Crabby_blindguy's answer is spot on.
Conservatives like to insist that the media has a liberal slant, but liberals see it slanted the other way. Personally, I think the media is made up of human beings who try not to have an agenda most of the time when reporting news, but who realy can't please either side.
Even so, pundits on both sides, who ARE allowed to be biased, often skew the information they give to fit their ideology. And liberals don't like our information skewed.
In fact, I often listen to O'Reilly and Limbaugh. I read George Will and Malkin and even Coulter. Not to read what I agree with, but to see what our side is up against. Then I read MoDo and Krugman for a pallette cleansing.
Al Franken is entertaining, but I already agree with him, so what do I need to listen to his show for?
As for silencing Conservative ideology. I don't think anybody wants to do that. The fairness doctrine would assure that people who have their sets permentantly tuned to FoxNews would hear from smart people who they aren't predisposed to accept on face value telling you how O'Reilly just misinformed you. And O'Reilly would still be free to dispute the charge with facts of his own if any such facts exist.
For example, when he calls Media Matters For America an attack organization for what they have said about him, a spokesman for MMoA could come on UNINTERRUPTED to show that all they do is discredit Bill with his own words and verifiable facts that show he lies. Then Bill could say they are out to get him, and his paranoia would be on display for all to see, not just liberals who know how to fact-check his BS.