The Pulse Nightclub Shooting, the Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting, and now the Las Vegas Shooting. When will America wake up and ban guns?
2017-10-02 11:24:21 UTC
The Pulse Nightclub Shooting, the Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting, and now the Las Vegas Shooting. When will America wake up and ban guns?
306 answers:
2017-10-05 23:03:31 UTC
You do know that the guns in the Las Vegas shooting were all ILLEGAL guns? that right there is proof why a ban won't work, cause the guns they did ban were STILL used.
2017-10-05 11:31:54 UTC
Hopefully never. All that will do is make sure that only the bad guys have guns. People have been killing each other long before guns were around. Rocks, knives, swords, bare hands, whatever else will suffice if someone truly wants to kill. The problem is the human heart, not that which the heart uses to express its desires.
2017-10-04 20:08:43 UTC
never they dumb asf
2017-10-04 08:44:14 UTC
An outright ban is not required, nor is it constitutional. We do need background checks and safety courses before allowing purchase of any weapon, and an outright ban on military grade ordinance of all kinds, including automatic or convertible weapons. The public should not be more armed than the police.
2017-10-03 00:50:00 UTC
40,000 people died in car accidents last year in America. When will America wake up and ban cars?
2017-10-02 18:36:24 UTC
It is called the second amendment stupid. Right under the amendment that protects your Muslims whom are doing much of these things. Plus these have all been carried out by leftards and guns kill people everyday in these big cities like Chicago which has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, but I know you libtards only care about the mostly law abiding rednecks in the red states.
2017-10-02 17:21:28 UTC
We don't need to ban guns entirely.

I support the 2nd amendment.

What we should do is:
2017-10-02 16:15:11 UTC
So when we ban guns do you think the lawless people will care about those laws and then when they start shouting the people who obey the laws will be as sitting ducks! Do you not think we should allow guns for law abiding people to be able to defend themselves?
thomas f
2017-10-02 15:50:54 UTC
When? I am going to guess 2061. Is that close?
2017-10-02 15:23:59 UTC
Another idiot has opened it's mouth! Guns have never killed one single person in history the person behind the trigger kills people.
2017-10-05 19:42:31 UTC
Strong talk of banning guns is a big part of the reason that reasonable gun control issues won't happen.
2017-10-05 15:31:57 UTC
Never. Just because some psychopaths decide to commit an act of terror, doesn't mean everyone loses their rights as a result. I'm so glad Trump won and Hillary lost. If she would've won, our borders would be wide open right now, refugees would be flooding in, and our second amendment would be at risk. It would be a recipe for disaster.
2017-10-05 03:37:18 UTC
Guns will be banned when America stops being a super competitive,super- materialistic, "rugged individualism" type of culture which basically causes the average American to see everybody around him as a potential threat. to his MATERIAL well-being and therefore trust no one. .But since the whole history of our country was founded upon the aforementioned mindset (it's how the West was "won" (stolen?) etc...) there's little reason to believe guns will EVER be banned in the good ole USA. Guns are as American as apple pie, genocide of indigenous peoples to take away their land, and so forth. .
Kristan Shepherd
2017-10-04 18:13:25 UTC
Well it's quite simple first of all any form of gun control is illegal that's our right as human beings to protect our selves, now let's say we did ban guns then if a bad guy comes into your home you do what call the police? Well what do you think they have with them GUNS. So in one way or the other a gun is brought into the picture, and did you ever think that all these countries that hate us so much why they don't attack us its because we have the most advanced military and there are 314 million Americans and there are 236 million guns that's why even if they out number us they know to well we will fight back so they don't even try , Did ;you know that a lot of these school shootings are tied togethert like the aurora colorado shooting in the theater where the batman movie was playing and Sandy Hook school were relateted and that is because the fathers of both gunmen werre with the CIA and both were involved with a case where trillions of dollars were stolen they were both to testify in a world bank case you see if you knew all the factts surrounding the incidents you would see a clear picture how ever main stream media never tells ;yuou that because the people in charge control the media and they tell you only what they want you to know sorry my typing sucks and I miss spell words, but now you understand its not the guns that are wrong its the people in charge but one day you will see that yourself
Hoekom Jy My Haat
2017-10-04 15:05:39 UTC
Yeah, just like we banned drugs, and as we all know nobody take drugs anymore...
2017-10-04 09:02:07 UTC
40,000 people died in car accidents last year in America
2017-10-04 05:21:26 UTC
More people died from drunk driving, so how about lets ban cars and alcohol.
2017-10-03 21:41:04 UTC
Well 1. The second amendment won't stop being wrongly interpreted. 2. That'll cause an even bigger problem. A second and more worse prohibition era failure. 3.There's a possibility we would drop from being the strongest country because we would lose more of our people to the enemy side (NOT SIMPLY TO ISIS) who would pay them in guns and more for their allegiance.

I don't believe guns should be banned completely, even if it means just from "ordinary" citizens. I support the idea of gun control in the sense of a deeper background and mental evaluation of the person purchasing the weapon for everyone's safety, but even with that it won't do much help since there's the chance that they will obtain it from someone they know or some online illegal market. Such as the disgusting Las Vegas shooter who didn't fit your usual mass shooter description and background rather from being the stereotypical white male.

And when I said "for everyone's safety" I know there's going to be those people with the counter "that's why the gun ban and gun control should not be passed and liberals are wasting their damn time trying to take our precious babies away." and "These damn Democrats. Guns don't kill, people do."-- and to them I say, Yes because people have the power to magically shoot bullets made for guns and end innocent lives, Bigfoot is my husband, the Moth Man is my brother and the Chupacabra is an illegal alien...or is it?
pH of 7
2017-10-03 17:53:17 UTC
because we have a Constitution and a recognized way to change that constitution and not enough people agree with you to make the kind of change you are arguing for above.

One reason for that is that there are a large number of people who are more afraid of the government banning guns than they are of the crazy shooters. History would indicate that the government is indeed more to be feared. therefore we live with the shootings just like we live with automobile deaths.
2017-10-03 17:33:57 UTC
Gun crime has been declining in the U.S. for the last 30 years, even as gun ownership skyrockets.
2017-10-02 22:08:43 UTC
2017-10-02 21:50:18 UTC
Look I'm sorry the Las Vegas shooting happened and all those others too. It's a terrible terrible thibg. But gun are not the single greatest source of loss of human life. 1.3 million people die yearly from car accidents. 380 and people die from salmonilla poisoning, a million a year getsick from it. 4,000 drown yearly. And tats just America, we should certainly regulate guns better. But that will stop people from dying. There are a lot of things that need to be regulated better some of them more pressing than guns. It makes me mad that those things age not top priority.
2017-10-02 20:56:29 UTC
It won't work for two basic reasons.

The 2nd amendment has been interpreted by the courts to mean that virtually anyone can own a gun and carry it almost anywhere.

Even if we could completely ban guns, people won't give them up - and we have a very violent society.
2017-10-02 19:52:10 UTC
I agree! The need for gun control is needed more than ever! May the Lord God bless the ones who have been effected by these terrible tragedies!
2017-10-02 19:43:33 UTC
Long after you are dead, moron
daniel g
2017-10-02 19:43:14 UTC
Not going to happen without starting another civil war, too many real Americans value their rights to bear arms.

"Before any government can control its citizens, they must first disarm them"

Tally just how many people have instigated mass shootings since 1986, that comes to a dozen people.

No way a whole country is going to change any constitution or American freedom for so few.

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them.

300 million legal guns and 200 million Americans legally own them. Trust me, if guns were the problem, you would know it.
2017-10-02 19:35:14 UTC
Its not guns that kill it's the person. Any criminal will be able to get a hold of any weapon even if the weapons are banned. They won't care about laws or fines. Good civilians will be left unarmed. Defenseless. IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOU BAN WEAPONS. This stuff this massacres will keep happening.There are many ways they will get ahold of firearms. Through smuggling. Drug Cartels always smuggle weapons. The deep web. Etc etc. Why ignore the real problem? It's not the guns. It's the person that chooses to kill people. You don't get it do you? To you it's always guns. It's never the person that commits the crimes. IT always has to be the guns.
2017-10-02 18:22:57 UTC
Maybe when you come up with a plan to disarm the criminal element which, by definition, doesn't obey the law. I'm waiting to hear your plan, Sparky.
2017-10-02 16:32:55 UTC
Ban guns for the law abiding people to protect themselves? The criminals and their illegal guns they already have will be ecstatic.
2017-10-02 16:08:42 UTC
We don't need to ban guns entirely.

