2010-05-23 19:29:12 UTC
For twenty years Pennywise has been a major force on the punk rock scene. They formed in the same small coastal community of Hermosa Beach that produced three of the most infamous hardcore punk bands of all time, Black Flag, the Circle Jerks and the Descendents.
In the world of punk rock, Pennywise has achieved a very high level of popularity. It's possible they changed the political feel of punk rock as well. Early on punk rock resonated a call for Anarchy - the freedom to live as one chooses. Pennywise pushed a more liberal agenda.
That's changing though, guitarist Fletcher Dragge, who for a long time supported the U.S. Government and the Democratic Party, has found a reason to believe. He found RON PAUL: "the only ************ who has ever run for office and told the truth at the same time… straight talk no bullshit, everything he says rings true."
"RON PAUL will be blackballed by the powers that be, if he does not get our help," Dragge said. "It's time to take back our country from these assholes in power before its to late. Please google RON PAUL and get to know this guy.
"I'm backing him harder than any previous candidate and this guy is a republican. (What does that tell you?) Take a minute to check him out and I'm sure that you to will see the light… or maybe we should just sit back while our health care fails, ours schools disintegrate, and our social security funds get spent on wars we don't belong in, so these ******* can line their pockets with somemore blood money. It's time for change, and RON PAUL is the guy to do it!"
So, is the constitution just some social con redneck thing? Or is that just what liberals try to portray since they are shameless liars?