If you don't mind the government monitoring your data streams and blocking you until an investigation can be made if they "think" they've found something, then go for it.
SOPA is just a way for the music and movie industry to keep using the same old outdated technology to make money from instead of evolving with the times.
How many people would love to ditch cable?
How many people complain about the price of movie tickets?
How many people would rather wait for the DVD than watch a movie in the theater?
How many people would rather buy the songs they liked instead of having to but the whole album?
How many people prefer WiFi over 3G/4G?
How many people prefer to watch shows when they want to watch them?
How many people prefer an electronic copy over a DVD that once damaged, your "rights" die with that DVD?
How many people would want a device that was as fast as a similar device in a foreign country but can't get it because it hurts another company's bottom line so they are stuck with an inferior model for no good reason other than to essentially provide welfare for the lack luster company?
The evolution of entertainment has come and the powers that be can't hold it off any longer. They are going to effectively shut down the internet?
I would love to see how that plays out.
What about the sympathy for the traveling shows, drive-ins, local theater houses, local bands and local authors? The industry stomped all over them without a care but they want us to care? They were fitter and better. Now it is their turn to get the chop and lo and behold, they need government intervention.
When $20 Million for an opening weekend is seen as a flop, there is something seriously wrong with the system. If the cost of doing business is that high where a company cannot make a profit from that kind of money, shut down shop - end of. At that level you would have to shut down the only competition, the free internet to force people to go through the traditional distributors for their entertainment. This is about more than pirated music, movies, books and games. More people get enjoyment from watching 2 babies babble on YouTube and the racist Spongebob episode on YouTube than months of prep work from Hollywood. No one can compete with free entertainment copyrighted or not.
It's their fault for mismanaging "Two Way TV" aka the internet from the gate. They should rightfully go out of business so that a more fit provider can take their place.
Besides, I doubt this is really about copyrighted material.