I support the 2nd amendment.

What we should do is:

- Mandate universal background checks

- Mandate universal psychological checks

- Ban private sales of weapons

- Require people to be registered to purchase a gun

- Background checks at gun shows

- Ban automatic weapons

Laws like this need to be passed. But good citizens should still have their rights! No one should be afraid of these laws if they're a good citizen because average people can still have their rights.
2017-10-05 14:53:21 UTC
Ban guns and criminals switch to: knives, machettes, pipe bombs, pressure cooker bombs, truck bombs, poison gas like Sarin. The list goes on and on. Any one with some internet access can figure out how to kill people besides using guns.
2017-10-05 12:40:09 UTC
Yes, let's ban guns. But let's start with police and the military. Then we can worry about banning them among the civilian population.
2017-10-04 20:46:40 UTC
Banning guns would do nothing and a ban would never happen anyway as the required house votes and state votes to pass an amendment reapealing the second just arent there. And mass shootings are actually very rare and have had no rise or fall pattern in the past 30+ years as more people die annually from lightning strikes and parasites and those are rare too.
2017-10-04 18:28:26 UTC
You think banning guns are gonna stop people from harming others ? Lol it’s not the guns fault , it’s crazy people . This world is only gonna get worse .
2017-10-04 17:57:23 UTC
Banning guns will not stop this, but banning immigrants will.
2017-10-04 05:19:12 UTC
i don't really know what is wrong with people these days i am not watching the news anymore too much chaos on there
2017-10-03 23:52:30 UTC
Americans are stupid and will never wake up. And see how they're trying to make him sound like he's mentally ill and not call him by what he is.. a terrorist. The media would've gone crazy if it were a Muslim. Disgusting
2017-10-03 10:56:04 UTC
Why don't we just ban murder instead.
2017-10-03 01:03:29 UTC
because the US values the right to carry than the lives of people. disgusting.
2017-10-02 23:58:44 UTC
Of course not! Americans are getting crazier, not more sane, dumber, not more intelligent!
A thought
2017-10-02 22:25:48 UTC
etiher way there could be home made gernades which makes it worst
2017-10-02 21:27:55 UTC
-- I pray to God that guns are never banned but that is only my opinion.

-- Also I find it funny this is being called a massaacre and not an act of terrorism,probably because a Muslim was not responsible.If somewhere someone called an act of terrorism then prove me wrong with evidence and I will cirrect this statement.

Salamu Alaikum to all
2017-10-02 20:31:40 UTC
I think the real question is, how quickly is America going to realize that we need gun control. I personally believe that America is one of the only countries that has a major problem with gun violence because guns are so easy to obtain that anyone can get one. Every other day we see news stories of 3 year olds shooting their siblings because mom/dad didn’t lock their gun away properly. Teenagers, 17-19 years old, being arrested for manslaughter because they somehow got their hands on a gun, playing with it like a toy until it accidentally goes off or wanted to show their friends how tough they are. Middle-aged men/women who seem to just ‘snap’ because their lover left them, their job fired them or they couldn’t handle their depression anymore. We need to do something about THAT instead of banning guns all together, we need to make guns less readily available to children and maniacs. A gun was used in this crime, but we can’t arrest a glock, we need to hold the person responsible.
2017-10-02 19:26:48 UTC
Oh shut up, i can gurantee all these people would've got guns illegally as well if they wanted them
2017-10-02 18:51:19 UTC
When will people wake up and realize these attacks are being orchestrated by the DNC to advance their agenda? I mean less than 24 hours later, Hillary is tweeted about gun legislation. Really? They chose this music festival and that white guy because 1.he has no family and 2.they wanted to hit the "resistance" where it would hurt. Hence the country music festival.
2017-10-02 18:19:54 UTC
YEP. That's what all these fake shootings with shakey blurry one lone camera footage taken with a potato, no shots of the shooter in action and fake actors badly acting out non emotional scripted 1 hour long interviews like the shooters "brother" are really all about.
2017-10-02 17:15:05 UTC
Probably never.
2017-10-02 15:46:13 UTC
Should we also ban cars and pressure cookers? Seems that people who want to kill other people do just fine when they want to.

Imagine what could be done with enough CO2 and a concert with chain-locked doors and shuttered ventilation systems.
2017-10-02 15:38:05 UTC
without a human behind the trigger a gun is an tool of metal and wood, has no mind of its own, has no control of its own only that of the idiot behind it

banning guns is not the problem, limiting who can have them is
2017-10-02 14:50:06 UTC
never when the national rifle association have the power to stop any gun control and believe these shootings are a price worth paying for the right to bear arms.

without a gun a wacko cannot kill unless they use some other way to kill.
2017-10-05 17:17:52 UTC
We need to ban niggurs
2017-10-05 03:08:58 UTC
I am for reasonable measures such as are proposed but I am also sympathetic to the argument that gun controllers aim to eliminate the 2nd Amendment. For instance, the embarrassing posture of W. Clinton, Gore and others that sport hunting is the issue. Gun control aims--quite impotently-- at crime, but the unintended consequence is an unarmed population. U could live to see your armed right-wing adversary save the day. (Unless of course, you mean to be in on the power.)
2017-10-04 17:45:51 UTC
Guns are not the problem, mentally ill people who can't get treated are.
2017-10-04 10:58:51 UTC
Probably soon.
2017-10-03 18:21:06 UTC
Hopefully never, and that is because it will only get worse. And that is why they actually help "set up" (discreetly allow, and make more leeway for such) all these gun massacres. They could have also stopped the world trade center attacks but they instead allowed over 3500 people to get buried alive. And after guns are banned, now would you want to ban trucks, cars and airplanes? And then knives and ball bats??? Come on now! Please, just go home.
2017-10-03 13:32:40 UTC
probably never
2017-10-02 23:38:49 UTC
Guns are not the problem. Problems start when Senators start waving guns around,in public
2017-10-02 21:39:57 UTC
Ban Islam, isis has already claimed responsibility for the Mandalay Bay shooting. Also, gun rights are an amendment, by banning it we would be paving the away to ban all other amendments.
2017-10-02 21:28:57 UTC
That would leave only the government and criminals with guns. Your self defense would be gone and you would be at the mercy of a corrupt government - don't let them try and play you. All elite politicians will be pushing to take guns away from the average citizen, while exempting themselves and their body guards. They want total control over the people, and this is the perfect way to get it.
trurider t
2017-10-02 18:00:06 UTC
I have a suggestion as lot of Americans think that there should be Guards in Schools, Malls, Buses etc. BUT how to pay for it... Taxes the Guns. All Gun owners will have to pay taxes for each gun. $1,000 for a handgun $2,000 for a Shotgun etc. Each Gun would have to be test fired and recorded and laser marked to show that the tax had been paid. Anyone seeking to avoid the tax, can be jailed for 5 years per gun. so 3 guns = 15 years inside.
2017-10-02 17:57:10 UTC
Never, and you must not understand the constitution or traditional Americans. Now I don't own a gun, probably never will but the constitution is paramount. So in this case it would have been better for him to fly his plane into the crowd full of aviation fuel? That would have been an alternative for him. We live in a free country, that has risks. How about we say ban drinking, cars, and many other things that kill people every day?
2017-10-02 16:11:58 UTC
Banning guns is a bad idea! Do you really think people will just give up there guns? No they'll just be selling them on the black market, most shootings are done by people that bought the guns illegally. Guns are not the problem, people will low value for human life are!
2017-10-02 16:05:24 UTC
no way
2017-10-02 15:31:23 UTC
I defy you to take any loaded weapon. Hand gun or rifle. Lay it on a table.

