Cons: What exactly are you suggesting in your criticism over the Health care website crashing?
2013-10-22 12:04:38 UTC
Are you saying that the setting up of this site was poorly planned?(Agreed)
Are you saying that if the site isn't brought up to full speed the deadline for coverage should be extended? ( does Obama)


Are you trying to suggest that the entire bill is bad based on the website?
Is this constructive criticism or is this only coming out of your desire to abolish the entire bill?

Just an observation but its starting to sound a bit petty. Not that the Administration doesn't deserve criticism for not for seeing this but the talking points your using and trying to spin this into saying the entire bill is bad as if this were the proof you've been waiting for just doesn't even seem Intelligent
Fourteen answers:
2013-10-22 12:18:39 UTC
I heard Republicans are going to shut down the government again and default on the debt in February because the web site didn't work.
2013-10-22 14:30:42 UTC
Your first two point are correct. The website IS a reflection on Obamacare though. First, it's yet another example of things that the private sector does on a regular basis is beyond the understanding of government. Most everything the private sector does is more; affordable, flexible, efficient, abundant, accountable and attentive that any government counterpart service does.

One of the most elusive things in Internet design has been protecting data from hackers, even for the BEST designed web sites. Now, do you really think that the incompetent designers of the health care web site are, all of a sudden, become so good they will be able to handle the pinnacle problem plaguing web design? The government, who showed their ignorance to what's needed in web design by hiring these incompetent designers, do you think THEY will magically gain the wisdom overnight to hire specialists in securing data property?

Government (HHS) acted as the project management on the web site, the SAME mindset and people that is behind the rest of Obamacare! You think this is an isolated incident? Consider the Navigators that are supposed help people sign up. The companies that will provide navigators are friends of the Administration too, just like CGI (the web designers) are with the Administration. There is LITTLE background checking with navigators. There is more background checks done on census workers than with navigators. This is yet another place where this government mindset will explode!

Then you have Sarah Hall Ingram, the Internal Revenue Service official in charge of the tax-exempt organizations, implicated with the targeting of tea party groups, now runs the IRS office responsible for the health care legislation. Do you think that the 16,000 new IRS agents being hired and the same scandal-ridden mindset will not be a totalitarian nightmare? Not only is there the same government mindset as mentioned above, there is no accountability.

The lid on the sticker shock over peoples' health care is starting to come off. Even CNN is now starting to report peoples' shock to what Obamacare will cost them. Again, this was predicted years ago by people who actually know how to run things.

So, yes. The web site IS indicative to what Obamacare will bring.
2013-10-22 12:20:55 UTC
Obamacare was a failure before it was started.. Half a billion for a website that doesn't work. Sky-high premiums and unreasonable terms and conditions. Poor planning and execution of the site, and we're already seeing incidents of playing fast and loose with people's personal information.

It won't be long before the Chinese or Iranians have hacked into the site, stealing identities and the government will have had no record of those people ever signing up. Next will come the punishments because the people duped into Obamacare can't prove-- according Obama's goon squad, that they did have Obamacare and were paying the extortion fees.
2013-10-22 12:11:01 UTC
1 why did the government spend hundreds of millions on a failed website

2 who's job was it to oversee this project and when did they know it was a failure

...I have heard that a week before the launch they tested the website and with only 200 people signed on it crashed

3 why did Obama refuse to agree to a delay and shut the government down knowing the program was not ready

Why did Obama say in the Rose Garden yesterday that "thousands" of people had singed up instead of "tens of thousands" or "hundreds of thousands"

these Presidential speeches are fact checked

How many people have signed up. The Federal government know the exact figure so why hide it?

When Obama said you could buy healthcare for the cost of your cell phone bill why did he forget to mention the $10,000 deductible

What does the Federal government feel is a reasonable deductible on a healthcare plan to count one of the uninsured as insured
2013-10-22 12:10:55 UTC
I don't suggest that the entire bill is bad based on the technical failings of the website software and architecture. It does seem to me that Obamacare is so esoteric and complex that three years to develop the appropriate website simply wasn't enough time. The website should have been identified as "beta test" and subjected to trial runs by the public *before* it actually went live.
Hector Frodo
2013-10-22 12:14:09 UTC
Republicans are TERRIFIED America will like Obamacare.

I'm self employed, have been paying my own insurance for 30 years and my premiums will be cut in half. I was on the website for 25 minutes and had no problem ( okay, it was a little slow).

The GOP has thrown the kitchen sink at the ACA for 4 years and have failed to stop it because we needed health care reform.
2013-10-22 12:17:15 UTC
We are saying that the administration knew about it for months in advance and allowed it to crash to essentially hide the real problem .. "Obamacare is over-the-top expensive". They will point fingers at web designers, the emergency team to crate chaos until they can plan a way out of this mess.

"Website builders saw red flags for months.

[...] Just weeks before the launch of on Oct. 1, one programmer said, colleagues huddled in conference rooms trying to patch “bugs,” or deficiencies in computer code. Unresolved problems led to visitors experiencing cryptic error messages or enduring long waits trying to sign up."
How would I Know
2013-10-22 12:13:52 UTC
It's symbolic.

We know the bill is a disaster, it's only fitting that the visible incarnation of the scam was one as well.
2013-10-22 12:08:18 UTC
Back door deal but anyway they need to contract the best of the best for a website such as
2013-10-22 12:07:53 UTC
My concern is that if they couldn't get the web page right, what else are they going to screw up?

Never mind everything is enforced by the IRS, the least compassionate organization in the government.
2013-10-22 12:07:13 UTC
Perhaps it has something to do with what people are finding when they finally can see what their rates will be.

99.6% of people not bothering to sign up after seeing their rates should be a huge wake-up call that the "Affordable" Care Act is anything but affordable.

But I'm sure you believe Oblunder and Pelosi that everything is fine and people aren't be robbed by the grossly increased premiums and deductibles.
2013-10-22 12:06:20 UTC
It was political back door deals and dirty dealings.

Top Obama Campaign donor who wasnt as vetted or qualified as others in software programming, and info tech got the supreme contract.
2013-10-22 12:07:33 UTC
I think we are saying that just like obama himself it is a failure and waste of money...pretty much like everything else he touches....understand now, or need me draw you a picture!
2013-10-22 12:06:15 UTC
they are still trying to make Obama a one term President

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.