I still like President Bush. Am I the only one?
2008-05-02 00:57:52 UTC
Who else still likes President Bush? I can't be the only one. Bitter democrats have slammed Bush and blamed him for everything that's gone wrong in the world ever since he "stole the election" back in 2000. But I still like him. I will state my reasons, and if you like Bush too, state yours.

1. He is not Hitler or anything like Hitler, that's just stupid.
2. His leadership after the 9/11 attacks was awesome and he has kept this country safe in the 6+ years since the attacks on our soil.
3. Gas prices actually started to rise before Bush took office and Bush has NOTHING TO DO WITH WORLD OIL PRICES. The accusation that he is making millions off it, is FALSE. It is still cheaper in the US than it is in other countries and Bush can't control it.
4. The WMDs. Stop it already. It's what the CIA said. It's what Gore and Clinton said. You believed it too.
5. Saddam and the Taliban no longer in power in Iraq & Afghanistan means the future will be more peaceful in the Middle East.
24 answers:
Mae W
2008-05-02 01:51:14 UTC
How people can blame gas prices on Bush is beyond me because gas prices have been complained about since I know I was 17 years old. I remember alot of hulla going on about gas prices back then by the way I'm 46 soon to be 47. How ever the gas price's of today are outrages compared to what they were back then but that is not Bush's fault.

I think George Bush has been one of the best Presidents in awhile if you ask me. I voted for him twice. And wished he could run again.

As far as the economy being what it is, it was on the downslide before Bill Clinton went out of office. Also the threat on the twin towers were made while Bill Clinton was in office.

Another thing is that Bill Clinton was also over in the middle east with troops but nobody seems to remember this. I do beleave they called it desert storm.
2008-05-02 10:32:20 UTC
1. Some of his tactics, such as repeat a big lie often enough and eventually people will believe it, are exactly like Hitler's. Also the part about keeping the people afraid because then it is easier to control them.

2. He didn't lead, he sucked up and reassured us and then did just about everything wrong. We did not need someone to pat us on the head and tell us there there little girl everything will be ok...we needed someone to catch the bad guys and instead he let our bad guy go and went after Saddam.

3. True he does not control gas prices but are you sure his family has no interests in high gas prices given their close business and personal relationship with Saudi royal family?

4. No bunky I never believed it, I could recognize a liar when I saw one. I urged congress not to authorize invasion because Bush could not be trusted to exhaust all other options first. Don't EVER tell me that I believed that little liar.

5. Saddam kept the religious fundamentalists out of Iraq although in a very brutal way. Taliban's power is resurgent, binLaden's power is growing along the Afghanistan/Pakistan border and he has more followers now than prior to Sept. 11.

So no, I don't like President Bush. If you lived in the real world neither would you.

And I for one am smarter than he is, and WAY more ethical.
2008-05-04 11:11:02 UTC
1. Of course Bush is no Hitler. Hitler actually served in the army under combat. Also when Hitler spoke, people listened and not laughed. Hitler even wrote a book.

2. This country is not safer. No leads on the Anthrax attacks have been found. Bush also did not find Bin Laden as he promised he would.

3. Gas prices are linked to the drop in the value of the dollar. As the Iraq war bleeds the treasury and they have to print more bills, the dollar drops in value. EVERYTHING else goes up. Also Republicans blamed both Carter and Clinton when gas went up to $1.50 (remember the good old days!).

4.When you cherry pick information and out a CIA agent you get what you deserve, Bush lied and he knew it. He deserves the blame.

5. Iraq is not more peaceful now than before. You are deluded.
Old School Nintendo
2008-05-02 10:19:35 UTC
I don't hate him. I think he's all right and definitely not a bad guy. But I don't agree with all of his decisions and ideas, especially some of their results. I know he has good intentions though. I guess that's why I'm not one of the many Bush bashers...

Some of the reasons I like Bush:

1.) He doesn't change his attitude towards anything if the Liberal media doesn't like what he's doing.

2.) He has kept us in America safe since the 9/11 attacks.

3.) He refuses to give up on Iraq and Afghanistan at a time when nearly the entire population wants to leave it.

4.) He has stayed strong while dealing with several problems that were caused by things that are not in his control (things from previous administrations, things caused by congress, etc.)

Thanks to Bud Light, I can't come up with anything better than this, but I know there are a few other reasons why I like him.

Don't assume I'm Bush's *ss kisser either though, there are plenty of things he has done that I don't like. But I stay positive and look for the best in people. Whether I look at his bad deeds or his good deeds, I would still say he's a decent president.
Dave R
2008-05-02 08:41:11 UTC
I am with you. It is not the job of Commander In Chief to make decision based on popularity. Right or wrong he does not let the masses influence policy.

For .Steve B

You said

"It has been alleged that he has committed war crimes"

By who?

"It is apparent the he has mostly lied from the day he started office".

Give an example and your proof

"The president has more control than you think. He could be releasing oil from the reserves"

Do you know why we have the oil reserves?

"There should be funding for wind and solar"

We`spend more now then ever.

"Gore and Clinton got their information from Bush. They do not have independent CIA".

Are you saying President Clinton received intelligence information from Bush before he was elected?
2008-05-02 13:15:10 UTC
Pres. Bush stopped the genocide in Iraq.

Saddam had brutally tortured and murdered between

300,000 and 400,000 of his own people.