Step back from it. Sit down in a chair. And hold your breathe until said

weapon gets up and starts firing. The Gun is a tool. Such as a hammer

or nail. It is the person who is holding it. That causes the issues negative

with it. Not the tool.
2017-10-02 14:43:38 UTC
Better happen soon
Tad Dubious
2017-10-02 14:41:19 UTC
Dot, it is not the guns - never has been. It is the wackos. I personally think these murders should be pilloried in the public square and left there until they rot. I know it won't happen, but it sure would have a great advertising effect when, right now, these killers either kill themselves or get three hots and a cot. And no lingering around in jail for a couple of years until trial. Police catch you with guns, gunpowder on you, and it's obvious, you can wait for your trial in the pillory. Maybe you make it, maybe you don't. It's not the guns.
2017-10-02 14:32:11 UTC
350 million people. 500 million ban is gona solve this
2017-10-02 14:22:06 UTC
Gun attacks happen everywhere, even in paces with incredibly strict gun control. Keep that in mind.
2017-10-02 11:36:43 UTC
Agreed. Imagine if Paddock had only had a knife like anywhere else in the civilized world.
2017-10-02 11:25:12 UTC
hey, we need guns because people have guns!
2017-10-05 15:25:21 UTC
The problem is people that get off on murder. But you do not care about that.
2017-10-05 06:22:10 UTC
George Washington is quoted as saying; 'An armed society is a polite society".
Don Verto
2017-10-04 13:33:51 UTC
Violence and massacres are nothing new to Americans.They had the K.K.K. and they massacred the Indians.

They massacred innocents in the Philipines and even more in Vietnam through the American army.

You sow the wind and you will reap the whirlwind.
2017-10-04 10:49:03 UTC
Murrah bombing and 9-11-2001
2017-10-04 09:47:18 UTC
Yes let's ban guns...because banning alcohol worked so great!
2017-10-04 07:15:02 UTC
Hum... drugs have been banned for years and look at how that's been working out
Mr. Wizard
2017-10-03 20:48:13 UTC
You simply CAN NOT effectively ILLEGALIZE GUNS; it's realistically imppossible.

Even if such legislation would even pass and be on lawbooks---do you seriously believe murderous violent criminal killers will heed and obey such gun ban law(s)???

Going further into hard reality: You CAN NOT BAN ALL GUN / RIFLE / AMMO MANUFACTURING; it's too corporate a business ( way too much $$$ put into the corporation ).

YOU CAN however, push / petition hard for TOUGHER CRIMINAL PENALTIES for killers who use guns on people; do away with the legal technical dances of varying degrees of "manslaughter".
Raymond L.
2017-10-03 18:59:58 UTC
That would solve nothing. Probably make it worse.
2017-10-03 18:38:03 UTC
PS4 sucks
2017-10-03 14:26:51 UTC
Gund don't need to be banned. They just need to be regulated. There needs to be extensive background checks when purchasing a gun so people with criminal records, or people with serious psychological issues, and minors are unable to get guns. And there should be a better regulation of how the guns are to be stored and kept if there are children in the home.
2017-10-03 10:59:03 UTC
If we ban them, the only people who have them will be the killers/criminals.
2017-10-02 23:39:07 UTC
Have you talked to the criminals to see if they agree to follow this law?
2017-10-02 22:08:58 UTC
do you not think even if we make guns illegal people wont find ways to make and get them? bombs are illegal but they're still used to kill people
2017-10-02 20:27:42 UTC
Banning guns won't work. Take a guess at how many of the guns used in those shooting were obtained legally by the shooters. The answer is none. All were either stolen by the shooters, or purchased on the black market. Every area in the US that has banned guns has seen a skyrocket in crime, both gun and non-gun related because the only people the laws affect are the ones who register their weapons. Shop and home owners who keep one to stop robbery can't anymore, and the thieves will realize that. Do you really think the Crips and Bloods will turn over their guns if a law gets passed? No. No they will not.

And no, it didn't work in England. London is basically European LA without the movie stars. Switzerland has a MUCH lower crime rate and ENCOURAGES gun ownership.
2017-10-02 16:28:07 UTC
2017-10-02 15:10:17 UTC
Maybe society will be blamed. This angry selfish greedy jew run violent society on drugs
2017-10-02 14:43:26 UTC
Guns aren't the root of the problem. America has always had guns, and plenty of them. The root of the problem is a major lack of morality in the US. More people knew that it's wrong to solve their problems by murdering others ("You shall not murder" is the 6th of the 10 Commandments, found in Exodus 20:13). Since the US has pretty much put God and His commandments out of the picture, murders and other crimes have increased.
2017-10-02 11:52:11 UTC
No ban offended people who whine about having their belongings checked
2017-10-02 11:28:16 UTC
It will never happen.

Sadly, the real problem is dealing with mental illness, which the US has not done, and cannot do in the current environment.
2017-10-02 11:27:27 UTC
The Devil
2017-10-06 18:09:17 UTC
...when crows turn white and walk home.
2017-10-04 14:04:28 UTC
After the government rounds up all the gun owners like myself puts us in gas Chambers
2017-10-04 01:38:24 UTC
Then only the criminals will have guns
2017-10-03 18:27:33 UTC
It's really bad
2017-10-03 16:08:48 UTC
Suicide by alcohol or or death in a traffic accident is not illegal, hanging out of a window with a military grade weapon and spraying a music venue with several hundred rounds is.

Banning guns is is a stupid idea. Not banning military grade weapons in the home is a foolish idea.

Because of those fools nut jobs will always get their hands on these weapons and do it again, and that will happen very, very soon.
2017-10-03 12:26:19 UTC
Let us first remember this is a problem in the USA and not the entire American continent. The USA will not do what you propose. The NRA and gun lobby are too powerful. The current POTUS supports the gun lobby although this has only been the case since he considered going for the Republican nomination for the presidency. He was less supportive of the gun lobby before then.

Many will make the excuse that the gun is not the problem. Technically that is correct. A gun does not load itself, aim and fire itself. It needs a human to employ it. The problem is the availability of guns. In the State of Nevada where this most recent tragedy happened gun control is negligible.

Although it took Paddock to load and fire those guns he simply could not have committed that atrocity here in the UK. He simply would not have had access to those weapons. He would never get permission to own them. There is absolutely no way that he could have checked into a British hotel with 10 firearms.

There needs to be controls put in place whereby no one can own a gun unless they are registered to do so. They should have to show a good reason why they need a gun. There should be checks on whether the applicant is suitable to be a gun owner. There should be checks that gun owners store there guns and ammunition safely.

I do not advocate an absolute ban on guns. I think that it should not be possible for everyone to own a gun. People are deluded if they think simply owning a gun gives them some kind of protection. If a person can demonstrate a valid reason for owning a gun there should be strict regulations about where the guns are stored. For example, if someone shoots as a hobby they should have to do this through a registered club and keep their guns there.

It should not be possible to be able to simply check into a hotel with a small armoury among your luggage. It is beyond belief that the USA bans entry to people with HIV infection as if they are going to rape US citizens and spread the virus or ban people from certain countries as if all people from a particular country are terrorists when it has citizens like Paddock armed to the teeth who can in a few short moments kills nearly 60 people and injure hundreds.
2017-10-02 21:44:06 UTC
You can't. It's against the second amendment. Plus people are gonna find guns anyway. Then how are you going to protect yourself.
2017-10-02 20:11:15 UTC
it will never happen unless certain things happen like humans are extinct, gun manufacturer's stop making guns
2017-10-02 19:42:44 UTC
President is sleeping. Don't disturb him.
2017-10-02 19:14:15 UTC
God's government is the only real solution to the problems of America.

