this happens a lot, just a few minuets ago I was being threatened by an illegal.
he was just released he was doing his dandiest and was really going to try and kill me.
he hates whites and has been charged with many assaults, then charges dropped every time im told.
I was told it is best, I just pack up and move its a mater of time before I end up dead.
they have taken control around here and many whites have turned up dead.
a number of Mexicans legal and illegal are really pissed off im still around here, the last statement made just a short time ago is im going to kill that Gringo,
I did nothing other then just being here. he saw me and came right over telling me he was going to kill me.
first thing you hear is " Hey you ******* gringo !!!!!!!
if they see you as you go inside they will bust in.
And yes if I don't leave soon I will end up like the other gringos found dead with no clue how killed them or why.
how much he hated grangos .
most of the town is that way now , most whites are gone now.