Fox news vs. "real" news...?
Grunge is dead
2009-04-03 06:48:54 UTC
Why is it that anytime anyone says ANYTHING against the liberal agenda/Obama accused of watching Fox News? I don't and never have watched Fox News. None of the information I receive comes from them.

So it makes me wonder, why is Fox News any less credible then the biased Liberal News media? What makes either one more credible then the other? Aren't they all just biased?
27 answers:
Blue Haired Old Lady
2009-04-03 06:52:16 UTC
All news outlets slant the news and are biased.
2016-05-28 14:10:58 UTC
With ratings behind these and all news networks, news that originally was supposed to report without a spin or a single side taking coverage, one can't trust either of them as the "best" way to get news. I suggest watching all 3 but who has time to watch every news network? That's why The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are so popular. Showing how our news system works and poking fun at it. Comedy is a great way to push truth and discover how we are. But anyway, if I had to choose, FOX because it's basically entertainment and if you are objective on it, you can really see that it's more or less slanted.
2009-04-03 07:04:30 UTC
Liberals and Conservatives WILL NEVER agree on this issue (surprise) so we need to just drop it. You're a prime example of a Conservative who thinks any News besides Fox is "Liberal Media", because its not loaded with Obama bashing, but rather just reports what he's been doing. While Liberals (like myself) hear nothing but negativity, conservative viewpoint and extreme righties when watching Fox. Obviously whatever party a person belongs to, they're going to be biased in their opinions on the quality of news they receive. But what you need to ask yourself is what makes more sense, Fox is fair and unbias while EVERY OTHER NEWS OUTLET IS LIBERAL, or the all the others are fair and unbiased and Fox is just a liiiiiiiitle to the right?
2009-04-03 08:24:41 UTC
Fox spends an inordinate amount of time attacking politicians they consider liberal and not much time reporting news. They seem incapable of presenting a series of facts. Take a look at the folks who post here on Y/A. Most have some sort of incendiary twist to their questions.
2009-04-03 06:59:29 UTC
You hit the nail straight on the head.

The dollar is what drives the news makers/reporters/spinners.

The media is owned by big business with CEOs that hold socioeconomic & political interests of their own. These companies are invested in the entertainment industry from cartoon networks and adult channels to "news" stations.

The news companies are schizoid -- one day, they will promote someone or something when it suits them; the next, they will tear him/her down -- not for truth and justice, but merely to sell the news and to up the price of their advertising space/time.
2009-04-03 06:58:44 UTC
If FOX is not the 'real' news, where is the 'real' news?

I'm always curious when somebody says they don't get their information from the 'news'. Where do you get it?

Please don't say the 'Internet'. The internet is full of so-called 'information' that is the product of people whose only credential is that they have a keyboard and know how to use it.

"Just because your voice reaches around the world now does not mean you are any wiser than when it just reached the end of the bar"

Edward R Murrow
2009-04-03 07:11:00 UTC
Well they are the only one who continually put both sides on the air. For every conservative commentator there is a liberal guest. The other news agencies have liberal commentators and liberal guests. Most of the people on fox are obnoxious but I truly believe that it is balanced. Bob Beckel goes on there all the time and defends the liberal perspective, Carvil goes on there, Kristen Powers, Allen Colms. They have their platform, on other shows the conservative view is seldom allowed to defend their view.
2009-04-03 07:01:12 UTC
Simple. FOX is the ONLY network that hasn't been busted making-up crap (despite an ongoing and still unclaimed "bounty" for catching them at it) and is the only one whose on-air personalities have not admitted (or been caught) conferring daily with the White House to arrange the news. So, if you say anything that doesn't belong in an Obama campaign commercial it's natural for people to assume you got it from FOX.
2009-04-03 07:02:25 UTC
First... Just because FOX says they're 'fair and balanced' does NOT mean that they actually are 'fair and balanced'. For example, in the lead up to the Iraq War Fox hired 'military experts' that were passing on Pentagon talking points as their own 'expert' opinions.

Second... A few weeks ago, FOX failed to verify a story so they ended up reporting a fairly obvious hoax as a real news item.

-- Fox & Friends Spreads Herpes-Beer Pong Hoax : CJR

-- ‘Beer pong,’ oral herpes story discredited | Health ...