The Bible foretold in detail the world conditions of our day, and it puts us on notice that all human governments will come to their end at the hands of God and that God's Kingdom in the hand of his Son, Jesus Christ, will rule over all mankind - Daniel 2:44; 7:13,14.
2017-10-02 17:23:15 UTC
When they outlaw knives, hatchets, matches,bow and arrows, swords,hammers, ec. etc. Perhaps in the year 2525 IF man is still alive
2017-10-02 16:21:40 UTC
Yeah because that's REALLY gonna help.
2017-10-02 16:17:16 UTC
When, the government takes total control of this country. Aside: I think the group of political types getting tube time is a sad show.
2017-10-02 16:10:42 UTC
When the majority turn into brain dead zombies..... only those .... and those who are enemies of America and Personal Freedom and Liberty would seek to turn this country into a totalitarian police state... which is what would happen if the Second Amendment were abolished...... the Right, and Ability, of The People to defend against the enemies who seek to enslave the people must be maintained....
2017-10-02 16:05:48 UTC
I think its time to let the gun makers be sued by the victims of the attacks
2017-10-02 15:27:59 UTC
The fastest way in the world to make something even more attractive is to ban it outright. That's what happened with Prohibition, you know. And America is still paying the price for that, almost a century after it happened. Banning guns isn't the answer. Dealing with and resolving the underlying problems which LEAD to shootings like this IS. And so far, that hasn't happened.
2017-10-02 15:27:00 UTC
After it has been nuked by every other country.
2017-10-02 14:27:51 UTC
so you prefer them to resort to violent bladed attacks instead? you disgusting sicko. guns arent the problem, its the perpetrators. i can leave my gun on my table for decades and it wont kill anyone on its own.
Spock (rhp)
2017-10-02 13:48:05 UTC
not happening and wouldn't do any good anyway
2017-10-02 11:25:53 UTC
If guns kill people then pencils misspell words, cars drive drunk and spoons make people fat.
2017-10-07 03:24:43 UTC
An outright ban is not required, nor is it constitutional. We do need background checks and safety courses before allowing purchase of any weapon, and an outright ban on military grade ordinance of all kinds, including automatic or convertible weapons. The public should not be more armed than the police.
2017-10-05 13:22:54 UTC
As far as I know, those shootings were done with already illegal weapons and criminals don't care about gun control laws. I don't know what you mean exactly by "wake up". I've been waiting for liberals to wake up for what feels like centuries.
2017-10-04 22:52:48 UTC
Americans and their guns. Some of these answers in favour are just absurd. Fact of the sane matter is, only hunters should have guns. Lots of people die because of lots of different things but 9 times out of 10 them things have a base reason and it’s just the human whom ***** up. The only base reason for guns is to hunt. To feed your fellow humans. Not own one because your scared of your own poxy shadow.

☆ Sent from iOS Dr. Know! 1.0.03
2017-10-04 16:36:03 UTC
Guns are not the problem. When I was growing up in the 1980s and 1990s, mass shootings were unheard of. Guns were just as prevent in America in the 1980s and 1990s as they are today.
2017-10-04 00:35:16 UTC
probably never
2017-10-03 23:04:49 UTC
2017-10-03 15:57:38 UTC
When it's criminal to own a gun, only criminals will have guns.
2017-10-03 09:57:46 UTC
The best hope may be either a constiutinoal amendment or a supreme court ruling. Don't expect politicians who are more concerned about reelection to vote for gun control.
2017-10-02 23:56:44 UTC
Gun don't kill people. I gave all my guns a golden opportunity to do some killing by loading them and leaving them on a table in my hallway, and do you know what...not a single one opened fire on a passer by!

I estimate that there are about 400 million handguns in private hands in the US, and about one third of that of long guns (That's 133 million). About one third of those guns are in the hands of criminals, so a ban on guns would simply mean that the law abiding citizens would be defenseless, and criminals can now use their guns as they please with no fear of encountering an armed citizen. Remember...criminals habitually break the law.

The gunman in Las Vegas was using a fully automatic weapon can that be?...They have been illegal for decades??
2017-10-02 23:41:05 UTC
Boston marathon, ban pressure cookers

911, ban airline tickets

in France they used delivery trucks, should we ban delivery trucks Hillary ??
Kitty 2
2017-10-02 22:46:35 UTC
The Donald
2017-10-02 22:06:05 UTC
We need guns to shoot back.
2017-10-02 21:45:01 UTC
Same thing could be said about Europeans? Why spell colour, and spell it as COLOR!!!!
tanner coleman
2017-10-02 21:25:20 UTC
It won't solve any thing. There are still many ways to kill a large swath of people.

Before you start, Cherry Blossom, Australia didn't ban all their guns just autos and pump action except in rare cases. Don't be a dumbass.
2017-10-02 19:59:26 UTC
Banning guns won't help. All that'll do is keep guns out of law abiding citizens hands. Criminals will still get their hands on them. Same as they do now.
2017-10-02 19:58:00 UTC
This was indeed a terrible tragedy.

However, in 2016 an average of 28 people per DAY (according to CBS News) were killed by drivers who died because they themselves were drunk, or they were killed by a drunk driver.

By your logic, should alcohol be banned? I am 71 years old, and have NEVER been drunk a day in my life. This does NOT make me "better" than someone who does drink. It's just a decision I made very early in life.
2017-10-02 18:46:38 UTC
When all those Republicans grow up.
2017-10-02 15:32:05 UTC
It is not the GUN it is the GUN OWNER that needs banning

I just did jury duty on a case that a 16year old had 6 felonies against him (crime with a gun)

was found with a gun ..He will be out in 6 months and do it again.
2017-10-02 15:27:07 UTC
Ban guns so that tha bad guys who get guns illegally feel safer. Nice.
2017-10-02 11:37:05 UTC
banning guns would do nothing to help the situation that you are in the gun used in las vegas was illegal with an illegal attachment

and if you were to try to take americans guns it would start a civil war there is not question of that

there is also that many guns in circulation that it would be impossible to get them all

if you made a law banning guns the only people that would follow that law would be law abiding citizens meaning criminals would be the only ones left with guns so law abiding citizens wouldn't be able to protect themselves

it also would break the second amendment and once you break 1 amendment you can break as many as you want meaning the government could start taking away free speech and the freedom of the press

so maybe you should think about what banning guns would actually do to america before posting stupid questions like this
2017-10-06 09:27:56 UTC
First step should be a ban on high capacity semi auto rifles.
k w
2017-10-04 20:48:33 UTC
So, tell us, how long have you been a communist for ? That's the first thing out of the mouths of the communists, cuz they are cowards who want to overtake America, but want all the guns confiscated so they can't get shot by the opposition !!!!
2017-10-04 17:11:50 UTC
There's no need of semi automatic weapons for general public . It should be only for soldiers going for war . It's funny that this guy have purchased several of these weapons and there was no red flags .
2017-10-04 00:44:01 UTC
I say we ban stupid liberals who aren't intelligent enough to realize that people that want to kill will always find a way to kill.
2017-10-04 00:29:21 UTC
At least ban military assault rifles. Nobody needs them except the military.
2017-10-03 20:35:15 UTC
Automatic weapons are already banned. How did that work out in Las Vegas? Does that answer your question as to the effectiveness of banning?
Will B
2017-10-03 18:15:37 UTC
Great idea.

After all, we all know how well criminals obey the law.
2017-10-03 16:53:02 UTC
Sooo this guy could have gotten guns illegally if he wanted too, he surely had the money. If he were on the ground, somebody(a good guy) would have gotten to him, but because of his vantage point, that was impossible
2017-10-02 23:31:25 UTC
FN - 2187
2017-10-02 23:00:25 UTC
It won't work unfortunately, just look at the prohibition of drugs and alcohol
2017-10-02 21:38:07 UTC
when they ban people who think like you who are clearly incomplete is when they will ban guns or maybe its just that we don't need to ban guns.
2017-10-02 19:52:38 UTC
Guns kill, and evil people kill. That is why it will take God to intervene in order for true peace to abound earth wide.
2017-10-02 19:01:41 UTC
At least this time it was country music fans that was the targets.
2017-10-02 18:07:21 UTC
Banning guns won't solve the problem, because there is always the black market.
2017-10-02 17:34:52 UTC
Never, what is it that the stupid brain dead liberal idiots don't understand about, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"? Maybe it is past time you look up the word "infringed" in your dictionary, if you have education enough to even do that.
2017-10-02 16:31:39 UTC
Never as the NRA is too strong of a lobby group. There was a ban on assault rifles at one time but Congress let it expire. + #45 repealed the Obama bill banning mentally ill people from getting or having their guns returned to them.
2017-10-02 16:13:29 UTC

As long as you have maniacs, you'll have random killings. Guns didn't do that.
2017-10-02 14:25:48 UTC
What about the Muslim terrorist that mowed down 86 people in Nice?
Jerry S
2017-10-02 13:41:20 UTC
2017-10-02 11:32:08 UTC
Banning guns is not the problem. Seriously. Americans do a wonderful job at CREATING Psychopaths. Out of all 196 nations on Earth, the United States has more than TWICE the number of Mass Murderers, than ALL other nations.....COMBINED! When we, as a society, STOP creating Monsters.....we will see less people behaving Monstrously. Perhaps, we should examine the Swiss society, compare it to our own, AND MAKE THE NECESSARY CHANGES!. The Swiss have MORE guns per person, than WE do.....and Gun Crime is virtually unheard of. Banning guns will NOT stop Mass Murderers.....EVER.
2017-10-05 20:03:35 UTC
They will just get the guns illegally then. Here guns are strictly illegal yet you can easily get them, shootings are here almost daily.
2017-10-05 01:44:23 UTC
Banning guns won't completely stop the gun problem because people will still own them and have them ready to use. Unless they are one by one taken from people banning guns sadly won't have that much of an impact :( I wish there was a solution to this because it is so horrible that things like this are going on in the world
2017-10-03 21:14:58 UTC
I legit had a fork thrown into my face one. It sucked. But I'm not tryna get forks banned
2017-10-03 20:40:55 UTC
Probably never. If they didn't do it when the kids from Sandy Hook got killed, I don't see them doing it ever.
Hot Coffee Light No Sugar
2017-10-03 11:05:38 UTC
Do you think that gun was licensed?

