My son bought a gun! What do i do i don't what such a digusting weapon in my house!?
2018-12-01 03:46:40 UTC
I just found out that my 18 year old son bought a shotgun when i went into the basement i seen him unloading a bullet. We then argued for about 10 minutes about how dangerous it is to have a gun in the house. He then said it doesnt matter its just a single shot shotgun and he said he wouldn't do anything bad with it. I told him i don't CARE! a gun is a gun and that i dont want it in my house i finally convinced him to let me keep the shells in my room so that he doesn't do anything stupid and kill someone! honestly i want to get rid of it but its not my gun so what do i do!
75 answers:
2018-12-01 17:00:37 UTC
It may not be your gun, but it is your house, and if you don't want a gun in it, he needs to deal with it. If he wants a gun so badly, he can go get his own house.
2018-12-03 20:42:27 UTC
Buy a bigger one incase he gets all lary.
2018-12-03 16:23:00 UTC
How is it you let him buy a gun? There's more to this story than you're telling.
Philip V
2018-12-03 03:49:26 UTC
I think the legal age to own a gun is 18 and by now he is technically an adult and has the legal right to own one. The most you could do is tell him to move out of the house, but that still is not going to be enough to convince him to get rid of the gun.
2018-12-02 19:55:35 UTC
Wut??? Lol
Mary Christine
2018-12-02 19:28:14 UTC
that thing won't go off by itself. tell him to study all laws and safety on the matter. you try and steal it to junk it you might shoot yourself accidentally.
2018-12-02 18:03:47 UTC
Relax, you are such a typical leftie, who doesn't; understand guns! According to statistics, gun have protected people, he's 18 and has the right to bare arms.
2018-12-02 15:35:20 UTC
Your house, your rules, so he must make other arrangements for the gun.
2018-12-02 14:33:04 UTC
Turn it into lead
2018-12-01 16:31:56 UTC
What "disgusting weapon" are you crying about?
2018-12-01 04:06:09 UTC
He played you like a fool. You think you won because you took the ammo he had, but since you're ignorant of guns and just run on irrational fear you're completely ignorant of the fact he can just buy more ammo. lol

I bet your son plays you like a fiddle all the time.
2018-12-04 03:05:23 UTC
It's your home -- you have your own rules - so make him live by your rules -- you are the parent.

He can easily EASILY get other bullets -- within minutes.
2018-12-03 23:26:52 UTC
No need to worry unless he's mentally unstable. You can always threaten to kick him out of the house if he doesn't get rid of it.
Little Ms Sunshine
2018-12-03 18:24:27 UTC
What's your 18-yr-old still living at home for?
2018-12-03 17:15:11 UTC
if your not posting anymore,,"we'll known what your son did"
2018-12-03 16:58:02 UTC
A weapon is an inanimate object that will do no harm all by itself. Instead of whining about it, bring him to a gun safety class and make him into a responsible, law-abiding gun owner.
2018-12-03 15:00:36 UTC
Kick him out
2018-12-03 06:20:14 UTC
It's your house

kick them both out
2018-12-02 15:07:12 UTC
That shotgun may save your lives One day..U never know

Hope that helps!
2018-12-02 10:05:50 UTC
What do you do...........GROW UP! Be thankful, someone in the house, can protect everyone else!!!
2018-12-02 06:53:12 UTC
Personally I think you're overreacting, but since it's 'Your' house & he's 18 you might consider reminding him that he's just as Free to exercise his 2nd amendment right to have a firearm in his OWN residence as 'You' are to insist on it!!
2018-12-02 00:34:56 UTC
He's 18 and an adult. However, it's your house and you get to say what's in it. Either the gun goes or he does.
Natalie Clouse
2018-12-01 06:09:28 UTC
just tell him "not under my roof" but it is Trump's america and as a man, he can do what he wants.
Anna E
2018-12-01 04:57:33 UTC
Not your gun, but it is your house. Let him know that if he wants to continue to stay there the gun has to go. I personally am not against having guns, but for an 18 year old to have one is not a good idea. Young people that age still lack common sense that comes with life experiences.
2018-12-01 04:19:35 UTC
First of all, why is this in the politics section? Does it have to do with you being against legal firearms? Imo your kid having a gun is a sign that he is a man and can take care of himself. But if you don't agree then fine, but at least don't make this political. Tell him how you feel and if he still doesn't listen then tell him he's gonna have to choose between his gun and getting kicked out.
2018-12-01 04:09:18 UTC
Your house, your rules. Give him 48 hours to get rid of the gun or move out.
Toni Parr
2018-12-01 04:02:43 UTC
It may not be your gun but it's your house.

