Sandy Hook was undoubtedly, undoubtedly, undoubtedly a fake shooting. And anyone who says otherwise needs to be punched in the face. You will be shown evidence in a couple of a paragraphs that supports this.
There are at least 300 points illustrating the mind-boggling, overwhelming fraudulence of the event. I will say it again. If you want to argue it was real, you will lose hard. You will look stupid and be embarrassed later.
Another important thing to know, is that there are paid shills who respond to these questions. Such as "MARK F" shown above.
A while back somebody was posting in a forum about Sandy Hook and accidentally pasted their clipboard contents into their post. A revealed themselves to be an NCS member:
Sensitivity Level
Action Code
Team 5.A/
Do any of the respondents display the urge to supply information that could be helpful to your mission?
Do the respondents appear hostile to your attempts to steer the discussion?
Have you made a personal chart taking care to note who appear to be the “leaders” versus who appear to be the “followers”?
Have you attempted to gauge the “temperature” of the forum’s users?
In other words, the prevailing social psychology of the forum’s members?
Have you been more successful with one or the other XStart methods that were demonstrated in N-7015A.DOC?
Have more technical members (Computer Programmers, Administrators, or Moderators) of the forum deduced or accused you of hiding behind a proxy?
Would you gain more trust and/or credibility if you were to use one of the Agency’s allotted “HOME” pools? (most often needed when handling EVTS that are more sensitive to the pop. of a specific locale but also location centered web sites such as FB or Patch)
Has your PREDEV “persona” been successful or do you gauge that the users find you to be too obtrusive? Accusations of being “ever present” are.
As you can see, they've got everything figured out. They have overrun youtube, yahoo, google, twitter, facebook ... but who cares about them. They don't count. They're not even real.
You asked about Sandy Hook.
The thing doesn't stand up to science. All the info is out there now. A debunk checklist would be some 300 items long. You've got faked photos, people knowing things they couldn't have, people doing things they couldn't have, things happening which couldn't have, data suggesting people didn't exist or were different people altogether, weird gun-control agenda embedded into everything, inexplicable behavior of parents, inexplicable behavior of children, inexplicable behavior of police and medical personnel, no attempts to save any of the children with doctors, surgeons, life-support, no paramedics allowed in building, no parents upset about this, heavily edited 9-11 tapes, redacted photos, redacted footage, inexplicable crime scene photos of the Lanza house with apparently pristine carpets, cheap or rented furniture in a $1.2 million house, Peter Lanza has never been seen or heard or photographed since, Peter Lanza hired the most expensive public relations firm in the world to be his spokesman 2 days after the shooting, you have a nurse who said Nancy Lanza was a kindergarten teacher at SH but she wasn't (?), you have kids describing the event as if it were just normal and boring, you have the wrong photo of a kid all over the news for three weeks before anyone noticed (finally pointed out by the kid's actual mother in a different country), you have a medical examiner who seems to know nothing about what he has just done, who doesn't even know how many autopsies he performed, you have an FBI classified police report, you have gag orders on families, a bulldozed crime scene, no trauma helicopters, no bio-hazard clean-up, no 500 other kids who went to the school seen in any photos, you have ambulances blocked in by a barricade of cars, people wandering around the firehouse with no purpose, you have no blood, no tears, no genuine behavior in ANY interview, you have Gene Rosen who took the kids in his house even though the firehouse was next door, you have social network pages from different companies, Google, Twitter, Facebook created before the event, you have a paypal donation page for one victim created the same DAY as the shooting, you have CNN airing footage of police running around a school which was near Sandy Hook but was not Sandy Hook, you have CNN reporting that a senior law enforcement official said that Peter Lanza's body was found in Hoboken, N.J., you have Anderson Cooper pretending to be at a Sandy Hook memorial with one of the parents (Green-screen), you have special laws passed to prevent information from being requested, you have the emergence of dozens of similar 'school shooting' drills taking place across America since, all so schools are eligible for funding from Homeland Security, you have a father who just lost his daughter laughing, smiling, joking before giving a bizarre speech in which he appears 'relieved', and not at all devastated, shocked, angry or any other emotion which would be normal, you have dozens of conflicting testimony as to what actually happened, people who were witnesses that were never heard from again, a 9-11 operator yelling at one of his subordinates during the tapes when she asks a girl "Which room are you in?" he says, "Don't worry about what room she's in. Just find out where she is in the building.", you have police parking 1/4 mile away from a call about someone shooting up an elementary school, you have early footage of the incidence portraying fake paramedics, guys in sweatshirts with headsets and parents and kids wandering aimlessly, emotionless, unafraid, you have no shots recorded on any tape, no sound of screaming, crying or any distress on the 9-11 tapes, you have no footage of the shooter despite their being a security camera installed, you have no footage of any person injured, you have an abnormal, elaborate obsession by the parents of these kids to be constantly interviewing and making appearances talking about gun control, you have evidence of the Obama administration already engaged in one gun-related scandal just prior to Sandy Hook (fast & furious), you have reports of law enforcement in large numbers at the area before the shooting even happened, you have three 'children preparedness in disasters' drills run by FEMA three times prior to the event and then never again, you have police on the 9-11 tape telling a kid to "go wait in Room A", the room with the dead bodies, you have 200,000 videos and some several million articles devoted to various aspects of the falseness of the event, you have only a handful of blogs, debunking sites which do nothing but debunk cleverly selected strawman arguments, you have proof of death being suppressed, you have drill protocols followed instead of emergency protocols, the Connecticut state emergency system was taken over long before the shooting with a frequency change implemented five hours before the 'shooting', tweets about the shooting before it happened, contradictory reports about the weapons, a medical examiner who didn't know what weapon was used to kill the people he had just done autopsies on, a skinny weak kid carrying heavy weaponry, a crime scene photo of a safe which could not have even fit those weapons in it, crime scene photos of a 'basement' which clearly was an upstairs room with black tarps used to conceal large windows, Adam's tech-ID conveniently sitting on top of some junk, an almost bare house, games with no console, nothing on the walls, wire hangers in Nancy's closet, reports by local papers of people who were supposedly dead giving accounts of the shooting, consistent with pre-created material, and you have a brazen, anti-gun administration with both the means and the motive to carry out such an event, and a history of carrying out similar, but less spectacular events.