The shooter got that gun illegally.

Licensed gun owners are not going to go on shooting sprees. Unless they are insane and don't care to get caught.
2017-10-03 00:54:55 UTC
Many people died from prescription pills. Will America wake up and ban pills? Plus the 2nd amendment
2017-10-03 00:37:12 UTC
Unfortunatelly I think never.
2017-10-03 00:28:50 UTC
It's the person shooting the gun, not the gun shooting itself. It all just depends on who has the gun . We still need some of the authorities to have guns in order to keep people safe and defend themselves.
2017-10-03 00:06:53 UTC
2017-10-02 22:47:42 UTC
300,000 killed in road accidents this year so far. When will the car get banned
2017-10-02 21:14:50 UTC
I think that a law should be passed, that everyone over the age of 21 (after a philological screening), should be required to carry a firearm on them at all times.

Oh, you are thinking about the gang members getting easier access; well, don't worry about it; as, they have better access, than you do, already.

One would notice the drastic decrease of car jackings, and robberies.

Note to 'so called' gang members: So you are searching for that feeling of a 'family unit' as your personal security blanket? Well, 60%, of your, assumed, bros' n' Whos, would sell you out in a heartbeat.

I have a real good suggestion: why don't you guys stop shooting at each other, come together as Americans and, join a real family unit, and the 'baddest' and strongest gang on the planet; the US Military.

We need you now more than ever.

It is a 'rush' too jump into an M1A, go to the target range, and blow stuff up.

It is a 'rush' too steam out to the gunnery range for Naval Gunfire Support, (NGFS), practice.

It is an indescribable challenge too conduct ASW, anti submarine warfare.

and, flying, is an indescribable feeling as well.

Not only that; but, you get paid too do it.
2017-10-02 20:25:48 UTC
Ban guns for the law abiding people to protect themselves? The criminals and their illegal guns they already have will be ecstatic.
2017-10-02 18:20:31 UTC
Many conservatives believe that guns don’t kill people, “people kill people.” But to me, I believe that if we banned guns, we would most likely see a big change.
2017-10-02 16:40:47 UTC
Are you joking? Never.
2017-10-02 15:52:18 UTC
The Las Vegas shooter was a pu$$y hat wearing, Trump hating, liberal Democrat mass murderer. Just like all the previous Democrat mass murders were.
2017-10-02 15:32:28 UTC
Guns aren't the problem. Mentally ill people who get guns anyway and criminals who do heinous crimes are the problem.
2017-10-02 14:41:09 UTC
2017-10-02 13:03:22 UTC
this is the deadliest mass shooting in US history so far ,anyone over the age of 18 have the right to purchase gun,I think if gun--control law isn't introduced,similar incidents will continue to happen,it's time for us to make the bigger change in policy,but I think that introducing a gun control bill will face the uphill struggle ,many group support gun -control,gun lobby will block the bill at the same time,
2017-10-02 13:02:43 UTC
Ok if you get rid of all the guns in the US. how will that stop the killing. how will you stop people from driving their cars into crowds, making bombs, stabbing people, using poison. People will always find a way. SO STFU you idiot.
2017-10-02 11:36:11 UTC
Yeh, but you've screwed yourself from the start with your wierdass constitution.

Guns are and always have been heavily controlled in the UK. And shock-horror the murder rate by firearm is very low. Not even comparable with the US.

People say guns don't kill people, people kill people. That is true....but with open and free access to weapons-grade automatic assault weapons, there are going to be people to exploit that. And clearly that is the case.

And after mass murder after mass murder. Gun laws seem to only be relaxed...campus carry in Texas....are you kidding me?

I'm just glad I don't live in the backwards country that is the US.

'Land of the free' Yeah, murder, rob and rape freely!

One does not need a device designed to kill people to complete their lives.....why should just anyone have access to firearms!?
2017-10-05 13:40:40 UTC
Banning the guns is not a solution at all.

They forget to go to Church regularly and the programs on their minds are not synchronized for the benefits of the society.
2017-10-04 15:25:12 UTC
Similar to how banning alcohol totally worked during Prohibition.
2017-10-04 06:41:07 UTC
Hey hey hey, guns don't kill people, video games do
2017-10-04 01:39:42 UTC
And just what good will that do? All that happens then is that the good guys, who would never perpetrate these crimes, will have no weapons. The bad guys and the terrorist types.. they will always get guns. We need to protect ourselves.
2017-10-03 23:12:20 UTC
Murder is illegal and that's still happening so
2017-10-03 19:11:59 UTC
Why? The only way to stop a madman with a gun is with a gun! You will never, perhaps, save anyone s life with a gun, but I have, already scared bad-guys away twice. And since anyone can get a gun even after they re banned (just ask the Brits), your dream is really just another nightmare.
2017-10-03 16:50:14 UTC
What is the need to carry a gun? Why can't we as civilians respect one another? Why can't we feel safe anywhere we go? Why do we feel the need to "protect" ourselves against one another? Sure, people can carry guns, but what are the repercussions? keep them at home to protect your family if you really need them. With mental health these days and lack of resources for these people, we can't safely go anywhere when guns are out and in the hands of any maniac who might possess one.
2017-10-03 14:50:36 UTC
Peter Gore Seer,

Peter Gore Seer,

These Types Of Killing Are Usually Planned Well In Advance And The Killers Leave A Trail And Want Every Body To Realise There Grief In Taking This Action, So There Will Be A Clear Open Trail, But If Its Squeaky Clean No Clues As To Why Then Its Sinister And The Clean Is Covering Up For Either Gov,Mob, Or Some Other Third Party, Only These Organisations Can Clean A Job Like These Types Of Mass Killings,
2017-10-03 07:47:25 UTC
Persons will sometime make or even buy hunting gears online from Amazon, eBay, Shopatronics, ect.
2017-10-02 22:22:38 UTC
When our *** of a president gets impeached
2017-10-02 19:44:44 UTC
You mean ban gun crime? Yes, gun crime is already banned but idiots will still do it.
2017-10-02 19:07:32 UTC
Did trying to ban alcohol stop people from drinking?
2017-10-02 18:47:55 UTC
Do you honestly think gun control will help. It is too late. In this day and age, everyone needs a weapon to defend themselves only because there is no way in Hell to rid the terrorists and the criminals of weapons. At least we have a fighting chance if we have a weapon!
2017-10-02 17:04:34 UTC
The criminals and their illegal guns they already have will be ecstatic.
2017-10-02 16:31:58 UTC
Banning guns isn't the answer. Banning guns won't stop the violence.
2017-10-02 15:40:21 UTC
Never. We have the right to bear arms to protect us from a tyrannical government. If you don't like that, then go to Australia, go to the U.K. or any of the other countries that have banned their citizens from owning firearms.
2017-10-02 15:23:46 UTC
Chicago has some of the most strict gun laws in the nation. How's that been working out?
2017-10-02 14:56:18 UTC
Conservatards love and worship guns! They care more about guns than they do about people. They enjoy killing! Right-wing idiots would rather take away our abortion rights, our legal marijuana and gay marriage because those are bad things. Guns are good! LOL
2017-10-02 14:10:47 UTC
Guns are good for culling the over populated human specie.
2017-10-02 12:14:32 UTC
We need to go war with the moslom countries now start with banning every moslom country now.
2017-10-06 09:14:45 UTC
When the gun rights law was made, they where using this as a weapon, the Musket, it takes 2 or 3 shots a minute and the accuracy of it is terrible that the only efficient way that it's deadly is if a hundred soldiers fire it at the same time!!!. So they where smart enough to know that the chance of killing someone is extremely rare with the musket, so keep the musket and every man has the right to do so!!, not a modern day fully automated assault rifle which any crazy fool can pull the trigger and kill a large number of people!!!.
2017-10-05 12:57:02 UTC
3000 killed on 9/11. When will America wake up and ban airplanes?
2017-10-05 09:51:38 UTC
50 guns is a red flag , nra gop failed again
2017-10-04 22:48:22 UTC
I ♥ GUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2017-10-04 16:34:30 UTC
Bad people will always find a way to do evil. They will also get guns when no one else has one for defense.

