okay Liberals, answer this?
2007-10-03 21:25:25 UTC
Tonight, I have read so much crap from these so called liberals. I ask ‘ Liberals if you are the majority as YOU think you are, why then can’t your ideology keep a media outlet without losing subscribers.’ Why the bankruptcy of Air America. Why do Democratic liberals want to silence Conservative ideology via the ’fairness doctrine.’?
Nineteen answers:
Dina W
2007-10-03 21:30:57 UTC
They never answer a direct question.

Good luck getting any responses.
2007-10-04 04:41:41 UTC
First of all, I have to say Air America is a very funny station. Stephanie Miller and Randi Rhodes are hilarious, smart and witty. I just started listening to this station the other day on the way home from the gym and I was laughing hysterically. I hadn't listened to it before and it was very entertaining. Much more so than Rush who is just way scarey and such a liar.

I don't know about Air America going into bankruptsy. Do you have proof of this? I knew they had trouble in the past but I have to tell you breaking into the radio business today is a whole lot different than it was in the 1980's when it was still relatively cheap and when Rush was starting out. And, he started out on an already very well established network that was about 30+ years on the AM radio. It isn't cheap anymore. Especially trying to start an entire nationwide station practically over night. It's way way expensive and that makes it very difficult to keep a radio station going. It's not just Air America but many radio stations have a very difficult time of staying on air for the first 2 years. In L.A it seems one is coming and another going every 10 minutes!

As far as the fairness doctrine goes, you're simply very wrong. We don't want to silence Conservative ideology, we just want the right to be heard along with alot of other ideologies out there besides conservative and liberal just like it used to be before Reagan and the congress of the 1980's obliterated the fairness doctrine. We who lived during those times then thought it was a bad idea then and we were right. And, if Im not mistaken, the Dems in the gov't aren't pushing for it either. There are less diversity of ideas as a result and what we are left with is only one ideology: The corporate conservative ideology. that's not fair nor is that democratic since it is our tax dollars that pay for the airwaves. It is the people's airwaves and we should have the right to have the diverse people's voices and ideologies on those airwaves that we pay for. How is wanting a more broad spectrum of ideologies trying to silence conservative ideology? It's not, because that was never the intent.

Angie, honey, you need to haul out a history book on the fairness doctrine. Clinton had nothing to do with it.
Experto Credo
2007-10-04 04:48:50 UTC
1) I do not think that liberals are in the majority, nor am I so arrogant as to state as such

2) I have no problem with conservatives on the airwaves. It allows the rest of us to see how ignorant they can really be.

3) The reason I did not listen to Air America is that they were on a very crappy AM station that had the worst reception ever and would blend over to another station, so it became a labor to listen to

4) Bashing the other party proves nothing and prevents meaningful dialogue that would help this country.

5) If you want to get into who is a bigger liar between Al Franken and Rush Limbaugh, knock yourself out.
Petrushka's Ghost
2007-10-04 04:46:14 UTC
You are free to NOT read anything you don't agree with, aren't you?

As a matter of fact I don't want the so-called "Fairness Doctrine." It involves a little matter called "free speech", which I believe in, even tho I don't like "conservative ideology" I am free not to listen! Get it?
2007-10-04 05:35:05 UTC
Liberalism is not about minions, we do not require talking heads to give us our ideas. we learn and read on our own, I don't have a TV so Bill O'really is not my hero. we are what America once was individuals working to succeed. but we understand that at times we are our brothers keeper when he is in need. By the way rocket man the fairness doctrine was in place for many years Ron Reagan repealed it and since then Rush and Bill O'really became your Gods. since their counter parts were off the air.
2007-10-04 04:56:41 UTC
Crabby_blindguy's answer is spot on.

Conservatives like to insist that the media has a liberal slant, but liberals see it slanted the other way. Personally, I think the media is made up of human beings who try not to have an agenda most of the time when reporting news, but who realy can't please either side.

Even so, pundits on both sides, who ARE allowed to be biased, often skew the information they give to fit their ideology. And liberals don't like our information skewed.

In fact, I often listen to O'Reilly and Limbaugh. I read George Will and Malkin and even Coulter. Not to read what I agree with, but to see what our side is up against. Then I read MoDo and Krugman for a pallette cleansing.

Al Franken is entertaining, but I already agree with him, so what do I need to listen to his show for?

As for silencing Conservative ideology. I don't think anybody wants to do that. The fairness doctrine would assure that people who have their sets permentantly tuned to FoxNews would hear from smart people who they aren't predisposed to accept on face value telling you how O'Reilly just misinformed you. And O'Reilly would still be free to dispute the charge with facts of his own if any such facts exist.