You don't want it then it goes. Tell him when he has he's own house he can do what ever he wants. I
2018-12-01 04:02:03 UTC
That's a serious problem. The first thing you should do is learn how to be a better troll.
I was wrong once
2018-12-01 04:01:42 UTC
It's your house, your rules.
2018-12-01 03:49:07 UTC
Get hm to buy a gun safe and you keep the key
2018-12-04 12:26:36 UTC
Time for junior to move out.
2018-12-03 18:26:53 UTC
Your son bought a weapon for self defense. Just because he has a gun, it doesn’t mean that he’s going to kill someone. If you are THAT concerned about him having it, then maybe you should tell him to go to a gun range and get proper training so that he knows how to use it. If your son has problems with mental health or anger management then you have a reason for concern, but otherwise I think that you should stop worrying about it. A gun is not disgusting, and if someone ever breaks into your house, you’ll be happy that he has that gun to protect himself and you.
2018-12-03 15:54:27 UTC
Insist he take a gun safety coarse, you buy a trigger safety lock for the shotgun and have the only key for it. If son not trustworthy kick son out of house, throw gun in river or lake.
Andy F
2018-12-03 15:06:48 UTC
Are you really an NRA, gun-loving TROLL?

I think you are. Anyway, your question about how to handle your 18-year-old son doesn't belong in YA Politics, which is where I've found it posted. Could you move it somewhere else?

Parents of 18-year-olds, in my personal experience, usually have a hard time getting along with their kids. The kids are itching to be personally independent, although they may also have ambivalent feelings about this and really want to stay home if they can - which makes them conflicted in how they relate to Mom and Dad.

Mom and Dad, unfortunately, are likely to have the same conflicted feelings about their 18-year-old kids.

They kind of want them to move out and become independent, the way the American Dream encourages us to think everybody should move out. But they've spent years and years raising the kids, too, and in many cases they've come to love them. So the parents both want the kid to move, and don't want the kid to move.

This can be a perfect recipe for screaming matches and fights between confused parents and confused kids. And IMO, it's not a great environment to introduce a gun into.

It's probably safe enough for the son to have a shotgun in the house, but it would be a hell of a lot better for both the son and the parents if the son could find somewhere else to live, ASAP.

Of course, with capitalist housing prices what they are, and with the job market still being uncertain in many parts of the country, it isn't always possible for 18 year olds to leave home and pay for housing somewhere else.

So - IF this is a real question, which I doubt, good luck to you and your son, both, as you find some good way to accept the fact that you've got different views on many issues. Please find ways to keep the screaming to a minimum and to live in peace with one another for as long as your son needs to stay in the house.

IF this is just another frigging pro-gun piece of propaganda by a paid trolls for the NRA, I hope you have a lousy Christmas and a terrible New Year, since you're trying to mess with our emotions and our brains by selling us a lie. It's hard enough for many people to decide what to think about different political issues, just based on real facts. But when somebody starts introducing lies and fake emotional appeals into political debates, it's really bad for what remains of American democracy.