Look at places where guns are outlawed, they still get to bad people to do bad things.

I have a .38 that is twenty five years old, and has never been fired.
2017-10-04 02:42:41 UTC
You Yankees don't need gun laws like the civilized world.

Kill yourself and save Korea from bombing the hell out of you.
2017-10-04 01:04:44 UTC
Who are you going to ban guns from? The intelligent, reasonable, law-abiding? What is the point of that? I don't have a gun, but I can't imagine a more useless law then to tell people bent on murder that they can't possess a gun.
2017-10-03 01:02:43 UTC
Seriously bro seriously
2017-10-03 00:47:22 UTC
Guns need to be legal you can't get rid of gun's or gun control criminals are going to get guns no matter what incarcerating bad guys is how you get rid of mentally ill people.
Molly F
2017-10-02 22:14:34 UTC
The second amendment wasn't handed down by God - it can be repealed. The argument that it's not guns that kill, it's people, is nonsense. Of course it's people - there are a lot of sickos out there that can't be trusted. That's why there should be strict gun control. Do the gun lobby really believe that the second amendment gives every lunatic the right to buy as many guns as they want? Madness. Only in America.
2017-10-02 20:21:43 UTC
Other countries in the past have banned citizens from having guns: China, the U.S.S.R., Nazi Germany, etc. Many times, this has resulting in abuse of government power and ultimately the death of millions. It was a fundamental understanding of the potential consequences of an unarmed populace that led to the addition of the second amendment to the constitution - primarily to allow people to guard themselves from the potential tyranny of government. And if you think that such a thing couldn't happen in the U.S., then you're delusional.
2017-10-02 19:33:23 UTC
Its called a False Flag, the globalists need to get the masses to demand a ban on guns and an end to the US constitution. Problem Reaction Solution.
2017-10-02 18:58:01 UTC
I wish to to hell I knew.

The Second Amendment exists for good historical reasons, but it has outlived its point. If the framers of the Constitution could see our situation now, they'd think we were out of our collective minds for not having repealed it.

And precedent does exist for the repeal of a Constitutional Amendment.
2017-10-02 18:20:34 UTC
You must be a liberal without a brain. You do realize that banning guns will do absolutely nothing? People get guns illegally. Do you think criminals are going to think “oh let me just give up my gun and start following the law now” is that what you think?? Idiot
2017-10-02 17:05:10 UTC
I live in a country where guns are illegal and there are probably liquidations everyday in my country. A ban on guns doesnt solve gun related crimes if someone really wanted to they could aquire some sort of armed weaponery even if its illegal
Andy F
2017-10-02 16:51:54 UTC
probably never. This society has been a gun-toting, gunfighting society since before the American Revolution. The early colonists used guns to kill big game and to make war on the Indians. Before and during the Civil War, white slaveholders and white abolitionists used guns to kill each other in Kansas, and the US in the 1840s used guns in the invasion of Mexico. After the Civil War, white settlers in the West used guns to fight Indians and cattle ranchers and sheepherders used guns to kill each other.

Then we get into the Prohibition era and the gun fights among Italian, Irish and Jewish gangsters to control the bootleg liquor business, followed by the Bonnie & Clyde period of armed bank robbers in the 1930s. Followed by all the gun violence, legal and illegal, by Americans of different races and ethnic groups ever since.

We'll probably never stop buying and using guns to kill each other, not with that history. Besides, making and selling guns is a big business in this country. It may be stupid & destructive & dangerous to the ordinary American, but guns and gun violence are part of the American Way of Life.

Today, guns also are a "popular" method that Americans use to commit suicide, and to murder ex-wives and ex-husbands. Let's face the truth: as a culture, we LOVE guns. "Guns R Us"
2017-10-02 16:43:39 UTC
A gun is a tool. If you lay it down in the midst of a crowd it will not kill or harm anyone until it is picked up by a human. If you wish to ban something then ban the lack of understanding you have about life in a human world. Evil is created in our own minds and heinous acts our human contrivances.
2017-10-02 16:16:37 UTC
In theory, gun laws will work. It sounds nice when proposed by politicians and on paper, but when using a little common sense, gun laws can be debatable, at best. Firstly, guns are already out there. If a bad person wants a gun to commit a crime, they will find a way to get a gun. Guaranteed. They might already have one. But, there is another problem with gun laws that often gets overlooked in my opinion. Let's say gun laws do work. People will still find ways to kill one another. Even if the gun laws work PERFECTLY and all gun people have limited gun rights and no bad people have guns (impossible in real world, esp. in America), if someone wants to commit a violent crime, they will find a way to do it. There are loads of other ways to kill people, even in large numbers. Once again, gun laws on paper sound nice. In reality, they are nearly impossible to enforce and not effective.
2017-10-02 15:31:10 UTC
Since republicans are in power, they will probably ease gun restrictions to 'enable people to fight gun violence more effectively'
2017-10-02 11:29:03 UTC
There is no need to ban guns, just ban automatic and semi automatic weapons. And teach people that killing is not an acceptable solution to problems (end the death penalty)
2017-10-06 06:44:22 UTC
America won't because someone will always argue that if you ban guns only criminals will have guns.

Although that may be true for a while, eventually guns will become more difficult to get. Then our future society will appreciate banning guns. People could still use tranquilizer guns and tasers to defend themselve from criminals. But once a criminal got the drop on you with a gun, you having one does not help. The result is always the criminal has both his gun and yours.

Then there is the protect ourselves from the tyrannical government argument, which is flawed. If our government goes bad, we are obligated by law to register gun ownership. Those people will be visited in the middle of the night and encouraged to relinquish their guns. And the NRA members will be targeted also. Leaving only the criminal who had guns illegally around with guns. The rest of you would be in a detention camp or dead. Shooting range clientele would be targeted and ranchers.

So it's a flawed argument when you truly consider what would happen in reality.

Finally, there is the "It's our second amendment rights", being read out of context. The second amendment reads:

Second Amendment. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The right to bear arm is so the state can have a minute man militia to defend itself. We have an army now, we don't have militias sanctioned by the state. And even then, people were not allowed to have cannons on their front porch, so escalated private weaponry was not considered an acceptable understanding of the second amendment.
2017-10-06 02:34:09 UTC
2017-10-05 22:48:16 UTC
Because that is unconstitutional and stupid. Banning guns will not stop criminals. Unless I am mistaken laws have never stopped a criminal before once they want to commit a crime. Come on people this is not that hard of a thought. Banning guns only takes the guns away from the law abiding citizens.
2017-10-05 06:13:47 UTC
another idiot has opened it's mouth! Guns have never killed one single person in history the person behind the trigger kills people. ;;
2017-10-05 05:24:27 UTC
Um never. Even if they are banned people will find a way to get them. Also guns aren't killing people. It's the dummies behind the gun killing people.
2017-10-04 01:47:59 UTC
Never. You can't reason with the Americans. No matter how hard you try they will just call you names.
2017-10-04 01:35:19 UTC
Hopefully soon

Answer my question?
2017-10-03 23:34:55 UTC
Won't happen. It's the damn Second Amendment where the words "well regulated" are completely ignored...
Sunday Crone
2017-10-03 20:32:47 UTC
Banning guns is not the answer. Guns to not shoot people. People using guns shoot people.
2017-10-03 19:12:34 UTC
480,000 people die from cigarette smoking each year. When do we ban those? Oh right, excise taxes. There are excise taxes on guns and ammo. Next question please.
2017-10-03 10:36:58 UTC
You ban gun that is only ban the ordinary people’s gun. The outlaws are out of the law, whether you ban gun or not they will always have guns, so it will end up only government and outlaws have guns. The gun give ordinary people equality when they facing violence and crime to defend their family.
2017-10-03 00:30:30 UTC
Okay. Let's ban guns. Now what are we going to do to stop people from killing each other using banned weapons?

