Should Gay Pride marches be banned from entering Muslim Neighborhoods?
2015-08-26 09:03:25 UTC
It's very offensive and provocative since the majority of Muslims don't accept homosexuality and think it's a sin.

I think their religious beliefs should be respected.
248 answers:
2015-08-27 17:03:46 UTC
Good question. My first instinct says, "heck no." But the more I think about it, I'm not sure where the law stands on this. There was a rapper who was recently banned from performing because the mayor felt he was inciting violence. I researched it, and it turns out there are laws that allow that sort of thing under specific circumstances. The big question in my mind is, why would anyone want to hold a gay pride parade in a Muslim neighborhood? Is it a symbolic chip on their shoulder? As if to say, "yeah, we're gay. Deal with it." I'm not condemning the gay or Muslim lifestyle. I'm just interested in peoples motives. I'm sorry I don't have a definitive answer. I'm still working this out in my own mind. Banning someone's freedom is a big deal, and it should be given serious thought. By default, I'd say that gays should be allowed to have their parade, unless there's a clear reason to ban them. In my opinion, Muslims not liking it, isn't a good enough reason by itself.
2015-08-27 07:33:05 UTC
First, I can't think of any instances where a gay pride parade marches through a Muslim neighborhood. Secondly, if it were to cause a huge issue they would probably avoid that route voluntarily. So why would there even be a need to make such a ban?

Haven't you ever heard of the Golden Rule?

What do you want next? Gays not being able to walk through that neighborhood?

We need to stop this intolerance of others where people claim they have the "right" to discriminate against others because of their religion. It is not a "right" and it is not an impedance on their freedoms. It is simply bold, out-right discrimination. Put yourself in the others shoes. How would you feel being openly discriminated against? Banned from neighborhoods, fired from a job, banned from restaurants all just because of who you were and not due to anything you'd done. It's not right and it is not fair and it is totally un-American.
Andy F
2015-08-27 15:49:34 UTC
I don't know. I think that constitutional law says that people in gay pride marches have a right to march in Muslim neighborhoods, just the same way that the courts some years ago said that Nazis had a right to march through the then-Jewish neighborhood of Skokie, Illinois. OTOH, if I were gay and I wanted to march somewhere, I wouldn't choose a Muslim neighborhood. Or a fundamentalist Christian one, either. I'm not that brave, and I'd worry about getting hurt by angry local people.

-- democratic socialist / "Only the truth is revolutionary"
2015-08-27 01:26:25 UTC
If Western governments cared about religious beliefs there would be no gay rights nor gay marriages, anybody who is gay would be severely punished as still they do in a few countries around the world.

Alas the gay activists and anything to do with homosexuality has infiltrated into the western culture and has persuaded public opinion that being gay is "normal" and that anyone who opposes it is backwards, ignorant and basically bigoted and evil.

Any celebrity who is gay is encouraged to "come out" and pridefully declare themselves gay. It's all because Gay activists are very well financed although still in the minority have attained great power in the political system.

Should they be banned from entering Muslim neighborhoods? Yes but not only Muslim neighborhoods but Christian neighborhoods as well. In fact they should be confined to their own island like the freaks that they are!
2015-08-26 16:30:40 UTC
People have the right to free speech. These rights extend to all Americans regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. While I would agree that religious rights should be respected, to force people to do it would show that the government shows respect toward religion, which is explicitly prohibited by the Constitution. Plus it would violate those people's right to free speech. Besides, I really didn't even know this was really that big of an issue. Nothing would stop Muslims from having an Islamic Pride Parade in a gay neighborhood.
2015-08-28 12:55:00 UTC
Is the goal of such a rally is to engender acceptance of the homosexual population within that Muslim community or to incite a reaction with aggressive showmanship that challenges not just the Muslim outlook on homosexuality but also their sense of moral and social propriety? Some gay rallies, and seemingly all themed parades, seem to embrace the latter concept with behavior and public spectacles that would be considered indecent in any conservatively-minded community (i.e. scant clothing or the dildo "Isis" flag that was in the media not too long ago). Behavior like that doesn't foster the notion of gays as responsible neighbors, but rather further entrenches the gay community as unapproachable outsiders, which sadly does not even reflect the identity of many LGBT individuals, and even undermines their efforts to find acceptance. A flamboyant gay pride march would undermine its own cause and deepen the rift between the Muslim and LGBT communities. It would be as tasteful as a jihadist rally in the Castro District of San Francisco with water thrown in the faces of immodestly dressed onlookers. The nature of gay rallies and the locations where they are held are more of a barometer for the maturity of the movement and its integration into general society. Maybe someday the LGBT community will be mature enough and confident in its position that they can parade through even the most conservative neighborhood with dignity and . . . well, pride -- real pride that truly does reflect a general sense of admiration for their achievements in society, but until then it's going to be dildos and clown shoes.
2015-08-29 08:55:50 UTC
weird question. were you hoping they would? and which nation are you talking about? If there was a gay price march and their leaders made the decision to enter a muslim neighborhood, which I don't think they would because they'd be at fault for baiting the people in that neighborhood whether or not they were muslim. There are some black neighborhoods where whites would not step in there because they'd get killed. So we know what different neighborhoods do and how they take care of business so it's not just offensive but sure is provocative.

So there is no such thing as "should" in this instance. But hey, what would be the purpose for marching there anyway?
2015-08-27 02:52:04 UTC
No, they should be banned from entering ALL neighborhoods. If gay men marched fully dressed, simply carrying signs that said, "We want to be treated fairly," then ok. But if you've ever seen the spectacle of gay pride parades, then you know that they're done very crudely and what they do in those parades would NEVER be allowed in a Hetero Pride parade. In fact, I doubt that any municipality would allow a Hetero parade at all. Russia bans gay pride parades. It isn't a crime to be gay in Russia, as some liars are saying, but those parades are NOT allowed and if anyone tries it, he or she is arrested. And that's good. Children and other people should never be subjected against their wills to the sight of a bunch of near-naked men parading down the street doing pelvic thrusts, carrying huge balloons in the shape of erect penises, and pretending to have sex right there in the street. But people are afraid to speak out against this because they'll be called "homophobe," a word invented by the gay community. The word implies fear of gays. But no one is afraid of gays. Therefore there's no such thing as a "homophobe." But the press fell in love with the word, which can be found in the August 17th 2015 issue of TIME Magazine. The press uses it the way tiny children call each other names. If they find a person or a country that does not accept homosexuality, they IMMEDIATELY begin name-calling, calling people "homophobe." It shows you how far down human intelligence has fallen, and that includes those who run the news services ...
2015-08-27 07:14:29 UTC
1. Religious beliefs are no more deserving of respect than anything else. Theists have no less right to be offended than anybody else.

2. What is a Muslim neighbourhood? If you mean in an Islamic theocratic state then such marches wouldn t be allowed. If you mean a state that is nominally Muslim again such marches wouldn t be permitted. If you mean in a democratic, western state then the concept of Muslim neighbourhood has no meaning.

3. I don t think a gay pride march such set out deliberately to offend Muslims. That would be demeaning to the gay rights movement. If that is not the intention but happens as an unintended consequence then it s tough.

