There is a procedure and manner in which humanitarium aid could have been provided to the people of Gaza (if that is where it was meant to be heading).
had they done this in full accordance and agreement with the Israeli government then the Isreali's would have had NO EXCUSE for their operation to storm those ships/boats.
even so, I hear the waters in which this incident happened wasn't a 'no sail zone' , so question is what prompted the Israelis to deploy commando's on that boat and take out lots of these 'peace activists' ?
more interestingly - how come these " peace activisits " were armed to the tooth with weapons and fully ENGAGED and ENCOURAGED an altercation with the Israeli Commandos ???
instead of doing the moronic thing (which lets face it - got some of their lot killed) that was, to commence firing @ the commandos - why didnt they just stay put and deal with them in a more conservative and more 'peaceful' fashion ?
what happened to their " peace activism " @ that feckin moment ??
did their true colours manfiest themselves when they decided to engage those commandos in a little 'fight on a boat' ?
we all know who got feckin pwnd after all of that - now some of the world is pretty ticked off @ the commandos, but lets not be so stupid here - lets actually admit that the " peace activists " brought this upon themselves.
quite easily the dumbest " peace activists " I've ever heard of in recent times...
fact is - accounts say they opened fire and tried to attack the commandos.
the commandos gave a more than adequate response - to safeguard their own welfare, and on a bigger scale Israel's welfare.
Nobody wants to see little babies and women blown to pieces on buses, trains and in clubs in Israel.
they're feckin sick of it.
so we have to probably accept they are entitled to do wtf they want to PROTECT their BORDERS from terrorists or terrorist sympathisers or simply 'oppertunists' looking for an excuse to have a fight with the 'Zionist movment' lol.
bottom line is - Israel is at war with an ideology which wants to take the entire planet back into the feckin stone age.
end of story.
i refuse to make peace with a bunch of bearded hatred inciting b45tards and may they all be dealt with firmly but fairly.
btw - thumbs down @ Israel's heavy handed tactics...but thumbs up for having a feckin backbone and telling the world - " this is how we'll deal with difficult entities who challenge us ".
if this makes ppl outside of Gaza and Israel really angry - just go on a feckin " peace activism march " and blow some whistles and wave some banners. nobody cares for your far left pov's....the world is not run by pu55ys who want to bend over for stubborn trouble making terrorists lol
-|- 9/11 NEVER FORGET -|-