Gun powder is made from sulfur, saltpeter (potassium chloride) and petcoke (coal). These can all be obtained in quantity anywhere.

Guns can be made in any machine shop. There are even guns that can be made using a 3d printer.

The technology is too simple to think banning guns will make them go away.
2017-10-02 19:05:04 UTC
right after having to listen to histrionics from morons like you causes us to wake up and ban free speech.
Uncle Pennybags
2017-10-02 16:14:41 UTC
Oh but you are forgetting so much.

The Charlie Hebdo mass shooting in France with 17 dead.

The November 2015 Paris attacks with 130 dead.

The Bastille Day Niece attack with 86 dead.

The Norway mass shooting in 2011 with 77 dead.

Oh, by the way, these places banned guns and still had attacks and mass shootings.

Banning guns only stops the law-abiding people from having them, not the criminals, terrorists and lunatics.
2017-10-02 14:52:00 UTC
With any of these shootings the real issue is never actually about Gun Control.

The real issue is SELF CONTROL.

Ethics based Self Control is a prime component and an indicator of the maturity of individuals and cultures.
2017-10-02 14:12:09 UTC
Sadly never. They will just buy more guns.
2017-10-02 12:16:39 UTC
the gun culture is deeply ingrained in American society. Even if you ban all guns now - there are enough of them around for the next hundred years.
2017-10-02 11:37:00 UTC
Like the Ariana Grande concert shooting in the UK or the shooting at the concert in Paris where the guns used were banned? The shooter in LV didn't use a legal weapon.
2017-10-02 11:36:23 UTC
LOL Guns do not kill people, money lovers do to stay ahead. LOL
2017-10-02 11:28:35 UTC
Trump's own oldest sons are dedicated poachers, you should expect Trump to side on guns and not American lives
2017-10-06 17:19:11 UTC
You need guns to protect your family just in case an intruder break into your home are try to carjack you it's hard to keep guns out of criminals hand
2017-10-04 21:50:18 UTC
Never, americans suck.
2017-10-04 08:00:10 UTC
their mind is not in ccontrol
2017-10-04 00:10:19 UTC
guns cannot be banned in America. The violent history of America where citizens having guns gave America it's victory in the Revolutionary War gives people too much pride to give up guns

also, even if its banned, criminals will still have them. many others, including the patriots described earlier, will hide them
2017-10-03 12:19:07 UTC
+Anonymous "Another idiot has opened it s mouth! Guns have never killed one single person in history the person behind the trigger kills people." What if a gun fell on someone s head and killed them or someone tripped over a gun and died?
2017-10-03 11:17:41 UTC
There are approximately 12-15 million AR-15's out there, the NRA doesn't think that's enough, they are SHOOTING for 20- 30 million of them.
2017-10-02 21:26:28 UTC
Hopefully soon.
2017-10-02 20:55:50 UTC
Cars don t kill people, drivers kill people.

Knives don t kill people, stabbers kill people.

Guns don t kill people, shooters kill people.

Nuff said !
2017-10-02 20:02:07 UTC
when some stupid liberal be president
2017-10-02 19:58:32 UTC
New here
2017-10-02 19:07:10 UTC
Yes!! Heroin is illegal and NOBODY does that drug anymore.
Wildside Chris
2017-10-02 19:04:09 UTC
Didn't the shooter use the gun to kill himself? Why should we ban guns when they stop most mass shooters?
2017-10-02 18:05:23 UTC
More people died of drug overdoses in the United States since the shooting happened than died from gunfire during the shooting. Only an idiot would want to respond to this by disarming the entire United States population, making everyone defenseless against periodic psychopathic dictators, roving criminal gangs, and groups of heartily 'welcomed' foreign terrorists the way Europe does. Who always has to bail them out? Yeah, the guys with the guns.

What we need is exactly what the Constitution of the United States establishes, the formation and maintenance of well trained and supervised 'minute men' militias who are ALWAYS armed in every circumstance and are demonstrably ethical, noble, moral and lacking any criminal or governmental affiliation. Evil lives in fear of such men, (and always has in every society), whether evil appears as government, criminal enterprise, terrorists or psychopathic lunatics with ties to no one. They would know exactly how to spot this kind of person BEFORE they act, but would certainly know exactly what to do when they act as well.

Banning our only form of protection and 'trusting' the government is colossal stupidity.
2017-10-02 17:18:26 UTC
Guns are very dangerous and NEED BANNED NOW
2017-10-02 16:11:44 UTC
Criminals and Terrorists will never have a problem getting Guns. When will America wake up and let her Good Citizens carry guns so they can defend themselves against such attacks?
The Football God
2017-10-02 15:26:29 UTC
Ban guns? Pretty sure we have laws banning crimes, how's that been working out for US/us?
Clarity Call
2017-10-02 15:20:03 UTC
guns are not the problem. it’s the person behind the trigger. you can murder someone with nearly anything... banning guns will not get rid of them - only cause more illegal distribution.
2017-10-02 15:15:02 UTC
We should ban white ppl
2017-10-02 15:02:54 UTC
Unfortunately most Americans are pig headed and only care about themselves. And they wonder why they are the most hated country on earth. They just can't seem to understand that there is a massive problem with gun laws there. They simple keep making excuses why they should be allowed to own a gun. And stupid excuses too as you can see with most of the comments on here. I do believe that changers with gun laws in America will happen eventually though whether they like it or not. As soon as their guns are all melted down into Tuna cans the better I say.
2017-10-02 14:27:38 UTC
People who believe that banning guns would *magically* eliminate gun crimes or mass murders are sadly delusional.

Gun bans haven't had that result anywhere they've been implemented.
2017-10-06 03:31:39 UTC
No unfortunately the gun lobby and the NRA have bought the republican party and the voters are to ignorant and uneducated to know any better than what they tell them
2017-10-05 18:24:11 UTC
Never. Certainly not because of the actions of three people. We have the right to bear arms. There are enough restrictions in place.
2017-10-05 10:00:50 UTC
When are stupid people like you going to call for banning butcher knives and rented trucks so there won't be any more mass killings?
2017-10-05 00:43:49 UTC
When criminals stop killing.
2017-10-04 17:15:38 UTC
They will wake up when there is nobody else to kill.
2017-10-04 05:14:17 UTC
its the people not the guns. Even if it were illegal people will find a way to kill even if its not guns
2017-10-04 00:32:40 UTC
Guns are necessary to destroy your enemies
2017-10-03 22:29:45 UTC
Seriously is very tired of hearing news like that. America should have done something about long time then it won’t be this worse
2017-10-03 07:22:29 UTC
People like you are why Trump won.
2017-10-02 23:15:00 UTC
Never, banning guns will never be the solution the drug cartels in Mexico will just smuggle guns into America just like they smuggle heroin and yet heroin is banned yet we still have an epidemic hmm America has to many guns,
2017-10-02 23:03:00 UTC
Guns don't kill people. People kill people
2017-10-02 20:36:53 UTC
When will America wake up and ban liberals ? They are a million times more dangerous than guns ! There are places in America where gun ownership is REQUIRED in all households yet they have the lowest crime rates in the world.

We "banned" cocaine,rape,and murder ...That worked,right ? Oh wait...
2017-10-02 19:11:43 UTC
I am with you, they should ban guns forever
2017-10-02 17:20:08 UTC
If not a gun then a homemade bomb. Or a gas, or some other bio-engineered chemical. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. If someone wants to mass murder they'll find a way and a gun ban won't stop that motivation. Learn to get educated before spewing ignorance.
2017-10-02 17:13:46 UTC
I don't like that idea because I need to protect myself from people like you that want to take my guns away.
2017-10-02 17:12:23 UTC
We don't need to ban guns entirely.

I support the 2nd amendment.

