 2018)

bragged about opposing earmarks(she requested & got the highest earmarks per person in the US)

bragged about supporter of spending cuts - lie (She took $16000 allowances for working at home for 312 days, $46000 for her family commute)

Palin's husband Todd, was a member of the AIP (the party calls for a state vote that includes secession from the United States) from October 1995 through July 2002.

Spent millions of dollars in Earmarks. Now she opposes them.

Didn't know what the Vice President did.

Left Wasilla in a 20 million dollar deficit.

Will not answer questions from the media.

Anytime anybody critizes her she accuses them of "sexism".

Doesn't believe in Global Warming.

Raised taxes as Mayor.

Raised taxes as Governor.

controversy —

Opposes a Womans right to choose. Even in cases of rape and incest.

As a mayor Palin charged rape victims for their examination.

Believes the Iraq War is God's mission.

Palin fired the Alaska police commissioner Walt Monagan because he refused to fire her brother-in-law!

Currently under investigation for Abuse of Power.

Supports Abstinence Only education. (yet, daughter is pregnant)

Fired a librarian for not banning books she opposed.

Opposes Universal Health care.

Opposes stem cell research.

Affiliated with the AIP. A party that wants Alaska to seperate from the United States.

Wants to teach creationism in schools.

Wants to convert Gays.

Is in the pocket of big oil.

Wants to drill in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge.

Believes terrorist attacks on Israelis are God's "Judgment of Unbelief".





Etc., etc.,scandals, spending, bridge,earmarks,family, social views and lies.

This is extreme baggage for a VP or even a job as a clerk in Govt.

History of McLiar

1959 John: The wild man who partied like a lunatic and graduated near the bottom of his class.

1969 John: War hero. Got shot down; I'm not saying that he should have taken his training more seriously, but crashing 5 planes? Anybody can have bad luck in war, but you have to work hard first to make me feel sorry for you.

1979 John: Ditched his first wife to marrying into a powerful, wealthy, connected organized crime family so he could make a career change and go into politics

1989 John: After cavorting in the Caymans with Keating - of Savings and Loan Scandal infamy - gets caught pocketing $112,000 (and doesn't report it to the IRS). Gets off scot-free

1999 John: Uses campaign finance reform to whitewash his influence peddling sins and runs for President as a maverick

2008 John: Embraces Bush's tax cuts, the far right religious agents of intolerance, a right wing looney as VP who believes in using science to find the oil but not to clean up the mess from oil, who believes in using science to protect her personal health but not our shared planet.

McCain is a fraud who lies, cheats and steals.

Please don't tell me that the liberal writers from the WaPo can't see into the true nature of his character. I know stuff gets edited, but, please tell us that you people have the capacity to, if not write about, then at least perceive the truth.

When we've lost the ability to see and speak or write the truth, then we have lost our way.

The New York Times did an investigation and called out ***Sen. McCain for marrying into an organized crime family***.

It would be nice if the good folks at the WaPo would investigate this matter.

If it was false, then McCain would have sued the NYT. So I'm assuming that the above article is true. Which begs the question: **Why isn't the WaPo investigating and reporting this?**

He is also famous for following McLies -

Obama support for kindergarten sex education - lie (Obama supports age appropriate kids education for protecting them from pedophiles.)

Obama will increases taxes for people with income $40k - lie (Obama is going to reduce taxes for 95% American families).

Obama called Palin a pig - lie (He called McCain a pig and Palin as Lipstick).

Iraq war - started with lies including WMD

McCain is working for corporates

Tax reduction for corporates from 35% to 25%
2008-09-14 14:12:31 UTC
I just love her. She is smart, pretty, and says what she means.
Inquiring Atheist
2008-09-14 14:10:33 UTC
She's a tough conservative. Rush, Hannity, and Reagan tough. Thats why they like her. Me, on the other hand I'll pass.
2008-09-14 14:10:42 UTC
Four reasons:

1, She is not Biden

2, She is not Obama

3, She is not Pelosi

4, She is not Hillary
2008-09-14 14:10:52 UTC
i know rite. i hate her nd mccain nd now there both stealing obamas idea of change 2 america there such little stealers i hate em both so much
2008-09-14 14:09:33 UTC
How can you not?

A governor cannot change her mind? Especially when the facts support that change & it work out best for her constituents? Please.

And personally, if someone's got their fist clench & is pulling back their arm, I'm gonna be throwing a quick jab to their nose before they can hit me. You'd rather another 100+ story building crash to the ground & have a few thousand Americans die while you "make sure".

BTW, you perceptions are lacking.
2008-09-14 14:12:06 UTC
I do not, I could not ever hear her nasty rat voice. Fu!
2008-09-14 14:10:36 UTC
Wow...why not try presenting facts instead of your own delusional opinions next time??

She obviously scares you, sorry, Obummer is over
2008-09-14 14:10:34 UTC
People only like her because she's a woman.
2008-09-14 14:10:30 UTC
It is a woman's prerogative to lie like rug.
2008-09-14 14:10:02 UTC
I like her because libs dont like her :o)
2008-09-14 14:10:47 UTC
I don't like her.
2008-09-14 14:10:45 UTC
i dont.
2008-09-14 14:10:24 UTC
She's a b*tch.

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