Yahoo Staff continued to play "GOD" with everyone, perhaps it was a unhappy Yahoo employee that was just getting back at his bosses for whatever reason, but it has convinced several key Yahoo Answerers to depart for more interesting Q&A sites, and Google recently closed down their site because they were charging people to answer questions, however, there is a good chance that Google will restart their Q&A site and soon, and set it up along the lines as that of Yahoo, but slightly different so as not to violate any copyright laws.
When I signed onto to the Yahoo site, I found that there were several very interesting questions worth my time in answering, and I also enjoyed asking questions as I got some really very interesting answers, now, this isn't the case, not at all!
I find that when I ask a question, I get 20 answers and of those 20 answers, about 18 are very silly, with two being straight forward, logical and to the point. The other 18 answers are from young people who think they know the answers and submit them or they are just putting anything in the blank spaces so they can get the two points before going on to the next question. Whenever any Q&A site revolves into this stage, then that site is doomed to fail.
Another thing that may have turned off several of the intelligent people on this site forcing them to go somewhere elese is that Yahoo Staff was allowing internet porno pictures to be displayed openly on these sites, even though they constantly claim that this site is "family oriented" and safe for children to view!
This is fine for an adult site, but not for young children to view while surfing the Yahoo site.
You enjoy surfing, and I assume your living in S. Calif, I used to live in La Jolla and surf all along the coast, Bird Rock, Malibue, Crows Point and pacific Beach, La Jolla Shores and even down in Baja, where some really great waves come in during storms far out at sea.