I m in agreement with Eleanor Roosevelt when it comes to being offended. You can t be offended without your permission.
2015-08-26 09:06:08 UTC
As a Progressive Liberal I support Gay Rights 100% but doing a march in a Muslim neighborhood is too provocative.
2015-08-30 03:58:06 UTC
Good question. My first instinct says, "heck no." But the more I think about it, I'm not sure where the law stands on this. There was a rapper who was recently banned from performing because the mayor felt he was inciting violence. I researched it, and it turns out there are laws that allow that sort of thing under specific circumstances. The big question in my mind is, why would anyone want to hold a gay pride parade in a Muslim neighborhood? Is it a symbolic chip on their shoulder? As if to say, "yeah, we're gay. Deal with it." I'm not condemning the gay or Muslim lifestyle. I'm just interested in peoples motives. I'm sorry I don't have a definitive answer. I'm still working this out in my own mind. Banning someone's freedom is a big deal, and it should be given serious thought. By default, I'd say that gays should be allowed to have their parade, unless there's a clear reason to ban them. In my opinion, Muslims not liking it, isn't a good enough reason by itself.
2015-08-27 06:13:07 UTC
Gay pride marches should be banned everywhere. I support LGBT equality. I support same-sex marriage and transgender people's rights to a new identity.. I'm as liberal regarding social policy as you can imagine, but Gay Pride is basically a celebration of all the worst aspects of homosexuality. Some stereotypes associated with being gay are okay, like the IDGAF attitude and the flamboyancy of it.. but gay pride parades tend to display highly distorted sexual imagery and can be really disturbing.. and children are allowed to attend these events. I think it's disgusting.
2015-08-27 12:59:39 UTC
Both sides of the argument need to acknowledge each other and make concessions.

Muslim neighbourhoods (and unless you're in a strongly Islamic country, there aren't many entirely Muslim neighbourhoods) need to accept that in some countries - Homosexuality is accepted and many people support Gay Rights - and if they want to live in those countries, then they should try and keep their opinions to themselves.

However Gay Pride marches - etc - have the responsibility to acknowledge the religious beliefs of others - and ensure they try to respect that - and avoid particular areas because of it - or if they absolutely have to go through them on their parade route - then to keep disruption to a minimum and be respectful when in those areas.

I went to University in Bradford, and the street I lived on was a mixture of Muslim families and students. The Muslim families accepted that the students would make some noise, would drink, might stagger home drunk, go to the local take away in their pyjamas and would generally do what students did.

The Students (me included) accepted that their were Muslim families living on the street - so we dressed conservatively (no short skirts/shorts or crop tops), made sure that if we were coming back late - we didn't make a lot of noise, never came home completely off our face drunk and whilst we may have walked to the take-away in our pyjamas - they weren't revealing ones.

We found a compromise - and as a result - both sides lived happily in the same street - to the end that students were often invited to the local Mosque after the sun went down on Ramadan to join them in the feast. And yes - without being asked or even prompted - us females who went ensured we wore a head scarf.
2015-08-26 14:01:38 UTC
No, you have this totally backwards. Islam should be banned from places where there are people who might possibly have homosexual preferences. That's everywhere there are at least two people of the same sex. If you want to prohibit homosexuality, then you must live by yourself or you may live with a person of the opposite sex. You may not have children, however, as then there would be two people of the same sex, as stated above, which would be prohibited if you want to be Muslim. This is so simple, I can't imagine why Muhammad didn't figure it out.

And FWIW, this question is INCREDIBLY offensive. I think under Y!A rules, this could be reported. But only by keeping this out in the open can we make people realize that such opinions are not acceptable in modern society!
2015-08-28 15:51:11 UTC
No I don't think so. The Gay Pride marches are made to make a statement about gay rights. Why wouldn't they want muslim people to accept gay people? Islam is very similar to Christianity when it comes to homosexuality. Why would gay pride marches go into christian neighbourhoods but not muslim neighbourhoods? That defeats the whole purpose
2015-08-27 13:12:00 UTC
No. Just because you religion or culture forbids something to you and yours doesn't mean it extends out into the public areas. Usually, people with more severe practices need exposure to how the rest of the world is; they cannot segregate themselves off totally unless you buy and island and close the borders to everyone. I do not believe that a gay activity should be specifically aimed at a predominantly Muslim area though if there are other places such an event can be held just as easily.
2015-08-29 02:35:04 UTC
Why are there muslim neighborhoods? Are there catholic neighborhoods? Christian neighborhoods? All people should be treated the same in America. There should just be laws to follow that relate to all people and not black, white, muslim, catholic, gay...There should be no special treatment by the government (Federal and local) for any religion, color or 'other.' That sure would twist some panties, huh? So march on...
2015-08-28 16:50:01 UTC
Maybe they should, but if that's the case, then they should be banned from believing Christian sectors and Jewish neighbourhood's. All these religions have homosexuality go against the Torah, Bible, Koran, etc. Anyways, I don't see the point of Gay Pride Parade's at all, as we live in an age where political correctness is the "IT" thing to do in society. There really is no reason to push the Gay thing onto people. They're perfectly fine. Anyway, no one pushes religion on society, why should they push homosexuality?
2015-08-29 11:12:18 UTC
It will probably never happen. It may be offensive to Muslims to have homosexuals promoting their sexuality, but it's legal now. Not much you can do about it. But don't you think that all the gay/lesbian/bisexual people out there find it offensive to have quite a lot of abuse from others?

It's hard to see both sides of the story here as I am part of neither of these communities, though I do support gay rights and have quite a few Muslim friends.
2015-08-27 14:36:07 UTC
No. There are people of all religions who are offended by homosexuality and the like. When you live in the world, you will see things you don't like. Are these pride parades harming anybody? Absolutely not. Besides, restricting pride parades from entering a neighborhood with a certain demographic kind of defeats the whole purpose of the pride parade. A pride parade is held to announce, not to hide.
2015-08-28 00:30:13 UTC
If so, then should Muslims be banned from marching through Gay neighborhoods, since the religion is offensive?
2015-08-27 01:12:00 UTC
I think Gay Pride marches should be banned. Who needs them? Do we need Heterosexual Pride marches? Or any other sort. If people want a day out in company let them go for a walk in the hills or the countryside. A percentage of homosexuals, like percentages of other groupings, have exhibitionist tendencies (politicians for instance). Don't pander to them! (Pandas. That's another lot! Exhibitionists!.)
2015-08-27 05:53:09 UTC
Absolutely not! Do you see gay people asking if Muslims should be banned from entering their areas? I mean there are some places that are prominently made up of the LGBT population. I don't see them asking such questions. Gay people are human beings with rights and their lifestyle have no bearing on people on their religions or lives. If the Muslims don't like it, too bad!
2015-08-27 03:31:30 UTC
If you are speaking of gay pride parades in the United States (which I am assuming you are), then people have the freedom of speech and freedom of petition. It would be unlawful and wrong to not allow people into a Muslim neighborhood simply because Muslims think homosexuality is wrong. If you want a place where people will not express their freedom of speech in your neighborhood move to somewhere with no free speech...
2015-08-26 15:46:49 UTC
If you are speaking of gay pride parades in the United States (which I am assuming you are), then people have the freedom of speech and freedom of petition. It would be unlawful and wrong to not allow people into a Muslim neighborhood simply because Muslims think homosexuality is wrong. If you want a place where people will not express their freedom of speech in your neighborhood move to somewhere with no free speech.
2015-08-28 02:36:42 UTC
what? its mad even to consider banning gay pride through predominantly muslim areas. i am muslim, and although i personally (stress the word personally) believe that homosexuality is not right in my religion, I would never dream of imposing my beliefs on someone else. the gay pride march isnt taking place in my house, but rather on the streets of a country where everyone is free to march regardless of your sexual orientation, religion. The uk has allowed me to live here without any restriction on where i am allowed or not allowed to go and so should gay pride marchers too.
2015-08-26 16:14:51 UTC
Yes of course, just keep them marching into their 7-11s, Gas Stations, and Universities; and if they want to march in Muslim neighborhoods, have them March with their Gay Muslim lovers. ...0826.2015
2015-08-29 23:16:37 UTC
In some UK cities i'm pretty sure they might well go past muslim neighbourhoods or march through them. What's the big deal? Are they separate regimes? They still go to supermarkets which sell pork... they live in a society which is official christian... they can handle those so why not this?

