(Bill O'reilly) Should 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists Be Investigated By The FBI?
2007-02-05 02:53:15 UTC
Do YOU think people who don't believe the official 9/11 story should be treated like terrorists and investigated?

Bill O'reilly has openly equated the 9/11 truth movement with terrorism and has thrown his weight behind a move to have "these people" investigated by the FBI.
Factor Clip Here:

And O'Reilly isn't alone in his desire to see people who question 9/11 targeted as supporters of terrorists. The White House's own strategy document for "winning the war on terror," cited by Bush in a U.N General Assembly speech, identifies conspiracy theorists as terrorist recruiters .
Clip Here:
Twenty answers:
2007-02-05 02:59:39 UTC
While I don't agree with the contentions of the conspiracy set, I also do not agree that they should be investigated. Free speech is a hallmark of our Constitutional freedoms and without we cannot be truly free. I think it is the duty of people to speak out against things they do not like or agree with, the same as I believe it is the duty of people hearing this information to examine the evidence and decide for themselves.

Bert T: So what you are telling us is that you are for selected free speech. Now before you get defensive let me explain my statement. The whole point of the question is that many people feel like the conspiracy theorists are wrong and dangerous in their thinking, so therefore they believe they should be stopped. On the other hand you think they have a right to state their opinions and be unmolested ofr it, which I agree with, but you do not want to extend the same right to hold and express opinions to Mr. Limbaugh. I hate to tell you Bert, but your hypocrisy is showing yet again. Lastly, anyone can be nominated for the Peace prize and you need to search a little better because his nomination is real, although I feel it is just as rediculous as Al Gore's.
2016-05-24 21:38:04 UTC
Bill O'Reilly is a proven liar. I do think those 9/11 conspiracy people are crazy. But I don't think they are hurting anything. People who want to become terrorists are going to find any reason they can to do so. I don't think the 9/11 truth movement is dangerous other then to the basic intelligence of humans.
guy o
2007-02-05 03:22:34 UTC
Funny, the people who should be most investigated are opening investigations on their opposition? Best defense is a good offense, I suppose.

While I don't agree with the 9/11 conspiracy theory, it is a free country. Believe what you like. That does not make you a terrorist or terrorist supporter.

I wouldn't put too much(any actually) merit into the words of Oreilly or bush. Consider the source. Or as the old computer term, garbage in, garbage out.
2007-02-05 05:06:13 UTC
The 911 conspiracy theorists will not be investigated by the FBI.

Bad research and deliberately misleading people with selectively chosen facts is not a crime. If it was everyone who had anything to do with our lead up to the war would already in prison. (Some of them have been, Judith Miller, Scooter Libby etc.)

I'm surprised to find someone who can see the 911 conspiracy theory as the BS that it is but still feels Bill O'Reilly has any credibility whatsoever.

Bill and the conspiracy theorists he derides have more in common than either care to admit.
Sean D
2007-02-05 03:01:49 UTC
Sounds like the US government has something to hide, thats why they are trying to suppress peoples right to free speech. Personally I don't believe any of the conspiracy theories but think that the US government has not told the full truth about events and has exploited public outrage at what happened that day for its own selfish interests. Technically these conspiracy theorists have not commited any crimes so an investigation by the FBI would just be a complete waste of time and taxpayers money. This time and money would be better spent tackling gangs and drugs etc.. to make the US safer for its people
2007-02-05 03:03:19 UTC
It is unconstitutional to do so...there for I disagree with O'Reilly...of course he also blamed that kidnapped kid of enjoying being I don't take much stock in what he says. Furthermore, Bush stating such things reminds me of him saying there was no wire tap program, then it was perfectly legal because he said so, then he scaled the wire tap program back. So again, doesn't hold much water.

I don't think conspiracy theorists are terrorists...I think the word terrorist is SO watered down it means nothing now. Terrorist are those guys that want to kill you...people who vocally oppose the government do so because they hope their opinion will change it. A terrorist, or terrorist supporter would say "Forget talking" and just blow it up. HUGE difference.
2007-02-05 03:19:34 UTC
I do not believe anyone who has legitimate questions about ANYTHING should be subjected to FBI investigation, and I believe anyone who DOES support such an action is a fascist, pure and simple.

I do however believe anyone who supports fascism in America SHOULD be investigated and, if cause is found to be adequate, the person so found to be advocating fascism should be categorized as to what he or she is, i.e., a fascist.

