Since everyone wants to cherry pick quotes from the article and give their interpretation, i'll join in.
"This is highly unusual and unexpected, but the fact that three completely different views of the Sun point in the same direction is a powerful indicator that the sunspot cycle may be going into hibernation."
This "cancelled part of the greenhouse gas warming of the period 2000-2008, causing the net global surface temperature to remain approximately flat -- and leading to the big debate of why the Earth hadn't (been) warming in the past decade,"
"Moreover, any offset of global warming due to a grand minimum of solar activity would be merely a temporary effect, since the distinct solar minima during the last millennium typically lasted for only several decades or a century at most."
So the suns activity is highly unusual and unexpected. Like the climate the sun drives, they really have no idea what the sun will be be doing in decades much less a century. They admit that temperatures have not risen over the past decade as they had predicted because they had not taken into consideration the very source of the heat that a greenhouse effect would have available to trap. This is like being more concerned with the type of lid on a pot of water you are trying to boil than of how high the stove is turned up. It is a glaring sign of science conducted with a result in mind. It is "science" that ignores data that would contradict the politically motivated conclusions the grants that fund it were intended to pay for.
Why do their climate models ignore the source of the heat that they claim dooms us all? Because unlike the witchdoctors of the past, they can not claim we are responsible for the suns behavior. They cannot use a little science to predict an eclipse and tell the tribe if they do not sacrifice and change their ways they will not bring back the sun. Now they say that we have angered mother earth and that if we do not do as they say her temper will reach a tipping point. We must act quickly and rashly because the end is near!
Don't ask what their solutions to their proposed Apocalypse could actually achieve. There is no time for that, just act now. Don't look behind the curtain or you will see that if all their proposals were followed to the letter despite the economic destruction they would inflict, their own projections show less than a single degree of "warming" would be averted over the next century. But the already faltering world economy would be thrown into a virtual dark age that would cause suffering on a global scale.
Of course developing industrial countries like China and India would never agree to their hysterical demands so the proposed effect would be much less than a single degree if any at all. And since the suns behavior is unpredictable, the temperature could decline, a much more devastating eventuality for all of us. A 3 degree drop in global temperature would cause as much starvation and misery as the proposals with which they wish to save us but it would not allow them to control the worlds wealth nor give them power until they came up with a way to claim they could "bring the sun back".