Here are links to news sources where the focus is on HIGH QUALITY journalism. There is a huge difference.
Pelosi & Lefts Ruined California
2009-04-03 06:56:03 UTC
Obama bashes FOX so that his liberal supporters don't learn the truth about him. Only more and more people are starting to watch FOX now cause they are STUNNED at what Obama is doing. FOX is #1 - I think all of the shows are now #1 on FOX. Saul Alinsky RULE BOOK- says demonize your opposition so they don't get support.

Maybe you should start learning the Truth guys- WATCH FOX! Glenn Beck will let you in on the Obama agenda!
2009-04-03 06:52:46 UTC
If you want NEWS on Fox News, watch Fox Report or one of the news programs. Those are newscasts.

Shows like Bill O'Reilly and Hannity are commentary and analysis. They do not pretend to be newscasts.

Compare to what's on Headline News vs CNN. CNN is mostly commentary and analysis.
blue collar
2009-04-03 06:58:38 UTC
Fox News is a show put on for the benefit of the white bread, wealthy that feel they are above all and these people putting on the show are nothing but over paid puppets for the wealthy upper class that see them self's as dictators over the middle class.
Chi Guy
2009-04-03 06:58:44 UTC
Fox News has zero credibilrty due to their overt anti-Dem pro-Republican "reporting" while claiming to be "fair and balanced".

I do not agree with some of Obama's decisions and I detest Fox News, so I agree with your opening premise.

Fox News ALWAYS injects a negative spin on all things Dem while doing the exact opposite on all things Republican.

Kieth Olberman does the same thing in the opposite direction.
Insane but friendly
2009-04-03 06:54:55 UTC
I only watch 2 shows on Fox news and that's O'Reilly and Beck. The Factor because he does bring up some interesting stuff and Glenn Beck because he's a raving lunatic.

The one I despise though is Hannity. That show is the most biased show in the world and I agree with you that all news is biased but Hannity is the Hitler of the Republic party.
2009-04-03 07:00:00 UTC
The best way for a left-wing liberal to make their point is to make the center look far right, and keep making that point.... by doing that, it makes the mainstream move more left.
Jay S
2009-04-03 06:57:15 UTC
Oh it's FAUX News now? Don't miss out on the Communist News Network and MSLSD. Rachel Madow going on and on for days about 7 felony counts of the "disgraced" Alaska senator Ted Stevens who now turned out to be innocent and the prosecutors will probably be investigated at the least.

Hannity and Rush can think for themselves and not take on someone else's mannerisms like Madow's being Olberman's mini me. I am glad I've pissed you off. F@k your cosmopolitan bro obama.
2009-04-03 06:54:35 UTC
Actually, Fox News only appears to be conservative compared to the rest of the mainstream media. The MSM has been so left-wing for so long, people don't even see their bias.

CBS ran a fake story backed up with fake documents regarding GW's service record during an election. This should be treason, yet it went away very quietly.

Anyone who claimes CBS, NBC, and ABC are not extremely left-wing are either stupid or delusional. What more proof do you need?

American Splendor
2009-04-03 06:57:17 UTC
I assume that people who hate Obama out of hand, and there are millions of them, have gotten their info from right wing internet sites, right wing conversation among friends or right wing talk radio.

Oh, there are PLENTY of places that people learn their rehearsed responses to Obama questions. They're out there, everywhere.

The hate is on a tap that never closes, and your money's no good there.
2009-04-03 06:52:37 UTC
Watching the news on TV is a pretty big waste of time
Still Beautifully Conservative
2009-04-03 06:58:45 UTC
Because liberals are narrow-minded and if something doesn't agree with them, they disregard it.
2009-04-03 06:54:35 UTC
They are all biased, but none as much as CBS with it's "false but true" news stories (cough, Dan Rather's liberal agenda, cough).
Michelle S
2009-04-03 06:52:36 UTC
all news is biased from what I have seen,. AS Concervative I feel the other channels leave out a lot information
2009-04-03 07:07:55 UTC
"Liberal news" tells the truth and Fox lies.
2009-04-03 06:54:57 UTC
Ha! OK....

World Net Daily doesn't count either.

Feel better?
2009-04-03 06:53:12 UTC
I find some programs on CNN pretty middle ground. Fox leans right without a doubt.
2009-04-03 06:54:17 UTC
Fox is ridiculed because they don't kiss BO's bum
2009-04-03 06:52:13 UTC
b/c it's realy Faux News indeed... Lies a lot

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