I consider myself a moderate which means to me that on some issues I lean one way and the other way on other topics. I registered with one political party only because I can vote in the primaries. I don't necessarily think that person is better qualified than his opponent in the other party. That I decide during the general election after I've learned all I can about them.
Saying that, I believe we have become a country numbed to what's going on around us. We're bombarded by propaganda--and who has the money to do this on a regular, wide-spread basis--those with the money and access to more money. They're like car salesmen. They promise you this is the greatest car you'll ever have--but just in case, buy the extended warranty. The day after the warranty expires and the car has major problems, well, you're on your own.
Everyone has an opinion on everything--and they don't like to be told they're wrong, misinformed, or sheep. It comes from everywhere--church sermons, newspapers (even the independents are owned by publishers who have money or have people they need to answer to), anyone who is seen as a trusted member of society and is perceived to be intelligent, socially, environmentally, politically conscious, whatever. Everything comes from one's own judgments, their backgrounds, and what they learned at home.
I don't think you're any of the names others have called you. I think you're using historical events to bolster your comments. The reactions I've read to your statement and opinions just reinforce people interpret something how they want to and respond viscerally.