-- democratic socialist for less BS in US politics
2018-12-03 10:21:29 UTC
At least he didn't buy an assault rifle or a pistol. A single shot shotgun is not the weapon of a murderer but I do understand your concern at it being in the house.
2018-12-03 08:39:25 UTC
a gun is a gun right you just said it
2018-12-03 05:34:05 UTC
the only way to stay safe is to shoot him first
2018-12-03 02:36:50 UTC
Dude it's your house, he has to obey your rules. He wants a gun, tell him to look for his own place. Dont let yourself be pushed around.
2018-12-03 02:18:16 UTC
do you own kitchen knives? Do you have rocks outside. If he can legally buy the gun it is his right. While i support the second amendment one hundred percent it is your house so you will need to make a choice be tolerate and accept his lifestyle or drive a large wedge in your relationship with him and remove him from your property.

Honestly a gun isn't the most dangerous weapon in 2014 more people were beat to death with their bare hands then killed by guns both rifles and pistols. Second to that was being beat to death with hammers.

Violent behavior cannot be cured by removing weapons people have always found a way to kill and will continue to do so.
2018-12-02 22:16:13 UTC
the gun is not nor will it ever be problem a gun is only as good as the person using it
2018-12-02 21:07:05 UTC
Regardless of your obsession with firearms being evil and disgusting, you can order him out of your home at 18, so he must live by your house rules, meaning, he can't possess a firearm in your home....period. That said, he can lock it in his vehicle trunk, or behind the seat, if a truck. If he has no job, no vehicle, or place to live, suggest he sell the firearm, and join the Military. In closing this out, with some common sense, guns are only as good, or as bad, as the person who own or possess them. Frankly, you add nothing helpful, or positive, or practical to the gun debate in America. You do reflect on an attitude, that leads nowhere, based in liberal ideological views and fears, and the desire to set rules for all, with no arbitration.
2018-12-02 16:16:12 UTC
Stop him until it is too late
2018-12-02 03:21:31 UTC
Tell him to keep the gun in the trunk of his car. You should be grateful that you live in a country that recognises self defence as a human right, rather than some totalitarian shithole like North Korea or Nazi Germany
2018-12-02 01:39:31 UTC
Sounds like you need to take him down a peg or two.
2018-12-02 01:24:41 UTC
You're the adult, it's your house. Your son here has an illegal, dangerous weapon. If he doesn't get rid of it, you should call the police.
2018-12-02 00:45:04 UTC
Buy a bigger gun to assert dominance and show him who is in charge
Erica Chaviano
2018-12-01 23:37:53 UTC
Did he legally buy the gun? If not, use tough love and turn him into the police. If it is legal, tell him the gun goes or he goes.
2018-12-01 07:17:58 UTC
The gun should be thrown out.
2018-12-01 06:52:20 UTC
If this is a true story and you feel that strongly about it, his choice is to get rid of the shotgun, or take it with him to his new home.
Captain Matticus, LandPiratesInc
2018-12-01 03:50:42 UTC
It's not your gun, but it is your home. Take charge and tell him that you don't want a gun in your home. He can either keep the gun or keep his residency. I'm a gun owner and while I personally disagree with your fearful disdain of what is essentially a tool for home defense (when used properly and legally), I disagree more with your son's lack of respect for you and your personal wishes in your home.

PROTIP: He'll buy more ammo and just hide that from you.
2018-12-04 06:17:04 UTC
He's your son under your roof, tell him to either get rid of the gun or leave. If he refuses to get rid of the gun, evict him. 2 days on the street and the gun will be sold.
2018-12-03 20:25:25 UTC
It is your house so he has to follow your rules. If he does not like those rules then he is old enough to move out.
2018-12-03 19:52:30 UTC
You tell him you don't want the gun in your house. Your house, your rules.
2018-12-03 17:43:44 UTC
And you're hiding anonymously?

