Why does everybody hate China?
2007-07-16 10:30:49 UTC
I would like to know why alot of people when asked about China do not approve of their politics, humanitarian rights, public health etc? Im not Chinese myself but I have visited the country over 8 times and I can not find one thing wrong with it, infact the country impresses me. I mean after being invaded continuesly by Japan and after undergoing cival wars etc, they have got back on their feet very fast and are now the second richest country in the world with 10 trillion total GDP. I know some people dont like the Chinese government because it is Socialist but to be honest the whole socialist aspect in China is taken very lightly compared to the Former USSR for example. Its basically like a Capitalist Republic with Sociallist ideas that most Chinese people do not have a problem with. I could not imagine China, being such a huge country in many ways be NOT socialist. I love the country and I enjoy going there whenever I can.
Twelve answers:
2007-07-16 10:52:24 UTC
Who hates China? Its a beautiful country. The Chinese people are lovely.

America has a difference of opinion with their government on a lot of issues - that's true.
2016-05-19 06:29:57 UTC
Maybe something about China not using the world as their shooting gallery. GITMO doesn't really make the US that much better in terms of human rights. TSA and DHS have made the US more of a dictatorship. And the two-party by the rich for the rich political system doesn't seem to do too much for the 'theory' of democracy. Add to that the fact that China is whooping your *** economically and loaning you all the money to keep your country afloat. Communism didn't fail, Russia failed (just like they failed with a Monarchy and they are failing now with democracy). So here's some pointers. Recall your troops, stop spending more than you have, and give power back to the people. Three easy things to make the US #1 again.
George C
2007-07-16 10:35:54 UTC
While China has many pluses on its side, the negatives are many and long. One important fact, they have no rights for the people, humanitarian wise, they arrest, detain and execute without a trial. Poverty is rampant in many parts of the country and right now, they could care less about protecting the earth from pollution.

Every 17 days they start up a coal fired power plant and the soot has reached the coast of Washington and Oregon. People throw rocks at Bush for not signing the Kioto agreement, well, take a look at China and their track record.
2007-07-16 10:34:14 UTC
I don't hate China - their government has hurt a lot of people, but I love the people, its culture, etc..... In fact I collect Chinese artefacts - - bought a lovely Tang Dynasty bowl last week, have a gorgeous Sung Dynasty carving of a fu lion clutching the pearl of wisdom.... Lot of ceramics too.

I love dim sum too - got my daughter into it. Best I had was in Hong Kong but the Imperial in Boston isn't half bad.

Gotta love Chimpy "if you cut corners and step on toes...." If you make a product or provide a service more efficiently, using fewer resources - - - - - - - Chimpy if you build a better mousetrap, the folks selling the old mousetrap will feel like their toes got stepped on. It's called envy. It reflects on them, not the person whose success they envy.

It's a pathetic emotion.
2007-07-16 10:50:30 UTC
Because they're terrible. The government is corrupt.

Did you know rural Chinese women have the highest rate or suicide? They're stuck in a cycle of poverty because their husbands go to the city to make money and leave them behind. The government makes no effort to fix this.

Did you know China has a rapidly increasing AIDs epidemic? The government has a program where you can sell your blood to the government for money. Many poor families resort to this so they can feed their familes. Unfortunately, the needles they use are not sterile and transfer AIDs. When an activist revealed their huge scandal, the government tried covering it up. When she was to receive an award for her work, they put her under house arrest.

The government is corrupt. Most of their elections in small towns and large ones are corrupt. The politicians bribe and people accept them. The polls are twisted and they get what they want.

Thousands of orphans. China has a rule where each couple can only have one child, a boy. If they have a girl ,they're allowed to keep trying until they have a girl. Because many families don't want ot care for their daughters, thousands of girls find themselves on the steps of orphanages already way in over their heads. They also abandon disabled or 'defective' children because they want that one child they have to be perfect. Thousands of children are orphaned, and most of the orphanages are in poor condition. Many places deliberately kill or starve the children just to get rid of them faster.

They're greedy. Those dog-food, baby formula, toothpaste, monk-fish poisonings? China. They're poorly organized and care too much about money, over safety.

That's why I dislike the Chinese government, not that actual people. I am half Chinese.
2007-07-16 10:38:31 UTC
i don't hate china in the least. in fact, i admire them quite a bit...they have the longest running civilization extant and are positioned very nicely for the long term in almost every major area of concern for a nation. they will be here long after liberalism has allowed the destruction of western civilization and will be the only country that can stop the spread of the cancer that is islam...
2007-07-16 10:37:46 UTC
The next time you go to China, proudly proclaim that you are a member of Fulan Gong to the police and then we'll see what you think of China's human rights practices.
Brad the Fox
2007-07-16 10:41:55 UTC
My brother just told me story about his suite-mate that moved here from China to go to school. There were a couple of dogs that got rabies, so the Chinese government sent people from village to village to beat all of the dogs to death with baseball bats. His suite-mate had a new puppy, and sat in hiding as she listened to dogs getting beat to death with bats, then she ran and hid at a village where all the dogs had already been "BEATEN TO DEATH WITH BASEBALL BATS", so she could save her puppy. Yea Communism!!!
2007-07-16 10:34:01 UTC
China only reinforces the neocon philosophy that if you cut corners and step on toes you can get ahead. Thats why i dont like them.
2007-07-16 10:34:02 UTC
i like chinese food.

2007-07-16 10:34:13 UTC
I don't hate China....have you ever had Dim Sum?....OMG, good sh*t.
Maindrian Pace
2007-07-16 10:34:02 UTC
too each his own I guess, me I prefer the USA !!!!

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