When Rush Limbaugh tells his listening audience a complete fabrication, such as the US soldier death rate in Iraq being comparable to Philadelphia's murder rate, and goes so far as to list the bogus data he uses to draw this conclusion on his website, then HE should be investigated by the FBI. He says since Philly had over 500 murders in 2006, and we only lost 600 or so US soldiers in Iraq in 2006, why arent people whining about Philly? The problem with his assertion is there are 2-3 million people in the Metro Philadephia area, while only 140,000 US troops in Iraq, so the mean deaths per 100,000 totals are COMPLETELY different, Philly's being 6 per 100,000 (or so) and US soldiers being closer to 520 per 100,000.

BTW, Rush is so pissed Al Gore was nominated for a Nobel Peace PRize, Rush says (on his webpage) HE was nominated for a Noble Peace Prize as well! Although the only place I see any news of that online is JUST his webpage. And for WHAT could he POSSIBLY be nominated FOR? Eradicating the drug problem by stealing and taking as many as he personally could?
2007-02-05 05:17:30 UTC
The only people concerned about the 9-11 truth movement are those concerned we're getting too close.

There isn't a single piece of evidence to back up the govts story. Not one.
no worries
2007-02-05 04:12:26 UTC
Bill O' Roguely must be in on the the conspiracy and dangerously close to discovery of his insider trading, especially on the Libby case. He's as much a traitor as the rest of our politicians/media.

Most of these people need to look up what "False Flagging" means.

Blind, brainwashed bozos.
2007-02-05 03:15:08 UTC
I think Bill O'Reilly is the one who should be investigated by the FBI! Only problem with that is that 9/11 really was an inside job, and the FBI were involved, too! At the very least, they were involved in the cover-up!!!! It is only the real terrorists that do not want to uncover the real truth!!!!
2007-02-05 03:01:09 UTC
Bill O' is a walking, breathing cartoon so no need to reference him. If you honestly believe that there are views within a democratic society that ought not be debated and impugned when necessary, then perhaps you ought to pay homage to the "shrines" of Mussolini, Franco and Hitler.
2007-02-05 03:24:56 UTC
I think anyone with mental problems should be taken care of by the government, at least so they're not a danger to everyone else. A civilized society would take delusional people off the streets for their own good, before they become too delusional. This is certainly a proper use of taxes.
2007-02-05 04:48:21 UTC
Bill O'Reilly should be investigated by the FBI!
2007-02-05 03:15:53 UTC
I wouldn't necessarily investigate them. Everyone has a constitutional right to be stupid as long as they don't threaten the general public. If they start showing signs of treasonous activites, then I'd start investigating
2007-02-05 03:01:15 UTC
I find the only people who openly believe this are:

1. Overzealous Liberals

2. Undereducated inner city white trash (usually younger kids/adults)

3. University ganja smoking talking heads/ and equally crazy professors

4. Radicals (be it terrorist groups or religious zealots) Usually will find the ones that are open about this not in this nation.

5. Anti Semites.

Bill can be rediculous at times but damn, one really does have to question the people that come up with this lunacy.

PS Bert what is your point? Philly isn't a warzone, Iraq is. Philly is geographically much smaller than Iraq. Do you really think if we had X number more troops over there that the casuality rates will suddenly rise because troops are rolling over IED's that were meant for the brigade behind them thus nullifying any increase in deaths that way? Would more troops mean more Iraqis and Iranians would be more eager to ambush larger groupings of US troops? The point Rush is trying to make, I think, is that the attention given to these "Daily Death Tolls" is largely a political tool used by the left when in reality the number of US deaths are far lower and less costly than in more than half of the wars the US has ever fought. If you can make the war seem hopeless and a quagmire of death for the typical American grunt on the ground than public support will wane and the democrate agenda will be completed. Humilate Bush and have him cut and run!!! He'll be the flip flopper then!
2007-02-05 03:14:37 UTC
who wants to take away our freedoms ,,are the traitors,,government needs to recognize that by investigation themselves and constitutional laws,,need not be changed at all,,bill o Reilly,,,,is insane,,,,,so are his views,,,,conspiracy theory's have a point to make,,,that's enough for me....let them express it as that's their right,no laws have been broken,,,by i see it,,,,good day,,I SAY GOOD DAY,,,decider
2007-02-05 04:05:22 UTC
Yes they should. I remember Y2K conspiracy theorists and all of the chaos they created and all of the money they duped out of people. If they are right they will have their chance to prove it in a court of law if they can not prove it they should be jailed for sedition and conspiracy to overthrow the government.
2007-02-05 02:59:03 UTC
More censorship. F*cking ridiculous.
2007-02-05 03:01:16 UTC
I just take it as "Bush-Bashing" run amuck. Once Our President, leaves Office. it'll all go away. Or it damn-sure better!
2007-02-05 02:59:59 UTC
Watch out for the Black Helicopters too...........

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