is that the best you can do Tony.
Looks to me you were taught the "Marry Poppins" MSNBC News version.
Here are so real Reagan Facts Tony from multiple reliable sources.
The nominal national debt rose from $900 billion to $2.8 trillion during Reagan's tenure, an average national budget deficit per year of $237.5 billion, as compared to an average national budget deficit per year of $56.9 billion during Carter's tenure. The federal deficit as percentage of GDP rose from 2.65% of GDP in 1980, Carter's final budget year, to 3.04% of GDP in 1988, Reagan's final budget year.
Ronald Reagan raised taxes 11 times? The real story
Reagan inherited a nation with 16 tax brackets — ranging from marginal rates of 14 percent to 70 percent. By 1989, that was down to two brackets — with marginal rates of 15 percent and 28 percent.
H.R. 6863 - the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1982 which Ronald Reagan claimed would "bust the budget" was passed by both houses of the DEMOCRAT Congress over his VETO.
Now Reagan also had a democrat congress that refused to make spending cuts after Reagan agreed to raising taxes, This was called TEFRA
President of the United States Ronald Reagan agreed to the tax hikes on the promise from Congress of a $3 reduction in spending for every $1 increase in taxes.
Some conservatives, led by then-Congressman Jack Kemp, claim that the promised spending reductions never occurred.
One week after TEFRA was signed, H.R. 6863 - the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1982 which Ronald Reagan claimed would "bust the budget" was passed by both houses of Congress over his veto.
Four years later, then-budget director David Stockman, however, stated that Congress substantially upheld its end of the bargain, and cites the Administration's failure to identify management savings and its resistance to defense spending cuts as the key impediments to greater outlay savings.
Reagan cut the top marginal income tax rate in half, and doubled revenue to the U.S. Treasury.
Top Marginal Tax Rates
Reagan Doubled Federal Revenue 1980-1988