It started with Reagan, and just continued to get worse.
I hope we are at the lowest ebb because I can't fathom how we could have a worse president than this one....we'd have to elect someone of Idi Amin's caliber.
This is too funny! " and now we are being over run by these liberal hippies that want to cry about everything" .
So cry me a river, who is whining now?
Are you afraid of " these liberal hippies "?
My god, the Republicans have a lock on the House, Senate, Judiciary, and Executive branches, and you are being RUN OVER ????? Would you mind telling me how?
All this power, all this control, all this momentum and "liberal hippies " have turned you into road kill?
Not only are you DELUSIONAL and MISINFORMED, you won't
be an adult and accept resonsibility for your own failings.
Not only did conservatives acquire power, they rigged and stole the 2000 presidential election - and STILL you are not happy. Well boo freaking hoo !!!
I am thinking I KNOW why this country is going to crap.
Its because of fumbling ineptitide and incompetance - but
WHO is in POWER? The liberal hippies are behind the scenes masterminding things ? You give them WAY too much credit.
Look in a mirror. That ought to tell you all you need to know. As I said, this is tooooooooo funny.
YOu may want to stop watching FOX and occaisionally read something, even if its a Readers Digest. Do ever wonder why this country is going to crap ?
Holy Moley.