That attitude of not offending them just hinders integration.
2015-08-27 18:12:26 UTC
I think people should be free to do whatever. This is the U.S not some other country. If you don't want to see gay people then go to another country. I'm sure there are many gay muslims. 1 out of 10 people are gay so deal with it
2015-08-29 22:00:12 UTC
No, they didn't choose to be gay.

Yes, if that neighborhood would do them harm.

Is being Muslim a Nationality or Religion? Is being Muslim or choice or is it mandatory? If one of your members admit to being gay because they all can't be straight, can they still be Muslim? If you notice your son is feminine at a young age, or your daughter is masculine, do you keep them or ban them?
2015-08-27 15:41:56 UTC
I have noting against people who are gay. It is just as perfectly normal as being straight. I don't believe that the marches should be banned from Muslim neigh bough hoods because your supposed to be proud out who you are. People tell you to be you and if you are hiding things then you aren't being your self. You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are.

However, I don't think that these pride marches should be held in neigh bough hoods. I think that should be held in the tows or cities if you want to be apart of them. But that is what I believe and everyone has their own opinion and that is mine. hope this helps!
2015-08-27 08:25:16 UTC
I think it's cool because many of those Muslims are gay and they should be able to embrace their sexuality even if it is only for that one time, and even if it is only by looking at the parade. Maybe it is a sin for them but we live in a country were people have rights. Islam is supposedly a peaceful religion so there shouldn't be any safety hazards for anyone involved.
2015-08-28 11:04:10 UTC
In actual fact, the majority of modern, 21st century Muslims have no problem with others engaging in homosexual acts, just as long as they keep to themselves. I am half Muslim myself, and my dad has no issues with it. Also, I go to an 80% Muslim school and all my (muslim) friends generally are cool about people who are LGBT. I do agree with Tina though, because I think gay festivals sometimes bring a bad light on to LGBT. Most of the people their get drunk, wear very revealing and sexual outfits and the parade is filled with very sexual images (I remember seeing a massive banana when i walked past a gay pride parade). I think the marches/parades/events should focus more on celebrating legalised marrige, happiness, how love has no gender and also raising awareness on suicides and bullying.
2015-08-27 10:21:18 UTC
I agree Muslims beliefs should be respected, but I don't think moving a public display is fair to those marching. Also, I highly doubt there is such a thing as a "Muslim neighbour hood" - There will be others of different faiths in there and those whom are not of any faith.

Let them march and turn a blind eye to it. Muslims don't have to change their opinion, just tolerate others think another way.
2015-08-29 18:33:17 UTC
I'm a super religious Muslim and I can tell you that I really don't care. Regardless of my opinion, people will live their life without needing my opinion. As long as they are not causing any sort of disturbance like going around naked or displaying indecent behaviour (which has been the real problem) then I'd carry on with my life. I mean it is everyone's basic right to be able to go outside without seeing obscene behaviour in public. It could be very inappropriate and disturbing for the kids of any religion or no religion. If it's bunch of people holding banners then even kids need to face the reality of the world. I don't support LGBT community but I believe we need to develop tolerance towards one another. People may not like my religion but I would not want to be judged on the basis of my religion, sexuality or gender.
2015-08-28 02:51:33 UTC
Personally, I think the main problem with society is that we put some forms of religion over someones natural born rights as humans. Gay or not if they aren't promoting or performing any acts of violence or any other unethical behaviors at this demonstration, why does it matter? (Even if you deem being gay as being unethical, it's a human right) I wouldn't be ecstatic to look out my window and see a flamboyant march across my street but I certainly wouldn't go trying to get the act of it punishable by law.
2015-08-27 14:11:34 UTC
Being that I'm not really pro-gay or pro-Islam, I think we could kill two birds with stone by forcing a gay march down the middle of Muslim neighborhoods.
2015-08-27 17:22:22 UTC
Well, under common decency...ban them unless they get really clean about it. Being well dressed and saying "equality" on a sign is excellent. But the stereotypes they push, being naked, holding penis shaped objects, pretending to have sex in main cities where children can see them. That's just wrong. And I would say the same for a Hetero pride parade if there ever was one.

Quite frankly, if gays want everyone to see them as normal, then these crazy pride parades are shooting them in the foot.
2015-08-26 13:30:27 UTC
Should gay pride marches be banned? Yes. Yes they should. When was the last hetero pride parade? Yeah, exactly. No one gives a flying **** that some people like to play pencil pusher with their buddy. Just keep it the **** out of the publics eyes.
2015-08-28 19:38:18 UTC
To be honest any religion likes to have the right to practice there beliefs so to stop a gay pride March when you are only doing something you believe in, nothing wrong with that in my opinion
2015-08-27 00:04:38 UTC
If Muslims are allowed to express their religions then why should gay pride parades not be able to express their love? If they think it's "offensive" they could just ignore it because they live under where free speech is available.

Disrespecting a religion is burning a holy book or just calling out a religion is general.

I may not agree with what you say but I will fight for your rights to say it
dr huxtabul
2015-08-30 03:01:22 UTC
Their Happy Pride marches should ONLY be held in Muslim Neighborhoods! They chose to be homosexual why not let them also choose which neighborhoods to march in.
2015-08-29 05:53:35 UTC
No, definitely not! Muslims especially need to see gay pride marches as an attempt to familiarize gay culture and realize that things are new and improving in the modern world and that maybe it's time to get over their homophobia
Ozzie Klunk
2015-08-27 07:01:50 UTC
Yes indeed. Not only that but in the US & Canada:

1. Doctors should be legally obligated to perform female genital mutilation on little girls when the parents demand it

2. All women should conform to the Muslim dress code in public places

3. First cousin marriages should be made legal in the places where they are not now legal

4. It should be legal for a man and/or his sons to rape and kill a daughter when she refuses to marry the first cousin that was selected for her

5. Pork products should be removed from the supermarkets and only sold in special stores that a Muslim can easily avoid. Better yet the entire pork meat industry should be terminated
2015-08-29 02:03:54 UTC
It should be allowed. People just need to deal with it. I'm gay and come from a muslim family, and I understand how conservative they are, and yes their religion should be respected but its' not like the gay are going to **** rainbows on the streets and make everyone gay and manage to destroy their mosques. They can both live peacefully together, but of course, we all know it's easier saying then it being done right so.
2015-08-29 20:42:59 UTC
Only if Muslims are banned from entering predominantly "gay" neighborhoods. Wait isn't that discrimination too?
2015-08-26 18:44:53 UTC
I recently saw a news story from London England where women with short dresses were being harassed by muslim men, because they did not want them in their so called territory (neighborhood) what freedom are we willing to give up . Do you really want to say Muslims have more rights than any other group in America. Freedom is a wonderfull gift share it.
Numbers Quest
2015-08-29 00:04:06 UTC
Its very provocative and offensive to Christians also but that never stops most people from trying to shove it down their throats. If is it fair for one group it must be fair for all. Personally I don t care who you have sex with but if your going to march in a christian neighborhood, which could be almost any neighborhood in the country, then you have to give a Muslim neighborhood the same treatment.
A For Annie
2015-08-27 12:04:02 UTC
I think that it's okay if they don't agree with homosexuality, as long as they don't oppress or harm or upset these individuals. I think that gay people should be able to walk through any street in any country in any city, because they are human and all humans deserve freedom. They aren't harming anyone and should be allowed to be who they are and express that, just as these Muslims can. These Muslims don't own an area, just because they make up its population.
2015-08-26 12:18:07 UTC
I am not Gay in any way. I am not Muslim in any way.

