No, oil prices are based on supply and demand, and who controls opening and closing the valves. OPEC controls the most oil valves and India and China are buying up more Oil than is produced daily.
Government is making a killing off gas prices so, they wont do nothing to solve the issue. They make a certain percent from every gallon sold. In the past, when prices were about a buck and a quarter per gallon, the tax was about 72 to 76 cents per gallon. Now that we at over 3 dollars per gallon, government is making about 2.25 per gallon.
Do the math, why should they do something to reduce the price per gallon??
Besides, the Congress wants to cut the 18 Billion dollar tax breaks, over 10 years, oil companies get for research and developement. So, that means the oil companies, who yes, pay more for services, payroll, benefits for employees and such.
Everyone pays more when the price goes up. If Shell, BP, Chevron and Phillips were so powerfull, why is the Congress trying to target them???
Hey people, common sense goes a long way and I live and work in an area that has mostly oil field people living here. They tell me a drilling ship, used to cost $188,000.00 per day to drill a well. NOW, with prices up, the companies are paying about half a million per day to get someone to drill a well for them. The oil companies pay millions to hunt for and bring in oil, and make about 10 cents per gallon profit. That information came from the Congressional Committee who grilled the oil company bosses.