Ever wonder why this country is going to crap?
2006-03-17 02:23:54 UTC
Because this country was founded on conservative values which are proven to work very well(hence the reason we exsist) and now we are being over run by these liberal hippies that want to cry about everything.
Eleven answers:
rx8 slotcar
2006-03-17 02:31:11 UTC
"hippies... ?" wasss up w/ that?

country is going to hell because nobody respects anyone

we are just surviveing here
2006-03-17 10:46:30 UTC
It started with Reagan, and just continued to get worse.

I hope we are at the lowest ebb because I can't fathom how we could have a worse president than this one....we'd have to elect someone of Idi Amin's caliber.


This is too funny! " and now we are being over run by these liberal hippies that want to cry about everything" .

So cry me a river, who is whining now?

Are you afraid of " these liberal hippies "?

My god, the Republicans have a lock on the House, Senate, Judiciary, and Executive branches, and you are being RUN OVER ????? Would you mind telling me how?

All this power, all this control, all this momentum and "liberal hippies " have turned you into road kill?

Not only are you DELUSIONAL and MISINFORMED, you won't

be an adult and accept resonsibility for your own failings.

Not only did conservatives acquire power, they rigged and stole the 2000 presidential election - and STILL you are not happy. Well boo freaking hoo !!!

I am thinking I KNOW why this country is going to crap.

Its because of fumbling ineptitide and incompetance - but

WHO is in POWER? The liberal hippies are behind the scenes masterminding things ? You give them WAY too much credit.

Look in a mirror. That ought to tell you all you need to know. As I said, this is tooooooooo funny.

YOu may want to stop watching FOX and occaisionally read something, even if its a Readers Digest. Do ever wonder why this country is going to crap ?

Holy Moley.
2006-03-17 10:30:11 UTC
There's a lot of anger and unhappiness in America. The latter springs from the intense drivenness that has become synonymous with being an 'American'. As in, you can't be happy unless you're 'successful', whatever that means. Visit some poor, third-world countries and marvel at how much happier the people are. Is it because of conservative values? Unlikely, though often they are more conservative than Americans.
2006-03-17 10:51:43 UTC
Its going to crap because its going more conservative, Thats why other liberal countries in the world are doing way better finially. Its proven that Liberalism breeds, Creativity, creativity breeds Entrepreneurs & innovation. Look at San Fran, New York, even Austin are ranked very liberal and wealthy.
2006-03-17 10:29:55 UTC
People suck. The only reason everybody hates the Republicans right now is that they have all the power. Everyone will get mad, vote an almost entirely Democratic ballot, and then realize that the only difference between the two is the direction in which they run this country into the ground.
2006-03-17 11:16:51 UTC
No I don't.... Also hippies don't cry... heck you little know it all hippies aren't even here anymore... know where all the REAL hippies went? they all went to Belize and central america to start their own little pot smoking & growing colonies because law enforcement agencies began cracking down on weed mannnnnn. By the early 80's hippies should have been put on the endangered species list here in the USA. Liberal hippies ha! Liberal jerks maybe, but hippies I don't think babe....
2006-03-17 15:07:04 UTC
Because we pay for movie tickets and concert tickets for these liberal idiots such as George Clooney and then when they are recongnized for doing something, we have to sit there and listen to their political views. They obviously didn't get to be on the stage because of their polital views and they use it for that. The liberal media is killing this country.
2006-03-17 13:11:12 UTC
I can't answer this nearly as well as one of the above commenters so I echo his thoughts of "cry me a river".In short,it's power and greed as it's always been.Ever wonder if the big money was taken out of politics,how many players would ante up?Of course there is so much "undertable money" many still would.
2006-03-17 10:33:59 UTC
Not as long as politicians are allowed to spend our money, and thier entire careers doing nothing but trying to get and stay elected.
2006-03-17 10:27:03 UTC
nope dont have to wonder about it. The Republicans are paying tax shelters.. I mean "think tanks" to do that for us.
2006-03-17 10:29:04 UTC
its b cuz people dont know "how" to pray and also b cuz bush is president

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