For example, when he calls Media Matters For America an attack organization for what they have said about him, a spokesman for MMoA could come on UNINTERRUPTED to show that all they do is discredit Bill with his own words and verifiable facts that show he lies. Then Bill could say they are out to get him, and his paranoia would be on display for all to see, not just liberals who know how to fact-check his BS.
2007-10-04 04:38:05 UTC
Because liberals are better educated and don't need constant reminders of how screwed up so many conservatives and their issues are.

You keep getting told the same thing over and over again, then you repeat it like its a fact, where if you really did some fact checking, you'd find out the Limbaughs of the Airwaves are making up stuff on the fly, lying, and telling half truths. They depend on people not checking their sources.

I used to be a Rush Ditto-Head till I started checking.

Now I call them Ditto-Bots

Get your head out of the radio. That goes for the left as well as the right.


This country can no longer afford to run on negativeness and hate. I live in China as an ex pat from the USA and the positive nature of China has finally got me convinced, it is not the politics that are important, its the people. We've allowed ourselves to be consumed with divisive politics that is in no one best interest and does nothing for our future.


ah yes, vote for divisiveness and hate -- does anyone question why I finally got out?




angie c
2007-10-04 04:38:38 UTC
it was actually Clinton who stopped the fairness doctrine....The lib's can't compete with the conservatives on the radio.......okay so the fairness doctrine is "in" that means all the liberal media ABC, NBC, CBS will have to put conservatives on their airwaves.........

air American is a complete failure b/c nobody wants to listen to it..if rush wasn't as good as he is he wouldn't be on the radio as long as he is.....

it's all about the's obvious that the liberals couldn't generate enough revenue to keep air America on the stations

lltrix---- i understand that you want "liberals" on the airwaves.... you CAN!!!!!!!!!! no one is stopping you, but it's been a proven why so we restrict those who do extremely well and have a broad audience with this fairness doctrine? if you are making that statement then it should apply to the big news channels such as ABC, CBS and NBC..shouldn't it!!!!! Oh by the way I DO have my facts straight...the fairness doctrine was eliminated during the Clinton administration.... get your facts straight!!!

I don't NEED the government controlling WHAT I hear on the radio
2007-10-04 04:48:31 UTC
It's a rouse. If the Liberals had the majority they wish they had, they wouldn't be trying to pander with "children's healthcare" set at $82,000 income thresholds.
2007-10-04 04:37:55 UTC
First off, YOU accusing some one else of posting crap is hilarious. Secondly, it just proves that we don't take stock in radical radio programs. They do not speak for us nor do we let them tell us how to vote. We have our own minds. We use them. So go back to bed in Rush God's little cult and sleep well.
2007-10-04 04:34:54 UTC
er... we have NBC, CBS and ABC... and I think they are all doing very well...

their evening news broadcasts rank far above Fox News?

and could you cite the bill in congress where they are trying to pass the fairness doctrine... it should be already passed in the house with the large majority they have?

EDIT: why do conservatives complain about "not getting answers to questions" that are fundamentally false?

I'm not aware of any Democrats pushing the fairness doctrine... and certainly not the majority?


why do conservatives cry about the facts when they have no clue of what they are?

and why don't you back up your statements with fact?

EDIT3: ... well, I "wikied" it... OH DENNIS KUCINICH WANTS THE FAIRNESS DOCTRINE... well, he clearly is the liberals choice... he's polling at around 100 percent for the democratic presidential nomination... right?

that's like saying Republicans want to leave Iraq because ron paul want to...
2007-10-04 04:39:32 UTC
You forgot congress's low approval rating.
Liberals love America!
2007-10-04 04:34:39 UTC
Yea, who's actively trying to bring it back right now? (the Fairness Doctrine)

Oh yeah, no one lol.
2007-10-04 04:30:42 UTC
You're confusing a fring outlet (Air America) with mainstream libeeralism.

And all the fairness doctrine does is guarantee ALL sides get a chance to be heard. That's NOT "silencing conservatives"--its simply preventing THEM from sinlencing their opponents.
2007-10-04 04:32:06 UTC
Then you are admitting your Ideology is not balanced or fair!

Just tell the truth and you have nothing to fear!

Finally you get it! Congratulations!
2007-10-04 04:37:41 UTC
Fair question. Bet the answers are short on facts and long on personal attacks. Any takers?
2007-10-04 04:31:48 UTC
Blah, blah, blah, blah. We'll all know one thing for certain in November of 2008: that a majority of Americans have had it with the neocons. That's good enough for me. There's no liberal or conservative majority, there's a middle of the road majority, and they're quitting their support for the Republicans in droves.
the d
2007-10-04 04:44:55 UTC

Freedom of speech under attack, Don't taze me bro.
2007-10-04 04:30:50 UTC
Because they support freedom of speech.

As long as they agree with what you are saying.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.