I recommend you to visit this web page where you can get rates from different companies: http://HELP-INSURE.NET/index.html?src=5YAxnu68umH27deW1
RE :Why are libs for Government run insurance instead of less expensive private insurance for All?
FACT: The only "crisis" in this country around healthcare is the COST of it. Not quality, not availability.
Sen Demint (SC) has a plan called Health Care Freedom Act that would force interstate competition and give families who don't get employer insurance $5,000 a year to buy health insurance.
Sen Charles Wrangle (D) has refused to allow that proposal )and no less than 6 others) that would reduce heatlh Insurance costs to even have a vote in his committee.
There are many ways we could reduce the costs of insurance and make it affordable for ALL.
Why are the Libs ignoring that and going straight for Government Controlled Health Insurance ( really Healthcare ) ?
Update: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/08/...
The reason why it's NEVER happened is because the DEMS block torte reform and the repeal of interstate laws.
Ins Company profits represent a whopping...
0.60 & of healthcare spending in this country.
That is 60 cents for every 100 dollars..
FACT--- Get a F'ing clue what you're talking about
Update 3: That is 0.60 % ok.. Not 40 % LOL
Update 4: Same article that I linked.
CEO Salaries represent 0.005 % of total spending.
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