Pres. Bush's greatest compliment came from the NYT's

Nick Kristof who likened Bush to Hitler because Bush

did NOT send troops into Darfur to stop the genocide

2008-05-02 08:25:51 UTC
I'm with you! He has been the victim of the most vile smear capmaign ever to be unleashed on a sitting President, all because the Socialist Democratic Party couldn't handle the drumming they took in 2000 and 2004. They are just all sore losers!
Kenneth C
2008-05-02 08:22:39 UTC
Right now, there is a running contest to see which is least popular. Herpes or President Bush. I agree he is not like Hitler. However, things have not been going well in the US and since Bush is the President, he gets the blame.
2008-05-02 08:06:19 UTC
Taliban was never big in Iraq until we invaded.

Refuses to see we are in a recession.

Major actions in Iraq over 5 years ago, since then 4000+ American dead and 30,000 wounded.

So no, I do not like Bush, but then I do not like any of the presidential candidates.
2008-05-02 08:49:24 UTC
It's easy to blame one person . Where the hell was all these wanna be presidents and our so called do nothing over paid with our hard earned money politicians all these years when all this started to get to this point where we are today ??? Really what the hell is going on that we continue to allow these Weasel's continue to make any more decisions for the American people who takes our money to supposedly do their jobs that they obviously have not . What is it that they do ? I must really have their job descriptions all wrong . Call me stupid but what is it that they actually do for us?? Why haven't one of them stepped up and said wait a minute this not right . Instead they just continue to do what ? I wish I knew. I think any President that we choose but the choice is actually not from us but Weasel's who already know who is going to win . They just keep jacking us along like a bunch of jack asses. These people running has been part of the same Weasel Family so it's one big CULT of Assholes. Bush was chosen by the People which I would like to believe but he is our President and we should show respect for him even if these jackasses do not. If he was so bad why would he be able to continue being our President? Oh yea we have no say and talk is getting old. We know enough that should have these Politicians step down but we wait till they die or get caught .
2008-05-02 08:16:35 UTC
as far as 4000 dead in this war over 5 years, its statistically a good track record, compared to the number of losses in any single other war we've been in except for the 1st gulf war. people also seem to forget that we went into iraq because of the 17 u.n. resolutions they failed to respond to. its amazing the mass hysteria and hatred for republicans created mainly by the media and a few celebrities- people who play MAKE BELIEVE for a living. if something in the media is repeated enough, IT BECOMES TRUE, right?

i don't necessarily like bush, but for my own reasons. not because jon stewart said so.
2008-05-02 08:04:55 UTC
There are a lot of Americans who like Bush, including me. Many people don't realize that a lot of Bush's problems stem from Clinton, the democratic Congress and He is doing a good job.
Steve B
2008-05-02 08:12:05 UTC
Bush is down to 70% approval. You are the only one left that approves.

1. That statement is just silly. He is not like Hitler. It has been alleged that he has committed war crimes, though.

2. It is apparent the he has mostly lied from the day he started office.

3. The president has more control than you think. He could be releasing oil from the reserves. There should be funding for wind and solar. There is no excuse, any more.

4. See number two. Gore and Clinton got their information from Bush. They do not have independent CIA.

5. Saddam in no longer in power. He is dead, actually. We are still fighting the Taliban, last time I checked.
2008-05-02 11:48:12 UTC
Please give the facts as how Iraq was responsible for 9-11. Where and when did the WMD exist? Why as tax payer must I see billions spent on ill planned war? Five years ago he stood in his Tom Cruise outfit declares Mission Accomplished!
2008-05-02 20:20:41 UTC
i dont like wars-i am like a hippie

i dont like bush even though i did like him when he first got elected because he looked better than the other one(i was 8)

i now support obama
2008-05-02 08:19:25 UTC
There is nothing I can say to change your mind. In any case, this man:

-Cannot put together a SINGLE coherent sentence

-Has only a basic vocabulary level.

-Cannot respond seriously and thoughtfully to almost any serious question without resorting to simplification that is almost embarassing. Simplification at the level of "good versus evil", "black versus white", "cops versus robbers".

-As far as Yale and Harvard. Dude, I am an Ivy League grad, but I got in there on merit, not on the basis of being a legacy. A Yale legacy is the white man's version of affirmative action. Smarter than me? Well my SAT score basically is several hundred points higher than his. His SATscore would NOT have gotten him into Yale had he not been a legacy.

-What did he ever accomplish on his own? He failed in running for the House of Representatives, failed as an oil man (in Texas no less), and finally won the Governorship in a year (1994) when a complete mental defective could win office if he were simply a Republican.
All your bank are belong to us
2008-05-02 08:01:03 UTC
He is not responsible for every problem. That being said...i don't like him and i think he is one of the worst presidents ever.

p.s. Greg Geraldo is a graduate of Harvard.
Robert S
2008-05-02 10:30:39 UTC
No, you are not the only one able to see through the cloud of media propaganda.

2008-05-02 08:47:27 UTC
I'd say about 20% of the American electorate agrees with you.

But even Stalin still has admirers.

I am not much of a fan of either, ( not being overly fond of autocratic rulers who unnecessary military actions result in the deaths of thousands of innocent people ) . Stalin murdered millions however and was in his own way, smarter than Bush. But like the cult of Stalin, I do see a cult of Bush.

I take it that you are one if its members.
2008-05-02 08:06:23 UTC
Yes, I like him and stand behind him.
2008-05-02 09:15:53 UTC
You and his overlord.



2008-05-02 08:02:05 UTC
i still like him......... but i feel obligated to since im republican. I dont approve of what he's done, but he's only human.
2008-05-02 08:33:06 UTC
robert deniro
2008-05-02 08:09:49 UTC
i pitty you

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