KA All Day
2011-10-29 03:50:04 UTC
However, I don't see this on the personal level for liberal kids. I mean, I don't know what college is like for liberals, and I am going to avoid making some joke at their expense here, but I spent college doing three things: killing classes, slams broads, making connections.
I see liberals always complaining that they never can get ahead because they don't have X and it's Y's fault. The big problem is that you kids don't have connections. That isn't the fault of the 1%, it's your fault for not going out there and making it happen. And it really isn't that hard.
- Be awesome
- Have someone notice how awesome you are
- Talk to them
- Connection made
You want an even playing field? Stop playing WoW, play a sport, join a fraternity, be "that a**hole" in class, apply for everything, meet sororstitute's parents, and you will get what you want.