Hey I have an idea, lets make it a law, that you have to fire the American workers, open shop overseas, pay the foreign workers a dollar a day, a few Americans get rich, while many Americans get poor. What ever the minimum wage is, cannot compete to the dollar a day over in China or India, mmmmmm,
(oops I forgot, they allready did that)
what do you think the final result is.
I do believe in the merit system, let the harder workers and smarter workers rise in pay, but in this Corporate ran system of today, its very very few who get rich while most others suffer, if you do not have some form of minimum wage, I can see Corporate interest even more so taking away the middle class.
I can give a million examples, but here is one, did you know that to sell in walmart, you MUST agree to open at least one factory in China or India (our new political best friends) to sell anything in walmart, While we enjoy the lower prices of Walmart, Are we chopping off our own legs. Do you have any idea on how much Corporate welfare Walmart receives from the Federal Government. I just really think we have to look at the bigger picture. You know we have to start looking after the American workers, we can not compete against China and India, they do not live like us, they are much poorer countries, sending all this work overseas, makes a very few very rich, but puts so many other americans out of work.