In this country, if exceptions are the allowed to march, then bald people unite and march!

This has become a pathetic joke. Who can march and who can not. All within ordinances, I think exceptions have been made to Muslims; Paris, Toronto, etc....

2015-08-28 07:51:16 UTC
Yes, but only if the those who flaunt their naked bodies and gyrate cover themselves in Burkas or their fannies are covered in cresent moons (.hopefully, not in the smiley position). You see, when people are covered up they offend no one because we do not know what religion,sex, or persuasion they claim. It is only when they are unmasked that we base our likes and dislikes. Yes, there is a fringe in the gay community that like to offend and be outrageous, to this group I say, join the cast of "Hair" and leave the marching to individuals in Brooks Brother's suits and women in conservative dress suits. Then they can march in any neighborhood, but I wonder who would really come out to see such a parade. Well, maybe the garment industry.
2015-08-28 19:02:42 UTC
No anyone should be able to anywhere and feel safe and not judged whatever colour,sexuality,religion or nationality you are I'm not a racist at all but I disagree with most Muslim laws and also I threat they try to force everyone to change their ways to suit them gay people aren't different to anyone else and shouldn't have to worry about it this day and age but unfortunately there are still judgmental t***s out there who will pass their "knowledge" onto their children and thus the cycle continues
Smarty Pants
2015-08-29 21:45:16 UTC
Any freedom of speech should not be banned. Should Muslims be banned from gay events? What's the difference?
2015-08-26 19:00:01 UTC
I'm Muslim and I have gay friends and I support them I'm a Muslim who support LGBT people make us Muslims celebrate eid and celebrate with us I celebrate with gay people and I'm 100% sure that there is gay Muslims Islam is all about treating equally we Muslims find it wrong just because the Quran bands it and I have a gay Muslim friend
2015-08-27 11:09:24 UTC

short answer.

Muslims are not enterting 'GAY NEIGHBOURHOODS' and asking for them to 'stop their wrongful ways'

so they should also just do the same.

bottom line is, use your common sense.

if youre shouting and screaming about being gay in a place where people believe in procreation ( man + woman = babies = happy families = normal way of life )

you're bound to get a kicking.

so be smart.

be gay, by all means by gay as you can ever be - but be gay in a smart way.
2015-08-26 23:21:06 UTC
Hold it... just because Muslims LIVE in a particular neighborhood does NOT mean they OWN the neighborhood! Why should ANY parade, for that matter, be limited or controlled by religious fanatics? Get real... not in America.
2015-08-26 16:06:09 UTC
No - unless you are willing to extend the same sort of consideration to ALL other religious groups; that is to ban everything that COULD be "offensive" to ANY religious group. Of course the outcome of such a strategy would be the complete suppression of ANY personal liberty or ANY freedom or speech or thought.

The degree to which statements of this type - that contain the most blatant and stupid contradictions - can and are accepted by liberal thinkers is astounding. We are told we have to avoid, at all costs, ANY expression that MAY be offensive to Muslims and, at the same time, we are told that insisting that Bibles be removed from all public places is not offensive! (BTW I am NOT religious).
2015-08-26 21:18:31 UTC
Gay pride parades should be banned in all neighborhoods.
Dave B.
2015-08-26 11:42:53 UTC
Can you please tell me what a "Muslim neighborhood" is? The United States, and nearly every other developed nation, has numerous anti-discrimination policies that prevent one group from exclusively claiming and colonizing a particular area. Do the organizers of gay pride events need to go door-to-door throughout their entire route to ensure that not one person will be "offended or provoked?" Or can adults be expected to have enough emotional fortitude to tolerate opinions and lifestyles with which they may not agree every once in a while?
2015-08-26 10:22:34 UTC
Hell let the entire gay pride parade whistle right through that Muslim

Neighborhood. Would rather it be ISIS but you can't have everything.
2015-08-26 13:59:58 UTC
I feel that if the muslim community (and any other religious community) should be able to state whether or not they want any gay pride or any form of marches passing through, as long as they respect the preferences of the people marching.
2015-08-26 16:20:58 UTC
In the USA the courts said Nazis were allowed to march in Jewish Neighborhoods why not allow gays to march in Muslim ones.

Edit: Yes we are a highly litigious society & feel the world is all about us. We do appear to have the right to act stupidly. If I was on a jury after a crime happened related to said parade, I'd have to take into account the stupidity of in your face action.
2015-08-27 01:50:15 UTC
Their religious beliefs should totally be respected...but unless they are all segregated (and that is what you're insinuating) into one are patch, this would be impossible. Gay Pride events I've been to (and I've been to several) have all been in downtown areas, near businesses and restaurants, not housing. Besides that, the city and state owns the street, not the residents..
2015-08-29 04:44:53 UTC
Should Gay Pride marches be banned from entering

Muslim Neighborhoods?

Won't happen. But if it does, then there will be a complete chaos. More and more people will join the rebellion against the government. Those people are not only gays but also straight ones.

Banning a Gay Pride march = Banning people from freedom of expression = Against Humanity

And we won't allow this!

I care for Humanity not man-made Religions which are designed for domination, control, corruption, violence, etc.
2015-08-28 17:39:06 UTC
I would blanket Muslim communities with gay pride parades. As a matter of fact I would limit Pride demos to ONLY Muslim neighborhoods.We don't need either one and they both hate each other. They both hate the status quo and the rest of us NORMAL people who live and work within the system we already have. I say let them fight it out. lol. Let the craziest side win. lol
2015-08-28 02:13:13 UTC
More like should Muslims be banned from entering Christian areas
2015-08-28 19:42:14 UTC
Almost every religion bans it, so if we're getting into that, then there might as well not be a pride parade. They have a right to let their voices be heard.
2015-08-28 03:43:12 UTC
I believe they have the right to parade anywhere they want. How is it fair that because of the Muslims religion,they shouldn't parade down there and i respect the Muslims beliefs? What about the gay community? LGBT is a belief, everyone needs to learn to respect them the way everyone respects each others religion
2015-08-28 09:06:57 UTC
I'm not sure if it should be banned, but I honestly have no idea why they would do it. Like it or not, it's just dangerous and it's always going to be dangerous. To Muslims, it would basically be a huge sign of disrespect and they would see it as LGBT forcing their views on them.
2015-08-26 22:16:34 UTC
In this line of reasoning, so should it be banned from a Buddhist, an Orthodox Jewish, A Catholic, and pretty much all religious neighborhoods?
2015-08-29 06:17:07 UTC
Boys keep marching, and if its through a Muslim neighborhood,SO BE IT
2015-08-26 15:46:05 UTC
Because they're gay they cant celebrate. Without being portrayed as a racist would you ban Muslims for celebrating eid? Its a lifestyle. Everybody should co-exist and stfu 👊
2015-08-27 20:13:16 UTC
Too bad if you think it's offensive. You were not guaranteed the right to not be offended, you were guaranteed the freedom of speech and religion. I find your religion offensive, but you're still allowed to be Muslim and I will still respect you as a person. I am also not fond of homosexuality, it's against my religion too, but it's not my right legally or from God to force people to adhere to my religious beliefs.
2015-08-26 09:09:31 UTC
Maybe in what ever country they are in. But in America, there should be no full on muslim neighborhoods. Muslims should be sparsed with no communities to organize into, to construct their terrorist plots. There should be no consensus among them to be upset, they should be isolated in random communities being forced to watch or assimilate into normal American communities.

