Are you really an NRA, gun-loving TROLL?
I think you are. Anyway, your question about how to handle your 18-year-old son doesn't belong in YA Politics, which is where I've found it posted. Could you move it somewhere else?
Parents of 18-year-olds, in my personal experience, usually have a hard time getting along with their kids. The kids are itching to be personally independent, although they may also have ambivalent feelings about this and really want to stay home if they can - which makes them conflicted in how they relate to Mom and Dad.
Mom and Dad, unfortunately, are likely to have the same conflicted feelings about their 18-year-old kids.
They kind of want them to move out and become independent, the way the American Dream encourages us to think everybody should move out. But they've spent years and years raising the kids, too, and in many cases they've come to love them. So the parents both want the kid to move, and don't want the kid to move.
This can be a perfect recipe for screaming matches and fights between confused parents and confused kids. And IMO, it's not a great environment to introduce a gun into.
It's probably safe enough for the son to have a shotgun in the house, but it would be a hell of a lot better for both the son and the parents if the son could find somewhere else to live, ASAP.
Of course, with capitalist housing prices what they are, and with the job market still being uncertain in many parts of the country, it isn't always possible for 18 year olds to leave home and pay for housing somewhere else.
So - IF this is a real question, which I doubt, good luck to you and your son, both, as you find some good way to accept the fact that you've got different views on many issues. Please find ways to keep the screaming to a minimum and to live in peace with one another for as long as your son needs to stay in the house.
IF this is just another frigging pro-gun piece of propaganda by a paid trolls for the NRA, I hope you have a lousy Christmas and a terrible New Year, since you're trying to mess with our emotions and our brains by selling us a lie. It's hard enough for many people to decide what to think about different political issues, just based on real facts. But when somebody starts introducing lies and fake emotional appeals into political debates, it's really bad for what remains of American democracy.
-- democratic socialist for less BS in US politics