Tell me why do I get a feeling you are the son in the picture, desperate for attention?

ps: If he is indeed 18 (an adult), why is he still living with you and probably rent-free?
Blue Skies.
2018-12-03 17:37:30 UTC
If he is not on Meth, Crack or worse Heroin. You got nothing to worry about.
Tom thumb
2018-12-03 04:22:51 UTC
One shell is enough to do damage or kill, It's your house and your rules, put your foot down and tell him NO period.
2018-12-03 02:12:48 UTC
If he doesn’t have any mental health problems than I don’t see a problem with it. I don’t think you know a lot about guns based on your question but the gun is not dangerous in it self, only the person using it. It is an inanimate object so you have no reason to be scared of it. Although it is your home so you do have the right to not let him keep it there, but I don’t think it is a big deal.
2018-12-02 23:12:43 UTC
I think your house, your rules. If he's 18 and wants a gun kick his *** out so he can get his own place and have whatever he likes.
2018-12-02 22:40:57 UTC
You are over reacting. I own a lot of guns and not one time have any of them shot anyone or load themselves. But if it's your house and he is just living with you then he has to follow your rules.i will say let him keep his shotgun ansd leave him alone but it's just what I think.
2018-12-02 20:19:38 UTC
"Stupid"? If he can buy it, he can always buy more ammo. If you "take it", it is a Felony if he can prove it it his ( has the receipt and/or registered to him.) And he can just get Another and Hide It. He only told you because he assumed you would take it like an Adult.

It's not a "bullet", its a Round of Ammunition. Specifically, a shotgun shell. Don't try to take , you sound so ignorant you will shoot yourself, like that stupid Jennifer O'Niell.

Your attitude is like whacking a mole. Another pops up. You can't stop gun violence by taking his gun away.
2018-12-02 17:51:52 UTC
1. Kick him out.

2. Make him keep the gun outdoors.

3. You should know your you think he's the type of person who would ever shoot someone? If not, don't worry. Drugs kill people too...should medication be banned? How about all the car crashes that kill...should vehicles be banned? And what about knives? I can go on with this.

4. With the rise in crime, the gun might help him to feel safe and protected. If someone were to put your family in danger, you just might thank your son for having a gun to save you all.
2018-12-02 07:16:28 UTC
Your house your rules. If you don't want a gun in your home tell him he has 72 hours to get rid of it or get out.
2018-12-02 06:12:17 UTC
At least make sure he has a license for it. It may not prove much but it may convey that he's somewhat responsible. Maybe keep it in a safe? My redneck neighbors keep their guns in a gun safe.
2018-12-02 05:28:50 UTC
tell him to throw it away or leave the house
2018-12-01 23:03:15 UTC
He shouldn't have bought it until he gets his own place. I would tell him to get rid of it or move out.
2018-12-01 19:38:23 UTC
You got some problems, Lady. Just tell him to keep it at a friend's house, or at another relatives house, and get over your GD self!
2018-12-01 18:39:30 UTC
This family is totally American. :@
2018-12-01 05:27:16 UTC
I was under the impression 18 is adult age?

however it's YOUR house, not his. so you have the right to force him to get that disgusting weapon out of the house. if he tries anything dangerous with threaten him you will call the police.

(it's a GUN for christ's sake we don't want any deaths do we)
2018-12-01 04:10:56 UTC
Sounds like he might want to kill someone in the family.
2018-12-01 04:00:50 UTC
I don't agree with guns, I think it's quite stupid to have a shotgun in particular, because if somebody else has a gun, and you fire it from a distance, you're not going to kill them, probably, and then they have a gun. I mean, the problem with a gun is what's the phrase, rush a gun, run from a knife. I'm not sure if that's really good advice either except the running part.
2018-12-03 19:14:18 UTC
Tell him the gun goes or he does
2018-12-03 10:37:06 UTC
It's not only you but parents in this country don't know what discipline is anymore .Look your the parent you need to put down the law . If not kick him out of the house if not he will control you
Jason Klajic
2018-12-03 07:46:53 UTC
At the end of the day that’s his constitutional right to Bear arms.
♥ Abby ♥
2018-12-01 23:59:35 UTC
I would not like it I’m afraid of guns
Thomas Heaphy
2018-12-01 19:57:59 UTC
I don't normally condone violence but put on an Irish accent and accuse him of dealing drugs and collaborating with British soldiers and then kneecap him. Or don't actually.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.