Did they leave the muslim country to have it follow them? No. So they should move on or stop complaining.
2015-08-26 11:17:58 UTC
Should Gay Pride marches be banned from entering Muslim Neighborhoods?

Why is America so sinful?

Society is getting more rotten by the minute.

It's all according to the plan outlined in the 24 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion.

Soon, you'll see people eating dishes made from children, that is, child cannibalism.

It's a big deal that sodomy is legalized because witchcraft and abortion are also legalized at the same time.

God punishes when 3 things are legalized

that is

1)murder (death penalty, abortion, euthanasia, etc.)



Actually, your own government sacrificed people to Satan on 911.

Next sacrifice: Statue of Liberty and some "old" Bridge.

Poor New Yorkers.

Explosion in the sea will flood New York (New Sodom).

Later Los Angeles (New Gomorrah) will be flooded.

America will be flooded up to Alaska probably.

Forgive me.
2015-08-26 09:09:15 UTC
I'm almost positive that gay pride parades take place in downtown areas rather then neighborhoods.
2015-08-28 05:41:15 UTC
No If they have a parade permit from city hall they can march where ever they want to.The street and sidewalks are considered public right of way for all.

As long as they keep it peaceful and within the law --go ahead and protest.
Tad Dubious
2015-08-27 05:16:25 UTC
Tyerese, in America, we have the freedom to assemble. If a legal parade is arranged and a neighborhood does not like the route, they have the option of addressing the issue with government authorities. It is a free country.
2015-08-28 19:00:29 UTC
Banned ?? no, Would you want them banned through a predominately Irish-Catholic Neighborhood ? The parade route is what it is .. to take a detour to stir up dissent in my opinion would be wrong, When we start making exceptions for one group it gives rise to making it for others
2015-08-26 09:06:03 UTC
Which neighborhoods are Muslim?

I was under the apparently mistaken impression that everyone in the United States practice several religions.
2015-08-27 11:25:42 UTC
No. All areas should be treated alike.

But suppose someone organised a Straight Pride march they would be prosecuted
2015-08-28 04:41:43 UTC
Muslims offend me with their disgusting religion so why should they be able live among me and others who feel the same way about their religion? I'd rather live next door to a homosexual than a follower of Islam.
2015-08-28 08:30:36 UTC
When Muslims begin RESPECTING the religious beliefs of other religions - then perhaps we can respect theirs. But Muslims (at least extremists) KILL persons who have different religious beliefs. I don't care for Gay Pride parades, but if they are allowed, they should be allowed everywhere.
2015-08-27 13:46:16 UTC
Why is it Muslims are the ones who get the special treatment? Christians find Homosexuality wrong yet they accept Gay people so Muslims need to get over themselves.
2015-08-26 19:08:56 UTC
Absolutely not, I think it should be mandatory for the gays to march through muslim neighborhoods, and I think they should start in Dearborn, Michigan.
DP Gumby
2015-08-27 10:14:46 UTC
No, for the simple fact that to be banned, a law would have to be passed. If that law is based solely on Muslim sensibilities, then passing such a law would violate the separation of church and state.
2015-08-28 10:43:06 UTC
In what way is their negative prison and little emperor syndrome (apparent in their inability to respect others as equal as life's journey includes accruing virtues) anything other than their own selfishness, are they afraid their mojo will fall off if they stick with their own kind and don't go looking for talent (using their influences inappropriately (such as using Rita Ora to groom children) as they are disinterested in fidelity according to their tax avoidance advisors).
2015-08-27 12:39:42 UTC
whats a muslim neighborhood? One with street names in arabic?
2015-08-27 15:22:21 UTC
Gay pride parades should be banned everywhere. Homosexuals pushing us to accept them makes me dislike them more. Its the same concept as religion being shoved down your throat.
2015-08-27 08:32:15 UTC
Homosexuality is against the Christian beliefs also, so ban them from walking through the neighborhood of any religious group. Is there any religious teaching that says homosexuality is ok?
2015-08-26 12:11:45 UTC
you either have freedom of expression or you dont

why should muslims be free to live in muslim "ghettos" while denying freedoms to others?

Personally I find a lot of muslim customs offensive and provocative (and that goes for some other religions too) - does that mean I should have the right to prevent them going through my neighbourhood or the right to prevent them living here?
2015-08-28 10:36:19 UTC
Gay pride marches are disgusting.
2015-08-28 05:14:51 UTC
There should be no such thing as a' Muslim Neighbourhood ', after all they should be living here and integrating in our so called multi- cultural society.
2015-08-27 12:34:57 UTC
Not an advocate of either but if they can't accept others, they should simply go back to their country of origin, see if they like it. Would you invite people to Christmas dinner if they started complaining about the turkey, hell no you'd kick their asses out on the drop of a dime.
2015-08-28 09:29:26 UTC
Muslims should learn to adapt to a degree to the place where they live or get the hell out and go live in some islamic land like Saudi Arabia. PS: homosexuality exists everywhere where you find humans....ergo you have muslim homosexuals and lesbians, never mind what your religion says. You should learn to deal with it.
2015-08-27 04:36:13 UTC
Yes they should based on the fact that I. The UK Muslims are allowed to march through our neighbourhoods perching that they HATE my country and my way of life. We have freedom of speech I. The UK I have to put up with why shouldn't they
2015-08-27 05:44:51 UTC
No they must be encouraged Being gay is Now legal being a Peadofile is Not

Islam = pedophiles

This is from a Muslim cults Priest he is after all an Ayatollah

Thighing of children: Mohammed (51) married Ayesha when she was SIX, but as she was too small to consumate, he practised the sacred rite of Mufa’ Khathat (otherwise known as ‘thighing’) whereby he rubbed himself between the tops of her thighs, but did not enter. 

It is In Iran Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Supreme Leader of Iran, the Shia Grand Ayatollah, 1979-89 said

A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate her But. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by sharia). this says it all

and a Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Supreme Leader of Iran, the Shia Grand Ayatollah, 1979-89 said in his official statements:

"A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by sharia). If the man penetrates and damages the child, then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl’s sister. It is better for a girl to marry when her menstruation starts, and at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven."

Khomeini, "Tahrirolvasyleh" fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990

“It is not illegal for an adult male to 'thigh' or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs, and to kiss her.”

