The political war in the US is the left versus the right. Have we been led to believe what the rich tell us?
2007-07-08 21:31:36 UTC
It is my humble opinion that an argument as mean and nasty as that between the left and the right only benefits the status quo, which is the wealthy and the powerful corporations. We, as citizens of this country, have been led to think that which side you are on, be it liberal or conservative, is more important than our congress making the correct decisions that represent we the people. Politics has turned into hate-mongering, and I just would not doubt that this is how it started, a long time ago between the Shia and the Sunni's of Iraq. Americans, or most of them anyway, actually believe the trash that is coming to them from the major newspapers and television stations just like the Russians believed in their wonderful 'Pravda', which turned out to be a state run newspaper.
Divide and conquer!
Fourteen answers:
2007-07-09 18:25:29 UTC
I consider myself a moderate which means to me that on some issues I lean one way and the other way on other topics. I registered with one political party only because I can vote in the primaries. I don't necessarily think that person is better qualified than his opponent in the other party. That I decide during the general election after I've learned all I can about them.

Saying that, I believe we have become a country numbed to what's going on around us. We're bombarded by propaganda--and who has the money to do this on a regular, wide-spread basis--those with the money and access to more money. They're like car salesmen. They promise you this is the greatest car you'll ever have--but just in case, buy the extended warranty. The day after the warranty expires and the car has major problems, well, you're on your own.

Everyone has an opinion on everything--and they don't like to be told they're wrong, misinformed, or sheep. It comes from everywhere--church sermons, newspapers (even the independents are owned by publishers who have money or have people they need to answer to), anyone who is seen as a trusted member of society and is perceived to be intelligent, socially, environmentally, politically conscious, whatever. Everything comes from one's own judgments, their backgrounds, and what they learned at home.

I don't think you're any of the names others have called you. I think you're using historical events to bolster your comments. The reactions I've read to your statement and opinions just reinforce people interpret something how they want to and respond viscerally.
2016-05-17 11:49:15 UTC
Afghanistan has been an important crossroads for trade since the ancient 'silk road.' Today, it's position still makes it important (more for piping natural gas than oil, but still). But, there would be better, easier ways of gaining control of it in that strategic sense, than poking around it's mountains, looking for an extraordinarily tall terrorist. The 'war' in Afghanistan, like both wars in Iraq, are about politics more than resources. Resources make the politics important - they could be ignored otherwise - but it's still the politics that lead to war. Iraq has massive oil wealth. So does Saudi Arabia - Mexico isn't exactly a slouch in the oil reserves departement, either - but no one's invading them, because they're not led by lunatics (a monarch and corrupt socialists, respectively, but not lunatics). That you toss out "US imperialism," though gives away your agenda - and your prejudice. America is not an empire. It flirted with empire, briefly, around the time of the Spanish-American War, but was a late-commer to the game and never made serious progress. Today, globalization has forced all nations to take an interest in eachother's business's, and a America has a lot of interest, and a lot of business of it's own. You're not thinking about these events rationally, you just hate a nation and it's way of life, and react accordingly, attributing the worst motives you can think of to anything it may do, and taking any negative consequence of globalization, and calling it "US Imperialism." Give it a rest.
2007-07-08 21:52:23 UTC
The two axis of argument should be Wealth and Power, so it should be the Rich versus the Poor, or the Powerful versus the Disfranchised. However, argument along these two lines can cause real civil unrest.
2007-07-08 21:53:58 UTC
Look we pretty much all agree that anyone who has any kind of muscle in Washington is an Elitist Globalist who has a major disconnect with the peon average American ....unless it's election time.

Then basically what our system has boiled down to is whether we want a government that is Communist or Fascist!

Do you want a government that lords over you and in turn provides social programs for it's people ....


Do you want a government that lords over you and leaves you to fend for yourself!!

Sadly it seems there is little in between!!

And those politicians who are in between are of no major influence in Washington!!

Our government has been sold to Corporate America!
2007-07-08 21:44:15 UTC
The same people own the left and right. Take a look at who actually backs some of these senatorial and congressional campaigns.
Ted T
2007-07-08 21:38:47 UTC
When we read some of the rubbish written in Q&A your insite is to be commended.

Just work out whether you want to make the rich richer or at least show a little compassion for your fellow man and vote accordingly. Listening to all the spin and crap put out by the political parties will gain you nothing.
2007-07-08 21:37:24 UTC
Unfortunatley people are starting to rely more on what people tell them than making the effort to aquire the information themselves. We live in an age of entitlement and whatever politition tells the most people what they will do for them wins the election.
2007-07-08 21:39:39 UTC
Right hand Left hand, they both hurt when they slap you. What makes you think there is a difference? This is a chess game and you are the pawn of the people, by the people, for the people.
volleyballchick (cowards block)
2007-07-08 21:39:54 UTC
Have you been a socialist long?

Basically it is this: Two different groups of people that wish to achieve the same goals, but can't agree on how to do them, or the degree of importance each goal is.

That is what free thinking is all about. How boring this world would be if we all thought alike and didn't disagree about anything. Nothing would be where it is today.

Necessity is the mother of all invention - the statement goes for more than just "need"; things have been invented by proving someone else wrong/right before.
2007-07-08 21:40:01 UTC
Let that one sit on the burner for a min. lets go a little further with the statement. are you trying to tell me that the big corporations that keep me employed really don't have any idea what they are doing. tell you what start a large corporation employ thousands of people, watch them grow prosper with your vast expanding company then come back here and say that again. success is luck ask any failure.
2007-07-08 21:43:20 UTC
Congratulations on thinking like an American, and a true patriot!

The people behind the cutains don't care what costume you wear, as long as you play your part.
2007-07-08 21:37:03 UTC
I agree in this one thing. End the treatment of half our nation as the enemy. Treat each other respectfully even as you disagree.

However, I am also NOT a socialist, do appreciate the business men and women of our country and what that has meant to our strength and wealth, standard of living and power.

Punishing the rich? Foolish. They move, along with all the jobs they create. Who would want to be rich if you take it all away. What's left when you tax the rich out of their money and the rest have fled?

Low standard of living, no welfare (no one to pay it, everyone works), socialism.


You also forget one thing: we argue, but we work alongside these people, even marry them.

There, they kill each other and are segregated.

America rocks.
2007-07-08 21:40:37 UTC
Wow, thanks for that retro bit of Marxist propaganda. Workers of the world unite! Rise of the proletariat! Blah blah.

How about this, our system works so well, it requires very little tweaking. Corporations got wealthy because the system works. Its proof of the system working not a demonstration that it fails. These big corporations employ lots of workers.

Politicians engage in a lively debate. It's not hate-mongering. For that you need to go to Yahoo Answers.
2007-07-08 21:35:12 UTC
I haven't heard a socialist hippie for a while now.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.