What we should do is:
2017-10-02 15:32:49 UTC
Will this horrific shooting be an inspiration for more evil. how can we ever really feel safe at any venue
2017-10-02 14:18:14 UTC
Are you crazy people need guns to protect themselves! Murder and Mass murder is illegal but people still do it
2017-10-02 14:09:44 UTC
Stop using mayhem and tragedy to promote your lamebrained Leftist agenda!
Don't Fear The Reaper
2017-10-02 11:38:40 UTC
The LVPD has stated that real automatic weapons were used. Such are already basically banned. Tell me, can you afford $11K for a Yugoslavian M53 copy of the Geram MG42? $5k for a real pre 1996 M16? Then pass the NICS and pat the BATF extra fees?

Do we KNOW he isn't a lone wolf convert to Islam? ISIS has been calling for converts to attack target rich places of unarmed citizens.

Or was this a stolen or black market military weapon? Our laws are tight on these. My other point I suppose is what solutions would you suggest? That doesn't create a fascist regime, suspicion and a militarized police?

Though you can't really fire back at 32nd floor machine guns, the real solution is allowing citizens to protect themselves AND awareness.
2017-10-07 03:00:45 UTC
Hopefully never. All that will do is make sure that only the bad guys have guns. People have been killing each other long before guns were around. Rocks, knives, swords, bare hands, whatever else will suffice if someone truly wants to kill. The problem is the human heart, not that which the heart uses to express its desires.
Basic Girl 25
2017-10-04 00:40:49 UTC
And don't come begging at the door when our government turns on its own people and then can't defend yourself later on down the road because you were stupid enough to give up your gun rights.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2017-10-03 10:16:23 UTC
When a 'good man' shoots people!
Ali Raj
2017-10-03 08:03:59 UTC
40,0000 people died in car accidents last year in America. When will America wake up and ban cars?
2017-10-02 21:22:28 UTC
Simple facts show that gun ownership overall actually saves far more lives than it takes, including any kind of mass shootings. Logic would also show that banning privately owned firearms would simply mean that law abiding citizens would be disarmed against violent criminals who would continue to illegally possess their firearms or buy them on the black market, which would of course dramatically increase the rate of mass shootings and gun violence. Funny how it's always the areas where guns are banned that mass shootings occur, because hardly anyone can return fire except a cop who may or may not be on the scene by the time the attack occurs.

Trying to solve the issue of gun violence and mass shootings by banning privately owned firearms altogether is like trying to put out a house fire by using gas.

The solution to reducing this problem, ironically, would be eliminating gun free zones and banning Muslims, who still carry out the vast majority of mass shootings in the West.
2017-10-02 20:33:40 UTC
You forgot about the black guy shooting up the church
2017-10-02 18:49:55 UTC
Black Sabbath
2017-10-02 18:31:17 UTC
crazy yanks still think theyre cowboys
David H.
2017-10-02 18:20:13 UTC
And to think that some people would rather go to places like Las Vegas or Orlando, instead of Europe, because it's "safer".
2017-10-02 17:57:05 UTC
It just goes to show humans are ****
2017-10-02 17:51:36 UTC
Really can't see it happening. In the UK we have very strict gun laws, & a far lower rate of gun crime - but it was low even before. In the US the NRA is a well funded lobby group.

Didn't the new POTUS repeal Obama's background checks legislation?

Also, although 'automatics' are banned, & have been some some years, the 'bump stock' is an easy, cheap & legal get around. I'm not anti gun, have been shooting for nearly 50 years, but the US does have a problem.
2017-10-02 17:39:03 UTC
Guns are not the problem. Mentally insane people with guns are. I know plenty of gun owners who are the most sane, responsible you will ever meet. Should those who are responsible be blamed and punished for the actions of a few nut-jobs? Many Liberals are quick to tell Conservatives to not punish Muslims for the actions of extremists, yet they do just that to gun owners? Hypocritical much?

Banning guns outright will not solve the issue, things like more comprehensive background checks and government efficiency (the guy in Vegas was being investigated by the FBI even before the shooting...why did he have guns while under an FBI investigation?)

The guns that the guy used were NFA weapons, and not everyone can get those, they require specialized paperwork, background checks, waiting periods, ***-load of money, and certain qualifications to get them. I highly doubt that this guy was in the right frame of mind to even get ONE of these NFA guns in the first place. Because the guns were NFA (hence illegal to most people), you cannot say that this was just some gun bought in some random gun store. It was probably obtained through a friend, or purchased illegally, and most gun owners have nothing to do with the NFA.
2017-10-02 17:11:14 UTC
2017-10-02 17:03:49 UTC
We are over worked over stressed (men)under sexed under paid and our minds are being eaten alive by Television maybe we should concentrate on getting that part of thebrain that pulls the trigger to stand down.Anyone noticed all these shootings happened AFTER Esther Rolle died?! She was the conscience of a nation.
Gary B
2017-10-02 16:26:21 UTC
Automobiles kill more people than guns! BAN ALL FORMS MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION!

What about the number of children who die in swimming pools each year? BAN ALL SWIMMING POOLS!!!!

Your question is just a load of liberal bullsh*t. BAN ALL LIBERAL BULLSH*T FROM YAHOO ANSWERS.

2017-10-02 15:49:02 UTC
January 17, 2018
2017-10-02 14:10:45 UTC
Obama tried to ban military weapons but the NRA and contards all screamed that he wanted to take all guns.

Mass shootings done with military weapons are the fault of republicans
2017-10-02 12:50:22 UTC
Guns do not kill people, people kill people.
2017-10-02 11:35:33 UTC
Again, I've never seen a gun in my life, I live in Australia. I'm watching Blood Diamond the movie, set in some African country where they cut off hands for diamonds which are worth less than glass. To me, it almost seems like America is close to being a third world country.
2017-10-02 11:27:12 UTC
Never. Then only violent lawbreakers will have guns.

Give up your guns=give away your freedom.
2017-10-06 15:01:25 UTC
The Reason guns CANT be banned is because the an unarmed society is a sitting duck from it's government. You think "that will never happen" Ask the American Indian under the American Government. Ask the Jews under Hitler. Ask the Cambodians under Pol Pot. Ask the Russians under Stalin. It goes on and on. An unarmed society is not going to led to safety. Sorry history repeats its self over and over. Taking guns is not the answer. Sorry.
2017-10-04 19:13:07 UTC
NEVER, dumb phuck.
2017-10-04 02:49:56 UTC
to me not all guns need to be banned just those assault rifles that hold hundreds of rounds that are made for kiling people. We ban all guns and we will be ripe for being picked off by terrorists and just plain criminals WQe need the right to defend ourselves.
2017-10-04 02:08:03 UTC
America will never wake up there is a lot of money involved in the gun industry and since everything is money driven in this country things will never change .
2017-10-04 01:52:18 UTC
I heard the shooter also had materials for a bomb. We need to ban bombs first. Just a thought.
2017-10-04 01:20:07 UTC
The shooter in Las Vegas used an automatic weapon. You can't buy those legally unless they were made before 1986. I highly doubt he went through the trouble to find one that old so banning guns would nothing.
Buck Mandingo
2017-10-03 12:01:26 UTC
When did they stop making regular Michelob beer? :-(
2017-10-02 23:23:33 UTC
I'm say like this people will get gun weather legal or not criminal will find a way.
Melissa L
2017-10-02 22:00:55 UTC
When a gun gets up on its own, walks out the door and shoots someone on its own, without any help from a human. Or when knives, cars, bats, pencils, etc are banned.
2017-10-02 21:17:17 UTC
Sigh, America is too dumb to get rid of guns ;-;
2017-10-02 17:56:07 UTC
Hopefully soon. It's so terrible.
2017-10-02 17:23:38 UTC
You also ready to ban knives and acid products?
Jimmy C
2017-10-02 15:39:03 UTC
Never, not as long as americans cannot understand the connection between guns and shooting, as seen on the answers here.
2017-10-02 15:30:15 UTC
When Hillary Clinton be the president in 2020
2017-10-02 14:19:49 UTC
Guns are not the problem. Crazy, messed up, and disturb media, culture, and a few "bad apple" laws are to blame. I have friends whom work out there, so pray for them, their families, & employees there.
Shawn Robin
2017-10-02 12:46:23 UTC
So some nuts shoots the hell out of a open-air Country Music festival in Vegas.

But why were there so many casualties?

Where were all the redneck sh*t-kickers who, every time there's an incident like this, say that armed citizens could've put a stop to the whole thing with a few shots?

Why weren't any of them shooting back at that psycho? Surely there would've been some there.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.