Ayatu Allah Al Khumaini's "Tahrir Al wasila" p. 241, issue number 12

"Young boys or girls in full sexual effervescence are kept from getting married before they reach the legal age of majority. This is against the intention of divine laws. Why should the marriage of pubescent girls and boys be forbidden because they are still minors, when they are allowed to listen to the radio and to sexually arousing music?"

"The Little Green Book" "Sayings of the Ayatollah Khomeini", Bantam Books 


Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Supreme Leader of Iran, the Shia Grand Ayatollah, 1979-89 said in his official statements:

"A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However, he should not

penetrate her But. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by sharia). this says it all

Muslim Males want Sharia for One reason their Male advantage 

if a Muslim males Kills a Non Muslim under sharia law and says he refused to Convert No Crime has been committed

If a Muslim Beats his wife Sharia 64.5 tells him How No Crime has been committed 

If a Muslim Male marries a baby under Sharia 65.4 No Crime has been committed 

and under sharia is is a Muslims Oath to convert everyone 

and Mohamed if the Infidel Unbeliever does not Convert he must Die 

the Muslim cult is an Abomination and should be banned all over the world 
2015-08-26 11:29:06 UTC
They should be banned period, what's the point. We have enough problems in this country why just rally up more. We don't need to be reminded that gays are gays, the country now knows your out and that you exist. Muslims like to throw Gays off of buildings, why get them all fired up to just prove a Gay point.
2015-08-28 09:11:07 UTC
What exactly is wrong with a historically marginalized group making an attempt to change people's minds about these issues?
2015-08-28 05:14:36 UTC
No, I would much rather have Muslims banned from the Western World full stop.
2015-08-27 21:42:28 UTC
Christians, Jews, Roman Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and atheists can all hear the call to prayer. . . .

If you live within the vicinity of a mosque that is!

We just go about our business and let the Muslims go about theirs.

Let me say, it ain't my kind of music!

So what do you think about that? How would you feel if I asked you to turn that down a bit?

Let people live their lives irrespective of your beliefs as they allow you the same privileges.
2015-08-26 19:30:54 UTC
I think gay pride marches should be banned period.
2015-08-27 13:48:51 UTC
No. But I do think Muslims should stay inside with their doors and windows closed and force fed pork chops while the rainbow people have their gay day.
2015-08-28 15:28:52 UTC
If Muslims don't like what happens in the U.S. they need to go back to their original country. Why did they leave their homes in the first place??? This is MY home. They can either conform or go away. I'm offended by their offensive attitude toward me and my country. They expect me to change for them. I find that terribly offensive...
2015-08-27 07:43:23 UTC
Absolutely not ... unless you might say Muslims should be banned from entering my neighbourhood as I find the systematic gang rape of underage white somewhat offensive
Jimmy C
2015-08-26 14:17:48 UTC
I would prefer to ban muslims in gay neighbourhoods.
2015-08-28 21:35:44 UTC
What is worse--a gay pride parade in Muslim territory or a terror group of Muslims bombing NYC?
2015-08-29 13:08:50 UTC
If they won't respect our religious freedom why should you or I be expected to respect theirs. If they don't like it, they should go to the Middle East where Islam originated and live there. That way they won't have their sensitivities offended. If they wish to stay where Christianity is the leading Religion of the people. Quit your whining and live and let live. If you can't do that then Leave problem solved. Mind your OWN business I do Mine.
2015-08-28 15:00:20 UTC
Should public beheadings and lashings be permitted on gay Muslims living in Muslim neighbourhoods?
2015-08-28 07:19:57 UTC
It's not advisable, if the neighborhood doesn't want it, then it could be a problem. Any form of God Worshipers aren't mentally stable so they can't be trusted to contain their hatred.
2015-08-27 08:56:24 UTC
I think they should be forced to go through Muslim Neighborhoods, if they have them at all.
2015-08-27 20:59:48 UTC
isn't this part of the LA-gang mentality where the gangs own the streets and the neighborhood. maybe it is a racist gang, or a racial gang?

why would you think that the community should belong to and include all of the people?

this is very disturbing. this type of question is hardly more than a demonstrative statement for promoting racist views.

try this: if you are looking for a racist answer about the nature of differences in our society; there are many groups who pour venom into the natural seams, the differences in peoples in our society, in order to divide us and to profit from it. they distort the natural relationships between us to suit their own profit-motive. when the differences become big enough there is dissent, then disdain, then prejudice, then fanaticism, and finally a social insanity like wars between peoples.

psychological models of cross-cultural communications suggest that we will differ in some things, but will have many things in common. when you blowup the smaller differences into super-natural proportions, then it distorts the real picture of our society. this is also a way of social manipulation and political manipulation. it is sharpening and leveling points in order to provide a profit for oneself.

the real values of these cross-cultural communication models are to bring unity and peace to all of the society.

or check this: there are many differences in the society, as there are many different parts.

so what is it you call racism; is it equal-democratic rights,

religious-fascism, social-fascism, or racism?

Check Yourself;

here are the 12-degrees of racism investigation program.

00. seeing the difference is OK and even correct.

01. denigrating the difference is one step closer to racism.

02. prejudicing the difference is two-steps closer to racism.

03. blatantly abusing another over the difference is 3-steps closer.

04. hating the those different is four steps closer.

05. denying services to those different than oneself is 5-steps closer.

06. segregating from people who are different is 6-steps closer to


07. advocating social-fascism is 7-steps closer.

08. hurting and killing those who are different is 8-steps closer to racism.

09. apartheid is 9-steps closer.

10. having government sanctions against other peoples who are different is 10-steps closer.

11. exterminating people who are different is 11.steps closer.

12. complete eradication, and advocating complete eradication of people who are different is a social-fascist nazi-racist. this is so completely over the top, that it offends even the ignorant.

while you are busy 'goose-stepping' off to the right; i am going as fast as i can in the opposite direction.
2015-08-26 20:48:14 UTC
No. People have the right to free speech. Gay people have the right to march for their rights and Muslim people have the right to say they don't agree with it.
2015-08-26 10:12:56 UTC
No, in fact they should start there and end in the Jewish or Christian neighborhoods. The same Constitution which allows for Muslim, Jewish and Christian religious freedom also gives the Gays the right to have a parade.
2015-08-26 13:00:41 UTC
Should they also be banned from entering Christian neighborhoods?
2015-08-27 08:37:25 UTC
It's not as though the Christians or Jews want it going through their neighborhood either.
2015-08-27 20:55:38 UTC
Well I don't think muslims are in any position to criticise sexual deviancy. I mean lets not pretend that ole muhamed didn't like to snuggle up with little girls.
2015-08-26 13:39:07 UTC
Teddy Roosevelt said we welcome anyone that wants to migrate to the US but come in the front door and blend.

