This study prepared by reputable US and British scientists/doctors is but one of many studies that show it has been INNOCENT IRAQI MEN,WOMEN AND CHILDREN who have been slaughtered by and who un-questionably have suffered the most because of Bush's illegal atrocity in Iraq which is/was based upon a pack of filthy lies.
As is usual ,the replies are as interesting as the question.
First MARSHALL spews his opinion that terrorism in Iraq was dealt a blow by the US's crime against humanity in Iraq but the problem with MARSHALL'S opinion is it is based on GARBAGE AS THERE WERE NO BLOODY TERRORISTS IN IRAQ TO BEGIN WITH !!!!!!
Yes Saddam for sure slaughtered many including the gassing of the Kurds but these numbers fall enormously short of the US caused slaughter to date in Iraq.
As an aside,many experts agree that the largest number of Iraqis killed by Saddam were the Southern Iraqis who based on the urging of Bush SR to rebel against Saddam right after Desert Storm ,did rebel and were slaughtered by Saddam as they WAITED FOR BUSH TO FULFILL his promise to help them; help that never came and as a result the US WAS CULPABLE for all these Iraqi deaths as it was the US that on a promise of support urged these trusting Iraqis to rebel.
It is no wonder those in the region HATE the US.
Then we have the perfect arch-type of the morally,ethically,intellectually bankrupt "My Country Right o0r Wrong" American zealot called SUSAN.
First she rationalizes the US crime against humanity in the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis,by her offense inane claim that Saddam would have killed them anyways.This is the thinking of one sick mind!!!
Then she makes the incredibly ignorant claim that it has been Al Qaeda that has caused all the slaughter/damage in Iraq and that if it the US had not warred against Iraq ,Al Qaeda would have caused damage elsewhere.
Listen up .First ALL experts agree that most of the slaughter and damage done in Iraq has NOT BEEN BECAUSE OF ANY TERRORIST BUT BY THE SECULAR INSURGENTS : THE SHIA AND SUNNI MUSLIMS IN WHAT IN FACT IS A CIVIL WAR UNLEASHED BY THE US .The US was also warned before the war by experts that the likelihood of a civil war resulting from a US invasion was very high .
Secondly and as usual ignorant Americans seem to not know that the core raison d'etre and origin of AL QAEDA is centered on THE UNITED STATES and is rooted in Bin Laden's fanatic hatred of Americans and American troops on
Muslim Middle East soil.
In closing SUSAN informs us that we know here analysis is "spot on" .
Not to be out done in ignorance ,the poster SHEERAZ informs us that Iraq is a front on the war on terror.
Then trying to impress us with his intellectual prowess,SHEERAZ advises the Questioner that his question is invalid and this is right after he makes the amazing garbage claim that Iraq is a front on terrorism considering there were NO BLOODY TERRORISTS IN IRAQ TO BEGIN WITH !!!!!
Needless to say there is absolutely nothing that makes the question invalid accept in the minds of intellectually and morally crippled people.
Finally we have the most offensive morally bankrupt post of all by Mezmarel who claims those who have suffered the most are AMERICA'S FINEST .I guess the slaughter of over 600,000 INNOCENT IRAQI CIVILIAN including tens of thousands of children just are not ENOUGH to qualify for the WHO HAS SUFFERED THE MOST AWARD .
MEZMAREL needs to be forced to look at that video that shows a weeping Iraqi mother having to sweep up the body parts of her 4 year old child for proper burial
Never mind Mezmarel,the world knows Americans do not view the lives of others as of any importance and that is why the US Military coined a morally bankrupt phrase to describe the innocent civilians that the US killed in combat phrase and that phrase of course was COLATERAL DAMAGE so from now on we will call the victims of 9/11 nothing but COLATERAL DAMAGE .