I am not for or against gays but if what they want to do is legal then they have the right to do it. If someone doesn't like it look the other way, vote to change the law or go back to the country where you belong. Don't come to the US and expect us to change for you. Blend in or get out.
2015-08-27 23:46:21 UTC
Why are you so obsessed with gays and Muslims? Decent people don't give a **** about other people's sex lives or religion.
2015-08-28 10:04:49 UTC
First off too DAMN BAD IF THE DONT LIKE IT, Go the hell back to the Middle East. This is my country, This is North America, LAND OF THE FREE!!! But I do not see why we would want to march there anyway.
2015-08-26 09:05:12 UTC
Muslims should not have neighborhoods in white lands in the first place. That's my answer. You either integrate or you get out.
2015-08-26 10:52:53 UTC
If skinheads and Neo-Nazis can march in Jewish neighborhoods (HIGHLY OFFENSIVE), then surely same principle applies to gays marching in Islamic neighborhoods.
Defender of GoodDestroyerofEvil
2015-08-28 09:54:01 UTC
You should all read Natural Force, or The Other Side of Reason at Action and new age Scriptures
trurider t
2015-08-26 14:10:11 UTC
If you want a Muslim Neighbourhood - Move to Iraq, Syria, Iran etc.
2015-08-29 06:41:24 UTC
OH BS !!! IF you are in the Mid East , fine, BAN GAY PARADES in America , live with it or MOVE out of AMERICA which would be fine by me ... but you are just another TROLL in YA's so YOU don't MATTER ... ROFL !
2015-08-28 01:07:31 UTC
Majority of Christians, and perhaps a good number of atheists too,are against it. So while they may continue with their compulsion, they have no right to celebrate it anywhere publicly to grandiose it and affect the minds of young generation.. Heterosexuals never do it.
Coop 366
2015-08-28 16:18:55 UTC
Why, are the homosexuals not as American as the Muslims? They allow Neo-Nazis to march through Jewish and black neighborhoods!
2015-08-27 06:02:31 UTC
Then should they be banned from neighborhoods with a Christian Church?
2015-08-28 07:14:44 UTC
should laws change from neighborhood to neighborhood? if you cannot accept the law of the land then gtfo. Do not move to a country expecting them to change everything for you, you must assimilate at some point.
2015-08-27 09:26:33 UTC
No, because the Muslims don't own these neighborhoods. They're part of the city.
2015-08-26 12:30:53 UTC
Since all gods are imaginary, sin is also imaginary. Witchcraft is imaginary. Satan is imaginary. Being gay is real, normal and natural. You need to get a grip on reality and stop blaming others for your own ignorance.
2015-08-29 08:18:34 UTC
Muslims, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc all need to get over themselves. We don't care what they do so why do they feel they can dictate to us what we can do? Personally I don't want to be in their bedrooms. EUW!
2015-08-26 09:41:15 UTC
If they continue to do leud acts of sex in their parade, the parade should be banned,

period. Muslims and other non-supporters of the Gay lifestyle should not take their

children and just stay away from these immoral parades.
2015-08-28 10:59:07 UTC
You can't stop the people

this is going all over the world

nobody can stop the Gay.

you can try but you will fail

in your quest. do you understand.

no Ok, lets see here are votes

from all people who are gay

they are more then you can count

on your little finger. get it little finger

the gay finger. yeah they are going

all over the world next is your town.
2015-08-29 17:23:16 UTC
Too bad for them. Thats the thing about living in the western world, you compromise and put up with people you find annoying. Personally im not too gone on lots of black americans, but its just as much their right to live here as it is mine, so i leave them be
2015-08-28 08:11:26 UTC
The muslim community has a large, hidden gay community within itself. So they need to open up their neighborhhods and accept the reality of the large population of homosexuals within them.
2015-08-26 14:44:54 UTC
How about banning every religion, creed or whatever that promotes hatred and intolerance towards other human beings instead?
Steve N
2015-08-26 17:47:58 UTC
No, people have free speech in this country. Get over it. If Muslims are offended by it tough!
Tom S
2015-08-28 11:21:54 UTC
Neighborhoods streets in the US are for everyone, they are public. It is you who needs to respect the rights of all people, or move back to the middle east.
2015-08-28 03:41:40 UTC
no they both have rights but it shouldn't limit the gays to do what they want or the religious they will just have to tolerate each other no one should be banned due to being gay
2015-08-28 21:46:49 UTC
Wait, So it's perfectly fine for muslims to whine about them, but if christians do it, suddenly we have a problem

What the ****?
Amber Lechner
2015-08-28 12:44:24 UTC
I don't think they have a say regarding this at all. free speech is one of the amendments. if they do not like how people do it. shut your door. don't look. turn your kids away. but everyone is welcome here. just because you think something is immoral and wrong does not give you a right to ban it.
2015-08-28 08:32:53 UTC
its time we stopped bowing down to these people,k this is our country and the changes should be from them. When little children come home from school saying they cannot give friends christmas cards because it causes offence to muslims then this has to stop.
2015-08-27 10:23:02 UTC
No. These Muslims need to get over themselves, that's what.
2015-08-28 12:25:36 UTC
I think they need to be banned period but if not, I say no let them go as long as its on public streets and land.
2015-08-26 13:44:09 UTC
You should learn where to go and where not to go. Black, white, gay, et al. The little tv movies and your teachers don't know the real world. To lay it down: cracked skull or worse.
2015-08-28 03:28:27 UTC
I think we should ban religion , all religions , and force all religious people into programs that will help them with their obvious mental health issues .
2015-08-27 21:14:14 UTC
only if Muslims are banned from exiting their neighbourhoods. Otherwise I expect them to integrate.
2015-08-27 06:33:17 UTC
No, and the Muslims' religion should not be respected and is antithetical to America.
2015-08-28 22:56:02 UTC
It's obviously a troll.
2015-08-29 18:07:13 UTC
No way . If I have to deal with it . So can Muslim's .
2015-08-30 03:00:42 UTC
NO. Not in America or any other first world country. We have freedom of expression and free speech.
2015-08-26 22:47:26 UTC
Islam should be banned and Gays should get saved and obey God
Steve S
2015-08-28 06:56:34 UTC
Let them prance, and let the muslim community do what they do. Might prove to be a good way to get rid of both of them.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-08-27 09:49:41 UTC
Why just Muslim? Homosexuality is also against Christian beliefs !
2015-08-26 18:14:54 UTC
England is a Christian Country with a state church, the Church of England. It is not a Muslim country, although Muslims are welcome they cannot dominate the life of the people as they seek to do with their constant demands.
2015-08-27 06:48:06 UTC
NO! by all means... let the Gays parade all they want. If the muslim hoods have a problem with it; they will deal with it
2015-08-27 07:31:04 UTC
There should BE no Muslim neighbourhoods, outside Middle Eastern Nations, - the Mullahs say they want to integrate, - so, lose the "rag-head" appearance, - and INTEGRATE, or lose ALL RIGHTS
2015-08-28 04:48:25 UTC
There is no such thing as a "Muslim neighborhood" in the U.S. because we are ALL supposed to be "United" ,living under one democracy.
2015-08-26 09:05:25 UTC
Homosexuals and Islamics should all rounded up into camps and forced to live together. Seriously.
2015-08-28 06:20:16 UTC
No. The streets in "your" neighbourhood are public property, and you have no right to try to ban other people from going there.
2015-08-27 07:26:07 UTC
No otherwise you are ghettoising Muslims who are free to live where they like
2015-08-27 22:57:23 UTC
Something that disrespects a group of people deserves no respect at all
2015-08-27 03:14:58 UTC
Of course not.

Public streets so why special favors for religions?
2015-08-26 21:36:40 UTC
That's up to the individual communities.
2015-08-27 15:52:55 UTC
I don't like gays myself but many Muslims pretend to support them b/c to fight whites, though it is against Islam
2015-08-27 20:55:46 UTC
Nope. There should be no muslim neighbourhoods in western countries and thats that.
2015-08-30 08:41:47 UTC
**** Muslims. They're judgmental af and doesn't deserve respect
2015-08-26 23:23:50 UTC
No. This is America. If they don't like it, they should go back to their own country. Nobody invited them here.
2015-08-27 14:04:02 UTC
They should be banned altogether. They are an affront to normal people.
2015-08-27 17:45:18 UTC
Not banned, but they should know if it would offend people they should respect you and your religion and stay out.
the big man
2015-08-28 03:25:21 UTC
the muslims same as christisans should realize that gay people were born the way they are,and theres nothing they can do to change that
2015-12-07 06:19:30 UTC
I love how liberals admit muslims are more violent
2015-08-28 11:56:29 UTC
Guess what, Jesus Christ said himself that yes it is a sin that is evil and wrong ! So us true believing Christians are also offended.
2015-08-27 14:06:00 UTC
They probably should be banned for safety reasons
2015-08-28 19:49:55 UTC
Bemusing questions lose their comic value whilst the extremist muslim/or islamists threaten the world.
Linda R
2015-08-27 21:19:06 UTC
If gays are worried about Muslims - then they shouldn't march anywhere!!!!!!!!!!
2015-08-28 06:37:56 UTC
Neighbourhoods where a lot of muslims live are not muslim neighbourhoods. So no.
2015-08-28 14:07:11 UTC
islam ad christianity teach their followers to hate and discriminate. Such evil should just be ignored
2015-08-27 18:10:54 UTC
" I think their religious beliefs should be respected. "

And I think they should respect our laws. By "Muslim Neighborhoods" do you mean areas where Sharia law is in operation?
2015-08-29 12:50:44 UTC
2015-08-26 09:10:23 UTC
Yet Christian bakers can't exclude them. Don't being such a bigot, as they say.
2015-08-27 01:57:58 UTC
They would be at home, Especially on a thursday night, Allah is busy apparently.
2015-08-29 16:06:54 UTC
2015-08-26 22:21:10 UTC
They need be totally banned.
2015-08-27 23:59:17 UTC
We cant say about Muslims. There are rituals that are rubbish in their households.
2015-08-27 05:08:40 UTC
yes unless people want muslims to start killing gay people
2015-08-28 10:06:37 UTC
No,they have the right to go anyware they want to.If Muslims want to harm people,lock them up.
2015-08-28 05:36:24 UTC
Yes, it should be banned completely.
2015-08-27 13:49:01 UTC
2015-08-27 06:59:31 UTC
I"m sorry you can't march around in your hoods and burn crosses.
The Arbiter of common sense
2015-08-28 19:15:14 UTC
i wasnt aware that any particular religious group owned the rights to neighborhoods? where do you live?
2015-08-28 06:02:46 UTC
Nope don't like it tough
2015-08-27 05:00:40 UTC
Only "ALLAH/MOHAMMED PROPHET" must say about the plight and also solution for both gays and lesbians.If you have any doubt,please ask concerned "GOD".I may say to support homosexuals as equal as or superior to more sinful heterosexuals if muslims want to reach "ALLAH or MOHAMMED PROPHET".

2015-08-29 07:45:01 UTC
What difference would a ban make ......... there are as many queer Muslims as there are other ethnic civilians ............. proportionately to population
2015-08-28 11:35:39 UTC
I'm totally confused about that :/
2015-08-29 03:29:03 UTC
first thing that came to mind was "no" we are all human and should be treated with respect, but the muslims too need to be treated with respect too. respect their beliefs
2015-08-29 11:56:58 UTC
No. They can look in another direction or pray with their rear end up (dangerous, though)
Gandy Dancer
2015-08-26 09:05:39 UTC
Funny how Christian religious beliefs seem not to deserve your respect.
2015-08-27 12:38:55 UTC
NO as long as some of the them have Semtex to throw at them
2015-08-28 09:41:12 UTC
NOPE! Just bring lots of cameras!
2015-08-26 12:08:21 UTC
Yes, and all other neighborhoods.
2015-08-28 19:25:06 UTC
Let the person practice their own beliefs, I mean as long as they are not bothering me. it is fine with me.
2015-08-27 14:42:58 UTC
Gays are nasty and should be placed in front of a firing squad
2015-08-29 10:38:36 UTC
Not that I approve but the KKK can speak anywhere they choose so long as they do not violate the law..
2015-08-28 14:02:26 UTC
I think they would adore watching lesbians kissing in public LOL ....
2015-08-27 14:01:51 UTC
I think human rights should be respected.
2015-08-26 13:32:50 UTC
Idc. They scared me
2015-08-28 16:09:54 UTC
Not in America where there is the freedom of speech.
2015-08-27 05:12:57 UTC
Yes , it is should be banned.
que te jodan
2015-08-29 06:15:37 UTC
Nope, In fact i think there should be more of them
2015-08-27 23:30:17 UTC
2015-08-28 12:24:07 UTC
2015-08-27 21:10:30 UTC
no, muslims need to be miserable like us christians.
2015-08-29 12:21:22 UTC
This is America, They can go wherever they want!
2015-08-27 23:46:57 UTC
yeah because gays want to brainwash children and turn them into gays.
2015-08-27 08:48:27 UTC
should a mentally disable person not be permitted in school?
friendly advice from maine
2015-08-26 18:24:25 UTC
We let you people in should be more accepting of those people.
2015-08-27 15:18:51 UTC
i think yes because we need to respect people and their religions.
2015-08-27 14:38:14 UTC
They should only be allowed there
2015-08-27 17:49:36 UTC
Uh, no. ALL people should be able to walk in any public place they please. Especially if it is a non-violent protest. .
2015-08-28 06:01:11 UTC
its really up to the muslims isn't it ?
2015-08-28 06:27:15 UTC
no just cover them in bacon
2015-08-29 02:35:41 UTC
They should be allowed everywhere,just as your silly religions are tolerated. If it is not liked, pack your belongings and please leave my country. You are not welcome if freedom is not given to everyone.
2015-08-29 15:59:34 UTC
nah, they'll have a blast!
2015-08-26 17:15:01 UTC
2015-08-27 23:38:49 UTC
Gaia’s Garden
2015-08-26 11:29:37 UTC
The streets are public.
2015-08-29 09:24:20 UTC
nope cause it doesnt affect me life. do what you want
2015-08-26 23:52:37 UTC
Let the mayor decide!
2015-08-29 14:31:55 UTC
This is a tough question...
2015-08-27 15:34:08 UTC
No, absolutely not.
2015-08-29 06:06:05 UTC
2015-08-26 09:08:45 UTC
No, that **** would be funny.
2015-08-28 14:31:23 UTC
yea they should
2015-08-26 11:46:28 UTC
2015-08-28 19:21:34 UTC
Steve M
2015-08-28 03:15:06 UTC
2015-08-27 06:54:00 UTC
2015-08-27 06:21:43 UTC
Antajuan Grady
2015-08-27 08:12:54 UTC
2015-08-28 21:26:30 UTC
2015-08-28 14:16:44 UTC
2015-08-26 21:52:20 UTC
2015-08-27 08:05:15 UTC
flying dutchman
2015-08-28 05:38:22 UTC
2015-08-26 15:47:21 UTC
2015-08-28 09:02:31 UTC
it should be banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.